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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 199
T-hill Light by Weirdchick_97
This story took place in Thermopolis, Wyoming. At the beginning of June '23, my girlfriend and I were staying there on a week-long vacation. One night after dinner, we went on a walk by the river in Hot Springs State Park. Across the river and up the bank, a road goes past T-Hill. It is named for th...
Spooky Elevator Voice by UnknownSoul
When people ask me about spooky experiences, I always think of one unforgettable event from my childhood. It happened 20 years ago when my grandma passed away. In our culture, we gather as a family for three days after someone's death to remember and pray for them. My grandma (maternal side) pass...
Grandma's Creepy Closet by Mikey85
Growing up, my Grandma lived in the apartment upstairs in the same complex where my family and I lived. It was an old building with only twelve apartments in total. She resided in apartment 2874, while we lived in 2868. Since before I was born, Grandma had been living alone. However, she had thi...
Quaint Wasn't So Quaint by Desdemona
Many years ago, my husband and I moved to southern Colorado for his job. We settled into this quaint little two-bedroom apartment in a 75-year-old house in an old mining town. At first everything seemed so nice. It was small but quaint, lots of windows, a nice little fenced in yard for our dogs to p...
A Wail Out In The Mountains by mighty_light
My story involves a close friend from the office whom I shall refer to as Edna. Edna is what one would consider very sensitive to the otherworldly. From the stories that she's shared to me and our friends, she could see ghosts and spirits since she was a child. I think she inherited it from her mot...
Grandma Came To Visit Me by Kest
Grandma came to visit me one last time. This story is very personal for me. It occurred a little over a year today but I still remember it so clearly. I feel as if I took a little paranormal break for a little while. I worked through some personal things. Some job things that led to depression. Then...
Ghosts After School by boris_stoynov
One day when I was 15, around 2002 - 2003 I came back from school like any normal day. I live in Sofia, so McDonalds was the easiest and great of lunches and I brought some lunch home and I sit to watch a show called Ghost Hunters. Since I was 3rd grade I started to get interest in the paranormal,...
My Friend's House by Kest
A couple of years ago a coworker/friend was stressing out. Her husband and son wanted to go on a hunting/camping trip and she had no one to watch her cat. I told her I love kitties and I would be very happy to watch the kitty! The night before she left I went to her house to see where the cat food w...
A Hair-raising Office Encounter by mighty_light
This story is about two of my encounters in my previous company's office. The area, where I worked, used to be the runway of an old airport that predated WW2 - built in the '30s. By the '60s it was decommissioned as another airport was built on an adjacent island. The land sat mostly empty until ...
Weird Experience by MidnightRain
This incident took place when I was in my school hostel as I was a SEE student. SEE is a very important part of every teenager's school life as it determines which subject are we going to take in +2. In the school where I was studying a senior jumped from the school building when I was in Ukg. Fro...
Pets Seeing Ghosts Part 2 by JoJorocks
This is the continuation to my previous story "pets seeing ghosts". As I stated, these are compilations of experiences where our pets sense paranormal stuff. Sorry for my very long inactivity due to my busy schedule. Here are the stories; Third experience. This happened last 2021. Christmas seaso...
Death Comes In Three Knocks And The Curse Of Our Family by Manila78
My Grand Father comes from a poor big family, but through diligence, their Children have become successful in life. Several strange stories are attached to our family. Here I narrate two which I have experienced several times. Death Comes in Three Knocks Whenever a family member or persons con...
Menacing Voice Calling My Name by organisedchaos
I have had many experiences with ghosts, spirits etc. But this is the only one that has left me feeling really uneasy. This happened the night before last. My 9 year old daughter is not very well with some type of virus so I was laying in her bottom bunk until she fell asleep. Despite it being 3...
The Door Bell by BitterSweet78801
I have three dogs. Skye, River, and Lavender. Skye went to heaven several years ago. So it is my daughter, River, Lavender and I in this house. At the end of 2018, my daughter and I moved to a small town. We live a couple blocks away from my middle sister. River is a Husky and has a deep bark. Laven...
Get Frightened-learn A Lesson by Linjahaha
This happened many years ago when I was a dumb kid, & messed with something I shouldn't have only to regret it later. My cousins, C., & K. (Just using the initials for privacy reasons.) lived in Cleveland. My folks would take us to visit with them quite frequently through the years when we were grow...
The Evil Ghostly Dog by Amchi1986
Friends, today the story I am going to tell you is about a very horrible incident which my maternal uncle experienced many years later, after his confrontation with the supernatural world, once again. Now let me tell you about this hair raising incident more in detail. My uncle was once returning ...
The Haunted Mantel Clock by Linjahaha
This didn't happen to me, but to my late husband, John, back when he was 16 years old. In 1962 his Mother, Mary, was recently widowed for a couple years when she remarried Tom. They moved into a house in Eastlake, Ohio. Your average, normal-sized house with 3 bedrooms. Of course, Mary had a lot of p...
Esther's Boarding House by Linjahaha
Back in 1972 about 2 weeks after I turned 18, I eloped with Bill, my first husband, to Catlettsburg, KY. My parents didn't approve of him to begin with. I have to 'agree' many years after the fact that 'they' were 'right'. I 'thought' I knew everything at that young age, but most 18-year olds 'think...
Fathers Passing... And Return by ScareTale
Hey everyone, It's been quite sometime time since I've been on here. I kind of stepped away from the paranormal for a while when my dad's cancer came back. That's the reason I'm writing this, to share the experiences I've had during and after the dying process. For anyone that's been next to a...
Staying At Grandpa's House by The_Lost_Voyage_11
When I was a boy, one of my favorite places to spend at least part of the weekend was with my grandpa! He was my mom's father and lived in a bigger town less than 10 miles away from us in upstate NY. I have fond memories of family reunions and spending time as kids up there. He had an old toy box of...
Jeju Island's Snake God by kim0307b
To describe it: It is about three times the size of the anaconda in the movie "Anaconda." And, like a human, there are changes in facial expression. When snake God appeared in my dreams, snake God appeared very soft and warm. Snake God smiled very warmly. And then, translucent, it appeared a...
Office Nightmare by pajalbero
My shift always starts at 10:30 pm and ends at 7:30 am, an all-night shift, as usual. On that particular Friday, only three of us were present in the office, including myself. I typically work in the admin office, but that night, the internet connection was unstable. So, I requested my coworker to t...
The Old Mansion By The Side Of The Road by Linjahaha
A very long time ago in the Summer of 1966-67, we were visiting with my grandparents, and other family members that came in from Louisiana. My Uncle Eddy, and Aunt Rosemary came with six of their twelve kids for an overnight visit. We were there for a weekend hiatus also. Of the six of the cousins,...
Little Gifts Out Of Nowhere by Linjahaha
Those of you whom have read my accounts are aware of the fact that I am a widow that was married to a truly wonderful man. The love of my life. However, I realize that I'm not the first, nor will I be the last widow on this planet, but on with this account. It was only a couple months after my dear...
"yorkshire Terrier" by kim0307b
East or West, there is a story that says dogs always see something that is invisible to our eyes. Among them, I would like to talk about a strange thing that happened to me 23 years ago. The location is Jeju Island, western region. This is an anecdote I experienced in an area called "Moseul...
A Traffic Controller's Ghost Story by AussieRedDog
The story I am about to relate to you just occurred about two, maybe three weeks back where I was working as a traffic controller out at the back of frigging beyond near Kyogle in Northern NSW. Think they were doing some repairs on the road so I have to 'control' the traffic, which would be bugger a...
It's The Little Things by applerose1964
We moved into this trailer almost 10 years ago and while we have not experienced a huge spook, we have had a little bite here and there. The first few months of living in the trailer were the norm. One day, I was extremely tired and decided to go lay across the bed. I had been having an uneasy feeli...
The Haunted Jungle by Amchi1986
Friends, today the strange and very frightening experience I am going to tell you all is about an experience which my uncle (not my maternal, another one) had many years back. My uncle, along with his friends was touring Maharashtra (a state in India) . My uncle, who was a non believer in ghosts a...
Spooked In Portland by BettinaMarie
Many years ago I was part of the Portland restaurant scene, working and partying after hours in haunted buildings around the PDX- Metro area. It would be very interesting to see if anyone else had similar haunting experiences, back in the day. In Portland, my favorite haunted place you could sti...
The Strange Crash In The Kitchen by virulentpeach
My friend recently moved into the attic of a home in suburban Rhode Island, not far away from Providence. The home is that same Folk Victorian style you see all throughout the northeastern United States. The home consists of of three levels: the ground level, the second floor, and the third floor/at...
Houses Are Evil Too by bryandavid019
My name is David and I am from Delhi. I am happily married with a beautiful and loving wife and a loving kid. I have read a lot of stories here on this website, after a lot of discussion with my wife and after a lot of consideration I want to share my personal experience with you all today. I know m...
The Oldman On The Staircase by Amchi1986
Friends, today the story which I am telling you is a very strange supernatural experience which happened to my uncle (let me mention here, once again, not my maternal one). My uncle (now dead) used to go for his business trip to Ahmedabad (a city in Gujarat, a state in India) . Whenever he used to ...
Out Of The Gloom In Gladstone by BettinaMarie
In Multnohmah County, the city of Gladstone on the whole has a very weird vibe, like a bomb site or a slave plantation. When I lived there it was a pretty neighborhood on the riverbank, with big yards and nice trees. I believe this lingering gloom is because of some forty thousand Multnohmah people ...
The Child Spirit by Hor
I have been reading the stories that people regularly publish on this website for several years but today I decided to register to also tell my own story. I actually have several stories of supernatural phenomena that I have experienced throughout my life but none of those stories have I ever told a...
A Ghostly Farmer by Shounzee
This goes back to 1995. I was 13 years old and with me were my 2 younger bothers. The field was sold and developed soon after my experience also, which further hints that the farmer passed away and the land was sold at the last harvest (which was cut at this point in time of my incident). The stre...
Murney Tower by GingerRead
Murney Tower is one of the four defensive structures known as the Martello Towers located in Kingston, Ontario. All of which were constructed during the early to mid-nineteenth century for the purpose of patrolling the adjacent waters and keeping the city safe from invasion. Since Canada was still a...
Philbert The Pizza Ghost by Hezza000
So, this started a few years ago at my old job at a pizza place. I don't have great memory so this won't be a fluent story, more like disorganized highlights. It started not long after we began working there. Stuff thrown, things missing, but I didn't think much about until I noticed the footprint...
The Man With The Golf Clubs by Oceana
It was a few months ago, in summer, that this experience took place. I couldn't sleep that night and when the sun came up at four in the morning, I ended up looking for birds out of my window. I was looking in the sky, mostly, but I can see the ground as well. The footpath is at the back, behind a ...
The Haunting On Midway by KnightRaven
In January 2001 I rented a studio apartment in an old Victorian style house in Pueblo, CO. When you entered the front door there were 2 one bedroom apartments on the main floor, and a winding staircase that went to 2 studios upstairs. It was cool because I became friends with the couple that lived d...
The Speakeasy Ghost by KnightRaven
There was an old store in Pueblo, CO that had some paranormal activity. My girlfriend's mother had a religious store and leased the building next door for storage. They were small storefronts so she needed them both to make it work. My girlfriend and I needed an emergency place to live so her mom le...
The Gettysburg Soldier by Linjahaha
This incident occurred way back when I was 12 years old in the 8th grade in Junior High School (That's what it was called back then in the 60's.) when our history teacher, Mrs. K., arranged a field trip to historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, for the entire class. Our parents filled out the necessary ...
Too Cold For Comfort by flyboy72
Recently I placed a trail camera in my backyard to capture the deer feeding at night as well as to see what other animals may be around. Usually I turn it off during the day but being in a rush that morning I had left it on. The camera was focused from one corner of the yard so it cover the entire a...
The Lime Tree by HiloHaole
The following true story avoids names and a lack of specific locational details for legal reasons. My wife and I moved to Hawaii in 2012, and during the time of this story we lived on the east side of the Big Island in a town called Volcano. It was only about a mile away from the famous Kilauea v...
Back To Where I Am by blosomes
I was back in São Paulo during this summer. Too much had happened and too busy to even relax in my own house. How glad to be back where I had spent most of my life time. Good and bad memories and most of the time a little bitter sweet. I woke up one morning in my own bed. Henrique was at the wi...
The Old Parma Train Station Secretary by Linjahaha
This event didn't happen to me, but to my late husband, John, back when he was 15 years old, and I have no reason to doubt the validity of his account. He and I have, both, had paranormal encounters throughout our lives. He was quite psychic himself, having gotten that ability from his mother's side...
A Sighting Of Some Sort Of Carcass Eating Entity by FarEndofSpectrum
It's been a while since I last submitted here. This is something that I came across fairly recently, so I thought might as well come back with this. This is going to be short because I think this was an isolated encounter. I'm studying at university right now, and I live in an apartment with some...
Dog Doesn't Believe That There's Nothing There by RussLesco
We moved into a historic home in Diamond Hill neighborhood of Lynchburg, VA in 2019 With us were our 2 dogs, one large bouvier with arthritis and the other an active, but older hound dog. The bouvier couldn't make up the stairs, so he slept downstairs whereas the hound dog followed us up every ...
The Slumber Party Incident by Linjahaha
This happened a long time ago in my teen years. You know. The years when you're daring and reckless! However, I was the one who 'knew' better during this particular incident. My two best friends-call them Dee and Val-wanted to have a slumber party. We had a previous one at Dee's house and had a lot...
Larry, Looking For Trouble And Finding It by Linjahaha
Here is another account that happened to my late husband, John, when he was between 16-18 years old. He had this friend named Larry. He thought Larry was a bit of a lamebrain, but they shared an interest in working on cars back when you 'could' work on a car before they became so computerized. They ...
A Life Saved By My Mother - 3 Years After Passing by Pegasus593
I just recently came across this website and I love it. I've always believed in the paranormal (I think it's because my mother was so fascinated by paranormal and true crime). I wouldn't call myself a psychic, but I have had dreams that have come true and 'gut feelings' that were correct. This is...
Attention Needed - Strange Chanting by blosomes
I was in my home at Hokkaido, Japan. I might have said in my previous post that the land where my house is might be haunted. I mean maybe it might have been an important place for the Ainu. Odd things had been happening even after the " closet" is gone (see my "first?" post about the creepy closet)....
Our Haunted First Apartment by Linjahaha
Way back in 1972 I was a newlywed to my first husband; Bill, the bum (Feel the love here). We ran away to Kentucky to get married because you could get married there at 16 years old without parental consent. It was 2 weeks after I turned 18 and I could leave Ohio at 18 as 'that' was, then, considere...
The Hairbrush And The Quilt Box by AussieRedDog
I'm incorporating two ghost stories that my brother-in-law experienced. The stories takes place in Ireland, towards the end of the 60s and the early 70s. The first story: My brother-in-law, who I'll name Sean used to be a poacher, that's someone who poaches onto private land and knock off a few Tr...
The Unexplained Event Which Shook My Life by Amchi1986
Friends today the incident I am going to tell you is about a very strange incident that took place in my house in the year 2008. It was the birth year of my nephew (my sister's son had just taken birth) and we all were sleeping. It was a very strange night for me, as everyone in my family was fast a...
A Touch In A Breezy Morning And Modern Technology? by blosomes
I am the guy who still has a life at what once was a forbidden place. Yes, the chanting is still going on but all my animals are safe and I am used to such a situation that I consider it a normal life now. My friend whose ancestors are Ainu came over again. This time he was staying over because he ...
A Fight Against Evil by jeeva1995
Myself hailing from Kerala (state in southern India) is a marine engineer and this experience which I am going to share happened to me 3 years back. Before getting to the story I will introduce little about myself. I am a marine engineer, and for you people who don't know about this field, marine e...
The Old Maternity Hospital by Linjahaha
This particular account took place in the mid to late 1970's. I was still a relatively newlywed to my first husband, Bill. Bill worked on and off, but 'mostly' off. Therefore, I 'had' to work. I found employment as a Nurse Aide in a fairly large hospital (leaving out the name) in Willoughby, Ohio. I...
The Old Maternity Hospital Part 2 by Linjahaha
This is a continuation of my last post regarding a very old maternity hospital, built in 1902, and was operated by the Salvation Army named after their founder, William Booth. The hospital operated until it closed in 1991. I worked there as a housekeeper in 1977. They, apparently, had a female gho...
The Unholy Night by Amchi1986
Friends today the story I am going to tell you is about a very horrifying incident that took place with my uncle (not my maternal one, let me mention you clearly first of all) when his son was just a new born baby and he had gone to tour Maharashtra (a state in India) with his new born son and his w...
Supervising Ghost by tigerfeet
I've just realised that, yet again, it is almost two years since my last submission, and I apologise for the length of this post - but the background information is important to the story. I live on one of the most northerly islands of the United Kingdom, which happens to also be one of the most ...
Electrical Disturbances Or A Communication? by GVC8
I live in UK. Last week (November 2023) I was on holiday in a remote region in Southern Spain in the mountains on a Crafting Week. The course was hosted by two middle aged English ladies and there were three of us visiting. One lady had accommodation in the main house; another was in a self containe...
Disturbing Audio Evidence by AnonMirrorBoard
I'd like to start off by saying that I am a fan of this website. Seeing there was a recent update in the town I grew up in, I had to dive in. I researched a bit and eventually, my girlfriend and I decided we had to check it out for ourselves. I don't intend to bore you, reader, with my background or...
Weird Things Happening In Our Home by anjarey
So it's been a while since I submitted a story (10 yrs)! Well since my last story, my fiancée and I moved to a different house. The recurring dreams I had in my previous stories are gone! It's a house from the 50's and it's connected to other houses, so you can hear the neighbours sometimes. ...
Playful Resident by mac_mac
I am now an employee of a milling company somewhere in C5, Quezon City near Bagumbayan. The moment I started working way back in February 2020 (weeks before the lockdown) I already felt gloomy maybe because of the old atmosphere of the area or maybe because it has not been renovated for long time. ...
A Traffic Controller's Ghost Story Part 2 by AussieRedDog
It's been a while I had anything supernatural happened... Or should that be 'supernatural'? Anyway, if you haven't read my story, do so. I'll wait...oh, you're back, that was, for the second part (sort of). I'm still doing traffic controlling, did some major jobs by just standing there w...
Room 113 by CantunSEEit74
We were watching the news one night and they were showing the Twin Falls all lit up with changing lights in Twin Falls Idaho and we decided to go. It is almost 2 hours away, so wife books a room at a dog friendly motel and wait for our day to go. Me, wifey and year-old pup hit the road and it is a...
Stories At My Grandmothers House by yzuu444
This story is told from my maternal grandmother's experience. This is a true story. My grandmother was in her house which was close to Vehari. This took place when my mother was a young child. So my nano (grandmother) was in her room and she called her maid, let's call her Fatima, my nano called he...
Back From The Dead by Amchi1986
I am going to tell you is about a very strange experience which my uncle (father's brother) had many years back. He was working in a morgue (where dead bodies are kept) as attendant. It was nearing night and my uncle had to deliver a dead body to its family. So, he along with his two friends loaded ...
Thinning The Veil by Kksharp71
My Dad was an independent owner operator for 41 years. He, I and his Mom, my Grandma Vada were very close. So close, in fact, we knew what the other was thinking without even asking. I call it being "akin" to somebody. So my Dad falls out of his truck in 2010, breaks his neck, is a quadriplegic fo...
Shadow Of The Devil by Amchi1986
I am going to tell you about a very strange experience I had about twenty two years back. I was at my maternal place and was watching a movie along with my cousin sister. After watching the movie we went to sleep in the room above. Now let me tell you about the history of this room. People used to t...
Hello Kitties by lady-glow
They were my children's furry playmates, companions of their games and patient listeners to bed time stories. We adopted Poem from the SPCA. A sweet calico turtle shell girl of gentle nature and soft meows. Friendly and motherly, she would lick the face of any cat that came close to her, somehow ...
What Did The Dog See? by Midd23
This is incident happened to me when I was about 17 years old, around 1980, give or take. Timelines start running together as one grows older, but the details of this story are as fresh as the afternoon it happened. My father, being in the military, was stationed at the large Air Force Base in San...
Haunted Kumquat Tree by kim0307b
This happened in early 2010. My house and my relative's house are about 5 steps away. We shared a garden and an outdoor bathroom. Also, there was a large kumquat tree in the garden, and this is a related story. In 2009, my relative gave birth to a cute baby girl. However, even considering t...
The Candle by Seo_scarlet02
In modern houses, bathrooms are installed inside the house but in my early years, our old house has a separate bathroom located outside near the dirty kitchen. My dad loves to do half baths after a days' work and when a certain phenomenon happened, he stopped doing his routine completely and even wo...
Party Ruined by The_Dark_Soul
This happened with me and my friends on 22 December 2023. Individually we had plans for the 25th of December and 1st of January; that's why we decided to have a party sooner and then the date of 22nd of December was fixed. After having some creepy experiences (I had shared those incidents here), I ...
University Encounters by Seo_scarlet02
I want to share a short background of my university, specifically of my college, the college of teacher education. During the Philippine-Japanese war, my college served as a hospital to injured soldiers and the field next to it, which is currently the university's wide plaza of carabao grass is ...
The Senior Nursing Facility by Linjahaha
This particular incident happened within the last year, and it just occurred to me to post it. I worked for eighteen years as a Medic. After that time period it was beginning to take a toll on my back (there are more back injuries in the EMS field than 'any' other occupation.). After I withdrew from...
Hoping They Are Still Here <3 by Alexandra89
I wanted to share several of my strange experiences regarding paranormal activities. My name is Saska, and I am from Serbia. I am a teacher of Spanish and English languages. It happened not long ago. My brother passed away at such a young age (38), and my family and I were experiencing immense g...
Dark Vail During A Funeral by blosomes
My friend's uncle passed away few weeks ago. I went back to Brazil for his funeral since he was one of the helpers who introduced me to my grandmother's tribe. No, not a person from the tribe but something like a tour guide? If it is not for him, I would never have met the same tribe my grandmother...
Mom... Please Let Me Go by lady-glow
This is not a personal experience but one I heard many times like a child, and still hear occasionally during family reunions, it happened to my maternal grandmother, Bueli, many years ago. The proper time after getting married, my grandma gave birth to a little girl whom happened to be an only c...
"nightmare Whispers: A Midnight Revelation" by K_ATS
I am not sure if I should be sharing this but here I am. The following incident took place on 17th January at night. The time is probably something between 2-4am. I am a very light sleeper. I have spent countless nights being awake just because of simple sounds. For example if someone sleeping in th...
Darker Than The Dark 🌑 by Its_roshhh
I am new here and have read almost every story posted here, they all are amazing. This is my first time writing something so please ignore my mistakes. My name is Roshi. I am a girl from Madhya Pradesh and currently living and studying in Bhopal. I am in the city for almost 4 years now and this...
The Hangry Ghost, Strange Sounds And The Shadow Hand by 8-bitDemigod
These first couple of events happened a few years ago at work. I should have included them in my previous story about the hospital, but they were so minor I forgot about them until a few days ago so I figured I'd include them here to help pad out the character limit for the actual story at the end. ...
Story Of That Girl by The_Dark_Soul
After that scary experience in the haunted building, I was very intrigued to find out more about these para/supernatural dimensions. As the saying goes, the more Unknown it is, the more Attractive it is. I was attracted to these less explored worlds and therefore wanted to do some digging by myself....
Foggy, Heavy And The Whispering by blosomes
I own a motorcycle with a side-car, you know, the famous Russian ones. I bought it quite cheap but since it was quite old, restarting the thing took nearly my life long working payment... (I kept a secret that I won a jackpot, nah... Joking) I was lucky that the mechanic guy was volunteering to gi...
The Flash by Spooderman
I'm Spooderman. You may have noticed my comments in many ghost stories and as you can see, this is my very first time sharing an experience on this site. The incident is very recent and I can tell you, everything that I'll be writing is of real experience and nothing related to hallucination. I ...
The Auto Bus Ghost Girl by Wandering24fox
Last month I was traveling and I decided to come back by a public bus like a auto bus where it travels to other states. It was apparently a luxury bus. It was the 2nd day of being in the bus and I was getting ready to sleep as it was a long drive and we were in the middle of the desert, I know how t...
Short Paranormal Story By My Grandma by Priyu1709
This narrates the tale of my maternal grandmother, who departed four years ago. She recounted to me her own paranormal encounter during the birth of my second aunt. I have three aunts, and my mother holds the position of the eldest daughter in the family. She was in hospital and the baby (aunt) w...
The Weeping Woman! by harshmakwana2001
YGS readers! Harsh here, this is the first story posted by me on YGS India. So let me come straight to it. We are a well to do Gujarati family living in Mumbai since past three generations. This story occurred in Gujarat and is of my father. We had bought a piece of land at Botad (a town in Gujarat)...
The Shadow I Saw At A Hotel I Was At by Wandering24fox
Last month I was staying in a hotel and I couldn't sleep. I went to sleep at 1am and as I was waking up, I saw a shadow peeking from the bathroom and I decided to use the toilet. Although I saw a shadow there peeking from the bathroom I just used it because I really needed to use it As I turne...
Fascinated And Shook by Linjahaha
I just 'had' to submit this as it happened this past Tuesday on 2/6/2024. I was driving to the credit union early in the morning. I had just gotten off of work, and wanted to take care of a bill, and draw a little money out. The road I take is called Rocky River Drive. It takes me to Brookpark roa...
My Amazing Mother-in-law by Linjahaha
Not too many people have good things to say about their mother-in-laws, but mine was wonderful. Actually, Mary was like another Mother to me in many respects. She was so thrilled when John met me, and he introduced me to her about four days after we met on our first date. Like I said in previous po...
Nursing Home 1st Experience by Mbcmsj6
Hey y'all! I'm new to the group, and wanted to say Thanks for having me! I love reading your stories during my down time! I have one I'd like to share as well. I work in a nursing home. I have a resident who has had a lot of falls recently, so I was told to sit in the hall to his room. (There ar...
Nursing Home 2nd Experience by Mbcmsj6
So tonight, about 45 minutes or so ago, I was in a residents room, he was talking about how the lady above him wouldn't leave him alone and let him sleep. I asked what she looked like... (he described the same lady that my other residents described in my last post 😱)! I was trying to ease my mind...
The Time I Saw My Grandma's Spirit by Wandering24fox
I was visiting family in a country for the first time 3 years after my grandma passed. We made it to my grandma's house and there were 6 family members waiting for us at the house. I saw a lady that looked like my grandma peeking around the kitchen door smiling and waving like she was happy to se...
Sinister Smile Of A Black Ghost by Henry
This happened about 40 years ago, I'm 43 now and since I was so young, I don't remember everything that happened, so the first part I will tell you is what I do remember, the rest is what I was told by my parents. My dad had just been stationed at Fort Huachuca, AZ, and while we were waiting for ...
A Misty Memory by GingerRead
My parents were married in the summer of 1984. The reception took place within a small church in my hometown of Kingston, Ontario. The church was adjacent to a vast cemetery, renowned for being the burial site of Sir John A. MacDonald, Canada's first prime minister. My maternal grandfather was in at...
The Ghost Of An Innocent Person Whom My Father Saw by Amchi1986
I am going to tell about a very scary incident that took place with my father about forty five years back when he was unmarried. We had an old terrace which has been broken long time back about forty years back where my father, along with his cousin brothers used to sleep at nighttime. Now let me ...
Reality Or Dreams? by SashB
Today I am posting a few occurrences that took place starting since 2008 It may be a little sensitive to some but please forgive me. To begin with I am going to give you a little background insight about my culture and religion. I am a South African Indian. I am a Hindi speaking Hindu. I have n...
One Last Class by sudabi777
Ola. I have been a fan of this website for almost 1 year now. This time, I'd like to share my story/experienced with paranormal activity. This story made me fascinated about afterlife and gave me a lot of questions in my head about it. I was wondering if someone can help me, maybe I can get a certif...
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