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Real Ghost Stories

Peter Pan And The Pantry


In February 2006, my 2 kids and I lived in a trailer. There were so many things that happened in the 2 ½ years we lived there. I thought I'd share this one so people would realize not all experiences are bad. Some of them, like this one, are even amusing.

Just a quick layout of the trailer: the main door opens into the living room, the living room and kitchen are open, and the only other door is in the kitchen beside the floor-to-ceiling pantry (relevant.)

March 2006, my daughter Jerrica had a friend stay the weekend with us. Jerrica's friend had been in the pantry and pushed the door to when she was done. Now, this pantry door will not close when you shut it. What I mean is, when you push the door to, it stops at the strike plate. It will not, even if you slam it (we tried), completely shut. You have to physically turn the door knob to shut it. While they were still in the kitchen, Jerrica's friend was standing near the pantry and said she saw the door shut by itself. Because of everything else that happens around us, I didn't have any reason not to believe her. Besides, at this time Jerrica's friend didn't know the door wouldn't shut by itself since this was the first time she'd been there.

Jump ahead a year to March, 2007 (for those of you who don't know, I keep a journal and try to put down the exact date things happen) - I was fixing dinner and our cats Dobbie and Peter Pan were inside. Since it was such a beautiful evening, I had the kitchen door open. As I mentioned, the pantry door does not close by itself. I'm very anal about doors: closet doors, cabinet doors, pantry door, etc have to be shut. I was at the stove, Jerrica in the living room at the computer and my son Dalton in the recliner when I heard the pantry door shut. Now, I was cooking and I had completely shut the pantry door when I was done (OCD). I looked around and the kids were still in the same spots as last time I looked. Just to double check, I asked Jerrica if she closed the pantry door and she said no. I asked her if she knew what that sound was and she said Peter Pan went outside. Now the kitchen door and the pantry door do not sound even remotely the same, but I looked outside and didn't see him on the porch or in the back yard. (Honestly, I have no idea why she thought Peter Pan going outside would make the sound of a door shutting and, truthfully, I don't know why I looked outside!) I'm not sure what made me do this (just one of those feelings I guess), but I opened the pantry door and there was Peter Pan, sitting on the cat food container. I asked Jerrica if either she or Dalton had opened and shut the pantry door with Pete in there and she said no. I was the last one in the pantry and I shut it when I was done and Peter Pan definitely couldn't open it and close it on himself.

April 21, 2007 - Jerrica's friend spent the night with us again and when we were getting ready to take her home, I couldn't get Peter Pan to go out. He ran from me twice when he realized what I had planned to do. The second time he ran I couldn't find him. I looked under the table, on the chairs, under the chairs at the bar (directly across from the pantry), and on those seats also. Then, out of the corner of my left eye, I saw his fur under the door in the pantry. I opened the door and he just looked up at me pitifully like "she did it again." I laughed and said "thank you, Emily." (Emily is the name I was given when I consulted with someone about the little girl in our home.)

When we came home, Peter Pan came back in and headed for his food plate, but stopped short of the kitchen, turned around and went back to the living room door. I opened the door to let him back out but he didn't want to go. He headed back to the kitchen again and stopped -- again just short of the kitchen floor. Finally, after trying 3 or 4 times, he got his courage up and went and ate, but he walked between the bar stools and the bar, staying as far away from the pantry door as he could. It was really funny when I realized what was going on. He didn't want to go near the pantry.

For those of you who have read "I Need My Mommy," this was not the same little girl.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-04-23)
Martin - I just now got around to checking. Long weekend. Thank you 😊
Anu_your_wellwisher (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-14)
Im very happy to hear that all the ghost are nor scary as charomy8 said (last comment)...this story was really different... Well thanks for posting

Anu ❤
guyinsane2008 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-05-12)
[at] geetha - that would be kool. Hope you have fun when you visit.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-12)
At guyinsane2008:
They would talk anything less. I'm using much of my vacation time to go Australia but next year some of friends and I have decided to come to Guyana for a visit.
guyinsane2008 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-05-12)
[at] Geetha - yes I'm still here. I hope your Guyanese friends tell you good things about their country.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-12)
geetha - I am looking forward to reading your story. Hopefully they'll have new ones up soon and yours will be one of them.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-12)
No problem, it's always a pleasure to read about real life experience (even thought it's sometimes scary). I just waiting for the story entry line to open to post some of my stories. I would like to hear your thoughts about it.

I didn't take it personally. I have a general interest in people and their culture and their experience. It's cool to meet other people from other countries. I was born in Sri Lanka but I have family in India. I also have a lot of Guyanese friends here in Canada. Do you still in Guyana?
guyinsane2008 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-05-12)
[at] geetha - I know this is not a personal ad site and I'm in no way trying to hit on you but I just want to mention a few similarities.

1. My Fore-parents are from India (they migrated to Guyana to work on the Sugar plantations in colonial times). Hinduism is one of the major religions here.

2. I worked for the Forestry Department here for a few years and now I'm with a timber company.

3. Its always nice to meet a fellow forester... Even if its on a ghost story site 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-12)
geetha - it's an honor that you have lumped me in there 😆.

As for Peter Pan, it was so funny to see first hand. I still get a kick out of it when I remember it. Not so funny to him, of course. 😉 Unfortunately Peter Pan never came home one day. I prefer to believe that he chose a different home, maybe Never Never Land 😆. We currently have one living cat, Rex, and one nonliving cat.

Again, thank you for reading and commenting on my story. I appreciate it and always enjoy reading your comments.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-12)
I don't know if mentioned this in any of my other posts but I have been coming to this site for about two years last month (since I started my new position with the Forestry department) working on my courage to post some of my stories. In the meantime, I started reading many of the stories that were on here. Yours was one of the many that I started reading right of the bat (some others were zzsgranny and whitebuffalo (I see that she no longer has an account here)). This story is one my all time favourites. It's so funny. I could just imagine what was going though Peter Pan's head when he got locked in the pantry. That's what you get for misbehaving. 😆 I also love your cat's name. Are your cats still around? I wish I had cats or dogs as pets but unfortunately, I can't because of my brother's asthma. 😢
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-16)
dreamergal - I am so sorry. I just now saw your comment about Peter Pan's name. When we found the kitten, my daughter "claimed" him but decided to let my little boy name him. Dalton was going through the stage of wanting to name everything (animals, toys, etc.) "Dalton." When he came up with Peter Pan on the first try, Jerrica said that was fine as long as it wasn't Dalton 😆. So that's the story of how Peter Pan got his name 😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-03-16)
hi5girl - thank you for your comment 😊 Peter Pan the son of a wild stray, so I honestly think he was just a mix, but he was beautiful. Fluffy off white with blue eyes.
hi5girl (16 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-15)
wow this has to be one of my favs this a vey interesting story also what kind of breed is peter pan 😊
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Poor Kitty Peter pan such smart cat and yeah very hurmer about the little girl ghost like to picking on your cat peter pan and that by the way that a good name for your cat.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-11)
hope4ever - thank you and I agree. I think Emily put Pete in there. Unfortunately it didn't teach him any lessons. He still ran from me when it was time to go out. 😊
Thanks for your comments.
hope4ever (4 stories) (75 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-11)
I had looked at this title several times but never actually sat and read it. I'm glad I did. Cats are interesting creatures, and oddly my cat used to do similar things. Except we'd catch him watching things that simply were not there. We'd think it a fly and I'd look and follow his line of site and I simply didn't see a thing!

Many people believe that animals posses the ability to see spirits, and I believe that. I've had many different animals that have growled, hissed, and so forth at things that aren't there to the unseeing eye.

I have the feeling though, Pete wasn't hiding in the pantry, I think he was put in the pantry. Possilby by Emily as a joke, seeing as spirits (ghosts but I hate calling them that, it sees so unhuman calling them ghosts and it hurts their feelings too) can actually move things.

Again thanks for sharing the memory 😁
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-10)
Granny - "kattawampus and whopperjawed!" OMG, I can just imagine the looks you get. 😆 Kind of like "um, what did you just say?" Or the famous "foreign language" just because we're country folk 😁 (which, to a lot of "ignorant" people I've encountered, means stupid). Shows how much they know, huh? Dumb blonde (true brunette!) I'll admit to, but "ignorant appalachians" really pi**es me off! There's probably a forum somewhere for issues about that, too!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-10)
Junebugger - We actually lived in a trailer when this happened. The land the trailer sits on is farm land. Don't know much more about it than that.
My gut instinct told me the child was a little girl; it was confirmed by someone who has a gift as many on this site do.
I'm planning on putting another story on about her. She was really mischievous. Kept me on my toes. Thank you.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-10)
Miracles: I gotta LOT'a 'at in me!...It comes out when I say stuff like kattawampus and whopperjawed!...Then I have to explain to people that it means crooked, and they ask me, "why didn't you just say that?"...I always tell them it's paranormal, because I can't explain it! LOL! 😆 😆
Junebugger (2 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-10)
your house had to have been a orphanage in the past. How do you know that its little girls that are walking your hall? Well good story. I wish I could have an encounter that I can laugh at and not be frighted all the time! Lucky!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-09)
Granny - Lady, I love your sense of humor! Yep, guilty! But you gotta lil bit a tha' inya too, dontcha? Big 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-09)
Miracles: Luv tha accent!...T's tha hickbilly in y'all makes y'all tawk like 'at! 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-09)
granny - actually, I can just picture it! You made me laugh first thing this morning - thank you.

MissHill - I think Emily had a lot of fun with us living there. Poor Pete, though! Don't think he had as much fun as she did.

Hey Darkness - when we got the kitten, Jerrica "claimed" him but asked Dalton what he wanted to name him. Dalton was going through the phase of wanting to name everything Dalton. When he said Peter Pan, she immediately agreed. She told me as long as he didn't want to name the kitten Dalton, she'd have agreed to anything.
Got to tell you the truth here... I like "not so scary" stories, especially those that happen to true. Most people enjoy scary ones, but me, when I watch a scary movie it's with my hands over my eyes! Real life, can't really do that, so I'll take funny ones when I can get them.

Glad y'all enjoyed Peter Pan's story. (country accent, please 😆)
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-09)
Hahaha I love that name for a cat that's awesome lol well I'm glad he wasn't trapped in there for long. Its good to hear a pleasant ghost story every now and then thank you for sharing that Miracles.

MissHill (6 stories) (67 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-08)
that's actually kind of cute him being put in there, she was having fun obviously
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-08)
Miracles: Poor little Peter Pan!...Maybe Emily was trying to teach him a lesson to keep his butt out of the cupboard! 😆...He must have been really comfortable with her presence if he was willing to be coaxed into going in there by her after you closed it...Can't you just picture it?: Here kitty kitty, SLAM!...LOL!...Poor silly guy... 😆 ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-08)
charomy8 - thank you for your comment. My kids and I had a lot of experiences when we lived there. Most of them were very good experiences, some funny like this one. I don't think Peter Pan saw the humor in it though! 😆
charomy8 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-08)
LOL, Thank you for sharing your story. I'm glad not all ghosts or hauntings are scary, but then again I wouldn't even want to experience one, even if it was just a door closing by itself, I'm that much of scaredy cat:D

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