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She Wakes Up With Scratches


I asked my daughter if she was okay with me sharing this story, since it's her story.

October 2002 I rented a trailer from a family member. One morning my daughter, Jerrica, who was 10 when we moved there, came to me and said "Mom, look at my back. It hurts." When I raised her shirt, I saw three thin scratches in the center of her back. They were raised, but not bleeding. They were just deep enough that they caused the blood to come to her skin. The scratches appeared to be pretty fresh, because the droplets of blood were still a bright red, not dark and the scratches weren't scabbed. I asked Jerrica what happened, and she said she didn't know. She just woke up and realized her back was burning.

I realize a lot of people are going to question whether or not Jerrica was into self-mutilation or if she had been sexually abused. Neither of these are the case. Jerrica and I actually had a pretty good relationship, so I don't think it was a malicious spirit brought about by negative emotions. So on with her story.

Jerrica was and still is a nail biter. So even if she could have reached the center of her back, she didn't have any nails to have made the scratches. I asked her if there was anything in her bed and she said just the TV remote. I didn't think too much about it that time. I just let it go figuring there had to be a logical explanation for it. The second time she woke up with scratches, again in the middle of her back, I checked out her bed, bedding, her nightclothes, bra, everything that could have been in contact with her skin. I took the sheets off her bed; felt every inch of the mattress expecting to find a staple or maybe a piece of that clear, hard "thread" they use to sew the mattresses. I couldn't find anything that could make scratches on her. I told my mom and dad about the scratches, so my mom checked Jerrica's mattress and she couldn't find anything either.

I'm not sure how many times she woke up with scratches, but it was often enough that she'd come to me and say "I have scratches again, Mom." The scratches weren't always in the middle of her back. Sometimes on her arms, legs, thighs; sometimes more than one place. They weren't human fingernail scratches either. They were thin and closer together than a scratch human nails would create. To me they looked exactly like a cat scratch.

I don't want to create any misunderstanding here; this didn't happen every night. I don't think it happened more than a couple dozen times while we lived there. It was just enough times that it seemed like it happened all the time.

We did have a cat, but Jerrica absolutely refused to let him in her room. Dobby irritated her, and she wouldn't let him sit on her lap, let alone sleep in her bed. Even if Dobby had been allowed to sleep with her, he would have had to have reached under Jerrica's nightclothes and scratched her without her being aware of it. Jerrica said she never felt anything scratch her. She only felt the scratches when she woke up.

The entire time we lived in the trailer, this would happen. Jerrica continued to wake up with scratches. They were never very deep, and they never bled. They were just raised scratches. She never seemed to be afraid; just more like "what the heck."

In the fall of 2005, we moved from that trailer into a house. When we moved into the house, Jerrica continued to wake with these scratches. Naturally I believed it had to be her mattress; apparently I just couldn't find what was causing the scratches. This turned out not to be the case.

We moved again 5 months after moving into the house. I don't want to bore you with details not related to this, but the guy I rented from decided he wanted to move in the house. Anyway, we moved into another trailer and I bought Jerrica a new bed. I did this for 2 reasons: her bed was pretty old and because of the scratches. I honestly believed it was her bed and thought this would solve that problem, but the scratches continued for the 2 years we lived there. We moved again in 2008 (another landlord decided she wanted to move back in) and the scratches haven't happened since then.

The reason I mentioned moving so many times is because I want to make sure everyone understands these scratches weren't related to where we lived, or the bed Jerrica slept it. She still has the same bed I bought her new, and the scratches haven't happened in over a year.

I don't have any idea what caused them to stop. All I know is one day my daughter mentioned the fact that she hadn't been scratched in a long time.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-06-24)
MAS - thank you for reading. My daughter has since moved out but when she was still at home, she never experienced the scratches again.

Between the time of this story and now, we moved twice and she had two new beds. I don't think that has any bearing on what my daughter experienced but thought I should mention it.
MAS814 (6 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-24)
Happy to know she is not getting anymore scratches. Can you please tell me still everything is fine with her? Means one year is passed since last comment, just curiosity raised that's why asked
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
kevin6680 - I appreciate you taking time to read and comment about my daughter's experience.
kevin6680 (5 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Three scratches is a symbol of a demon. If you look at a three (3) it has three points (obviously), each point of the three is relevant to the mark of the beast. Someone mentioned they believe it will come back, I'm sorry I don't remember the commenter but I agree. It may not come back until much later in life. I recommend burning frankensense or murr to purify your surroundings.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-13)
JustAnotherPerson - when I was reading your experience, it reminded me of my daughter's and I had intended to mention it to you. Life has been a little hectic in my world lately and I'm slipping on a lot of things I intend to do LOL
JustAnotherPerson (9 stories) (36 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-13)

This story caught my attention right away. I too have been waking up with unexplained scratches. The scratches are always on my arms and thighs. I am a nail-biter as well, so I know that I am not the one scratching myself.

I have even found bruises in places I did not have the night before. I wish I could help explain to how these happen, but not even I know.
icewolfghost (17 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-08)
My friend has had a similar experience lately I saw some scratches on her cheeks, not deep enough to bleed as you said. There were 3 on the left cheeck and 2 on the right cheek

Best of luck,
Wolf 😁 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-06-27)
Qua - my boyfriend said 20-some years ago he dreamed he was burned on his arm by something very hot. He told me what it was, but I can't remember what right now. Anyway, when he woke, he had a "burn" mark on his arm. He still has the scar.

I have a couple of crackpot theories about how it could have happened 😕 but haven't reached a solid conclusion.
Qua (39 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-27)
The interesting part is that my husband dreamt that someone/something was whipping him from behind. It happened once only. We have already moved out from that room and converted a guest room into our room.
Fixing a camcorder is a good idea. You might never know what you might record at night 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-06-25)
Could be any number of "characters" that would fit that category, Lou 😉
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-25)
Camcorder. I think that is how Kim Kardashian got into trouble.

(I was going to say Paris Hilton, but I needed the characters)

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-06-25)
Qua - waking with marks that can't be explained can lead to a lot of questions. The only thing I can suggest would be to set up a camcorder, if it happens again. See if you can figure out what is causing the marks. At least this way you would know whether or not it's something in your bedroom.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-25)
Excuse me Qua? Your husband wakes up with whip marks on his body?!
(biting my tongue) So I guess that would make him... (don't say it, don't say it, don't say it)

I gotta go...
Qua (39 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-25)
My husband has that experience before, except that his wasn't scratches but were whip marks! Glad that you shared your story and knowing we're not alone in this. Till now, we're not sure of what whipped him that night.
LordsLight (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-15)
I have been researching this topic for the past month. I have found a lot of informative articles on Google, and even some vids on you tube. The reason I decided to post is because I ALSO am being attacked at night. I don't have any animals and I have a new mattress, I ruled out ALL the other ways I may have been scratched because I am not quick to chalk stuff up to the supernatural. However I truly am being attacked by an invisible force that is scratching me. What the original person posting means when he says cat scratches, is that they are not thick wide scratches. They really do look identical to a cats nails mark except there's only 3 and not 4. After doing much research, I am convinced that it is a demon. Being a child of God I am their enemy. I am a soldier for Christ, and soldiers get wounded sometimes. I have ZERO fear about it, and with my prayer and authority given to me by Jesus Christ, they will suffer more than a scratch. I believe we are all loved by God, and God has special plans for all His children. Demons hate that and hate us. This is my opinion. If this is happening to you, pray for Jesus to protect you and demand all evil demons and spirits leave in Jesus name. Keep it up, and they will go. God bless.
Preciouspip (2 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-19)
Thanks for being kind many people would react quickly and strop x
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-02-19)
Preciouspip - I guess, considering you chose my story to express yourself, I thought you believed someone felt my story to be utter rubbish and fake.

Glad you cleared that up 😕 Thank you.
Preciouspip (2 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-19)
Dear miracles51031
I was saying how people can brand story just like this fake and utter rubbish, not statin anyone said your was.
But to be honest I have had a look at some other storys like yours and the comments are terrible!

I am just stating the awareness of this and how people could be so negative, it is a site to express opinions but not to these extents.

Thanks for letting me express myself
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-02-19)
Preciouspip - where, exactly, did someone say they found my story "fake and utter rubbish?"

Thank you for your "support," but I don't think it was necessary.
Preciouspip (2 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-19)
Wow I don't know how some people have the nerves to call story like this fake and utter rubbish x
If the story was fake why would you waste your priceless time typing it up, I truly believe you miracle51031

You are lucky the scratches did not carry on to severe markings.

All the best for you
Pp x
Anu_your_wellwisher (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-14)
hmmmmm...I read some of your stories yesterday and couldn't able to sleep that night... I was thinking all about that little girl with the blue eyes and the scratches... I was thinking about the scratches "how could it happen"... And all... But the way you narrated the story was absolutely fantastic... May god bless you all 😆

Always your wellwisher Anu ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-08)
Vdub - forgot to answer the last part of your question. When Jerrica and I left her dad's home, he wouldn't let me take Harley.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-08)
VdubType1 - this was years after our cat Harley. Jerrica and I had actually moved from her dad's home by then, I'd already had Dalton when these scratches started appearing. These started in the trailer of the infamous "soap" incident and carried on through 3 different rental homes.

We did have cats. Always have had them, but Jerrica... Tolerates might be the best word to use here LOL, them in our living spaces, but not in hers. They are not allowed in her bedroom especially when it's bedtime. Our cat Dobbie is the one who lived with us during this time, and then Peter Pan came along. But like I said, her door was always closed, and even if they snuck in, she quickly put them back out. Jerrica really didn't like cats 😆.

After the last incident with the scratches, she's never experienced them again.
Vdubtype1 (1 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-07)
I just read your story that talked about your cat Harley sleeping with her when she was little (sorry if this has already been talked about) but did the scratches start happening after he died? Or was he / is he still alive?
lightningspirit (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-17)
I have a ghost cat that has scratched me a few times. It's nothing bad. It is possible that when she'd be sleeping, the "cat" would be sleeping on her, and when she rolled over maybe it was trying to hang on and ended up scratching her. Just a theory but it is possible.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-09-12)
TeamWiseman - I appreciate your interest and comments to my story about my daughter's scratches. It's been 2 years since anything like that has happened. Even though my daughter has not woken with scratches of any kind since 2008, I will check out the link you posted. I, personally, do not believe there was anything demonic in nature in any of our homes when this occurred, but I do appreciate the sincerity behind your comments. Thank you.
TeamWiseman (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-12)
Oh, by the way, you are right, it is not where you live, it is a personal demonic agenda. Http://
TeamWiseman (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-12)
The three scratches are demonic. They represent "destruction". A ruby necklace is not the answer to the problem. Why it stopped, I am not sure, except, it will return. The answer to this phenomena is here>>
We have noticed that this happens all around the world and you are not alone. May God Bless your adventure in LIFE! Hope the article helps inform you more. Team Wiseman
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-06-23)
bandet888 and lilylove8988 - I'm sorry. I didn't see these comments until now. First thank you for reading my story and commenting. This hasn't happened in a long time now. Just to briefly answer the questions. Jerrica didn't hate our cat; she was just tired of having cats. We'd had over 30 in her lifetime. (I love cats!) Anyway, Jerrica also always slept with her door shut. Always. When we moved and the scratches continued to happen, the cats weren't allowed to sleep inside. I was tired of the litter box! LOL! After awhile the scatches just seemed to go away. Just like they appeared. No warning, no reason.

Lily - if this should happen again, I will definitely look into the ruby necklace.

Thanks for your comments. I truly appreciate them.
bandet888 (86 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-23)
As I reread my other comment It may seem I may be somewhat offensive but I'm not. I'm glad the scratching stoped and hope it never happens again! Especially if it's supernatral! I'm just coming up with ideas that might explain what happened.

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