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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 39
The Everglades Ghost Boy by jonesblue
It was one of those days where you are really bored and have nothing to do. Then someone comes along and tells you what they have planned and you are ecstatic knowing you are doing something you like that day, and then later on something ruins it for you. It all started off early one morning whe...
Violent Nightmares That Won't Stop 2 by JrGhostHunter
You are all familiar with my "ghost friend," right? Yeah, figures. Well, every once in a while, I blink or close my eyes and an image comes to mind. Usually this is when I am relaxed or trying to sleep. Lately, it's been a flash of red to green then a heat flows through my body, like fire. Yester...
The Windmill And The Cold Spot by Kita
When I was young we used to live near a graveyard. We were separated from it by a dip which had a main road, and we were just next to an intersection. I can't say anything supernatural happened there, more like bad luck. A man, my father who was with friends crashed right on that intersection on his...
The Empty Little Girl 2 by CharlotteM
I want to first of all thank everyone who has given me advice and commented on my last story. A person had asked me why I'd turned away when I saw the little girl. My honest answer is that I don't know. I guess I was so shocked, and the first time I thought it was just an over action or something. I...
Trouble In An Abandoned House 2 by AmberMoonPriestess
Finally the Finish to Trouble in an abandoned house. Sorry it took so long to post it but the site was overloaded with submissions. But enough chatter on to the story. About a week after my first visit I returned to the abandoned house, probably at one of the worst times I could have undertaken t...
The Lady In The White Dress Across The Lane by logan
I have never really had any experience with the paranormal or spirits, until this episode. I as a person am very easy to scare when it come to things like this. So here is what happened one October night. It was around 3 in the morning when my dog 'Bruno' wanted to be let out. He usually never d...
The House My Mother Grew Up In by _Izanne_
This all happened about 6 years ago. My mother found out that the house she grew up in was for rent, she was very excited. She asked me to go with her to see what changes had been made to the house, if there were extra rooms built onto the house or something. I didn't think twice about going, I ...
Remote Control Ghost by IlikeNumbers123
I have three stories for you today When I was little I had this fake horse that made running noises and sang a song. One day I was sitting when all of a sudden my toy horse started to make the running noises. What was weird was that the running noises did not work any more, and there it was makin...
Manali To Rothang - Five Hours Of Horror by AD_25
To this day I still have no idea what happened exactly. What is written here is what I felt and saw. If anyone can give me any answers, I am all ears. This happened on 14.12.2008. I was on vacation with two of my friends to Manali. We travelled out on the 11th and planned to return by 16th. We we...
Mom's House In A Small Town by Missmelanie04
About 11 years ago my mom and stepdad moved into a house in a small town right outside of Camden. The house itself was a deep gray color and was tall and the yard had hardly any grass and surrounded by trees so it stayed very shady. Inside the house was a huge living room that led to a kitchen s...
Face In The Mirror by princess123
Can I just say thank you all for your help on my past few stories. So here is my next story. This happened when I was getting ready for school. It was a Tuesday morning I was brushing my hair when I saw a face in the top right hand corner of the mirror. The face was very pale in fact white and it...
Trash Cans Mystery by girlie
About 3 or 4 years ago I went to Bible school with a friend. I had to bring $5 with me. My friend's mom took the $5 and put it on the counter. When it was time to go, my friend's mom went to go get the $5 from the counter, but it wasn't there. My friend and I both knew it wasn't one of us who took i...
Shadow Man In The Hallway by Sheli111
This is my first time posting a story on this site and I'm a little weary about doing it so bear with me. My husband and I moved into my father-in-laws old house about 2 years ago. It sits on around 15 acres of land in Mannford a town of 2,000. Our house sits a little back from the road and as y...
Great Grandma's Goodbye by AmberMoonPriestess
I probably should have posted this story first but oh well. The first ghostly experience I actually remember having happened a week before my 8th birthday. My great grandma had been sick and in the hospital for awhile. She passed away a week before I turned 8. My mom and grandma didn't tell me ri...
Brat-brat by AmberMoonPriestess
When I was 10 years old I rescued a little black kitten from drowning. My best friend's cat, a papered Siamese, who had kittens and one came out black so her dad was going to get rid of it. I told him I wanted it and he said fine have it. I walked home with the kitten tucked into the front of my ...
Moony And Crookshanks Meet Brat-brat by AmberMoonPriestess
We had a number of cats after Brat-Brat but I never bonded with any of them until I was 23 when I got Moony and Crookshanks. They were pure white twin brothers; the only difference being them was their eyes. Moony's were blue and Crookshanks were gold. They were only a week old when I first got them...
Alive Because Of Grandma Great Warnings by AmberMoonPriestess
When I was 9 my family and I used to live in a house on 600 s and 1200 w in Salt Lake City. Me and my best friend used to walk home from school together every day. We always took the shortcut down an alley. It was a long overgrown alley with lots of bushes and hidden spots. It was pretty dark ev...
My Family Ghost Stories by Missmelanie04
I come from a long line of hauntings and many members of my family claim to have been haunted. My Great Aunt Helen told me about a house in Garvin, Oklahoma. She moved with her brother and sister-in-law. She told me that they would always hear children laughing and crying in the woods near the ho...
Tour Of Jerusalem And Bethlehem by rookdygin
This is actually two stories in one. They happened on a port visit to Israel. (For those who don't know I am retired Navy.) The first experience happened to my friend and Liberty Partner (we had to leave the ship and return in pairs for safety reasons) we had purchased tickets for us to go on a ...
Is My Piano Haunted? by discomuffin
I am in an advanced computer class at my school, and my friend and I have decided to do a movie on ghosts. I'm here to ask if I actually have a ghost in my house. We are planning to stay up late, recording our data of ghosts in a room where my piano is. Here are some experiences of what has happened...
She Got Her Wings by AngelSeeker
This is a very recent event that occurred in both New York and New Jersey on January 1, 2009. My mother's best friend was deathly sick with lung cancer it had spread throughout her whole body from the brain down. When her son told me I was devastated so on Sunday we went up to New York to go see...
Orbs, Voices And The Gentle Touch by poltergeist45
For a while now I have been having some very strange things happen around my house. One night I was lying in my bed listening to my iPod when an orb the size of a baseball started to float around the foot of my bed. I wasn't scared because I know that an orb can't hurt you or anything but I was ...
Erotic Dream Turns Real by Aviendha
A hand caresses my arm, just below my shoulder. Seconds later, a hand grabs me, while yet another massages me, I feel a nip on my neck, and I succumb to the exquisite sensation of the entity as it thrusts into me. At first it all seemed an excellent erotic dream, before I realized that I wasn't ...
The Precocious Child And The Old Disgruntled Man by restlessspirit20
It has been at least two months, since our unwelcomed visitor. Both me and my roommate are being disturbed by two "spirits." We do not know where these two have come from, or what it is that attracts them to us. However, we are definitely sure that we have two now. We do know that they arrived into ...
Imitating Shadow Ghost by chrisdeacon
My experience is pretty short, and has only happened twice in my house in Olongapo City. The first time I saw it was when I was 22. My wife and I and my 4 month old baby were lying down in the living room watching TV, it was around 9 p.m. My sister was a sleep upstairs. As we were lying there, w...
Liebig House 2 by Boo123
I went back to the Liebig house. This time we decided to sleep there for the night. We made our beds inside the house and started a fire outside the house to grill our meat and for extra light. While we were outside we all started to smell pipe tobacco, I was the only smoker there but even I smell...
Haunted House? by squishy_squishy
This happened about 7 or 8 years ago; when I was still 6 years old (I am 14 now). I was staying at a friend's house with his cousin, until nighttime, I had to go home, so they accompanied me. On the way there, we walked across this old house. I swear that I saw someone, or something, on a rocking c...
Hearing Things From Our Kitchen by chii
This already happened few months ago but I was experiencing it almost every time I'm alone at home. When I'm in my room watching TV, moments later I'll hear something from our kitchen. Sounds of like someone is doing the dishes. At first I thought my dad had arrived and wanted to cook something or i...
Who Locked The Doors? by Shiva
It was during my hostel days that I encountered most of the paranormal activities in my life, my previous story being the most terrifying experience. But what I am about to narrate now is something that was witnessed by all the hostellers, all in the prime of their health and of sound mental balance...
The Tv People by MunstersBabe
I still remember this as if it happened yesterday. When I was four years old, I lived with my grandparents (and they eventually adopted me). My grandparents and I always went to garage sales every Saturday morning, without fail. It was about 6:30 am and my PawPaw was out getting gas for the car and ...
The Shadow Child by MunstersBabe
It was about a month before my PawPaw passed away and I was staying with my aunt and uncle throughout the week so I could go to my junior high school and so that my MawMaw could go and stay with my PawPaw while he was in the hospital. I would stay with her on the weekends. Anyway, I stayed in my o...
I'm Always Here For You by MunstersBabe
I was very close to my PawPaw. I thought of him as God-like and there was no one on this earth I loved more than him when I was a little girl. Whenever you saw him, you saw me. He passed away when I was 13. I was to the point where I denied that he was gone, and I even refused to go to the funeral...
The Phone Calls by MunstersBabe
I was a month away from delivering my first child when my MawMaw passed away from complications of diabetes. Her death struck me hard and it hurt me like no other pain I ever felt in my life. I got to her 5 minutes too late and I felt like I never got to tell her goodbye. I was crying those body-sha...
Strange Activities by DeviousAngel
After a long period of inactivity, the weird experiences I've had the past few days seemed to bunch together in order to make up for the uneventful month I've had overall. The first experience occurred last week Friday at around 7 or 8 p.m. My fiancé and I had just ordered our food at the drive-...
Her Last Christmas by MunstersBabe
My ex-husband and I spent the night with my MawMaw on Christmas 1997. I was "bigger than a house" pregnant and was munching on some left over Christmas dinner. We all were sitting in the dark while watching a movie. I was feeling fine and my baby was kicking about. I moved closer to my MawMaw so she...
Man Of Murray Hill by rideenjoi24
This is an experience that happened to me when I was eleven years old. Although I might have been young, I am positive of what happened that night. It was real. I was living in a two-story house on Murray Hill Dr. That actually much resembled a barn. Down stairs is where the kitchen, dining room...
Farmhouse Shadow by willie75
I have not really had much contact with the spirit world until I moved into an old farm house in Scottsville, Ky. Everyone told me before I moved in that there was something wrong with the house and that everyone who lived their had reported strange happenings of seeing A black like shadow lurking a...
Was It An Incubus? by rachelb
I have always been interested in the paranormal since a very young age. When me and my family moved into our old house, which was previously my aunties, I started dabbling with Ouija boards with friends. I must have been around aged 15. We used the Ouija board in bedroom. One night I woke up to f...
The Grave Yard - Unexplained Event by WolfReal
What I am about to tell you really happened but you have to understand many will believe it did not. I will be honest with you as I do not lie. This story is real but you have to understand that on the evening in question I had a lot to drink. I mean a lot. Probably more then any other time in my li...
The Ghost Boy In The Snow by owlsong
This happened when I was nine years old, but I still remember it as though it happened yesterday. (Please pardon the overused cliché) It was the middle of January, and we were having the worst snowstorm recorded where I lived. Needless to say, all of the schools in the district were closed. Aro...
My Spirit Teacher - Raven Walker by AmberMoonPriestess
All my life I have spent every summer in Montana at the pow-wow. I learned the way of the Warrior but it was the summer I turned 18 that I first learned of the Spirit Warriors and met my first teacher. It wasn't until later I discovered my teacher had been dead for almost 200 years. I was sitting...
The Malyan Speaking Ghost? by kwghost
I'm 14 this year but I've encountered a ghost twice in my previous home in Malaysia. (we have since migrated to Australia). The first time I encountered a ghost was when I was seven. I had just come back from school and was walking up to my room. I opened the door and as I stepped in, the door s...
Grandpa Sees His Mom by AmberMoonPriestess
With permission I am telling these tales of my grandfather (my mom's dad) seeing ghosts. He was 16 years old at the time this one happened. He was sent to the basement to get something, and while he stood at the bottom of the stairs searching the shelf full of jars for the one he wanted he fe...
Cuts And Shadows by kjh159
As I've stated in my previous story about my house, the presence comes and goes. I also said that the basement gave this dreadful feeling and I never liked being there alone. But being that I am now 19, I decided I had to face my fears. I decided I'd sit in the basement while alone in the house. I k...
The Camp By Dead Horse Point by AmberMoonPriestess
I was hiking around near dead horse point with my ex - husband Shawn and some friends when we got lost. We had wandered off the trail and were just wandering around when it began to get dark. None of us knew which way to go to find the trail again so we kept walking. Just after the sun went down I b...
Was My Dog Possessed? by chocomad
This happened not so long ago in my home on a normal day, nothing much had happened until that weird afternoon. I was reading a book when I heard my dog snarling like there was an intruder. So I carefully went outside to take a look around and it was my boyfriend, who she knew and loved well but...
My Ghost Cat by AmberMoonPriestess
I don't know if this story exactly qualifies and don't know if they will accept it but figured it's a cute story on how some things can be other than what they seem to be. My grandmother and I had been experiencing some rather unusual activity in the apartment. The usual kinds of things you hear ...
Restaurant Ghost by Predicted
I've had a lot of very strange experiences, but this was one of the weirdest. My mum and dad have a restaurant. There is a door leading to the dining room and a door leading out of the building. All three of us were restocking the kitchens late one night ready for the next day. My mum suddenly reali...
Mothers Always Know by libertybelle
I've come to the conclusion that Macbeth is innocent of the charge of having murdered sleep. No, the real culprit is the Army, as I discovered on my younger son's first deployment to Iraq. I rediscovered it on the second, but it's the third that almost did for me--and a lot of others, too. Mark h...
The House My Mother Grew Up In 2 by _Izanne_
Since my mom heard the scream coming out of my room, I went to sleep in her room every night, except when I had friends over. These are the less freaky things that happened in our house: My mom and I were in her room one night, just sitting and talking about random stuff and the cat sleeping ...
Antique Haunting by lightntangy
Hey! I would just like to start by putting out the history of the house where the incidents have taken place. The house was built in 1892, and was build next door to an area known to be a spot where aboriginals were taken and killed, either through hanging, being shot or just as often torture. Th...
The Little White House Near Warwick by LaurenB
This is the first story of my own I've posted, so I am excited to hear what others have to say about it! I have read several stories on this website, and have made a note that far too often important details are omitted or altogether skipped from the stories. That or the use of slang and poor gramma...
He Saw Something by jennifertorres
We all know that my husband has had things happen but would never admit them to me. Well let me tell you... HE HAS! I am so excited, of course I didn't tell him that I would post them on here because, and well I have to take baby steps with that one. Ok, this is what he told me. Last night (Sunday)...
Ghostly Gatherings At The Inn by MunstersBabe
First, about the inn itself: A couple of years ago, I worked at the 1927 Lake Lure Inn and Spa, in beautiful Lake Lure, NC. The façade of the inn is pale yellow stucco with hunter green shutters. Inside, the lobby is very spacious and filled with the current owner's antiques and memorabilia from da...
The Gift? by Dottie
It seems that I have always been in touch with the spirits. The cold chill, the feeling of someone watching me, the feeling of someone being there are all too familiar. My Mother had "the gift". I should add that for her it was a gift, for me, not so much. These feeling scare me! I'm not really ea...
The Abandoned House by MunstersBabe
When I was a little girl back in the early 1980s, I lived in a town where one could ride their bicycle all over the place and no one would bother you. The whole town actually watched over the kids when they played outside. I lived on a street where part of it cut off into a dirt road, and there w...
Short And Squatty Like An Old Frog Man by MunstersBabe
When I was married to my now ex-husband, we wanted to buy a house. We had two small children and needed the room. We found a doublewide that was only a few years old and in pristine shape. I wasn't too keen on it, but my ex loved it. When I stepped inside of the house, the atmosphere in it was so th...
Child Demons by Annabella
I'm 24, not a spiritually sensitive person, but what happened to me two years ago, scared me a lot. This is a true story I will never forget. Before I get to my story I need to give you some insides on the place I live at. I'm from a small district called Marienburg. This used to be a slave plan...
The Stone Cold Kid by hobbyholly
I've shared my experiences that occurred in my childhood home in Lisle, IL. Ghost Farmer and Ghost Farmer two. Yet, after all these years there has been an incident that has stuck with me more than the 'farmer" or anything else. It may not be paranormal, but just recalling it makes me wonder. Som...
Humming And The Drums by acm_92886
When I lived in Richfield I had lived in a house that was really old, built in maybe 1970, there have been no deaths or anything else I am aware of. My room was in the basement so I had my own little living room and my own bedroom. Every morning when I would get up to shower the house would be de...
Ben's Friend Camilla by JessicaWishon1989
In a previous story, I wrote about my baby brother seeing and feeling things of the paranormal! The story titled, the woman's voice, and my step dad's brother Henry. Just to recap my baby Brother, Benjamin saw a figure in my doorway at my old house when he was 2 years old. Mistaking the figure fo...
Investigations Update - Minnesota by MNPROPHET
I am Brian case manager for PROPHET of MN and I would like to share our teams most trying and emotionally charged case we recently under took. We were recently contacted by an individual who had great concern for a dear friend that she believed was haunted. For security purposes we will call thi...
The Girl Ghost by Nor_Cal_Girl
This story took place about four or five years ago, and to this day I still can not look at the windows in my mom's apartment at night. My mom lives down in Seaside, California. It is about an eight-hour drive from where I currently live. I usually go to visit her during my time off from school. ...
Scratches On Our Body's by Leroux
Some Information that might be needed: My friend and I are both females. She is 21 while I am almost 16. She lives nearly across the county (in Seattle) while I am near Chicago. We have never done anything that involves any rituals. I am Christian while she isn't sure about a religion at this point....
Floating Light In The Dark by chloe6991
This happened in a house that I moved out of with my family not too long ago. It was a normal house with one storey and a half finished basement. I had never really had anything paranormal happen to me in that house. The only events I can remember other than the story I'm about to tell is that I...
Ghostly Whisp Of A Tail by fallonann96
This is my first of many stories I will write about. It kind of freaks me out and I wonder whether you could help me. My first experience was when I was eight years old a month after we just moved into our house. I scurried to the bathroom to go "potty" as I was washing my hands I turned and near...
Did The Orbs Play A Part? by Domka
I was at my Cousins 18th birthday party. Me and my two best friends (one of them is 18 and other is 15) were the first to arrive at her house. We had few beers. Then later I was looking at the table and I saw what looked like an orb. I just thought there was something wrong with my eyes. Then I pick...
Electrical Noise In My Ear by ecstewart
This morning I was lying in bed at my boyfriend's house after he had gone to work. I was lying on my stomach with my face in the pillow with a pillow next to me so I could not see next to me or behind me. Surprisingly I was wide awake just thinking about calling one of my friends when I felt somethi...
Haunted Apartment by ominousnyxx
Nothing happened to me over the passed months until January 10th. One of my long time dearest friend's (Madison) was getting married. She was proposed to on January 1st 2008 0:00a.m, so you could imagine her surprise, OUR surprise when the guy popped the big question. He didn't even mention to an...
The Night I Still Can't Forget by blank
I was in high school, the right time to get into all other stuff other than studies. I had a cool circle of friends. Usually we came up with nice things to do, we found our own time by bunking classes and stuff, most of us would stay up at my place on Friday nights planning for a night study, we wou...
The Night Before My Brother's Birthday by csuegar
My brother's birthday just passed-it was the 23rd of January and he passed on July2nd 2007. The night before his birthday sometime between 8:00-8:30 I was sitting at my computer going through my emails and my youngest daughter was sitting in the living room watching TV. My computer is in my dining r...
The Tree Goblin by Owl_Headdress
I have many stories-too many to count, really! This story happened when I was around 6 years old, and was my first encounter with the paranormal, in 1994. My father would take me to visit my uncle in Ft. Kipp on the Ft. Peck Indian Reservation, at their father's house-a "nothing" town, which he l...
The Demonic Child by demonboy
My story begins while I was at my home in Australia. I was sleeping in my house with my family when at night I awoke to a small and soft breathing sound. I looked around and in my window I saw a small boy staring at me, his right hand was on the roof gutter and he hung like a monkey. His other limbs...
Coughing Girl by Pangie
This happened to me about two weeks ago. I was at school and I was just talking to one of my friends when I realized I had to go the bathroom. We have two girls' bathrooms (I go to a private school) and I decided to use the one upstairs because it was bigger. I went up there did my business and ...
The Phantom Knocker Strikes Again by AshleyHalliwell
For this story to make sense I need to describe something to you so bear with me. In my room I sleep on my couch which is directly across from my doorway. I say doorway because I don't have a door, so keep that in mind. I'm back again and this time it's got nothing to do with an Ouija Board. Anyw...
The Man In Black by fireflyest
I was born in 1970. My Mom and Dad (now divorced for the last 22 years) bought a newly constructed home in a suburb on Salt Lake City. I was 1 at the time of moving from another house in the neighborhood that we were renting from. My parents were excited this was their first home since being married...
Demon In Baby's Crib by Annabella
First of all I would like to start off by saying that I don't believe in wandering spirits from dead people. When human beings die they just return into the arms of the lord. I think it would be very unfair for someone who died tragically to be punished by god to wander around and relive the pain ov...
Scary New Beginnings 2 by BYLUYSTER
Finding out I was pregnant, after suffering two miscarriages, was a dream come true. I know our house reeled with the joy of it all, but as the intensity of the spirit presence progressed, so did my fear. Not so much for myself or my husband, but what about the baby? Since the bookmobile stopped rig...
Orbs Or Dust? by JessicaC
I haven't experienced anything for so long so why now? Or did I just become ignorant of it and once again became aware? It started this afternoon when my dad had rented a movie about ghosts. I didn't want to watch it, because it was based on some journal. True or false not entirely sure, but I di...
Pale Faced Man With A Scar by ghostgirl445
What I am about to write about is something I thought I would never experience. My parents and my two brothers had gone to the store and I decided to stay home and get my homework done. While I was doing my homework I suddenly heard a loud slam which sounded like my family had returned home so I...
Black Foot Reservation - Ghostly Campsite by AmberMoonPriestess
I encountered another ghostly campsite while hiking with some friends on the Black Foot reservation by Minnie White Horse Lake, aka Cooper Lake. We had gone to the lake to fish but several of us were not big on fishing so we decided to go hiking instead. Me, my ex husband Shawn, my brother Mikee,...
Spiritual And Electric Incubus Encounter by towngirl41
I'm new to this site, but I've been fascinated by what I've been reading. I'm a happily married 41 year old woman with a teenage daughter. My husband and I are very Spiritual people, and so happenings in the unseen world are very common to us. I have a few experiences I would like to share with you....
My Friend Jacob by Nor_Cal_Girl
My friend Jacob passed away last Fall. He was only 19 years old. Everyone took it pretty hard. He was a smart kid, knew a lot about a lot of really cool things, but he had a wild side. He was usually pretty smart about it, but this time things just didn't work out. I remember the night he passed, be...
A Lifetime Of Experiences by Brianna_Beauty413
Since I have had so many experiences with the paranormal, I decided to just combine all of them into one post. Happy (or should I say Haunted?) reading! My first experience with a ghost or energy of some kind happened was when I was ten years old. My Mother and I lived on my Grandfathers land, wh...
Grandma's Still Watching Over Me by scaryboy
India is blessed with certain traditions and customs. It has innumerous religions and castes unlike any foreign country. I belonged to the religion of Hindus and of Brahmins caste. Our caste is considered as high ranked caste. My father works as a main priest in the Shiva temple of Mahabaleshwar, in...
Strange Happenings On Holiday by faerielike
We had a busy holiday this year. Well, I did. But it did not come without incidents. It started with my old Jack-in-the-box. It is old, circa 1978 (even though I wasn't born until 1981), but in good condition. It used to be a toy that my mom kept at my grandparents' house to play with whenever we wo...
The Mirror Above My Bunk by troyarn
In 1990 I was a corporal in the Marine Corps counting down the last six months of my tour of duty at Camp Butler, on the island of Okinawa. Being an NCO, I managed to get my own room. Although made for two people, the room was small. When you entered, there was a wall locker then a bunk on either si...
The Night I Still Can't Forget 2 by blank
After the first incident on my terrace I never stepped into my terrace alone and worse my friend never stepped in forever. Years passed and I was in college. The nights I stayed up at my place where very few, by this time both my interest and knowledge on apparitions were doubled. In my circle of fr...
St Columba's Tree Cutter by Gigi
Before St Columba's was a school it was a seminary where priests would train. It was small and there were roughly 100 students attending. Every morning it would be the same routine same classes the only thing that would change was chores and those were simple enough except for the task of cleaning t...
Haunted Tours Of Ottawa by treasureseekers
I have been a lurker to this site since the beginning of November, 2008. Only now do I feel comfortable enough to post here. I consider myself to be a skeptical believer in spirits. I believe that they do exist (both good & bad), but I need concrete proof that they are in contact with me. For exampl...
Could It Be The Previous Owner And His Son? by cycolbur
When my husband and I bought our house in 1999 we did not believe in ghost. Well it did not take long for us to change our minds! The first thing that happened was the ceiling fan was on without being turned on. Then my husband heard someone talking to our youngest son while he was sleeping. Our ...
Leave My Son Alone by BriFischer05
I haven't posted on here for awhile because things had somewhat died down. Of course that quiet time must have just been the eye of the storm. Happenings at my home have been picking up tremendously and it is starting to concern me ALOT. Not because I fear for my well being per say but more for the ...
Two Ladies In White by michellemarie713
The first thing I ever remember happening to me was when I was 6 years old. My parents went out to eat and my Granny was babysitting us. Our bathroom was across the hall from my bedroom; I went to the bathroom while everyone else was in the family room. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw a lady ...
The Man Dressed In A Revolutionary War Uniform by libertybelle
When I was fifteen, my family moved into a house in Philadelphia that, at the time was approximately eighty or eighty-five years old. It's still standing (or was, at any rate, the last time I was in that neighborhood several years ago), and was the site of something which I, to this day have never b...
Between Two Worlds? by libertybelle
When my first son was born, everything seemed fine. In fact, he appeared to progress normally until he turned about three, when his development slowed down to a crawl. No matter what I said to the military pediatricians, first at one duty station, then at another, I was consistently brushed off a...
Pearl by megan14_3luvparanormal
My story is of about a woman named Pearl who haunted one of our old houses. It wasn't until we moved a couple of months later that we learned the woman had died there. We were glad we had an explanation of the hauntings. It started when I was ten or eleven. We moved to a house in Zena. A small ...
The Possessive Entity by DPez
A few months ago (November) I was viciously attacked by an entity which I've posted already on YGS (The Night Strangler). Since that night nothing of such prominence has happened in our house that would warrant extreme worry. I've been wearing a medallion as some users on YGS have suggested, so that...
Abby Called Amy And Her Dolls by DPez
When I was younger, my mother was always convinced that I had some kind of clairvoyance for the spirit world. At rare opportunities of my life do I get to hear of when I was younger of the invisible people I would hold conversations with or how I was able to predict with clarity some happenings. I p...
My Girlfriend's Oma In Pictures? by CJoeSkater
A couple days ago my girlfriend hosted a party for her 17th birthday at her house. It was a lot of fun and many pictures were taken by her dad who is a photographer. When he got the pictures developed, there were three pictures that freaked us all out. The pictures show my girlfriend blowing out ...
The Power To Sense And Feel Before Something Occurs by csuegar
It was about 10:00 last night when I was trying to fall asleep but, for some odd reason I was tossing and turning most of the night,, I thought I heard something, I told myself to stop that I have to go to sleep. I had to get up very early to get my husband off to work and I also watch my granddaugh...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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