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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter Y: Page 1
Yanks, Tanks And Diggers by XBFALCON74
G'day, all! It's been a very, very long time since I've used this site, to the point I'd almost forgotten I had an account on here. In the years since I posted my first story I've had quite the number of experiences, so I figure I'd try to break them down into sections. This section will de...
Ye Old Schoolhouse by bresys
I feel like I've just been flooding this site with my stories lately, and I do apologize, but this is the first time I've been comfortable opening up completely about my paranormal experiences. It might be wise to reference my other stories/accounts to understand the place where I live, because this...
Year 10 Drama Class by sophiethunder
When I was at high school, in year 10, my drama teacher told me and my fairly small class that she'd seen a ghost. The drama studio had a balcony which used to be used to watch small drama productions, but it was just used as a storage space when I was there. Apparently, he wore Victorian attire ...
Years After by aptnit
To all YGS readers this is my first story here. The story that I am going to tell you is about my grandfather. Let me first tell you something about him. He was a very strict man he always wanted everything perfect he died in year 1995 due to cancer it was just before a year of my birth so never got...
Years Of Haunting Night Terrors by darkin31
This Story Begins when I was twelve years old, that's when all the haunting began. As you all know New York is one of the world's most hot spots for any paranormal activity. One night I was lying in my bedroom upstairs. I had switched rooms with my mother and father with my little brother from d...
Years Of Poltergeist Occurrences? by sherryk
I am a 37 year old female living in Dallas, Texas. I have been bothered and harassed by something since I was about eight years old. It sounds so crazy that I have only told a few people. When I was young, I would "feel" things in the house that I grew up in. It was during these years that I fir...
Yellow Ball by pixel_cutter
I used to pick up deceased people for several mortuaries out of homes and hospitals and deliver the deceased to the mortuary where the arrangements were to be made for them. There was this one mortuary that also had a cemetery that I was told that employees had seen the ghost of a little girl lat...
Yellow Eyed Dog by SirenBelva
My husband and I have a Labmaraner if you will, or half Labrador, half Weimaraner. Fern is extremely sweet but she can also be really creepy. We call her our gargoyle dog because she will stare into corners of our century-old rental house with her head lowered below her shoulders. If you get up late...
Yellow Eyes by iambec
I was seven or eight years old at the time and even though I had my own room, I preferred to sleep in my parents' room. My parents had a queen-sized bed. My mom slept on the right side, and my dad slept on the left. I usually had a mattress on the floor on my mom's side. My dad was president of ...
Yes Mommy, The Boy Without A Face by mom2aseer
I started out as a true skeptic, just to be honest. I believed there was "something else" out there but was just too busy to look or care. That is until my youngest child was born. I cannot remember how old she was when it started or even how the first episode played out. I just know that even at th...
Yesler Apartment by maeli29
It still gives me chills to this day when I think about the weird things and some times frightening experiences my family had in that old apartment. The units were originally built to house military families until the housing authority took them over. When my father and I did a walk through before I...
Yet Again He Is There by Emo_sharky
Please read my last stories before reading this one, ok to put it straight. It started off as an imaginary boyfriend. Now I found out that he is a ghost... I am confused. I don't share my feelings that often I keep all to myself, in a way he is helping me I think... Some time ago I was sleeping. ...
Yet Another Bad Memory At Nana's by AussieChick95
This incident happened when I was 12. As previously stated, my Poppa passed away many years ago, so my brother and myself used to sometimes spend the weekend at my Nana's as she really enjoyed the company and we used to get away with heaps more at Nana's. Anyway, Nana had a really long hallway w...
Yet Another Experience in That Room by trau
It seems that many of my experiences happened in my teens. I am naturally a scared person due to my mother always scaring me senseless with her stories from Kimberley. I was 14 at the time of this one. OK, here goes... It was one of those Sunday evenings, when we all just turned in immediately...
Yet Another Haunted House? by cecil04
Some time ago my family and I moved to another house again - the third one now within two years. As I told in some other stories of mine, in each of my previous two houses we more or less had some issues with spirits and also now the "spook" doesn't seem to be all over. The whole moving process s...
Yet Another Lost Soul by mystseeker15
All of us know that death comes unexpected. Some of those who died has unfinished business. Some of them don't know that they are already dead. Some are just hanging around and some are searching the place where they can be in peace. Lost Soul. This is my second ghost sight experience in my high sch...
Yogurt Trip Gone Bad by bogienova
Our house growing up was not necessarily haunted but my family members were always having strange experiences from time to time that lead us to wonder if we were a little more perceptive than the average joe as far as the supernatural. We were the only family who lived in the house we grew up in so ...
York Ghost Story by Breaghboo
My husband and I live in Scotland but we love visiting York for all its ancient history, brilliant old pubs, and its ghost stories. We have been many times, but on one of our more recent visits we were delighted to discover a new tourist attraction, the haunted house off Stonegate. This house h...
You Are My Loving Son by SnoWQueeN
Those who didn't read my previous account please read 'unexpected things are always welcome' so you will understand this one. After the painful tragedy my best friend Oshi's brother was uncontrolable when he wakes during midnight. Varusha (12) was in a situation as if he was under a kidnapper'...
You Are My Sunshine by KittykatSpade
So when I was about 9 or 10, on and around there, we lived in this house. We, as in me, my 2 brothers and my mom and dad. I used to wake up in the early am before it was even daylight out, and every time I woke up there would be this little girl sitting at my night stand. She looked to be about ...
You Are Not Alone by Blacqpearl
My grandmother was from the deep country. She knew a life of farming, hard work,cows,chickens,horses,etc.Apparitions and things we identify as paranormal aren't that unusual to country folk. I figured it must be due to a life of having had to do it all for themselves from scratch. Why shouldn't they...
You Better Get It by 8baw
The only time so far that I have had a poltergeist try to physically harm me was at my friend Kayla's house. (read Kayla's House). I'm almost 21 now. And the most recent experience I had was back at the end of August when I stayed at my sisters house (actually trailer) to visit her and our nieces. ...
You Better Respect Him by roylynx
I and my sister went to an event held nearby a catholic church. The event finished quite later in the evening, since we had to wait for our bus, we went inside the church and rested a little. (The church was opened until 8pm and it was nearly 7:40ish) My sister suddenly said that she felt a touc...
You Call This A Birthday? by purpleprincess
On my 15th birthday I decided to have a sleep over. I invited a few friends they were Emera, Daphne, Cathy, and, Shanna. We were messing around like 9 year olds it was pretty fun besides the ghost part. Well it started when Emera had to go to the bathroom but she came back as white as a ghost say...
You Can Feel It by SegaGK
Alright so something strange has been going on for a while now. You can feel that something is off. Every time I go out at night, I watch my back cause I'll never know what's watching me. Like a month ago, my dad told my mom that when he got off at work (3 am) one night, that he was just looki...
You Cheater! by roylynx
Another interesting story that I wanted to share, I was having an afternoon tea with a few of my friends. One of them, let us address her as B, is sensitive to spirits. She does not have knowledge on how to communicate with them and touch them but from stories by people around her, would say that sh...
You Hear Them Too? by ERINISAWESOME
A couple years ago I had moved out of my parents' house to go to college, but I still came home on the weekends to visit them and would usually stay over night. At the time, my old room was being used for storage so I was sleeping on a lovely little bed made of about 14 blankets on the floor with my...
You Know My Name? by Sea_Wolfe
One day, I was just reading scary stories on the web when a disturbing encounter happened. It's not that drastic unless you really think hard about it. I was reading a particularly scary story that afternoon, and suddenly had the urge to pee. I was scared after reading the story, and did not want t...
You Know That Eerie Feeling? by jmbund
My name is Jordan and I am 15 years old. Let me tell you a bit of my background. I moved to a little town outside of Buffalo, NY called Lewiston four years ago. This town has a lot of history to it. A few months before I moved here my mother died. So that might relate to my events. I have experience...
You Know You're Dead by AngeLeeS
This happened 5 days ago while I was in my colleague's house in Malaysia. I was in Malaysia for my project and I decided to stay in Zati's house on the night before the submission of the project report. Her husband had gone to the other city for work and her sister was baby-sitting Zati's 11-month o...
You Mean I Was Here Alone? by skeptical81
Here's another story from my ex's house. One night we had a few friends over and had a few beers, I had 2 or maybe 3. It was getting late and I had a few things to do before bed, so my ex offered to drive our friend home, while I stayed behind with the baby and finished up some laundry. As he lef...
You Never Know What You Might Find by kandeferfun1276
Since this is my first story I would like to make a good impression. I was 10 years old and it was about midnight then I fell asleep but I wasn't tired so I awoke to find a dark shadow at the foot of my bed chanting something. It sounded like an omen but I couldn't understand what it was saying. All...
You Okay? by Gh0stHunter
This experience was the reason why I got into ghost hunting. It was my very first time. There is an old historical war marker that's just outside my town that I used to visit during childhood field trips. It always fascinated me. Years down the road I'm ghost hunting with friends at 18, when I fi...
You're Forgiven Sergeant by vampira
I used to think nothing could ever shock me, I haven't used this account in years and since then I have grown so much and experienced so much more. I learned the more I talked about them the more they showed up, I learned how to banish when necessary and bind them to me if I need to. Since I have la...
You're Going To Die by Iluvanimals8
I have had several ghost experiences, but I cannot explain this one. One night, I was in my room watching T.V. I had decided to record my cat, Torro (not real name), purring. Torro never stops purring, she is the kindest and weirdest cat alive. I say weirdest because Torro is what they call a Demon ...
You're Not Alone by SoulSeeker
It was the year 2009 in La Mesa Village, Monterey, CA and I had just gotten back home from my college classes. It was about 3 PM so my mom was out down the street picking up my two little sisters from school and my dad wouldn't be back from work for another 2 hours. After parking my car I used my sp...
You're Not Alone by this_chic_makayla
So all my life I have believed there was something out there that wasn't human. Since I was a kid weird things have happened that I can't exactly explain. When I was a kid I lived in a small blue apartment with my mom, stepdad, and older brother. Bu this time I was only about five and my brother...
You're Not Crazy! by aknobel
I am pleased to hear that others are experiencing the same thing. My mother and I can see them very well. We have too many stories to possibly post, but the ones we see are in great numbers and everywhere. I would like to say that the story about the 7yr old boy in the new house with the antiques - ...
You're Scaring Me - Shut The Door by lettersforjacob
I was working a long day at my factory job; it was around 1 AM when I got home and 2 AM before I got into bed. The shape of my dad's apartment is the top story of a large building, and there were two windows open: my bedroom and the family room, each on opposite sides of the apartment. My door i...
You're Welcome Here by Edward89
when I was younger and even to today I have always had a unhealthy fixation with spirits not just any kind though yes humane ghosts and wandering spirits attract me but it's the dark and omens ones that really grab my attention. in my late teen years after I was able to move away from my parent...
Young Boy In The Closet by luna17
When I was 7 years old I lived in central part of Chile, just my mom and my sisters. I'm the middle child. My mother would go to work at 7 am; my sisters would leave the house around 8 o'clock... I would get up to watch TV in my mom's room, her room had large windows, French style, and the room was ...
Young Children by Lauren
It was a while back, when I was about 12 or 13 (I am 14 now), and I was in my kitchen eating a blueberry muffin when I saw a young boy with blonde hair, no older than 9 or 10, wearing a blue shirt, ran up my stairs. I thought it was my brother or his friend (he had a sleep over that night) so I went...
Young Experiences by kaysie_x
This is my first time writing on here, so I thought I'd explain some experiences of my own, but first I need to tell you about my family. My grandmother, mother, and I are strong believers in the paranormal, and my grandmother is a clairvoyant who would often, when I was younger, take me to her psyc...
Young Face in Charleston by Scott54
This true event took place in Charleston, South Carolina. It happened to my six year old Jenna who is very honest and doesn't make up stories. Kara, my 12 year old daughter, was disappointed because the ghost tours were booked up and some didn't run on Sundays and Mondays. Well, on Monday (25 June 2...
Young Girl by Elenam8
Around six years ago my sister's friend stayed over. Her room was downstairs; she woke up during the night to go to the toilet. As she walked out of the bedroom to the toilet, on the landing was a young girl with light brown hair and a white dress on. She asked her if she was okay, she replied yes a...
Young Girl Appears When I Bathe my Son by Suprised
I myself do not believe in ghosts, I don't know why, I just think some things aren't possible. To my surprise one day, my Mum asked me if I would like her to take my daughter away on holiday with her for a week. I asked my husband and we decided yes, as we wouldn't be able to afford a holiday, I had...
Young Girl In My Room by Smokex12
I'm not proud of what happened in this story, but it did happen. It all started when my brother and I were fighting (again), and my mom was yelling at both of us to stop. I think we were fighting about a choice Charlie had made, or something, and this was way back last June. I know I was stressed be...
Young Girl In White Dress by Concerningvisits
I don't know if I should be worried or not. I've been seeing a young girl in a old white dress or nightgown and long black hair around ten years of age. I first seen her with my uncle in Louisville. We was moving into a house and we seen her in the abandoned house next door in upstairs window. I...
Young Girl Saying Hi by Misty White
This didn't happen recently. It happened a couple of years back at close to mid night. I shared a room with my sister so I was happy when she said she was staying the night at my cousins. When she's not home, I like to stay up late and just watch movies and listen to my radio. I had just finished wa...
Young Girl With The Black Hair by mandilee
A few months ago around 9 am my 10 year old daughter came into my room freaked out saying that she had just gone into the lounge and there was a little girl sitting in the lounge and that she was sitting the wrong way with her hands resting on the head rest looking at her. My daughter said that she ...
Young Little Ghost Girl by ZawwHy
I was only 12 or 13 years old when I encountered this one particular ghost, a girl. I was asleep one night with my grandmother by my side on the same bed. I was suddenly awoken by a jolt. I looked at the clock on the wall and it showed 12 midnight. Then I felt the hair behind my neck began to st...
Young Man On Guard Rail by CantunSEEit
I had no paranormal encounters that stood out between the years of 1968 and 2010, until this encounter. December 2010, about two weeks before Christmas, was getting off work at 6pm, after working a 12-hour shift. I got on the I-5 freeway, heading south, towards the first Olympia City Center exit, do...
Young Medium by h2oified
Believe me or not, I'm not here to fight over it, I'm here to talk and see if there's anyone out there who understands. I'll start at the beginning. Since as far back as I can remember, I've been seeing spirits and hearing them. I remember one memory from the time I was only a year old. I was bei...
Young Old Hag by jesuis88
This happened to me a few years ago when I was a senior in high school. My family still lives in this house, which is no more than a few decades old and in good part of your average Midwest city. Before I continue, I feel you should know some background information. Ethnically, I am Hmong. In our cu...
Young Orphans by WolfEyes25
About a year ago my mother, myself, my dog, and my two children moved into a historic neighborhood called Corn Hill. Our apartment used to be an old Victorian home and has since turned into a lower apartment and an upper apartment with an attic (which made me physically ill to go in). The first ...
Young William Loving by mellathea
I'm 15 years old and I have empathic abilities as well as being a medium. I have lived in my New Jersey house all of my life. It's a pretty haunted house and there are multiple spirits living here; that of a boy named William and a menacing man named Marvin. When I first truly experienced them (such...
Your Shadow Man Says Hi by RustyMoan
My wife, Jo, and I took a trip to New Orleans, Louisiana, in February 2011 as we had never been before and were hopeful in having a paranormal experience. We didn't experience anything supernatural, however, and after a few days of fun, we directed our vehicle in a northwestern direction. A cou...
Your Soul Is Mine by twisterwatcher7
This story is one of my husband's, we will call him Mystical Avenger, and currently I am typing this for him, this is all true... We hope you enjoy! This story is one of my many ghostly and paranormal experiences. The year was 1981. I and my family of seven lived in an old 19th century, white, d...
Yucaipa: Haunted House by Kya1994
There wasn't much going on at first at Yucaipa, other than constantly feeling watched when its bed time and after. The first time I actually saw a ghost in that house was a little girl, I definitely saw her half way detailed I guess, enough to see her face, her face was nearly identical to mine, her...
Yummy Monster by spikess
You'll probably find yourself giggling away at this story. I know I do whenever I think about it these days. But it terrified me when it originally happened! I'm a bit hazy on how old I was at the time, but I think it was round about when I was 11-12. It was a gorgeous day, so my friend and I...
Yunker's Farm Investigation by Shadowclaw777
Me and two of my friends absolutely love ghost hunting, even if we've only gone on one investigation, which was over a year ago. This is what I can remember, from that investigation. Yunker's Farm, a child's museum that's in Fargo where we live, has been known to be haunted by some of the kids an...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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