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Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-03)
Update: Around seven thirty this morning my leg bumped against something furry. I looked down behind me and saw a mustardy colour fading out beside the back of my calf where I felt it. At the time I was closing the bedroom door, ironically to keep the cat out.

Our cat isn't one for rubbing against you. He enjoys a cuddle, but on his terms. When I felt it on my leg I wasn't surprised to find it wasn't Leo. Interesting how this thing has gone from pulling a face and sending stuff off the table, to chilling out in front of the fridge, to howdy doody in the morning all within a few weeks.

At the risk of sounding completely balmy I've been hearing animals speak. A couple of years ago I submitted this to YGS but it got knocked back on account of not containing any ghosts (fair doos). This started before Leo came to us. It's been happening a lot and it's freaking me out because I can't always tell when it's happening. Each animal's voice sounds like it's natural call, bark or tweet. I don't believe animals speak in English, I think there's some universal translation mind bending thing at play. I've never attempted to acquire this ability. It just started happening one day and has become more frequent with time. They don't talk to me or anything, they don't say anything amazing, it's usually where to find food or danger or stuff about their day.

I don't know if this is related to weird cat thing but if anyone has any info or has this happen to them too, please let me know.

I'm going to submit what I wrote ages ago to the psychic site. Question to the mods about that, can I register at the psychic site with the same name and email as I use on this site? Or will that cause technical issues?

Hey Daz,

I've not seen The Titanic, but little old woman into hot dame makes sense to me. Like if you feel a certain way on the inside it'll reflect in your appearance. This could be ones youth, childhood, old age or even karma. Surely ghosts use these health/age appearance queues to communicate things too. I believe animals exist by the same life and spiritual laws we do, we are animals after all.

"however, when you see this cat transform itself from a cat to a dog or to a rat and back to a cat, what is going on there?"

Nothing, I've not seen this entity transform. What I've seen is a face and surrounding fur on the table, then a better look at it by the fridge (where I could see longer fur around neck/shoulders, same as table night). Then today mustard colour behind me as I closed the door, same colour as fridge sighting. There's a cat like thing in our home, and I keep hearing animals in English. Atlantis civilisations and cities made of gold need not apply. Reading between the lines.;)
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-03)

I'm glad you pointed out you have seen them younger by the way so have I... Basically that is what I'm talking about, shape shifting is probably the wrong analogy it's more like spirit transforming itself.

The little old lady from the Titanic crosses over and ends up looking like a bombshell from her mid 20's... So doesn't that make you ask the question, how and why?

I have a lot of faith in the work of Michael Newton and his findings when he put 2000 subjects under hypnosis over a 20 year span... What he found consistently throughout all of his subjects was their ability to continue on in the after life with the skills of transforming themselves.

Some of these subjects reported living as sea creatures on different planets, many reported living a life as the opposite sex and some of the older souls apparently appear gender less in the spiritual realm.

Not exactly shape shifting although some sort of shifting lol...however, when you see this cat transform itself from a cat to a dog or to a rat and back to a cat, what is going on there? I'm attempting to read between the lines here if you see my point. If we humans can transform our energy to adapt to a different dimension, I'm assuming animals can do the same.

Just my 2 cent worth, take it with a grain of salt.

Regards daz
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-02)
Daz, Ummm, shapeshifting humans, nah. I've seen many human apparitions and never any appearance alterations, aside from looking younger than I knew them, or older. The spirits I didn't know in their life never change in appearance, except for clothes. But not physical features. Don't think that happens very often.

New souls that often visit before doing a physical life, hmm, nah. That pings my conspiracy theory radar. I wish it was possible to play you what I saw, it looked ancient and self assured. I think this is something from way back. The sort of entity that gets a footnote in certain cultures. In other words I think it's something we have limited earthly knowledge of, and that goes for most entities out there I feel.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-01)

This cat's inability to keep its original features intact as it bring itself into your realm of awareness is not unexpected nor is it intentional to throw you off... Human spirits can shape shift themselves and often do.

Without reading your other account I am sensing this cat was escorted into your home for it's own reason if none of the other?

New souls who have never had a physical life in the earth Matrix do often visit our earth for education, it may be possible a zoo keeper spirit from the other side is preparing this visitor for a life in the earth Matrix and they chose you and leo to learn from?

Regards Daz
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-01)
Update: Rather remarkably I saw this thing again last night. It was relaxed and resting in front of the fridge. I saw it from the corner of my eye and as I slowly turned to look properly it disappeared. I've seen apparitions that way before, hence turning slowly to soak in as much detail as I can. It does appear very cat like, but the face, or muzzle is longer, like a dog. It's ears are very long too. It's also darker than I thought, darker than Leo. It's a dark mustard colour with black or dark grey stripes. But not like a tabby cat, the stripes are thick and fewer. It has long fur around the neck and shoulders. It looked demonic. I'm rather macabre so I thought it looked cool. A rug near where it was resting had been moved, but that could have been Leo. After this I don't think it's our brownie gone nuts anymore, seems to be some kind of cat entity.

Ladyglow, I don't think it's bad. Or if it's playing up there must be a reason for it. Bet this wouldn't be happening if we didn't have a cat lol.

Daz, after seeing how cat like it is I'm thinking it's got something to do with Leo. Maybe an animal spirit guide entity who looks after cats, I don't know. We believe Leo was 'given' to us by his previous owner in spirit form. I wrote about that in another entry. We haven't had anything to indicate that ghost has been around in maybe a year. Leo may have come from a home with more cats, we don't know. But then this thing didn't look a physical earthly cat breed. It was too otherworldly.

That's interesting about the objects levitating being a group effort. I hadn't thought of that. I figured it must've been something of a telekinetic burst of emotion from the critter. But a tribe is an interesting take. It didn't look like it had a mask on that night, it was it's facial expression that reminded me of a tribal look.

Sleeping, I highly doubt this will turn into anything horrible. I trust as time goes on I'll piece together the why of it all. Glad you enjoyed it!
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-02-01)
Hello Tweed,

I'm not much help in identifying what you saw however, after much googling I found many images of Cat type gargoyles. Most of which had wings. Some had the scary face with open mouth as you described. I think I would have jumped out of my skin if I saw anything like that.

Hopefully the animal spirit remains a playmate for Leo and doesn't end up being something terrible.

I really enjoyed reading your post. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Best wishes,
😘 ❤ 😘
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-01)

Based on you believing it was paranormal, logically one would assume it's a distance spirit friend of Leo's, animals have souls and they do continue on in the after life, just like we do... There are also animal lovers in the spirit world who spend time with these spirit animals and they do help them find there way back to previous owners.

I know you're not keen on reincarnation Tweed (sorry mate) however,I'm wondering if this spirit animal is more connected to you than it is to Leo?

Objects levitating about 5 inches may lend a clue that furry face was not alone on it's adventure through your home, a tribal mask, may also suggest it's related to another time and place,

I may be so off the mark on this one, maybe something different for you to ponder over?

Regards Daz
lady-glow (16 stories) (3158 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-01)

Thanks for sharing one more of your always fascinating experiences. I have no idea what your little visitor could be, but if Leo is fine around it, then it couldn't be bad, could it?

I hope Furry Face is not making big messes for you to clean.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-26)
Thanks everyone for your cool input. I've pored over everything and believe this is possibly our brownie gone rogue. Regretfully we've neglected the little guy for about a year. I found an interesting article which explores the idea of brownies becoming boggarts. If that's true, we've laid the groundwork. Not because we don't love him anymore, it's a mixture of laziness and other priorities.
That article:

I've set our brownie a new task of helping us detangle the cat's fur. Also put some bread and tea in the cupboard for him. Always feel like a fool doing it, but if it keeps the peace, so be it.


Animals must be so more aware of things than us, it's proven time and time again on YGS. Guess they don't call them nature spirits for nothing.

As for being a faerie expert I only know what I've read. Things I experience confuse me more than anything. My elf sightings (mistakingly called it a blue brownie), were the only time I gleaned any real knowledge. That was down to Val for pointing out that it was more likely an elf. Further reading on elves amazed me at all the similarities and accuracies. But the elf aside, everything else tends to confuse me lol.


Jim Henson, what a legend! I fear it's getting harder to find good online info because of Hollywood. I did a generic search for types of fairies and up came all this Pokemon crap. What the heck?! That's when I knew I'd have to put some real time aside to search properly. But Jim Henson was one of the good guys for folklore fiction.


I'm the last person to call a paranormal investigation team over LOL! Just a tad skeptical they'd get the wrong end of the stick lol, or make mountain of a molehill. If I ever let anyone do an investigation it would be someone specialising in fairy folk.
I was set to do nothing and coexist with it. But if it is our brownie gone mad, according to legend at least, putting things right is the best action to take.


I'm the exact opposite, find animalistic spirits far less confronting than humanoid ones. Glad my 'what was that' moments make you smile lol.


Maybe if I'd have known it was not the cat I would have jumped. I'd think I would, but then I've been calm in the face of all kinds of strange. So I guess you can never predict with certainty how you'll react, it's very weird!
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-22)
I'm not sure what it is. But, I laid in bed last night thinking of this thing. It is definitely weird. Kudos to you for not being scared of the critter. I know I'd be. Funny though that your kitty doesn't seem bothered by furry face. Brave kitty and brave you!
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-21)
I am, and have always been, uncomfortable with spirits that assume the shape of animals, Call it a weird phobia of mine, but human spirits do not bother me as much. There has been much written on an animal's ability to sense beings in the nether realms so I will not go into it here. Needless to say, you have been gifted with yet another paranormal experience and it always makes me smile when you choose to share them with us.
Spockie (8 stories) (203 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-21)
It seems harmless to me, so I would just let it alone and coexist with it. Please don't let anybody come into your home to "investigate." They could make it angry and then you would have a genuine problem.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-21)
Sounds like the best person to have done a forensic sketch of this wee beastie would have been Jim Henson! Sounds like a cute little devil if a bit "under socialized," shall we say. I completely agree with the brownie/faerie suggestions though I wish I had something more specific to add. It might be yielding to track down information on the character designers behind some of the Hollywood examples you've found- they may have taken inspiration from folk sources that would be useful to you.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-21)
Tweed - I love reading your experiences. You have a great writing style.

Who was your nocturnal visitor? If I had been writing this particular incident I would have hoped that Tweed would answer and tell me about some or other elemental which somehow made its way into my home!

Seriously though, I have wracked my brain and I have to admit that as I am accustomed to seeing only "normal" ghosts, with two exceptions that I can remember, I don't have the faintest idea what it was that you saw.

I'm not particularly surprised that Leo did not react. I believe that animals get used to benevolent spirits. My deceased cat, Toby, was very tolerant of a ghost who lived with us for years.

Your "furry face" might have given you a shock but it didn't bother Leo. That says a lot. I'd have been rather overwhelmed myself!

Your "brownie on a buck's night"? What a handsome dude! It would have been love at first sight and bye-bye to my husband of 46 years 😆

Regards, Melda
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-21)
Hi Haven,

Far out, wonder if we have the same kind of being causing merry mayhem. That's cool your friend saw it too. Does it always seem to be active when your cat's asleep? Has your cat ever reacted to it?

Hi Biblio,

These things always seem to get posted when I'm busy. I'm going to put some time aside to go over your Scottish fellow, and Manafon's Welsh trickster. I'll also be going over some past experiences of mine, particularly with cupboard activity from a while back. Yeah... Hopefully a picture will start to emerge.

Thanks everyone!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-20)
Greetings, Tweed!

What are the odds you've had a trow move in? They're from Orkney, originally, so I have no idea what it'd be doing in England unless it hitched a ride with a Scottish family. Traditionally, they're nocturnal and they cannot be seen by most humans (which would explain its surprise). They fall within the 'prankster' group of goblins in British folklore, but they seem to be highly mobile spirits that move on of their own accord.

I wish I had access to my folklore & mythology books for more data, but they're in my classroom & I'm at home.

Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-20)
Hi Tweed,

The description of what you saw sounds scary. It's interesting that Leo did not seem scared or on the defense, it looked like he was seeing what you saw. Many times, I have seen something running across my house and what thought it was my cat only to realize the cat is asleep or in another part of the house. The way I can relate with your experience is that I too have seen things literally get knocked over by whatever runs past. It all happens so fast and I don't have time to react or my first reaction is to blame it on a breeze or the cat. Later, I realize that there are no open doors or windows and that the cat has been asleep in another room. When I realize this, it's all ready too late to be scared. It won't happen again for a while, it always catches me off guard. There is only been one time when someone else saw the same thing I did. I had a friend over and we were sitting having a drink, suddenly I saw something run across the living room (we were in the dining room which faces the living room) she turns to me and asked "what was that?". I saw it too but I pretended I didn't and asked her what she meant. She said it looked like something big and furry rushed across the living room. I told her it was my cat but she said "no, your cat is black, this was a lighter color". This "thing" was way too fast for a rat and I've never had rodent problems.

Anyway, hope that whatever it is was just passing by and means no harm.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-20)
Hi Manafon,

I've been looking at pictures of furry brownies and it's got me thinking because of this picture:

Down the bottom it says Hedgehog faerie. A few months ago we had some hedgehogs scuttling around our outdoor furniture in the evenings. This is a big deal because hedgehogs have been on the decline in recent years, down to cats no less. We don't let Leo outside after dark for this very reason. I can only find Hollywood stuff for Hedgehog faeries so far. I'll do some more digging tonight when I have the time.
I got in a few neighbours ears about the cat situation with the hedgehogs and a couple of them laughed it off like it was cute. Made me so frigging angry. Anyway I've become a bit of a hedgehog advocate recently. Maybe there's something in it. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Or maybe it was a brownie on a bucks' night:

Lealeigh, the thing tells me to vote for someone else, but your comment made me laugh, again.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-20)
I have probably asked this question a thousand times and for a thousand reasons:

Don't you wish you could have a real conversation with your cat? One that wasn't one sided! I do; it would clear up a lot of misunderstandings around this joint.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (714 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-20)
Hi Tweed--I remember you thinking your house might've had a resident brownie a few years back and your description of this new thing kind of sounds like one. They are usually described as being covered in fur and having fuzzy faces.

I believe there's what's called a fenodyree (the Welsh term for a brownie) that are known to cause a mess in their wake. Maybe your house brownie has become a play chum of your cat.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-20)
Hi Lealeigh,

I had a look at that Zelda character out of curiosity, it kind of was slightly like that, only more cat or ferret like and super furry. I wish I got a longer look at it. All I remember is long fur, teeth and a tongue. It could well be an animal spirit, maybe a really fluffy cat.

"I don't have kids either so fully growing up hasn't been a top priority." This made me laugh a lot. On the contrary I feel more mature than some of my parent friends.

As for cats misbehaving, they're nocturnal and no amount of encouragement will change it. Try tiring him out by getting him worked up for about 20 mins, then top it off with a feed. It satisfies their nocturnal hunting urges. At least that's the idea. Leo was a nightmare before we got him into a routine.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-01-20)
Hello Tweed,

I think the creature is probably harmless; Leo is the king of your castle, in his own mind, and I think he'd create a big ruckus if it was harmful.

I don't know what I think it was; whether it was the spirit of a real cat or something else like an animal. I think that it is more interested in interacting with your cat. It seems to be afraid of you or surprised that you could see it.

You're lucky that you have a cat that will sleep during the night. My cat, Freya, carries on a lot of destruction during the night. Last night, he went into my closet and pulled a bunch of my clothes off of the hangers. He is tall on his hind legs and he knows how to use the door knob. I found a cat toy in my shoe, also.

I had to smile when you said that the creature looked as if his face was a tribal mask. I had this picture in my mind of this character in a Nintendo N64 game: "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask".

I don't have kids either so fully growing up hasn't been a top priority.

Thanks for sharing this. I hope it really is an animal spirit.

- Maria

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