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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 138
The Man Sitting On My Bed by marie1984
Before I begin, there are a few things I'd like you to know. Firstly, I suffer bouts of depression and I also have manic episodes, where I'm very happy and feel on top of the world. What I'm getting at is that I'm very much aware of mental health issues. I take absolutely no medication whatsoever. I...
Something In My Room by fluffyllama12
This is my first story, this has been happening recently and I don't really know what's going on. One night I was asleep, I was very tired that night, without any reason I wake up and sit up and look around, thinking why I randomly woke up from a deep sleep, I decided to lay back down and turned ...
Flying Flowers Broken Vase by valkricry
If you have been reading some of my stories, then you know that I have been seeing some activity in my tiny upper apartment. Until now these events have been more of a WTH status then anything. No harm no foul as my brother use to say. But on Saturday, May 17th, there was an event that has me, well,...
Life Of A Sensitive by KibaxChan
There was a house I lived in right next to my middle school and we moved in at the end of 5th grade. While in that home, I attempted to use a homemade Ouija board to contact the spirits I knew were already there. I would feel a strong presence enter the room every time I was alone. Nightly, I could ...
3:00 Am by freakedout2013
I was taking a trip to Flagstaff, AZ with my girlfriend. We were driving down the road, I remember that night very well. The green clock on the dash glowed 2:58 a.m. We were all alone on the freeway. Ahead of us, streetlights glowed brightly. My girlfriend mentioned something about 3 a.m. Being the ...
One Last Trick? by AussieChick95
I thought I would share a story that, although was frightening at the time, brings me peace now:) On November 15 2009, my uncle passed away from a brain tumor. He was very young and left a wife and two young daughters behind. Naturally we were all devastated. At the time of his passing my fam...
I Think I Was There When She Was Murdered by jyermac39
I didn't want to, but I can still feel and see them, black figure of a person or people should I say. I really didn't mention it to anyone even to my parents because I already know what their response will be. This happened almost every afternoon and when I'm alone. I always open the door of my r...
Did My Near Death Experience Open Up My Third Eye? by Mac_Barbie93
I remember going to my best friend's house in the afternoon. We shopped at a very popular flea market in South Mumbai and there was supposed to be a dog show at radio club in the evening. I remember getting our stamps done for entering. The fee was 50 rupees per head. We entered, and there weren't m...
The Boy In The Mirror And The Woman In The House by JayElem
I'm 17 years old, and throughout my life, many strange happenings have been going on in my house, in family members' houses and in abandoned places I've visited. This submission is going to be long so be patient. Let's start with the earliest happening I can remember! Since my older brother has b...
Abandoned Mental Hospitals by JayElem
When I was younger me and my friends used to play manhunt (a harder game of hide and seek.) We gradually got bored of playing in woods and round estates so we decided we'd visit somewhere scarier and better for the thrill! Near where I live there are 2 abandoned mental hospitals, one we called South...
In My House by Single_Mom26
In January of last year, I was home alone with my son. My son was laying in the bed sleep and I was in the living room watching tv. I had turned the tv off and went into me and my son's bedroom to check on him. He had woke up crying so I figured it was because he was sick. I told him that mommy was ...
Something Was Following Me by Single_Mom26
It was a dark, cold but not too cold night. Me and my best friend Shaunda was sitting outside at my house in the backyard in my driveway in my car when all of the sudden I saw a white "thing" run really fast in my yard. I didn't catch a glance of what it was because it was pitch black dark outside s...
My Brother? by Marialena
My family has a tradition in seeing some paranormal activities. Me, my mother and my cousin Lena are the "lucky ones". My mother used to see some shadows and some dreams which refered to the future. Lena, my cousin, before some year used to see some members of my family who are dead like my gradmoth...
Haunted Recording Studio In Richmond? by RVAmusician
The recording studio that my story took place in is located in the city of Richmond on Broad street near the VCU campus. It's situated in a section of large 2 story buildings that are very old. When you walk in the building, you instantly feel the history and sense a "unique" energy. The studio cons...
Unborn Baby Still Follows Me by yadira91
My name is Yadira, I have two kids a daughter that is 5 and a son that is 2. I will call them A & L for short. Before I got pregnant with my daughter A, I suffered a miscarriage, I was about a couple months along very sad. I got real depressed, then I found out I was pregnant with my daughter A. ...
My Apartment Experience 2 by Darkangel73
In 2008 I had just moved my bedroom downstairs. At this time I was home alone with my rat terrier Oreo, my children were spending the summer with their father. I had my bed on the far wall when you first come through the door. Oreo and I would be laying in bed I would have my t.v. On which was right...
Kid Playing With Ghost by pranav007
My name is Pranav and I would like to share my personal paranormal experience in the apartment where I stayed with my wife and 2 years old son (United Arab Emirates). Friends, this is not just a story but a real experience. It was in 2011 that we moved in to the apartment and on the very first da...
Cold Nose by AnksCutie
I am a dog lover and I have spent my life with 3 dogs since my birth. The first one was 'Moti' who died after 12 years, the second one and the most loved by me was 'Scooby', both of them were the adopted stray puppies. This story is about Scooby, my naughty son. He used to wake me up in the morning ...
Haunted Ground Floor by sheetal
I have tried to share this story previously but it was rejected. So I did more research to gave you proper information. My school is near to my home. It'll take only 10 minutes walk to reach my School. My Chacha (Uncle) and Bua (aunt) are also learnt in that School. Coming to my story, near to m...
Help Me Please by DennisSt-V
Last night I was watching TV around 3:00 am when I hear an argument going on in my bedroom (everyone was asleep). I looked around my house for every possible thing I could that would make that noise, (radio, TV, phone) and came up with nothing. A few weeks ago I almost died in a car crash, so I am t...
My Grandfather And Father Visited My Daughter by ellyngrace_belen
There's this one morning when my younger sister took my daughter for a shower with the door open in the bathroom. My daughter got scared out of nowhere and hugged my sister tightly while she was all wet and told my younger sister that my grandfather and father is sitting in our living room. My grand...
An Unknown Man by laliixo
Ever since I could remember, whenever I walked through my corridor at night with all the lights off I always felt that that there was presence behind me, just standing there, I have never seen it but I COULD feel it. I felt he was a really tall man, with an old fashioned hat, wearing a black coat an...
Guardian Angel Or The Opposite? by HaileySanders
I am sensitive to ghost in a certain state of mind or event happening in my life, I don't see or feel things on a day to day basis but I do get visited quite often. This story is from about 7 years ago, but I remember it like it had happened yesterday. I just never really had anywhere to post abo...
The Sound Of Anklet Jingling by Chin2Raval
I am writing this story very first time to share my paranormal experience with you friends. It was about 7 years ago. Once I and my friends were gathered around our neighbourhood as per its our summer vacation. We supposed to tell different stories about paranormal in real life. One of my friend sud...
My Family's Experiences by spiritscout
My family lives in a house built in 1902, it used to be a school. We also think there was a graveyard in the land our house is on. We know more places in our town that are haunted. It all started on the first night we moved into our house, that was before I was born. Since then many things have h...
End Of Paranormal Activities by Pragya
I have already written two stories about my paranormal experiences earlier. Due to the guidance provided to me by the "YGS" readers and Grace of God my problems did get resolved and I am again united with my husband. But before this I had to go through a turbulent spiritual journey. As I have tol...
Ghost Haunting Me? by kc99
For the last couple of months I have felt a presence in my room occasionally, I feel uneasy and even scared. I have had many experiences with ghosts and only one other has made me feel scared. Sometimes I wake up to people around my bed or even over the top. I have only one other experience with tou...
Ghostly Attack by SingingTomato
Last year, I was home alone with a friend, whom I will call S. We were going to go to meet some other friends so I went to get changed while she waited in the kitchen. Before I left, however, I offered her a can of pop and then went to change. I was about to join her again, after I was ready, whe...
Light From A Demolished Cottage by Zoe-Robyn
Near where I live there is a spring and some brick works of an old cottage. My grandfather told me there is a story of a old woman who lived on the outskirts of the town in where this cottage used to be. Some claimed she was a witch, but all that is known is that she was a herbal healer, and despite...
The Restless Silhouette by spooky_sakshi
I am Sakshi and I am 18 years old. I have always felt intrigued by the supernatural phenomena although I had not experienced one myself, until last year when I had my first brush with the paranormal. My narrative is quite long so please bear with me and my pathetic English of course! As a preface...
Is My Grandma There? by pet-butterfly
This is not really much of a big paranormal story that you can find on here. I am a slight believer of the paranormal. Here is my story. My Grandma died a few years ago in hospital and with her living so far away from me, I never got to say goodbye and it has stayed with me ever since, the though...
Is There Something Haunting My Dad? by pet-butterfly
About 4 years ago my Dad moved out of our house. But what I am about to tell you is something that happened when he lived with us. We originally lived in a little house, but we had to move as I had a brother on the way and there weren't enough bedrooms. But when we moved into this house, which we...
She Lives In The Closet by minerva
As I mentioned in a previous post, my siblings and I have had some weird (paranormal?) experiences at my parents' place. About 4-5 years ago, my brother told me he thought he'd seen a ghost in his room. It happened around 4:00pm on a summer day. He was in his room and decided to lie down for a b...
Hasn't Happened In Years by Ayresmikejr
The first time I ever saw something was when I was living in Baltimore county Maryland. I can't remember my exact age but then again I had things happen to me in the apartments my family lived in up and until we moved when I was at the age of I believe 5 or 6. It started off small army men flyin...
A Ghost? by xSusanx
This is my first story, and I am not very good at explaining. But I hope you can help me anyways. I'll just go straight into the story. One night, when I was laying in bed trying to get some sleep, I had this really weird feeling. I don't know how to explain it, but I strongly felt a presence. By...
Can Anyone Help Me? by CourtneyAshleigh
My name is Courtney, I am from the United Kingdom and I'm 16 years old. I have no idea how to start this off as I am new to this site. About 2 weeks ago, I was lying in bed around 3 - 4 o'clock in the morning (don't ask me why I was awake at the time, as I have no idea myself). Anyway, it felt as...
My Vision Of A Girl In A White Dress by Tay61413
It's been about five years since I posted anything on this website. I was -RalphsGirl- but I have forgotten the password, haha. I don't know why I want to tell this story, but I just do. It was a few years ago, maybe four or five. I was over at my friends house, "Kaitlynn" from my last story...
I Need To Know What's Going On by Katherine17
So quick back story. My father's grandmother was a bruja (witch in Spanish) in Puerto Rico and she did a lot. Everything from exorcisms, spells, and using a crystal ball. My dad has seen her do these things but she never taught him or his mom anything. My dad still has experiences like seeing demons...
Ghost Children, Unknown Shadows, And Noises by HappyCat_Xoxo
These are all my experiences I have encountered in my life. I've experienced many so please keep up, this entry is going to be long. Let's start with my first ever experience, I'm 3 years old. My parents and I live with my Aunt and Grandpa until my parents find our (my dad, my mom, and me) own ho...
My Sister? 1st Encounter With Ghost Or Demon by yadira91
This happened before the movie "The Ring" came out in 2002. I was maybe 11 my sister is 3 years younger so she was maybe 8. We were living in a mobile home and shared a room. Big enough to fit 2 twin beds. Her bed was against one wall and I the other. Except my side there was a cutout for a large ra...
The Thing In The Fields by 1GhostStory
My Grandpa is 73 years old, and one thing I would know about him, is that he would never tell a lie. My Grandpa's Grandpa owned a farm in South Dakota (where he is from), and just a little ways from his farm, was a bar, and you had to walk about a mile on a dirt path to get there. Now in my Gran...
Thing In The Shed by Sara-hann
When I was a younger child I was completely sure there was something living in my shed. We live in a fairly nice neighbourhood, but our house had a somewhat sketchy past. The former owner was a drug addict and frequently invited his friends (also drug addicts) to come over and get high. Years aft...
Park Ghost by Trout130
This is my first story, and the first and only time I've encountered a ghost. Although I've never had any other contact with something paranormal, I have had family members who have had experiences, and I have stories to share with all of you. I would appreciate any feedback you have, as I would lov...
The Baseball And Mirror by Trilinkinn
This event occurred about 2 years ago. I was at a friend's party and his basement is haunted or at the time so he claimed it to be because, allegedly while the house was being worked on one of the workers had died. Here is how we proved that his house really was haunted. I was with my entire group o...
Ouija Board - My Life Experience by rhysmoonwillow
This is my life experience with the Ouija Board. This happened when I was in my high school. Our girls hostel includes the college students who had their own wing. I had few good 3rd year college graduates as my friends. This helped in reducing the ragging part in hostel to a minimum. They used to t...
Vanishing Intruder by SingingTomato
This story occurred when I was about two or three so I don't really remember much of it myself but have been told the story several times by both my mother and sister, on different occasions and both of their stories match up. My mum, sister and I were all sitting in the living room at about 9pm ...
The Dark Figure I Saw Twice by EXOSarang
When I was about 6 years old I had seen this dark figure. This one night my cousins came over from Mexico. My sister and I had to sleep in my parent's room, so that night I woke up in the middle of the night and a dark figure that looked like a man (I could tell by its shape) was standing next to me...
White Glowing Eyes And Something Whispered My Name by DennisSt-V
I have had another experience around 3am two nights ago. I was laying down watching TV in my room when all of a sudden my door slowly closes about halfway when there was no wind. (It was open for about 3 hours before that). Then I see a pair of white glowing eyes look at me from the corner where the...
Angry Whispers by gracelizzie
I'm quite fond of paranormal things but I personally have never encountered anything as creepy as this night was in my uncle's brother's house/farm. I don't live in Ohio but I was just spending a couple days up there for a vacation where I would leave the next day to go home. This house was qu...
Shadow Man In My Apartment by eden319
I live in Hollowville, NY, a small village in Upsate NY. My apartment is in an old roadhouse, maybe 150 years old, maybe more. There was a murder here over a 100 years ago, although I'm not 100% sure it was in this building. My boyfriend and I have lived here for 8 months. From the beginning, we...
The Haunted Dome Building by Tamarrah
In the 1990s, I worked for the Department of Corrections / Central Administration located in the Dome Building, on Center Street, in Salem. This structure was part of the Oregon State Mental Hospital, and was connected to a neighboring building by an underground passage. The Department rented the bu...
The Children In My Closet by HappyCat_Xoxo
Let's get right into the story, a year ago I moved into an apartment and nothing happened for the first few months. Paranormal activity started around November. In my apartment I have a balcony in my living room. When it gets sunny a huge sunbeam (as big as my entire wall) fills the living room. I w...
Prelude To Paranormal Activities In 2013 by Pragya
Though I have already shared my experiences of paranormal which happened with me in 2013 the incidents I will share with you in this story where basically small isolated incidents which happened with me 2011 onwards. Finally these little things became a full blown attack on me about which you are al...
...and She Disappeared by Mithil
I am an sixteen year old boy. I always used to make fun ghost stories before this experience. 2014-05-24, Nallasopara I had been to my uncle's place last week. I had ten day vacation. On Saturday evening I was playing Cricket with the local boys on the road beside the building where my uncle r...
Am I Being Followed Or Paranoid? by Ncrr94
About a year ago my boyfriend and I lived in a trailer with our then 18 month old daughter, I was pregnant with our second. During our stay there we became dark angry people. It started when we were just moved in, I would hear loud footsteps down the hall and he would convince me it was just the...
A Terrible Night With The Ouija by Charles_Edward
To set the scene, it was early JAN 2012 and I was hanging out with 5 of my military buddies; Kenny, James, Dino, Warren and Milton. I was celebrating the fact I was finally leaving operational duty and getting stationed closer to home. We had a few beers in my barracks room and Kenny asked if we...
Black Dog In My Room by killer9755
A couple of months ago, I came back home from college to visit my family in the Twin Cities. That night, however, I had an experience that has bothered me ever since. It all started with a lucid dream I had that night. Lucid dreams are really not common with me but I usually enjoy them a lot and...
The Man With No Head by Catrinky72
When I was little, about 3 or 4 I would see a man with no head and a small ball of light each night. I was always in bed when he would appear, wearing a tux and tails, holding a top hat in one hand and a straight cane in the other. He stayed in the hallway outside my room, doing a side step dance up...
The Crawling Visitor by elma28
The following incident happened about a year ago. One afternoon, I wanted to take a nap. As I was lying there, with my back facing the (half-closed) bedroom door, I could feel someone or something crawling on the bed, slowly. It was a big double bed, so there was plenty of room. The sheets were ...
My Aunt's Basement by HappyCat_Xoxo
When I was little my mom and dad lived with my mom's dad (my grandpa) and my mom's sister (my aunt). I was very little, at least 3 to 4 years old. Every paranormal experience that I have encountered has stuck with me. Even when I was small. Let's begin. When I was a toddler, I was TERRIFIED of pa...
The Vanishing Water And The Large Cat by Neha31
This is my first time on YGS. I am a well educated young aspirant. I have never believed in spirits and ghosts. In fact I am a total atheist, not believing in God either. Anyway, in spite of this, there is this one incident that I have no explanation for. As 20 years old and studying engineering...
What Struck My Toes? by LoveParanormal
This incident took place one year ago while I was asleep. I was sleeping alone on the bed and my mom was sleeping down. I suddenly felt as if someone is gently striking it's fingers on my toes and the feeling was mostly like someone's long nails. It just woke me up. Initially I thought that I was dr...
The Swinging Door by EmperorRI
When I was living in my old house in London with my mother, father and two sisters, I used to be frightened of our downstairs bathroom. I'll tell you why. It started off when I was around 8 years of age and I'd be downstairs on my own watching a movie while my mum would be in the kitchen (which is d...
The Creepy Crawler by Grace2020
SO I was about 11 or 10 when this happened. At first it was at my grandmothers house in the country, We were staying the night there and there was only a bed big enough for my sisters to share. So I had to sleep in the recliner across from them. (the couch pulled into a bed in the living room) I was...
The Woman Outside by crookshanks
A few years ago in about 2010, I was outside, facing the back door that leads into my house and feeding my rabbits. My house is very close to my neighbour's so I was about as close to his house as I was to mine. Anyway I was done locking the rabbits up for the night and I stood up. I then felt somet...
Another Shadow Figure Story by Chels_paigee
When I was a little girl I remember waking up in the middle of the night and seeing what looked to be a human entity, it was more of a shadow, but it was there off the wall and standing in the middle of my bedroom. If it was fully manifested I would say that it was staring at me. I was one of those ...
The Ghost Encounters In My Life by redningia
I have always seen things that no one else seems to see. I live in a one story house with an attic. My father built the house so I don't have to worry that anyone died in it before I came to live here. One of my earliest recollections would be when I was around the age of three years old. At t...
That Thing In The Yard by Iamnobody
When I was about ten years old, my parents, brother, and I moved into a new house development (new suburbs). What you're probably thinking is, "The house isn't old, it's got to be spirit free." I must say, that house is freaky. The front door rattles and creaks, creepy shadows in places where they s...
My Little Friends by bbydoll
First a little back ground, all the women in my mother's line are sensitive in some way. I grew up moving a LOT my mother loved haunted houses and we would move in and she would do whatever she did and when it quieted down, normally about a year later, we would move again. And it would start all ove...
Boy's Ghost In Bathroom- An Encounter by SushilRj
My name is Sushil and I am from a small village in Haryana state of India. As it usually happens in villages, I grew up listening to all these ghost stories and paranormal activities. So I was very much interested in these stories from childhood. I always wanted to know more about these things. I wo...
There's Something In The Attic by lanapoll96
Directly above my girlfriend's bed is an entrance to the loft (attic). It's a square-ish door that has a ladder attached to it when it opens, one that folds up neatly for storage. The other entrance is at the top of the stairs, but the stairs themselves are narrow and steep, and the landing at the t...
Mom's Ordeal At The Hospital by Jellytot
Please be patient as this story might be a bit long. My mother was admitted to Universitas Hospital in Bloemfontein, South Africa a few years ago for a heart bypass. It was sometime, mid-August and my sister and myself and a friend of ours travelled the long road to Bloemfontein where we would stay ...
Weird Experiences In My Life by Whatswrongwithme
My name is Karen. To start off, I don't think I have a problem, although, when I was younger, I used to think the end of the world was coming. I am the middle child and have one older brother and one younger sister. I was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and lived in a house on the south side until I...
My Guardian Ghost 2 by Prosperina
On one summers night a couple of months ago, I was feeling particularly emotionally exhausted. I was feeling extremely down and depressed. I didn't know what to do or where to turn. I decided to go for a walk, hoping the fresh air would clear my mind. It helped a little. There are two parks near...
Lonely Spirit? by eden319
About 13 years ago my mother bought an older house in Hillsdale, NY. It's a Greek Revival, about 175 years old, really a beautiful house. She bought it from a family that used it as a vacation home, but she and I moved in full time. My son had just been born with severe health problems, so I was at ...
Family Encounters by lanapoll96
My brother, Matthew, was in the attic sorting out a bunch of Christmas decorations and stuff for my Mum. She was at the foot of the ladder on the landing, waiting for him to pass boxes down to her. Suddenly, there was a momentary flash of white light, and at the same time my brother screamed. He lea...
The Rat Part 2 by Arwen1957
I saw the "rat" I wrote about in my story The Rat. This sighting happened last week on Thursday morning just after 9:00. I was getting ice for a resident. I looked at the floor by the sink and there it was. It really didn't look like a rat to me. So many have called it a rat. It didn't look anything...
Blood Red by Breee_1002
I was about 6 years old at the time and I will never forget this experience. I lived in this house in Kenosha, WI for about a year not too long. One day I was feeling weird the whole day like something wasn't right. Well I have this night light that had unicorns on it and the light was blue it was o...
The Guiding Structures by Kiyana
The Guiding Structures In December 2013 we i.e myself, my husband Sameer and two year old daughter Riya, were visiting our native place, a small town near Mumbai and decided to visit our favourite restaurant on X mas Eve. This restaurant is situated on a small hill on outskirts of the town. The...
Seen With Our Own Naked Eyes by ladyknight
It is my first time to post my story as I believe most people in the Philippines do not believe in such paranormal things (or maybe they are just denying the fact that they really exist because of being a catholic country). Let me give you a brief background, my mother was abducted by an explaina...
Experiences With The Man In My House by randomassociate
I am new here and I wanted to share my story/stories of the experiences that I have had since my family and I have been living in a house that we began renting about 11 and a half years ago. My little brother died some 13 years ago in an accident (He was hit by a drunk driver) we lived at that apa...
My Grandma's Death And Dream Diary by mastershake
My grandmother died recently and as I was going through her old possessions I found a dream diary she had been keeping. It started off with typical dreams then as I read further she began to "dream" about all of her dead siblings. In one of the dreams she said she saw all of the standing at the foot...
The Angel Of My Bulldog by EllBell1415
Back in 2009, my 12 year old English Bulldog had passed away. I had just gotten out of school for the summer and of course we were all devastated! Her and I grew up together and I was only a year older than her. She had such an amazing and funny personality that she was very hard to forget. She had ...
Someone In My Living Room by mastershake
When I was young my family and I lived in an apartment in Monroe, MI. I remember it was the weekend and I was just sitting in the living room playing Nintendo. My family was all asleep and I was the only one awake in the house. When I was done playing I turned off the Nintendo and as the screen when...
Intro To My Ghost by Linn
I live in a haunted house and sometimes this works as a disadvantage. One night I wanted to sleep early as I had to be at school at 6:00 for a school trip. My bedroom is right under the attic and I could hear the ghost (s) walk around again as usual. Finally it was quiet and I wanted to sleep wh...
The Hole In The Wall by foxygirl0315
My husband and I moved into a house not far from my parents, it was family owned. With me being able to see ghosts and other paranormal things, I always walked through a house before deciding if I wanted to live there. My walk-through was great, no sign of anything. That was a first for us. We m...
The Woman Attached To Me by leticialopez
I have always been able to see, hear and feel things that other people normally do not. I have had many paranormal experiences but there is one that I would like to share for right now. When I was pregnant with my daughter who is now 23 years old, I began to feel a very evil presence around me a...
Unhelpful Me by misty995
These weird things happened to me in a different scenarios. First, way back when I am still a college student, I went home from a party at around 2am. Good thing was my tito (uncle) and his girlfriend is still awake at that moment so they let me in. While I was walking to grab some water in the frid...
Room S019 by PrinceXN1
For many, having a friend with open third eye is much of an adventure, but for me, it is the opposite. Way back in college, I was a Mass Communication student in a university in the City of Pines. Our classes were mostly held in the basement of the Science Building we often called "the dungeon" beca...
Boardinghouse by PrinceXN1
I already heard many ghost-related stories in the place where I resided from 2006-2012 but I just ignored those not because I did not believe them but because I wanted to have peace of mind. I am a very imaginative person and my mind is so artistic that it creates horrible pictures of horror stories...
Happenings In My Flat by Quinny
I have lived in my flat for nearly 3 years now and for just less than I would say a year I have witnessed several occurrences that have no logical explanations. I first noticed a different atmosphere in my home after my long-term boyfriend and I had split up and I became very depressed. I had a ...
The Key by CADC
It was late September 2012 and my husband and I had just signed the lease to our new apartment. It was a nice little family friendly place and although it wasn't totally what I had wanted, I was still very excited. I was happy that the landlord was letting us paint the interior with colours that...
Old Fishing Shack Ghosts by johnnycashmuse
Growing up in St John's Parish, Louisiana in my Grandparents' home and their guest house we always had plenty of relatives visiting. Mostly because the house was cooler in summer than their's were and we had a little creek running through the property that us kids would play in when it got too hot. ...
Strange Prayer by AndyC
Let me give you a little background before I start my story. I'm the youngest of three siblings with two older sisters. The older of the two (Anne) and I still live with our parents and the younger (Beth) is in college in another state. This happened the night before my medical college entrance e...
Burning Incense Sticks by mayank_holmes
I am Mayank and I live in Patna, India. The story which I am writing dates back somewhere around the year 1993. I wasn't even born then. In order to give you a proper introduction to the happening, let me take you back in time to a few years preceding the event, that was the year 1989. My mother...
Story About A Ghost Cat by phenonw
This is a story about a ghost cat. This happened to my mother and her first husband shortly after they were married. They were married in 1928; my mother was eighteen years old. They rented a farm not too far from both sets of parents around Stigler, OK. There was no electricity; they used cold oil ...
Red Eyes And The Guardian by redthunder_80
My multiple experiences... Part 1 Hello everyone. I will start by letting you know that I am a big fan of the paranormal. I often go to reputed haunted places to see if I can find anything for myself. I have several stories to share, and I am happy that I have found this website to share it on. ...
I Can't Explain Why by dino123456
I presently am 80 years old. This all started approximately 15 yeas ago. I was a massage therapist working for my daughter at her salon in Cathedral City, CA. Her salon was located on Indian property (if the following had any thing to do with this). All the following occurrences that took place did ...
The Haunting In Children's Ward by Jellytot
I was a student nurse at Ermelo hospital in the early 80's and we had to do both night duty and day duty in different wards. I was allocated to do night duty in the children's ward, on the same level as the female ward. Doing night duty in the children's ward, you work all by yourself, unless the...
Turning Handle by RaggedClaws
I've only had one experience thus far that I would judge as being far enough out of the ordinary to potentially label as supernatural. It's not nearly as elaborate or fantastical as many of the stories I have read on this site, but it is as honest of a recalling as I can give. When I was younger ...
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