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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 156
The Haunting Of Surrey by Bushkin87
I'm Alex, and I have been on this amazing site for about a year now and I must say I'm hooked! So I thought it is about time to share my paranormal experiences. I am 28 years of age and I lived at our family home until I was 24. It was a 4 bed, semi-detached in a quiet area in a village in Surrey...
She's Sitting Beside Me by Shrush
Actually, this is story is sequel to my previous story 'Saw It For First Time'. Guys, in the previous part, I stated that I saw a Christian bride and I thought it might have been my sister. I have confirmed it that it was my sister. On 6-9-2015, my mom and dad had gone out to a nearby village for...
Dead Child Or Elemental Spirit? by Bonifaz
I can't see spirits, but I can feel their presence and communicate with them. Normally, I feel a weight on my shoulders and an increasing heat on my back whenever an entity is around. Not so the last time, and this is what happened. First of all, here is the background to the tragic events leadin...
A Fresh Start? Not Exactly by Aliendewd
Carrying on from my previous stories. We moved to a house my Dad had renovated. It had previously been a shell of a 2 up 2 down but my Dad converted it to a 3 bedroom home for us. It was built around 1900 and was a classic Sandstone terraced house - a beautiful building if truth be known. We move...
Graduation by ashlcoopa
My grandma is my biggest hero, not just the outlook she had with life but even with having over 20 grandkids, she still made time to go to games, birthday parties, house visits etc. She always taught us to work hard, trust in faith, and to always help others. On 12-12-12 (dramatic right?) she ha...
3:00 A.m. Wake Up Call. What Could It Have Been? by jess_theturtle
So when I was 16 years old I was living with my father. We don't really have a good relationship so I would go to bed really early 8:00 pm at this time. It was late spring and one night I woke up at the time I didn't know why. For about three weeks I would wake up a 3:00 am on the dot. I still di...
Imposter by shelly_2429
So, A couple years ago when I was 14, I had my friend Sasha over. As I said in my last post, I've always been very sensitive to the paranormal... Anyways, all my friends knew stories I had told them about my house. Anyways, Sasha slept over, and the next morning we woke up and sat in my lounge ...
What's That In The Back Corner Of The Classroom? by igotnorolemodel
It was during school choir camp when I was in Sec 1. My school was (and still is) located in the western side of Singapore and in that particular neighbourhood, the surrounding area is well-known to have weird happenings. By the time it got dark, the school did look creepy. There were 2 blocks, of w...
Strange Occurences Seeking Answers by madambee
1) I was 8 years old, coming back from my piano lesson possibly around 8pm. I was waiting in the car whilst my dad was opening the garage door. I saw what appeared to be the shadow of a long man on the side of the garage, only a couple of doors down. The shadow seemed to be walking but was not tou...
Spooky Nightclub by Angelfe
When I was younger my mother ran and lived in a nightclub in Hull, East Yorkshire. In 2003 when I was 21 years old, I went back to live with my mother and worked in this nightclub behind the bar. There were tales that this club used to be a mill where children worked and one gentleman customer t...
Seeing An Orb by bbbbb5678
Last night I saw an orb. I had just laid down for maybe a half hour before. All of a sudden I see this bright light eyes closed and I felt something sit on my bed. I literally felt the bed indenting and some kind of pressure on me. I was instantly shook, kind of scared me. I got up. And felt li...
A Hug You Wouldn't Want by pochiemd
I was still a Medicine Resident-in-training when I received a hug that I would not want to experience again. It was a morning before a duty day. Our call time was at 7 am, but I always arrive before 6 am so that I can still sleep for an hour in our resident's quarters. I was alone at that time. I...
The Victorian Doll by Silentwings
When I was a young girl my great Uncle had come into town to spend the week of the 4th of July with us. He loved to go to vendor markets when he came to visit seeing that he lived in the city and we live in the country side we have plenty around. So his second day visiting my mom took us all to ...
My Mother In-law Her First Paranormal Experience by RedWolf
As stated in the title my mother in-law had her first paranormal experience the night before last. Before I tell you about it I have to tell you that before she met me she didn't believe in anything paranormal or supernatural. She was a skeptic even after I've made predictions that came true. ...
Little White Dog by dido
Before I start my story I just want to mention that I had not stated in my previous stories that I had seen other ghostly sightings other then what my sister and I experienced with my mom in our old house. However, my new story will go back in time to when I was a little girl. Many years ago, ju...
Am I Possessed? by PossessedByPossessedGhost
I have shared this experience with many of friends, but most of them don't believe me. I think here people will believe me because I am sure many of you may also have experienced or encountered supernatural stuffs. Long time back when I was a child, I was celebrating my 8th birthday with my fami...
Grandpa? by ilight
Only a few times have I seen this figure. It doesn't feel evil, though strange. One night I was sleeping on my top bunk and I heard a noise and woke up. I couldn't move and everything was shaking and blurry. Then I saw a unidentifiable figure walk across the room. After that, everything went bla...
An Old Life Passes A New Life Begins by Silentwings
There is always one family member that we connect with in a very special way, for me it was my Paw (my mom's dad). My mom used to tell me when I was little that I was his shadow, wherever he was I wasn't far behind. Paw wasn't one to really show his affection with hugs and things of that nature but ...
Maybe It's Family by momof4
I am a woman in my 30's now but story starts back when I was 12 years old. My mom was a single mom to 3 kids... Me and my 2 younger brothers. My mom sacrificed a lot for her kids, so she gave the 3 of us the 3 bedrooms and she slept on the couch. One night after we all went to bed, I remembered ...
A Click In The Bathroom by ghostieboo
Before I begin my story I would like you to know that this is one of my first ghostly encounters I have experienced. It was nothing too big but up to this day I find it extremely creepy. It was an ordinary day at school, kind of rainy. No one goes to the bathroom during class time - the bathroom...
Grandad's Carved Bust by Bibliothecarius
I began writing a reply to a discussion of "The Haunted Bed Frames" (, when I realized that I'd written over half of a story which may be worth of submitting to YGS in its own right. Chronologically, this is the third haunting ...
Dark Green Aparition by RyanMaze
I need help identifying something I saw around two years ago. I will describe the incident and two possible connected incidents following. I had just returned from a 5 year active duty tour in the U.S. Army Infantry a few months prior. So naturally, I was in party mode. We decided to do a bit of ...
Scary Man by beautifulworld
As I lay in bed with my 2 year old daughter I watch her as she seems fixed on something at the end of my bed. I ask her if she's okay and she tells me she's scared. When I ask what of, she tells me of the scary man. I tell her there isn't a scary man just you and mummy but she tells me that there is...
Knock Knock Knock by zinn19
My experience is not that much scary. After long time I made my mind to share it here. Coming to the story. Some description about background of the story. It happened few months ago in my old house. Now we are recently shifted to a new one. One night I'm studying in my study-cum-bed room. Th...
The Second Apartment by shelbyloree
Pregnant with my first, my husband and I moved into a one bedroom apartment while waiting on some VA paperwork to go through. We were planning on buying a house, but had to wait for this paperwork. The apartment was across the street from a cemetery, and I thought it was just normal and fine. We...
An Empty House? by C2C
I'm new to the board and have had very few experiences, but one particularly comes to mind as inexplicable. I am female and was 45 years old. This occurred in 2003. I was looking for a home to buy, and the realtor gave me a key to an empty house I wanted to look at. It's a small town where every...
Parallel Dimension by ravishingdevil
My name is Ravish, I'm from Bhopal capital of madhya pradesh. This incident took place ten years back maybe in 2005 and until date I haven't found any answer what actually happened with me and my friend. It happened like this one summer evening my friend Ankit came to my place like everyday. We c...
Hooves On Green Springs Hwy, Or by humbledhousewife
In early October of 2012, my husband and I had driven down to California to visit some friends. On our way home we decided to take a different route through Oregon, to go to Klamath Falls so my husband could visit some family. At some point in our trip we misplaced our map and had an unreliable ...
There's A Ghost That Looks Like Me, What's Going On? by larissasmh
I was at my friend's house (this was like almost a year ago) and apparently Julia (my friend's sister), Claudia (my friend), and Tristan (my sister) all saw a full body figure that looked exactly like me and they thought it was me. The ghost (or doppelganger, whatever) was behind a door wearing ...
Mischevious Spirit by Sammi575
For most of these events, I hadn't even been aware of what was happening until after I found out why it happened. My friends and I had gone bowling (let's call them Pink, Red, White, Blue, and Purple) for Purple's birthday. After all our fun and games, a few days later Blue messages me regarding her...
Blocking Ghosts? by DollyM
This story is really just a long question. I am 50 years of age and grew up knowing ghosts were real. My mother often saw ghosts and did not believe that she should hide this from her children. However I have only seen ghosts a couple of times and it is always when I am caught off guard, as in turni...
Ghost Beside A Pillar by blacksecret
My mother told it to me recently that when she first came to our house after marriage she had an encounter with a ghost. First let me tell you about my house. It is a 2 bhk flat with 2 balcony's. First is the drawing room then is the first bedroom which I have said as granny's room in the story....
Stuck by Marshy
This is my first time posting on here, so please bear with me. I don't really know what category this would fall under, but here it goes. About three years ago I was living at my grandparents' house (well mobile home to be exact). This home belonged to my aunt and uncle when I was a younger chil...
Cheeky Spirit? Shadow People! by dreamer01
After many months of enjoying YGS stories and banter I guess it is time to relay some of my own experiences. I could safely say I think that you could describe me as a sceptic on many things, but I consider myself to be open minded as well and ready to learn something new and grow. I have worked ...
Ghost (s) In My House!?! by sfcsmoker
Most of these stories seem like they start with..."I've always been interested in the paranormal...", but I have not been. I'm a fifty year old man, happily married with a great job. I'm a Christian and I play drums in a Christian rock group. OK, straight to the story. I retired from the US Army...
House Hauntings Part 1 by igotnorolemodel
I live in the west side of Singapore and my family has moved a total of 2 times. The first was moving from my grandparents' house to our own in a new estate at the time. I was a baby then so I don't remember the actual move. The second was when I was about 10 years old, we moved from that one to ano...
Gnooooome by Tweed
As children my best friend and I lived in each others homes. Her Mum quickly became friends with my Mum and our families were very close from 1987 until 1999 when her family moved. In adulthood my friend and I grew apart. We'd become very different people. We never fell out, we simply drifted apart....
Haunted Theatre In Utah by Czech-Mate
My story of an encounter with the supernatural happened when I was seventeen. I had had an earlier experience with some strange phenomena was I was about four years old but the one I had in my teens was much more frightening. It was 1987 and I was working at a downtown Salt Lake City movie theat...
My Maternal Great-grandmother by Kcury
I am originally from The Dominican Republic. When I was 10 years old, I was spending the night at my grandmother's place. My cousin and I were each sleeping on a couch in the living room. I woke up in the middle of the night, it must have been around 2-3 am in the morning, feeling that somebody w...
Outside The Window by midnighthade
My old house in Tulsa, OK was haunted. Back in 2005 one night I was in my room playing a card game with my brother Aaron. We were playing Yu GI Oh and I heard my cat outside my window hissing and growling. I thought she was about to get into a fight with another cat. Her hissing and growling got lou...
Fairy? by midnighthade
I moved to NY from Tulsa OK back in 2007. I only told a few people what I have seen back in 2011. I was 27 at the time. Just so you know I do not drink or do drugs. I am about to share with you the strange events that happened a few days apart. The first two days the only thing I seen was a smal...
Breaking The Chains by triden07
In June 2014, my parents, my sons, my sister and I headed to the Northern Cape, to a forgotten little town called Petrusville, to go and visit my mom’s brother, Uncle Tim (he and my medium friend have the same name). The trip was for healing, as with family politics we had not seen my uncle in 5 y...
Spirit Trying To Communicate by yasmin
I used to be non believer in existence of ghost and anything paranormal. But one experience has changed my perception. This happened in my grandpa's home in Ahmedabad, shortly after his death. Was out for a vacation at my grandpa's home which was 2 storey bungalow. Three incidents happened back t...
An Unwanted Visitor That Won't Leave by Silentwings
I have a major problem. It all started with a simple soft knock on my front door while I was rocking Lilly in the recliner. So I looked through the peep hole and didn't see anyone, opened the door still no one. I put Lilly in her bed and grabbed a book to read. I had read about two chapters when I h...
The Person At The Other End Of The Room 2 by Haunteee
My parents bought this house when I was about 10 years old. It was built in 1920 and had been completely boarded up for at least a year before my family moved in. There was one bedroom that neither me nor my two older sisters wanted. It was the last bedroom on the left as you walked down the hall an...
The Person At The Other End Of The Room 3 by Haunteee
I just realized something that freaked me out. In my previous story I mentioned that my parents have felt a force push up from underneath their mattress. Well, we've also noticed that one of my dogs acts very strange around my parents' bed. He creeps around it with his head down, occasionally glanci...
Was It Really A Horse? by drjrom
This is my first story on YGS so I'll try to keep it simple, one last thing English is not my native language so I'll appreciate any spelling or grammar corrections. Let me start by telling you guys I'm a graduated doctor. The reason I tell you this is because my story has a lot to do with late n...
Something Pushed My Daughter Off Her Bunk Bed! by Ddleblanc24
I have always kind of been a bit of a believer in ghost activities and have witnessed a few crazy things in my life. Tonight was the craziest though. Since my kids and I have lived in this house 2 years now weird stuff has happened. Someone talking in the bathroom when no one was in there, my co...
Max Is Watching by mheitmeyer
For everyone that has had a pet at any part of their life, you know of that bond you get with them. Especially if it is/was a dog or cat. They come to be like another sibling almost. Your best friend. You fear loosing them. You fear coming home from school or work, and your best bud is not sitting o...
Only Happens Once In Awhile by KKJK4
My husband and I, along with our two youngest daughters, moved into our home about ten years ago. Our house is not very old and is a modular that we moved onto our land. I don't think what has happened has anything to do with the house but rather with the land. The stuff that happened was subtle at ...
Dormitory Ghost by WillowWaly
I attended school at a university in SW Ohio, and my college boyfriend and I lived in the same dorm for a year. I'll call him Bentley. He was a Resident Assistant, and they moved into the dorm several days before the other students. (There were 6 RAs total in the building, 3 on the women's side, 3 o...
Please Explain by Maggie69
I was sitting in my father's bedroom the day before he passed away. He had called us all over to see us. I could feel peace in the room as we talked. It felt as though my mother was in the room with us. He was telling me he would be around for my son's wedding or the birth of my granddaughter wh...
Lady Ghost Attracted To Me by shafishaik
This time I am going to share my second story with all of you. It happened 2 years before when I was coming from office. Our company provided bus facility from our colony to company. That day I had some extra work and not able to catch the staff bus. After 1 hour somebody was going from my offic...
Something Has Moved In by CountingCoups
It has been about a year since my last post. After I turned over my cemetery grounds keeping job, activity stopped. However, something has arrived uninvited in my house and I'm trying to figure if it came through a tv show or if my string of bad luck attracted it here. I'll begin my story 2 months...
Cold Air And Feeling Watched by MusicLover28
I'm a seventeen-year-old and I want first to say that I enjoy this site. When I was younger, my family went through some hard times and I always heard voices calling me, and from seventh grade to last year I experienced a series of strange events, but those are stories for later. The first sto...
The Twin Girl by Loganuser31
I'm going to start this story by saying there is a genetic thing that runs in my family where there is a twin is carried during the first stages of pregnancy but never lived long enough to be born. When I was born I had a twin that never lived outside of the womb, but we never figured out if it w...
Strange Whispers In My Room by LittleBlackStar
I am 17 years old. My family and I have recently moved into our new house about a month ago. The last family that lived in the house says it's haunted. They say they heard strange noises coming from upstairs, like footsteps, shadows, and black figures standing in front of windows. For example, my fr...
Mum's Visit Before Wedding by dido
Just a bit of history before I start. My mom passed away in 2002 at the age of 37 from complications of lupus. I was 19 years old (I am now 32). Last year September was my wedding and we had been planning for over 8 months. Needless to say wedding planning is extremely stressful and brides ca...
Days With Possessed Roommates by swap16
Ghosts and paranormal activities are like mythological beliefs, some do believe and some not. I was also one of them who didn't believe in ghost stories for a long time until the time I myself experienced the hard time for nor a day, neither 2 days but for 3 months. It was the same time of last y...
The Weird Mango Tree! by tilott
I am tiloo. 24 years old and practicing as a lawyer. I live in kalyan in a 4bhk flat. Earlier we stayed at dadar. My old house and the location was a beautiful, peaceful place. There was a huge garden outside that old cottage. It had many huge green trees with their branches spread wide. Once, w...
My First Experiences, Seeing And Hearing Things by Os07
I've been reading stories on this site for maybe two months now, I've just made an account so I can share my and my family's experiences online, for the very first time. Okay, first off I will start off by telling you that me and my mother are sensitive I guess. Out of my family it's always been...
Two Boyfriends by KristyLee04
This is my first post on this site, and I've also written it on my phone so I am hoping it makes sense! My boyfriend and I were traveling around Europe in 2010. We were staying in a hotel in Rome at the time this happened. It has played on my mind ever since. I woke up in the early hours of t...
The Myrtles Plantation: File #1 (the Electric Touch) by J_M_Shepard
This was one of my first investigations that I conducted at the Myrtles Plantation back in Fall of 2011. One particularly chilly night in October of 2011, myself and my crew (two others, not going to name names) were investigating the grounds towards the back of the property. It was this particul...
More Family Experiences, One Demonic by Os07
We moved into a new house when I was 15 after staying with grandparents. It was a fairly new 3 bedroom home. You walk in, has a long hallway all bedrooms on the right side of the hall, mine and my sister's first, my brothers' and mums', and then my dad's room. Kitchen and joint dining on the left at...
Night Scares by cynthia59
On September 22, 2015, I awoke to my bed shaking very hard. You could hear the springs rattling. I could not move or yell for help. Finally I just screamed, "Dad!" and it stopped (both my parents have been dead for years now). I saw a black mass jump from my bed, it was 3:13 am. I turned all the...
Ghost Feeling by ganesh1616
I want to share my real experience in my own sister's house. I don't believe in ghost but from that experience I started believing that is something that is not real, but we feel it. I would like to tell my experience in my own sister's house. One day I went to meet my sister at her house in kaly...
Hallucinations, Coincidences Or Real Ghosts? by changerfett
I have always been interested in the paranormal and supernatural. When I read a ghost story, I can't take my eyes off until I have finished reading. But here are my experiences. But for some of them, I'm not sure if they are real. When I lived in my first house (I moved twice) I felt like I could...
San Diego County Dark Roads by mainardo_flores
Just want to share a very recent ghost experience I just had a few days ago. I live in Escondido, California. There are plenty of dark rural roads here. I happen to frequent one such road due to my girlfriend living 30 minutes away from me. I often come home from her house very late. On the ...
Strange Things In A New Place by Afraidnolonger
My family and I moved into our newest place of residence two weeks after my youngest was born, in March of this year. The very first night we spent in the house my three kiddos, my husband and myself camped out in the master bedroom since we hadn't set up any beds yet and our room was the only one t...
My Odd Uncle by lady-glow
My maternal grandmother, Bueli, was a very sweet and loving woman, she was the only girl in a family of six children that lived in Mexico City during the early 1900's and through the difficult times of the "Revolucion" war (civil war). Her family was one of those old fashion families in which chi...
Razors by Marshy
Last night on 09/24/15, I woke up around 2:30 AM to use the bathroom. When I got back into my room I heard my roommate say something, it sounded foreign. I then went back over to my bed, laid back down, and turned the lamp off. Once I turned the lamp off and rolled back over to my side I felt wh...
Spirit by Priyala
Growing up, I always had this feeling of being watched. I felt that someone is following me, measuring my every step. At night, when I used to sleep I felt someone breathing down my hair and something crawling up my legs. Whenever I was alone I could feel an eerie silence. Once I heard whispers. I w...
The Green Imp - A Demon Tale by Czech-Mate
This story takes place in 1975, at the time I was only 5 years old, but this event has been burned into my memory and don't believe I shall ever forget it. My parents and I had taken a road trip to California to see my mother's aunt and uncle who lived in Fresno. This trip crosses long stretches ...
The Nursing Lady by multiplyingchills3
I was only 8 when we moved to our new home, in the blatant countryside. I was excited to start life as a farm-girl, and because my father had promised me a pony and lots of pets, I was over the moon. We arrived at the charming house, painted baby blue, with white trim, looking innocent, like a dollh...
Man In Shadows by Saee
Hey folks, the experience I'm going to share with you is of my dad. This occurred when he passed away 3 years back, and we (me, my cousin and my 2 uncles) had gone to holy place to do his last religious rituals. To understand it properly I'll tell you guys little about my religion, and little about ...
Beyond The Veil by valkricry
About two months ago, I started a thread about visions/sensations during meditation on my story The Cat and the Angel ( In a nutshell, I was looking for confirmation/reassurance and guidance on some twists that meditation had taken fo...
Opinions Please - Man Following Me by Li1291
I'm 23 and I'm starting to think I'm going crazy maybe, but I been seeing this man like demon thing in the middle of the night staring at me. He looks like a man but I somehow know he is not a normal man. He's somewhat thin, bald and with burnt-like, deformed skin and bloody. His eyes are dark and h...
My Mother's Ouija Board Experience by Afraidnolonger
I got the go-ahead from my mother to share her one and only Ouija board experience with the users of this site. It's not a terrifying or huge event, though I do think it's worth posting. Sorry it's a bit short but here it is. When my mother was around fifteen or sixteen, she went over to a frien...
Fire With Fire by triden07
Since moving out of the flat when I was going through my divorce, I have made a point of not going back in there unless it was really necessary. When we had tenants renting the place I had no need really, but the tenants left and my mom decided to move in there. Suddenly I had to go there quite ofte...
Small Town Hospital, Big Time Hauntings Part 1 by gfoutch17
So I work at a small-town hospital in northern New York state, and, for obvious reasons, I am omitting the name of the hospital and its exact location because it is not like those who run this hospital came to me and said 'Hey! We want our name all over the Internet and please mention we are haunted...
Haunted From The Day I Moved In by thebigb68
I, my wife, and stepdaughter moved into a small Colonial style home 7 years ago. I love the house. It was built in 1900 and it has a lot of character. The town we live in is rich in history. My wife was very pregnant with our son at the time and my step daughter, I will call her Kayla, was 5 years o...
The Shadow Man Cometh by SirGhost
The year was 2007, and it was the Fall here in my hometown of South San Francisco, California. I know that much because it got dark before 8 p.m. We had a front door in our 2 story home, with an oval window that went from my waist to above my head. The glass wasn't exactly see thru, it was kind of f...
Flying Ghost by TheCavalry
Just recently married, my wife and I were visiting my parents' house. It was around 9:30 pm in the fall so it was completely dark outside. I went outside in the back yard by myself and jumped on the trampoline for maybe 15 minutes or so. Before heading inside, I laid down on the trampoline to sta...
The Verdict Conclusion! by aussiedaz
I would like to start this story by saying over the last five years, I have tried to write about this account occasionally and each time I do, I have ended up falling short of finishing it, because it doesn't have a happy ending and I don't know if highlighting a few psychic points on the forensic s...
What Comes After Knocks? by Jaycie058
This is my first time to write a story. I'm Cj 20 years old and I apologize if there we're some mistakes in my grammar. Hope you like it. Our neighbors mentioned a lot of creepy things that's been happening in our house. They told me that sometimes they can see a white lady standing in front of ...
The Ski Mask by dsilcox
When I was 9 years old, my grandmother passed away after fighting cancer. We were very close, and I took her passing very hard. A couple of moths after the funeral, I was home sick from school and went out with my mother running errands. Nothing new with that. It was around February so it was still ...
Church Street Ghost (part 2) by GSDLady
I have another 100% true story to share with you regarding the same house on Church Street as well as my former neighbor Charlie's house. One night around 11:00 p.m., I had completed my usual routine of locking the doors and closing the windows in my old Victorian home before going to bed. As I ...
Night Runner by Elrond
I lived with my parents while attending college and was anxious to move into my own place after graduation. A friend accompanied me on an initial apartment search in an historic district in town, where I had always wanted to live. This area has brick streets and sidewalks overhung by ancient trees a...
The Mysterious Breathing by snowxwhite
I just finished watching a ghost hunting documentary, which always leaves me in deep thought and paranoia about the strange experience I had as a teenager... I'm hoping it can be explained. I was 12 years old (I'm 22 now). It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, and as usual I was sitting in my room...
Sleep Paralysis, I Don't Know, I Am Looking For Answers by SleepyBoy
Ok well, let me start this by saying I have no prior experience with this website and I am seriously just looking for answers or at the very least some insight into what exactly has been happening to me. For starters I am 18 years old and live in Virginia, I have been here my whole life and I lo...
The Glowing Lady In White by Katie878
I'm going to share with you guys an experience I had quite a few years back, I can't remember in exact detail of what happened during the night but I remember quite clearly what I saw. It was New Year's Day, past 12am as I remember watching the Sydney, Australia fireworks on TV with my best frien...
New Office, New Spirit by triden07
I started working at a new company on 24 August 2015. The job and the people are great, and I am very happy. But I'm starting to notice things in the office... We work in an old house that was converted in to offices. We have a show room that takes up a third of the building, it's open and well l...
Deep, Heavy Breathing Ghost by Waikaka
When I was young (I am now 30), I lived on a sheep-farm in a small town called Waikaka, New Zealand. The house we lived in was built by my grandfather (my dad's dad) and we had lived in it since at least from when I was born. I don't think it was always haunted, or maybe it was but the being was nev...
The Dog Next To Me by ImmortalisAnimae
To start this off, I have had numerous experiences with paranormal/ghost activities and welcome more to invade my space for communication. Let me tell you a bit about who I am and the reason for my fascination. The thing about ghosts is that parents tend to tell scary stories and it raises the ...
It Wasn't You? by Gia
Once when I was younger, a couple of years back, my brothers and I went on a summer trip with my mom and my stepfather to his mother's house, which was in another city not too far from where we lived. I had been there before and I had never had an experience there before this trip. So it was a l...
Another Series Of Events by 22aya
I don't know what to do, and am asking for any kind of advice or insight. I know this site was fairly welcoming and helpful in the past, though I don't regularly come on anymore. I'm not sure what to do about the events that have occurred in this home, or the home before that. I'm beginning to b...
Introduction And Small Incidents by Agua
I've had this stuff happen to me all my life. Most were just little things. As I'd told my wife before we were married, I WISH the stuff DIDN'T happen, but it has. I suppose I'll start by sharing a few of the small things that have happened over my 54 years in Mississippi. I suppose the earliest ...
The Conjuring Movie Effect-revised! by phd
This experience was a couple of years ago when my friends and I decided to see "The Conjuring" as a birthday treat of a friend "N". There was one more person with us "A" so three of us. I must admit the movie scared the daylights out of me but my friends were too brave when it comes to paranormal an...
Crossing Over, A Families Experience by otteer
Reading another poster's experience about being with his father before he died made me reflect upon my own experience recently with my ex-husband's own passing. My ex came to live with my son and I when he was homeless and ill. He was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer soon after. I decided that even...
The Unseen Someone by Darcus
I'm a late blind. I never used to get scared of any ghost stories and I always enjoyed catching up with any horror movie. My friends considered me lucky because I was spared from watching the horrifying scenes. I never believed in ghosts and paranormal activities, but not until August 2015. We a...
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