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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 166
The Scream by shadow17
First to start, my story may sound like a dream or an illusion of some sorts, but it's not, I have no idea what it was but I know I was fully awake and conscious. This happened a couple years ago (not exactly sure) but it was the middle of the night, when everyone in the house was asleep (just to ...
My Best Friends Ghost by cheercat
Let me start off by saying I am not particularly a scaredy cat however, when it comes to my best friends old house I now turn in to a clinger who can't step foot in the basement without another human being by my side. Back in middle school my friend Christina invited some friends over to play with h...
Our First Home Together by deegeecoo
My boyfriend (let's call him S) and I started to rent a tiny 400 year old thatched cottage two years ago. It is in the middle of the countryside, right next to the river and some forests in the middle of nowhere. Our cottage is number 4, in a row of 5. All there is to our tiny little house is quite...
2 People, Same Nightmare, Same Time! by saadsayed8
I have been reading a lot of stories on this site and I finally decided to share one of mine. I live in a city called Pune in India. I live with my parents and younger sister. My sister is 22 and I am 26. Lately, we have been having weird experiences in my house, from voices to shadow people, to my ...
Difficult Year by triden07
Empath / Sensitivity Warning. Mediums, be warned This year shaped up to be another tough one. And due to the fact that there is an exorbitant amount of stress in our lives, our "spirit family" seem to be dialing things back. Although things still do happen. In February of this year (the 7th to...
The Selvidge Ghost by cheercat
It was my first day in middle school. I remember being super eager to talk to everyone and make as many new friends as possible. As a result I met a ton of new people including some of the older kids which was a "super" big deal back then. At one point someone had mentioned to me that there had been...
Spirits In Our Home by BigBen2Mac
This is probably a pretty common story for this site, but not for us. I'll try to be as specific as I can, but most of this is about my wife's experience (s), and she just doesn't want to talk about it or relate to this site. Not because she doesn't believe in the spirit world, she just believes tha...
Spirit Coming Into You/being Born And The Black Figure by themurph
It's been awhile since I posted anything and this one event puzzles me. What's the first thing you remember being alive or earliest memory? I remember this well as my spirit was coming down high from the sky. Looking straight down I had no control to move just along for the ride type thing. Once my ...
Was This Sleep Paralysis? by annie16
I stated in my previous stories that I had only had 3 distinct experiences. This one was not counted amongst them as I do not know what this was. I was 21 when my husband at the time and I had just moved into a new house in Arconpark, Vereeniging. About 2 weeks after we moved in my son was born. ...
An Animal Growl by PriyankaMenon
This experience is something different related to an animal. I can't really say whether it was really an animal but it was an horrible experience for me. The first incident related to animal happened almost 3 years back. That time I was staying in college hostel. It was noon and I was sleeping i...
Manderson House by Bringel
As I've explained in my other stories I'm extremely skeptical when it comes to the "paranormal". I usually brush things off as being weirdly coincidental but there's a part of me that is curious. The home that I live in with my husband and two children has been a part of my husband's family since ...
Does It Come From The Attic? by Erieri98
Before I get on with the story, I will tell that now I am in high school and these have been happening ever since we moved to our new house. This is a fairly old house with two floors, basement and an attic next to my room. The door is in my sister's room. My sister and I live in the upstairs and re...
In Memory Of My Uncle by Hayat
Five years have passed since I last checked this site... I do apologize for that, but I am back now with the last set of my uncle's experiences. Yes the last set of stories, he passed away in a car accident earlier this year, what a great year 2016 has been eh? We are all utterly devastated, it wa...
Grandpa George by flowersnroses
I think I have told this story to everyone I meet because it makes me feel happy and bubbly inside. So a little over two years ago my grandpa George passed away, it was really heartbreaking for my whole family especially my grandma. But this story takes place last year when I was at my grandm...
Mischievous Ghost by Melovher
This is my very first post, I have had a couple of experience with this supernatural stuff but this one still bugs me until now. I experienced this phenomenon a couple of years back when I was still in college... It started as a simple weekend for me and my family, that particular morning my mom ...
Playful Ghosts by youka
The house I grew up in was build by my dad in 1989. Its located I a quiet family house area in a small old town in the north of Germany. Strange things started already to happen under the building process. My dad would be at the building area every day, while my mum was back home with me and my si...
Is This Paranormal? by HunterJack
Friends! First of all please forgive me for my English. Because I don't know English grammatically. This is my first paranormal incident happened in my life. This has happened when I am studying grade 10. I am prepared for my board exams, everyday I spend overnight for studying. One day may be 1 p...
Playing In The Pantry by Gingerlo70
My story begins in the small town of Gnadenhutten Ohio. I usually fly to Ohio usually at least twice a year to see my friend. It was May 8th 2016. My friend had always told me the story of the little boy that's been seen haunting their house on several occasions and I knew it wasn't made up mostly b...
Was I Asleep? by Mishell
During 2001 I was living in a two bedroom unit with my then partner. During this time he was doing night shift and I was working early mornings. These experiences happened over five nights. I would go to bed quiet early and my partner had already left for work, I would fall asleep and after a few ho...
Do Children Attract Spirits? by kentucky_believer
For several months, I worked at a preschool. When I first started working there, another teacher-lets call her Annie-told me the school was haunted. At first, I thought she was just messing with the new girl and brushed it off. I now realize that I should have listened to Annie when she warned me. ...
A Clash Of Personalities by Bibliothecarius
In the very late 1990s, I was renting the basement of my parents' fifth American home (they do move a lot!) while I sorted out my post-Bachelor's Degree plans. I'd been accepted to Grad School to earn a Master's Degree in Literature, but I needed to find a place to live in Worcester, Massachusetts. ...
My Grandmother's Village by royalbitchnesss
This story take place when I went to my grandmother's house Kota Tinggi, Semenchu at Malaysia. It was a December Holiday, so my family and I make a plan to go to my grandmother place since we never been there foe quite long. My siblings and I were excited to go to the Kampung (Village). So we goi...
Childhood Experiences On The Farm by roccermom85
I have had quite a few experiences growing up at our old farmhouse in Ohio. What better place to start than at the beginning of our time at the house! My parents divorced when I was around three months old and my mom very quickly met and married my step dad. Prior to my mom and step dad getting m...
Black Shadow With Red Eyes by mothman125
When I was younger I experienced a few odd occurrences that I knew my family's house was haunted. This experience shook me the worse and 18 years later, still gives me goosebumps thinking about it. I was 13 at the time, my whole family and I were witting in the living room watching TV. Got up to ...
My Dogs Barked, And I Saw Her Smile At Me by maggirockz13
This incident is new to me. It happened a month ago (July 2016). Short information about me and my new place: I have passed my 12th grade this year and appearing for my further studies in Mumbai itself. I don't own any house, me and my family stay in rent so we usually change from places to places....
The Gift Of Knowing There Is An Afterlife by Rudyd
My True Story. I have experienced five supernatural events through the power of The Supreme Source, not sure if I should say through the power of God so I chose the Supreme Source. I think you will understand why. The first event is probably the easiest one for me to convey. If you can come to grips...
The Black Mist Joy Ride by Light31
After reading a recent story, I've decided to create an account and post a similar (yet not as bad) encounter with an entity. Shortly after my wife and I got married we lived in a two bedroom apartment on the lower of two levels in Roseville, MI. The door to the apartment next to ours was across...
Need Help About Shadow Man by alone1303
I have been seeing this shadow person since I was little. I first started seeing him in my old house in Ohio. He is tall and all black with red eyes. He would watch me while I sleep. Some nights I would wake up and not be able to move and I would see him. I moved to Florida and I stopped seeing him,...
My Cousin's Soul by willow12
It was 1995. My cousin Dan was 20 years old. Two weeks from his 21st birthday. Dan, his girlfriend and his brother Doug had just bought a mobile home and rented a lot to put it on. During hook up an accident took his life. I loved my cousin very much. He was a wonderful kind hearted person who w...
He Came Back For Them by why_not
This is my first story on YGS, well, technically this isn't my experience, but my mum's when she was 20 years old, (currently 53). Anyway, let me give you a basic layout of the rooms of the house in which the story consists in. The dinning hall connects with the entrance of the house, (the entrance ...
Wood Like Figure by Melovher
We all have our share of ghostly experiences, I'm sure none of these experiences are forgettable due to their supernatural nature but nothing in my opinion would beat the first encounter. Mine happened 20 years ago when I was just 5 years old, in our old house. It started as an ordinary busy week...
The Ouija House by razorback95
For the last month and a half my friends and I have been investigating a house that my friend and I had stumbled upon that was a truly masterful piece of nature reclaiming the home. This is the story of what my collection of friends and myself have experienced. Lets rewind six months to early ...
Is This Paranormal / Ghostly Activity? by cristinpls
This is my first story here and I hope it makes sense. It will probably be a bit rambly but I'll do my best to cover the basics and not rant too much. It's also perhaps worth disclosing that as a child I used to sleepwalk and still now I experience sleep paralysis on a regular basis, although I d...
Could They Be Pixies Or Sprites by Qen
We used to live in a remote farm up in the highlands of Tanjay, Negros Oriental (Visayas Region). I was young about 6+ years old. One day, we were harvesting peanuts with my mom and siblings. It was Sunday. This is also the day where by father and big brother went to Amio, Sta. Catalina to buy some ...
Slamming Of The Doors by GinaFowler
I didn't experience this first hand, however, I saw the aftermath and me and my twin sister (Rhonda) still talk about it to this day; twenty one years later. Rhonda and I were 18 years old at the time and in our second semester of our Senior year. That particular morning, Rhonda woke up and just ...
Few Experiences With Animals Ghosts by tehblackcat
So, I am 27 years old and I have seen things since I am 11. At least that I am conscious of it. My mother told me, after I reported to her what I have been seen, that I used to play with her brother, my uncle, as a baby, he died before she married my father. She used to see me playing alone, but see...
My Disappearing Friend by Allicatt
When I was younger my parents and I tended to move a lot, mainly because my Mom despised staying in one place for too long. As she often said " There are simply too many things to do and see, so why settle?" I was seven when we she got a job offer in Springfield Missouri at the primary school, o...
The Man By The Door by babysmooch
This is my first ghostly encounter that I have only let a few people know about. Although, I have tons more to tell that I have experienced myself throughout the years. It was a Friday night, I think, and me, my sister, Amber, and my cousin, Mary didn't have school so, we decided to spend the wee...
The Lady That Never Existed by maggirockz13
This incident happened with my Father's cousin Brother. Uncle Gopal (named changed for safety). It happened in year 2009, that time my Uncle lived in Mumbai, Maharashtra (Now lives in Kolkata, west Bengal). A little background of Mumbai city: Mumbai is called the city of lights in India, and my u...
Green Woode Cemetery Photo Bomb by SomeCallMeTim
Last weekend, I was visiting a friend who recently moved to Brooklyn, New York. Nearby is Green Woode Cemetery, over a hundred acres of monuments to the rich people of Manhattan dating to the late 19th century. In addition to the fact that most of the mausoleums are bigger and grander than the house...
Visitations And Astral Projection by Kittahkatt
I began having these strange experiences at a young age but I've only began to understand them in the past few years. It started before I could remember, I would talk to what I called an "angel" and described as having one arm. My sister would ask me what she would say but I would just stare at her ...
Trickling Water Phenomena by bestiabodom
I've been experiencing activity in my house for as long as I can remember, but within the past year something new has been happening and I was wondering if anyone would be able to shed some light on it. In my kitchen I sometimes have the feeling that water has just dripped on me from the ceiling...
Our Family's Protector Or Something Else Entirely? by UpbeatTyler
After reading stories on this site for a long time I finally made an account for myself and submitted my own story and questions that have been bugging me. It's going to be a really long story, but it thinks it will be necessary for the background. First of all, I want to apologize in advance...
A Terrifying Entity by vargtass
I'm a long time lurker here who wanted to share a really unsettling and downright scary thing that happened to my friend a couple of years ago when she lived in her former apartment. We hope to maybe get someone here who have any theories what it might have been or just some general feedback. I ...
I Got Your Back by Allicatt
This experience took place in a darker part of my life when I was seventeen, that is still hard to look back on. At the time my home life was beyond hell. My parents had separated when I was ten and as soon as she walked out the door the abuse began.Dad's excuse in half hearted apologies was that I ...
Ghost Engraving Words by EggMcMuffin
The following story happened, no lie. It is a bit disturbing but 100% real. I never told anyone about this. 2016. This is the weirdest year ever for me, because I have had multiple paranormal experiences. The first one was when my dad was on a walk and I was home alone, when I walked into the kit...
The Cabin by purpletrees
Recently, June 2016. I was invited to join a friend and her family at a lake in NC. I arrived on Saturday morning, but all cabins were booked for the night. The group of us enjoyed the day at the lake and playing card games at one of the houses. I decided to check on any cancellations for a cabi...
My Step Dad Passing And Picture by chelscp11
3 years ago I remember I was on my way to costco and I couldn't shake this feeling I was having. It was as if something horrible happened but nothing had happened. I kept telling myself that everything is fine. My anxiety was through the roof. The next day I received a phone call from my brother he ...
The Very Beginning by Levy-chan
In my dreams, I had two creatures that always present, in every dream, I felt them. However, they didn't limit themselves to my dreams. I'm being "haunted" by two things; I don't know what. I was six when I first dreamt of them, at fourteen I started feeling them in real life. At sixteen, I start...
Haunted Kitchen Sink by Smitty16
So, I wanted to share this experience from when I was around 7 years old. It's not a very eventful story, but it is still my experience. I used to be friends with this girl, we're going to call her Kristen just for the sake of privacy, and because I am not close with her anymore. Kristen and I ...
Followed Home By A Poltergeist by BrittBass01
Hey,this is my first time posting. I've been having experiences since I can remember. So about a year ago I was visiting my sister. Before I left her house I was feeling rather deppressed, because I didn't want to go home. I came to the conclusion that it had followed me home from my sisters. I was ...
Aggressive Shadow Man by BrittBass01
All my life I've been able to see paranormal entities. Well I've been seeing shadow men for a while and never thought anything of it. I've never felt threatened by them. They were never interested in me. They just walked around as if they were looking for something. A couple nights ago me and my...
12 Years Of Fear by pagankitty321
When I was around eight, my family moved to into an average house, with three bedrooms, one bath, and a basement. Like most children in a new house, I had trouble sleeping that first night. The next night I seemed more aware of things and heard noises in the vents. This kept happening until one nigh...
Always Around by legion777
To start out my friends and readers... I can say my sensitivity started when at 5 days old I had a 50/50 chance at living, a gift and a curse now 36 years old I don't call myself a psychic or medium... I like the word healer and boy have I done a lot of just that! To clear up something I call it a ...
I Felt Something by AliKing
I have been reading stories on this site for maybe over a year now and I'd finally like to share one of my own personal experiences. I have always believed in the paranormal but never really encountered anything spooky until 19 May 2016. I don't know if what I'm about to tell you is actually a paran...
Motel 6 And Anna by WintersAzazel
In my early teens, I began seeing spirits. Maybe I had been seeing them before, and simply brushing them off as figments of my overactive imagination, but all I know is my early teens is when I remember them really becoming noticeable. They started off as blurs barely distinguishable from the co...
Whaley House by bspilker
Last Summer I was down in San Diego taking a class for my job. One night a couple of buddies of mine decided to do one of those Ghost Tours down in Old Town San Diego. Now I wasn't really expecting much out of it but I figured it would be interesting just for the history in itself. The Tour star...
Stalker Clad In Black 2 by DirtCreature
I notice that most of my experiences happen around the evening. From the first time I saw shadow people as a child to now, I've tended to see, feel, or hear anything nearing 6pm into the wee hours of morning. One night I was sitting by myself at my laptop and felt someone touching me once more. I've...
Imaginary Friends by silent_insanity
WARNING: This will be a lengthy read. I'd like to start by saying I'm sort of new to YGS so if I'm not familiar with any etiquettes I apologize in advance. Seeing as this is my first submission, I would like to give you a little bit of background information on myself so that I can try to keep...
My Dog Knew by KoopaCake
When I was younger my family would move from house to house quite often. When I was around 14 my mother, sister and I moved into a rental home in a small gated community near Sarasota, Florida. It seemed like just another normal move when weird things started happening. The way the house was set...
Demonic Encounter? by moondog
Late one night my insomnia got the better of me and after hours of tossing and turning I gave up and came downstairs to make coffee. My dog decided she would take this rare opportunity to go for a late night walk and I thought since it was a cool evening maybe it would do us both good. I decided to ...
Children Sense It Better by KoopaCake
To this day, I'm not sure if I've been able to project my nightmares straight into my room as I awaken while I am coherent enough to talk to anyone who may be with me nearby or I actually saw ghosts in my childhood home but what I saw and heard felt so real. When I was really little my parents would...
Something Was Following Her And Other Happenings by Evenstar
I have been in this site for a while just reading your experiences and now this is time to tell you some of my own. 1. I was on my usual morning walk with my dog, it was sunny and pleasantly warm weather. We turn onto this parklike path that is between a school and a area where there is mostly o...
Alien Creature by BrittBass01
Hey! Just some introduction here, I've always been interested in paranormal things. This story happened recently. I've always believed in aliens but never came in contact with one. I've seen things like lights in the sky before but nothing spectacular. Well one night about 11, me and my boyfrie...
Granny Visiting For My Daughter's Birthday by kirovmom
My mother's mother had been living with my parents for almost three years before she passed away in March 2016. She was suffering from Alzheimer's for the past several years and often had strange stories to share with us. While at my parents' house, she swore there was a little boy who kept eating f...
Tour Of Terror by kaitlin406
Before I begin this story I should probably give some background about the place the ghost experience took place and about myself at the time. This particular event happened around a year ago in Victoria, Australia at a well known asylum called Aradale Asylum and was pretty much where the 'loonies...
Nan. Is That You? by coolan
First of all I want to say I have been reading stories on this site for a long time. I've always been interested in the paranormal. In fact most of my family have. The person I'm about to talk about was very much a believer. My dear old nan. Before her passing she always joked about haunting us, we ...
The Orb: A Cat's Tale by Blueraven
In 1992 I lived alone in an apartment and adopted a cat named Jasper. He lived for 15 years before dying of old age. He was my only pet during that time. Jasper was a large Maine Coon, but without the laid-back personality. He was short tempered and strong willed... But we understood each other. ...
Through The Veil by Hollyhock
Behind my grandma's house, there is a woods with a creek. Usually, it dries up in the summer. Last summer, I went to go look at it. I didn't go into the woods too far, just slightly off the path. About 5 minutes. When I was flipping over rocks, I heard some branches breaking and hid behind a fall...
Be Careful Of The Ghosts That Follow You Home by NikkiB
I truly enjoyed the Lawrenceville Ghost Tour on October 31st. Our tour guide Manny Moonshine was excellent. I wish I would have known I would actually have events now happening in my house. Two days after the tour my CD player has turned itself on, and my boyfriend and I woke up at 4:30 AM heari...
Faceless Apparition - Longstanton, Cambridge by Robbo1
This relates to a time when I moved from my hometown in Doncaster, South Yorkshire to Cambridge after graduating at Sheffield University in business. I started a trainee managers position with a well known British retailer in Bar hill, Cambridge and moved into my girlfriends parents house. After ...
I Don't Think It Likes Me Much by lostheartsx
This is my first time on YGS and my first story so I hope you all enjoy. I don't claim to have much knowledge in the paranormal however I am extremely interested in it. This was my first ever experience that could be possibly paranormal. Perhaps not. Please let me know what you think. I got with ...
Teddybear Antics by Sti5na
In my previous story, I told about how I had my first supernatural experience after I met my boyfriend. For a long time after the whole sliding door incident and so on, nothing really happened. I haven't really felt anything touch me again or so on. Until my boyfriend brought me a present... W...
The Lady On The Bench by goteamgo5
In my hometown there is bike trail that used to be a railroad. The railroad was ripped up and it is now a very nice gravel path. They have added lots of plants and benches along the way over the years. It goes for 24 miles. It's called the Great River State Trail. I grew up using this trail, and hav...
The Last Time Around by Xylee21
Hey! This is the second story I would like to share. I'm thankful that my first one got shared and passed the criteria of this site. I'm just so glad that I was able to share my experiences to someone at last. Anyway, here goes the story. My very first encounter with the unknown/supernatural took...
Growl, Tap, Slam by queenpashon
I will start by saying I have always been fascinated by the paranormal. Fascinated but very afraid at the same time. I hope that makes sense. The story take place in St. Louis, Missouri. I had moved there in 2010 (I was 20 at the time) for a few months with my older sister Farrah (name changed) and ...
The Affliction by Escorpiona
I have been reading stories on this site for over 8 years (a lurker) and only recently joined. This is my first story as told to me by my grandmother, my mother and her sister. It's the reason I read stories on this site. My family is from the island of Puerto Rico. This is a place in my heart that...
My School's Ghosts by ProjectGrenade
This is my first post here so I hope it's okay. Just a little background, I spent the first 10 years of my life in Singapore, (I'm now 14. Yeah.) And I moved to Australia right before my 10th birthday. I first went to the school in this story in year 1, and I started experiencing these things, an...
A Night At The Dub by skeletonsRIOT
I work at a A&W to start off, when I started my supervisors told me about the building apparently being haunted by a ghost, I thought I'm the newbie and they're just messing with me. I am now a supervisor and have a key to close up and open the Dub* (short for A&W), during the summer time I was clos...
Alarm Bells In The Hospital by Kindly_refrain
This account, as my last one, involves strange goings on surrounding my mother. Some might consider the following as merely a coincidence but I find the odds of that being so, astonishingly small. While not strictly "ghostly" I believe that it was orchestrated by those not in the physical realm. ...
The Shadow Stalker by JethroJ133
My whole life I've had something following me. At first I would just feel a presence around me but as I got older it worsened. I was 11 when I had my first actual contact with the entity. It was late one night when I decided to grab a drink, I opened by eyes and when I sat up I noticed my bed was su...
New House Ghost by Keith22
We, my wife and pet dog Sasha, moved into a newly constructed home in an expanding village just outside of Aberdeen Scotland. It had all the trappings we wanted of an expensive home. We had been in the house for a few months when we noted that the perfume bottles stated being moved around each ni...
Becoming A Beacon? by Rusty_Kitten
A bit of history before I begin this story. Despite having higher functioning Aspergers, I have always been able to pick up on certain things. Feelings, atmosphere, whatever you want to call it. When I was thirteen, I had a horse riding accident. The moment it happened my mum knew despite being mile...
Haunted, Possessed Or Gifted? by tristanparker
Hey, I really do not know where to begin with any of this, a lot of "unexplained" goings on has happened to me or even those around me since I was born and when I say a lot, I do mean "A LOT". I remember different things that have happened to me at different times - there is too many to count and it...
My Most Recent Sleep Paraysis by cleanfood
This is my first story so here goes... I been experiencing sleep paralysis since I was a child. It happens more frequently the older I get (I am almost 22). I have had numerous real and alarming experiences but I will talk about those in another post. After I left for class yesterday I went s...
My Kids And The Ghost by mark
Its been awhile since I wrote a story, mostly because I was so busy with life and having two little kids running around the house. I've had experiences with spirits all my life, so has my mother, and other members of my family. I did some research into this and I probably have some empath abilities,...
Old Farmer Or Slave? by 2drgns
I've never considered myself to be sensitive to ghosts or spirits and I've never held a firm believe in whether they exist or not but I have always considered myself to be objective. The events that have taken place since moving to our current home have led me to think I'm not alone here. In 2...
Disappearing And Reappearing Diamond Pendant by BeagleMom
This is really not a ghost story, but rather an unbelievable occurrence. I received a diamond and white gold pendant from my husband to celebrate our first wedding anniversary back in 1967. Years later, while my hubby was deployed to Guam during the Vietnam "Conflict", I had it on and was shoppi...
Was I Too Tired Or Was It An Unknow Force? by roylynx
I do not know if I can call this a Haunt or a trick. We went to an Asian festival last month during the last week of the summer holiday. We went to a location where they had what they call "Kimodameshi", translated as to test your courage. Basically, it was a "man-made" haunted place, where there wi...
Knock On The Door... No Ones There by Rajine
Good day to all readers, I have read a lot of stories on this amazing site and I've decided to share a few personal stories and incidents that have happened to me. I would like to start off with something that happened to me twice (same year but months apart) it was in 2009 and I was 20 at the t...
The Unwelcomed Tenants by Enlightened1959
I'd first like to say that I am so excited to have stumbled across this site! Coming from a family who has dealt with these type experiences our whole lives, I am always looking to read others' experiences. For years and still today I feel that this topic is not one that is open for discussion to ev...
Just A Little Diy Advice by DandelionQueen
We've been living in our current home for about a year. I fell in love with the house at first sight; it felt like it was meant to be ours. But something really surprising happened here about a week ago. First I should say that this is not the first peculiar experience I've had here, although it ...
Accidently Conjured A Spirit by liv_sunset
Up to this point in my life I don't really remember seeing or sensing any thing paranormal. So...When I was 14 I decided to get a library card for something to do during the summer. I am an only child, few friends and just generally would rather stay in and read. I did the usual young teen sto...
The Demonic Face Of The Queen Mary by Jamie87
I've never been one to jump to conclusions about the paranormal. I always debunk before assuming an orb or blurry mist is a ghost on camera. That being said, there is no mistaking the photo captured when I went on the ghost tour on the Queen Mary. My boyfriend and I went on this tour expecting nothi...
Our Full Moon Visitor by pspalko
Back in the beginning of May 2015, my husband and me decided to take in the full moon and try out our new fire pit in our backyard. As always, I usually have my phone easily accessible to take pictures and I wanted to get a good one of the roaring fire. What I noticed thereafter blew me away. While ...
Unmistakable by triden07
As those of you who have read some of my posts know, my maternal grandmother is one of the guardians in my home. She passed away when my mom was 5 years old and has looked out for her kids ever since. She is also not the easiest spirit, if you ask people like my medium friend, Tim. She was a ster...
The Warning Burn by MorganaBrookfire
I am a 35 year old married mother of two children. We live in Hot Springs, Arkansas, where we moved with my in-laws about six years ago. We moved here from Seattle, WA where I was born and raised, because my in-laws inherited some apartment complexes, and we decided to relocate and run the apartment...
My Haunted Chair by AngelinaM
This story starts about 7 years ago. We just moved into a new house, that needed so much work. When one of the walls were taken down there was the most unusual and beautifully carved chair back, at first I thought it was a frame to a mirror. As the weeks passed, we came across a boarded up stora...
Bent Door Handle by JessFinney24
So I was at my dad's a few weeks ago and I was hearing noises coming from the kitchen during the day up to around 12am. We have a "security system" in the house (okay, it's cat feeders with cameras and wifi) and I was checking the cameras from the living room (there's three cameras, one in the hall,...
Our Little Bungalow by ohthatsfreaky
This is my very first story so please bear with me. To start out my husband (M), 8 year old son (D) and I are all sensitive to the paranormal. Me and my son talk about our experiences together, and are open to the spirit world. I'll post those stories later. M is a little more guarded when it comes ...
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