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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 157
Scary Experience Post My Delivery by strangelife
So am back after a long long time. Life just got so busy after my baby son. Job, looking after my baby and other household activities is so damn hectic. Was just going through the posts and remembered that I had to share one experience long before but just didn't get time for it. This happened r...
It Wasn't My Mom! by Fariya
This is my first story, that I experienced when I was 4 or 5 years old. At that time I used to live with my mom, dad and my elder brother who is 4yrs elder than me. We used to live in a very small one room kitchen apartment. It just had a small room and next to it was our bathroom. One evening i...
The Karate Classes! by Fariya
This is my second experience. It happened when I was 6yrs old. My mom, aunt and uncle are karate masters. My aunt and uncle used to teach karate at a nearby hall. It used to start at 6pm and end by 8pm. I used to go with them. One day it was my break time around 7:45 something and I was standing...
The Haunted Farm House (part 1) by Fariya
This is a true story about our farm house which was located in Shahpur village of Asangaon city, which is a bit far from Mumbai the capital city of Maharashtra. So we had this big farm house with 4 bedrooms, a huge living room and a very big open space in front, which was also used as rice farm ...
Hospital Spirits- The Little Boy by Faith001
Please bear with me, I'm not good in English. I was a nursing student, when I was in college third year, our clinical instructors said that we will be having our OJT at this hospital (I will not say the name of the hospital). Everyone in my group is excited because almost half of my clinical group m...
Demon Woke Me Up by Dsmrfnn
I remember this creepy thing still very strongly, because this was one of my scariest moment of my life. I remember I was about only 3-4 years old and I still remember this that bad. I asked for my mom and she said that I didn't never woke up in middle of the night for no reason when I was a kid...
Williamsburg Ghosts by JDCormany
Williamsburg, Virginia is perhaps the most historic location in the entire continental United States of America. It is where our nation was born and where life began. Some of the buildings that were constructed hundreds of years ago still stand and they still contain the energy of those hundreds of ...
Odd Feelings And Experiences by Armin
I was at a friend's house and we were trying to talk to one of her relatives, so we got on the Ouija board. We followed all the instructions, not playing alone and not asking certain questions. After a few minutes of no responses we were starting to give up and when we all took our hands off the...
Insanely Haunted House, Part 1 by Os07
My mother moved into an, at the time, new house with her partner. My brothers and sister. For a few days from the day they moved in, it was constantly haunted. They would hear voices. Often mimicing my mother's voice to her partner, my brothers and my sister. Especially when someone would be on t...
Insanely Haunted House, Part 2 by Os07
I decided to wait until the kids were at school and come over and do a Ouija board with my mother, I wanted to see if maybe the woman who passed was still there just wanting to be heard. My cousin decided to join in, my sister was there too, and my nanna so we all did the Ouija board together, with ...
My Nephews Night Terror And More by niaavea17
This is a true story of what I have been through with my nephew. Here's a little bit of a history to know since my brother came and left his two kids with me and my parents. In the year 2008 my nephew turned 6 years old. About 15 days after his birthday party it was the 1st of August 2008. That n...
Encounter With Grandma by lbs2011
My beloved father died in 1987 of cancer. On 5 Oct 1989 Daddy's mother (the best Grandmother ever) died in her home. I was stationed in Homestead, Florida working as a Government employee/Air Force Reservist and got the phone call of her death from my Mom. That Christmas I flew home to California to...
The Shadowy Hand by vaani123
This began to happen when I was home for about two or three months. My exams had just finished and now I had to wait for my results. Me and my family live on the first floor of our house and our ground floor is kept for renters. There was this weird family as our renters for a while. They were q...
The Chiming Clock by lbs2011
In 1992 Hurricane Andrew went through Homestead, Florida and my unit was then temporarily stationed in Tampa, Florida. During this time I flew my son back and forth from Tampa to Miami to be with his Dad. Due to this I had many "frequent flying miles" and was invited up to Fitchburg, Massachusetts f...
Small Town Hospital, Big Time Hauntings Part 2 by gfoutch17
This is the continuation of the first part of my story about the small town hospital that I work at in upstate New York with several ghosts and spirits locked away in its many departments. If you have not yet read it, I suggest you do, it contains some pretty wild goings-on, but to us who work there...
A Rendezvous With Death, And A Warning by SilverBreeze
I am twenty-three years old, and I have a phobia of coming across dead bodies of humans and butterflies (and feeling weirdly shaken and heavy-headed if I ever do). Years later after the incident I'm going to recount now happened, I still don't understand the purpose of it all. Before I start, it...
Fishing At Night by JoeEspinoza
It was a rainy day in Mexico, Huehuetan Chiapas. The river was flooded with mud because of the rain. My little bro and I decided to go fishing, it was around 9:00 p.m. It was a very dark and cold night, it was very silent too, the only thing you could hear was the flowing of the water. After half an...
Does This Seem Like It Should Be Worried About? by SilentDreams
So for a while I've been feeling two different presences in my room but never saw anything. Now, recently I've been noticing it a lot more and also noticing other things. Sometimes when I'm walking, usually by myself, I hear someone say or whisper my name in a really low voice. I turn around beca...
The Woman In The House by britclem1234
I moved into a three story house in Mundubbera with my mum and my 4 other siblings, the youngest was only 4 months at the time. I had moved into the room across from my mum's and every time I walked out of my room I noticed the youngest watching me from the cot. First I didn't think anything of it b...
They Were Reaching For Me by HunterOfGhost
When I was a child my father was in the navy, so my family and I moved around alot. Between 1980-1981 is when my story began. At that point in time I was 3-4 and we were living in a house my parents had rented in Salt Lake City, Utah. I don't remember everything about living in this house, however t...
A Demon Following Me My Entire Life, Now Wanting To Kill Me by EasyC
I do not know anything about demons, however I have experienced some paranormal activity, starting when I was a child, but my mother taught me that it was just a friendly spirit, not wanting to do any harm and she told me to ignore it. It wasn't until I was a lot older that I found out that her and ...
Is This Sleep Paralysis? by ThirteenStars15
I've been suffering from some kind of sleeping disorder for many years. What kind of sleeping disorder? I am not sure to say. I've tried searching up the symptoms on the Internet and the closest I could relate to is 'Sleep Paralysis'. But yet, I wasn't sure... For most of the examples I read on t...
Ouiija... Not A Toy! by earthangel67
I believe I was around the age of 12 - 13 when my group of friends decided to give a Ouija board a try. I'm not definite of my age, as I tend to be pretty bad at timelines of my past, but that doesn't hinder my memory of the event itself, as it has had a long and lasting impact on my life and indeed...
Grunkle John by carcinoGeneticist
My parents were divorced when I was three months old. My dad was utterly insane and was a raging alcoholic with psych problems on top of that already. My father lived in Kentucky while my mother lived in Pennsylvania where nearly all of her family was. Dad, on the other hand, only had a few peopl...
A Strange Ride by chria29
I was always a skeptic when it came to the paranormal until I had my own encounter. Up until that point I was just a somewhat normal teenage girl, always curious, and always looking for an adventure. Ten years ago, myself and 2 friends were just 3 young adults out looking for a good time. It was ...
It Wasn't My Cousin by zinia
I have several experience of paranormal stuff, this is one of them. This happened in the townhouse that I used to live before with my family. It was a duplex townhouse. One night I was in my master bedroom, doing something on my laptop. In another room my Aunt was sleeping with my two little cous...
My Family Makes A Sick Call: Part Ii by Seraphina
The first part of my story left off in the winter of 1976, when I was a twenty-seven-year-old divorced mother and grad student. Some supposedly minor surgery had resulted in life-threatening complications. The hematoma near my surgery site burst without warning. I'd been trying to slowly get out ...
Date Night Entity by Czech-Mate
My last story involving the paranormal happened in 2004 in the apartment complex that I still reside in to this day, but in a different apartment. Back in 2004 I had falling away from my Christian faith and had been practising a form of Gnostic Paganism. I had been quite active within my new foun...
Bad Hair Day by JoieAckerman
This event happened when I was in high school. My school is located in a province and of course, they said that it was once a cemetery/hospital; therefore, ghost stories were well known/spread there but we have never confirmed if these were true. This was way back 2007 during my Senior year, our gra...
Making Face by JoieAckerman
This is my second entry. Almost all of my experiences happened when I was in high school. Our school is located in our province in Bulacan and many ghost stories were spread and some were known to be true. But first, let me tell you a side story that will greatly contribute to the entire plot. W...
The Walkng Dead by Von
My father-in-law told me this story once. This was when he and my mother-in-law where still young and dating. It's not a very long story but it's pretty creepy. After visiting a friend late one night mom and dad jumped into the car and decided to drive down a certain road that was known to be hau...
My Biggest Regret by callmeD
Initially, "CHILDHOOD CURSE," was going to be the only story I post. Though it seems the community on YGS has taken an interest on the rest of my life. I do not know how to feel about it. Whether to feel flattered, inspired or otherwise, I have decided to post another one of my ongoing brushes with ...
Haunting Of Surrey Part 2 by Bushkin87
Hey good people, Sorry it has been a while, I have been moving and busy at work, but as promised here is part 2 and I hope you enjoy. As of an early age into my teens, soon after my mother passed, there were strange occurrences happening in our family home. My father's bedroom was downstairs and...
Pre-dawn Visitor by Agua
This happened around 1982 or 83. I would have been 20-22 years old at that time. I had party friends that I ran with regularly and, normally, on weekends we'd commonly spend the night at one of the gang's house and turn the entire weekend into a party. I was living at my parents' home at that time, ...
Floating In The Air by TheCavalry
I've experienced sleep paralysis a few times. This experience was quite different. I was about 15 years old and I was up late on a school night. I was dreading going to bed... I was looking for other stuff to do. I was avoiding my room altogether but I didn't know why. Finally, trying to be respo...
Wake Up! by caimor
So, this is my first encounter with what I believe is a spirit along with my first written piece on YGS. My boyfriend and I have moved into a small flat that's about 100-150 years old. Nothing major happened, misplacing small items to find them in other places but, I put this down to having a lot...
Feeling Scared by Tasfia_Farah
This is my first time writing. I have been reading lots of stories for a few months. These stories really scared me a lot though I don't believe paranormal so much. Anyways to the real story. A few days ago I just dozed off while playing games on my phone. Suddenly I woke up from sleep around 3:1...
First Time by slenapayne
Last night, October 6th 2015 I had the most terrifying experience of my life. I was sleeping next to my boyfriend and I believe daylight started to show through the blinds, maybe not I was so sleepy and terrified I can't exactly remember. I woke up suddenly, and was facing towards my side of the...
Haunted Since Childhood - How I Got The Spirit To Leave by Frael
So, where to start. At the beginning I guess. From the time I was a little girl, up until around a year ago, I have been followed by a dark presence from house to house. It started when I was about five years old and we moved back to Wigan after my parents had split up for the first time. At first w...
The Watching Little Girl by NinjaPirateAssasin
To this day, I don't know how I feel about ghosts. I know what I've seen over the years, and what I've felt. But I still don't want to believe. Maybe because I feel safer if I don't. This story happened when I was in (late) elementary school. This story has multiple parts, so bear with me. I kno...
Waverly Hills by HunterOfGhost
I have been doing paranormal investigations for the past 23 years. My team and I have been all over the place conducting these investigations. We have filmed a documentary and been featured on the show My Ghost Story. I often get asked what the craziest thing is I have witnessed during an investigat...
Black Orbs by Ldpets
I was spending the night at my mom's house. Me and my sister stayed up late to talk. I was sitting in a rocking chair in the middle of the living room while she was sitting to the left of me on the couch. She was telling me stories about being a witch and casting spells. I told her that I didn't...
Have I Been Followed By A Spirit? by MissSkeptical
In my previous story I explained the only experiences of the paranormal that I had had up to that point in my life. As I previously said, I'm still unsure whether to believe in the paranormal or not but I have recently had some odd experiences which I will share now. Since my last story we have g...
We Shouldn't Have! by harsha95
Greetings! This is another experience of mine regarding the cemetery (please read my first story BABY CRYING OR WAS IT HER? Which will give a gist regarding the cemetery which is exactly opposite to my house). So, it was in 2011, when I had my summer vacations on, and my cousin Aishwarya and her ...
The Female Protector by NinjaPirateAssasin
I think my house has a protector ghost. A female. My house is built on old farmland. Before that, Indians lived in the area (not sure if they specifically lived on the land my house is on). Pilgrims also traveled through here and lived in the area. The first time I saw this female ghost, I though...
The Little Boy? by Ivantheone
So I went to Mexico this past summer. I stayed at my uncle's house for 3 days only. The first day I got there they gave me a heads up that some have sworn to see a little boy walking down the stairs. Now this scared me. The room I slept in was on the side of the stairs. The first night there I w...
Grinning Man by Os07
My nan's house has always had the 'your not alone' feeling in it. I have seen orbs flying around with my own eyes. Usually snake like orbs. My mother has seen them too. I remember when me, my sister and my mother were living at my nan's while she was on holiday. We were sleeping in her spare room...
My Haunted House Experiences by Cosmo1
I've lived in this house my whole life with my younger brother, sister, mum and dad. I'm 16 years of age now and my mind still lays set on the fact that our house is haunted. It's an old house built close to 100 years ago, quite easily the oldest in the area. We've renovated majority of the rooms bu...
Bones Found And A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words by babygoatpuller
First off, let me say that without Valkricy's help on this, I wouldn't be submitting my story. More on her further down. Last Monday on Oct. 7 I was checking the KCRA 3 news app on my phone. It's how I stay up to date on the local news around here. The headline was "Police Recover Human Remains I...
Evil Spirit? by chousakura
It was summer, 2015. I was outside catching firefly since they start appearing and I want to catch them and kept them in a jar (don't worry, I release them after a while). My mom and dad telling me to stop because they will make you go blind but I ignore them. Then my mom start talking about som...
Reflection by lightgoddess
My story starts seven years ago. At age eighteen I just got into Wicca and my attacks started. They varied from me being held down to being chased up the stairs. Worried, I tried to find a solution. I reunited with my friend and she got me into church. That was my solution. I thought I was safe....
Aunty's House by earthangel67
This account is about my Aunt's house that was situated in the City of Bristol, England. A city with a great deal of history. The things that happened there span about seven years of my life. Most events I was witness to, but some were told to me by my Aunt. From about the age of 11 through to my...
Very Special Forces by JerryB
In 1965 I was eighteen years old, and a Private in the U.S. Army away from home for the first real time, and on reassignment orders to an overseas facility located at Kaiserslautern, Germany. Being new to the army I had never heard of the place. I was aware of Germany, of course, but never had a...
No Vacancy by JerryB
It was earlier this month, in October, that I saw something quite strange and find myself even today wondering what, or even who, it was that I actually saw. Here let me explain: I'm a self-employed contractor, working mainly in what's oftentimes in the hot sun in the laborious field of construc...
Protected By Our Dog by Dee-J
Date: circa August 1998 This is one event that I will never forget as long as I live. I recall the time being a few days or so before the new school year began. I think I may have just had my orientation earlier that same day or a few days before. Anyway, it was within the hour of 10 PM and I was...
The Malevolent Shadow by suman_4141
I just had gotten a job in a software company and had to shift to another city. I was a complete stranger and didn't know how to survive in a completely unfamiliar environment. Luckily, I made a few friends who helped me settle down. I was happy as I thought nothing could go wrong now. My friend,...
The Haunted Farm House (part 2) by Fariya
I'm back with my another experiences at our farm house. I request you to first read my (part 1) for better understanding of this part. Here are some of the things that I experienced at that farm house. 1) So, I was in this farm house of ours for summer holidays and I was around 5 at that time. I...
Childhood Ghost Story by Walkingdad86
This story takes place in south Texas, in the outskirt of a small farm town population 512. I was 5 years old at the time. We lived in a small 3 bedroom home, behind the house was an old storage barn. Nothing but farm land surrounded our home, it was a pretty eerie at night. While I would be pla...
A Few Experiences At My Old Apartment by chria29
I have this theory that once you experience the paranormal you are sensitive to it and are more likely to experience something again. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I never had anything happen to me before, boom something happens, and now every few months or so something else occurs. If you read "A Strange ...
My Shadow by danaka_albertson
My father's house is the same house he grew up in. When my grandma died he moved back in and I moved with him. I have always been able to feel energy and always felt something odd about this house. It started with me hearing whispers while I would try to fall asleep and then the whispers grew to...
Old Uncle Albert by HunterOfGhost
When I was 25 my father passed away suddenly. My siblings and I were all adults, and living on our own. My parents still lived in the place where all of us were raised when my father passed. It was way back in the country and about a 30-45 minute drive from town. My mother didn't drive as she ha...
My Hawaiian Ghost Stories by HawaiiFemme
A few of my cousins told me this story: In the 1980s, when they were children living in a Kaneohe apartment, they had a Ouija board that they played with. One day, they were hanging out at home together and one of their Barbies got up and started walking across the floor! My cousins threw the Ouija ...
The Graveyard Maid by gingerbug
It was a lovely autumn noon. Me, my parents and my granny were on our way to visit relatives. Everyone was a bit on edge as these family gatherings tend to be extremely awkward and competitive so they thought it was the perfect time to express their views on political matters which is always so deli...
First Old Home In The Country by Agua
Shortly before I married my first wife, my parents purchased a house in a small village about 35-40 miles south of Jackson, Mississippi. They'd advised that we could live in it and work on restoring / renovating it, or they'd do it themselves and keep it for a rental property. Since the ex and I bot...
The Library Jumper by The_Ghost_Master
In 1968, I was enrolled in a large college in central Florida when they first opened (Unfortunately I can't say which open due to legal issues). There I studied electrical mechanics. If I wasn't in the provided "state of the art" labs of the time, I was in the library reviewing new scholarly publica...
Menacing Dark Figure Over Sleeping Mom by TheCavalry
I've had many experiences as well as my brother and one of my sisters. There were 8 kids in my family growing up and only 3 of us kids have seen or experienced anything paranormal. This happened to my mom and my brother about 3 or 4 years ago (2012-ish). My mom has often been antagonized by evil ...
The Final Farewell Before The Departure by carol1
I've experienced a lot of paranormal things but nothing like what my husband and his family experienced in the following story. Around the time that me and my now husband were just starting to date, one of his oldest nephews (18) had just landed in the hospital due to his treatments for Leukemia....
Tall Dark And Scary by kaykay3313
My story takes place in a small town in Nevada called Tonopah. My story is 100% real. I wouldn't lie to you, I just thought you may like to hear this story. Tonopah is a small town in the middle of the desert. It was very prevalent with gold back in the old days but as soon as it was mined out a...
The Nursing Lady Part 2 by multiplyingchills3
The family moved in to the house six years ago, in October. The little girl, Lucy, and her brother, Brendan, were both excited, and Lucy had taken my old bedroom, and Brendan had taken the first of the two guest bedrooms. The mother and father got the biggest room, and this is where their story begi...
Papa And Freya by The_Puffin
This event occurred over the course of several months. Being in the military I had moved to Kansas the year prior and decided to change houses when my first rental home's lease ran out. We found a house that was slightly smaller than the one we had been in before, less yard, but in a quiet stree...
Small Town Hospital, Big Time Hauntings Part 3 by glfoutch17
This is the third and final installment in the Small Town Hospital, Big Time Hauntings story about a little hospital in upstate New York that is simply riddled with paranormal activity. S O far we have explored the 1st floor of the hospital, meeting noisy ghosts and apparitions in the Emergency R...
Someone Else's Memory by mrmonty
I am not really sure where this fits in, not sure it there is anything ghostly about it, but it is definitely paranormal. I would begin by saying I have regular medical exams and nothing unusual has appear in any tests, and I am in reasonable health but this is something that is just so strange I ju...
The Black Pictures by Ifimifimoo
I have a sleepwalking problem. I do a lot of weird things in my sleep which is not usually a problem, until one night. I suddenly woke up at about 4 AM and in a sleep walking state, I went on my phone. My phone had snapchat open (as I used it right before I went to bed) and I took a picture of t...
Strangest Ghost Story With Proof Or Not by stevensrd1
This is one of those stories that has proof, or rather lack of proof which is the proof. Just read further to understand. Also this is one of those stories that makes one wonder just who is the ghost here, given all the paranormal strange things me and my family has experienced over the years. But t...
Lemp Mansion by kaykay3313
This story takes place in a much bigger town, St. Louis, MO. My fiance and I moved their with his father in 2012. I was 19 years old. There are so many cool things to explore and discover in St. Louis, but we all decided to take a tour of a haunted mansion called Lemp Mansion. My soon to be father-...
Mischievous Ghost Haunting My Bedroom by StephenL
I, at the moment of writing this, am sixteen years old and have lived in the same house with my parents my entire life. We live in the house my father grew up in, a house of at least seventy years old in the suburbs surrounding Chicago. I know for a fact that my grandfather on my dad's side of the f...
My Mom Was Right About It by zinia
This is my second story that I am submitting but this happened I was back home (Bangladesh). My mom used to tell me to not go alone anywhere, specially by myself She still does. But I thought it won't never happened to me. I used to thought Jinn, spirit, ghost, whatever it is, it only happens in ...
Reassurance From My Sister by PoliexterLy
I had a sister named Johanna who died in 2010. I have written a story about her awhile ago talking about my last encounter with her (or so I thought). I had been dating this guy since the beginning of last year. I thought he was so sweet and amazing. Really what every girl thinks about a serious...
It All Started With A Cat by DrShivago
I would call myself a somewhat superstitious person but a recent bereavement in my family was, I believe, foretold by several aspects. I work rotating shifts days/twilight and nights, that particular week I was working the 11pm-7am shift and a lot of the time we're outdoors. One particular day it...
Impeccable Foretelling by DrShivago
One evening in October 2012, I was at home pondering my life as a single 32 year old male. I was asking questions like "When will I meet Miss Right?" A thought came to me make my own Ouija Board. I'd played with one when I was 13 and it scared the pants off me but I'd learned that if used for the...
The Sandy Figure by Claire_Ghosts
I had my first paranormal encounter when I was 8 years old. I was in grade 2 at primary school in Australia. I have a twin brother and live with both my parents. When I was 8, I was very interested in ghost stories and ghost sightings etc, you name it and I've seen it! So I had seen some pretty scar...
Cat Ghost by Blue_Daisy
I have been having experiences with, what I suspect, to be a ghost cat. For example, while resting one day, I felt my cat jump on the bed, pad over the bed and then lay on my feet. I even felt the sensation of purring vibrating on my feet. I thought it was so sweet because my cat rarely does that. I...
Are These Incidents Connected? by paranomal221
It all started after the bike accident of my dad (when I was 15, nearly 7 years ago). He had to immediately go to a meeting near Dhaula Kuan (New Delhi). He was driving alone but there was heavy traffic on the road. While riding, he felt some pressure behind him as if someone is sitting behind. All ...
Activity In My 200 Year Old Church Part 2 by christennnc
The weekend before my birthday, my church held a lock in for the youth. Although I am not in the youth anymore I was required to be there because I work in the Nursery of my church and I am required to be at all of the children and youth activities. I was talking to some of the girls about the activ...
The Night A Lady In White Came To Visit by VickyPollard
Over the course of my childhood, I came to experience a lot of strange occurrences while living in my home. Things would go missing, only to be found later in very strange places, doors seemingly locking themselves during the night, footsteps being heard when no one else was home, faint voices being...
Haunted House Or Haunting Me? by LivvieLife21
For the past 6 years in my house, I have thought it was haunted. I have heard things, seen things, and felt things. My mother thinks I'm insane and thinks I'm making it up, but I can assure you I'm not. One night I woke up in the middle of the night and I felt really scared. (My room is in the ba...
The Attic Rooms by LynxKatt73
First of all thank you for letting me join your website. I really hope that I can contribute here in a positive way. Though a little rusty at writing, I will try my best to explain to you what my family and I experienced in this home. And with any luck other experiences we had later on for you all, ...
Black Cat by jewelre
These strange sightings happened 2 years ago in the living room... *Few years ago I had a black cat named Salem but I called him Boochucky lol. He ran away after I had him for 2 years and I never had a cat since. One day running down the stairs at a glance I saw a black cat sitting in the livi...
The Pointing Lady by mspackman15
I have lived in Heber Springs Arkansas my whole life. Those of you who have never been there, it is a lake town. Full of small, old gas stations and farm land for miles. Mountains and bad reception is what it's known for. But beautiful lake. Our camp is about 30 minutes from the nearest highway ...
Strange Visitor by Alice_Wienke
My boyfriend and I moved into a bigger apartment in our building after the previous tenant had moved out. We knew our old neighbor and he was a sweet elderly man who loved telling stories about his younger days. He was diagnosed with cancer and shortly after moved out. We jumped at the opportunit...
The Phantom Intruder by NinjaPirateAssasin
I'm not entirely sure if this is a ghost story, but I thought I would post it on here anyways because I have some reasons to suspect otherwise. To give some ideas about my house - my room is on the second floor and I always sleep with the door closed and locked. My parents' room is near my bedro...
Doppleganger Classmate by JoieAckerman
My school is located in Bulacan province. It was said that the location of our school was a cemetery before and then became a hospital, in which case ghost stories were widely spread in the campus. It was during our 3rd year high school level when this happened. It is the policy of our school to...
25th Floor by JoieAckerman
I have experienced ghosts during high school and I have never though that I will again experience it during my working life. I am working at an office in Makati. It was during my second week when this happened. I was working as a receptionist at the 29th floor and one of our jobs is to assist cli...
The Neighbor by kaykay3313
This story actually happened in the beginning of this year (2015). My fiance and I moved back to California from St. Louis, MO. We moved due to all the riots, racism and homesickness. We made the move in December and went straight to my mother's house in Hemet, CA. Then in January we went to Mecca, ...
Dream That Seemed Real by suman_4141
It happened on 18th October. We had guests around so I, mom and my aunt slept in our bedroom, while my cousins were sleeping in the guest room. Probably around 3:45 am, the door of our bedroom slammed shut and it made a really loud noise, which woke everyone in our house. Maybe it was because of the...
New Office, New Spirit 2 by triden07
Following my first story about the spirit who is wandering around our offices, I have some more to tell. The spirit is a man, somewhere in his 30's to 40's. He not only had a personal connection to the house, either living here or just spending a lot of time here, but he was part of the renovatio...
The Local Church by earthangel67
I grew up in a rural area in the County of Somerset, England. The small village I hail from had one shop, a primary school, a Church of England Church, a village hall and a pub. It was a, not so, sprawling metropolis, situated on a hill that was the first in the range of hills known as the Mendips. ...
After Hours In The Library by RCRuskin
I've been fascinated by ghostly things for most of my life, but I've only personally experienced one event which, to me, only allows a ghostly explanation. At the time, I was working as a part time librarian at a community college. Part of the campus had been built over an old Roman Catholic ceme...
Reach For Me by MFoutch
My name is Maria. You may know my husband as he has posted on here Small Town Hospital, Big Hauntings, and I figured I would share a few of my experiences. My husband and I work at the same hospital in a small town, the name cannot be disclosed for privacy purposes, but be assured this hospital is a...
A Night I Will Never Forget by niko1937
One night during the winter of last year my sister, her boyfriend, and I decided to perform a séance to find out who had been haunting the boyfriend. We got all the materials needed and began the cleaning rituals before beginning. After cleaning and blessing the altar, we started the séance. We st...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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