As I lay in bed with my 2 year old daughter I watch her as she seems fixed on something at the end of my bed. I ask her if she's okay and she tells me she's scared. When I ask what of, she tells me of the scary man. I tell her there isn't a scary man just you and mummy but she tells me that there is a scary man standing right there. I ask her why is he scary and she tells me he bites her. This has happened tonight and we are now camped out on the sofa as I'm pretty freaked out.
This isn't the first time its happened we've recently moved house and in my old house I have seen a man but I didn't feel a negative energy the way I do now. I also don't have anybody close to me who has passed away.
However, I feel my whole life I've been followed and never alone, my mum tells me I was a strange child who used to talk of a past life in vivid and descriptive detail and prefer to play alone from a very young age and she would often hear me talking to no one in particular.
Someone please help me. Is this just a 2 year old who doesn't want to go to bed or something else? And if it is something else, what can I do?
When I ask her if the man the man is gone, she tells me no he's in my bedroom. She doesn't know his name and hasn't quite got the vocabulary to describe him.
She told me one night he had a book. And on a different occasion she came running out of her room at about 3 am saying the same thing. I told the man to go away, we don't have scary men in our house and as I went to put her back in bed the light which I know was off, was on. This used to happen quite often in our old house too!
I cannot help but wonder if there is a tramatic event in your and your daughters life OR something that happened in the house you have moved into...
You mentioned you had the feeling of being watched, but it was never a negative feeling... Then you moved... Is it correct to say that your 2 year old started 'seeing' the 'scary man' AFTER you moved into the 'new' home?
Thank you for sharing, please ask any questions you may have.