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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 55
Touched By Spirits by blued1
I have had reoccurring experiences. One common one is where I wake up and three; shadowy men are bending over and looking at me. It never happens when someone else is around me. I have usually, already been asleep for quite a while, when this happens. I had this same experience for 3 months in a row...
My Up-diliman Dorm by tazmanian
I just want to ask for help, it's really turning up my world upside down. In reading the stories published here, it came to my mind that, maybe, my third eye is also opened? Here's my story. I've transferred my residence here at Quezon City 3 months ago; I have moved my work here. Then I foun...
Upper Floor Haunting by justin102798
I've lived in four houses and I really hate the one I live in now. When I'm in bed at night I can hear footsteps and voices upstairs. I don't like to think that ghosts are real but I'm really annoyed because of these experiences. When I went upstairs to watch the fourth of July fireworks I though...
One Of A Few by blkfox
When I was 4, my family moved from the city to a quiet country home in Fayetteville, NY. My 7 year old sister would complain every night that she couldn't sleep because she heard "noises" like chairs moving on the wooden floor downstairs... One night she ran into my parents' bed room and told them "...
My Grandmother's House by NadimahElizabeth
When I was a little girl I lived in the countryside of Northern Ireland. The house was situated very close to the Giant's Causeway and it had been built by my grandmother's ancestors and had always been in the family. I have the warmest feelings for the place and wish with all my heart that I could ...
My Recent Move by mrsmla4ever
Until recently, my family and I lived in a "haunted" apartment. But, unlike most people, we got along with our ghosts. Whenever they did something we didn't like, we would tell them, and if we did something that they didn't like, they would let us know. Nothing truly scary ever happened while we...
My Cousins Double by gaga
When I was younger I used to sleep over my aunt's house because my mam used to babysit my cousin's every Sunday night for my aunty to work. I used to love it as me and my cousin's are similar ages so we get on really well. I used to sleep top and tail with my cousin Nathan. That night we went to ...
Need Advice On Ouija Board by sammi
So I just purchased an Ouija board yesterday on e-bay and it'll be with me in two days, so I would really appreciate comments before then! I've never played with one but my cousin has. When I was five her best friend baby-sat me and they made us kids go play outside while they played. She later...
Aggressive Spirit - Not Sure And Very Scared by Staz73
First, I'd like to thank anyone taking the time to read this. I'm unsure as to what happened to me this morning and I'm looking for comments or suggestions. I've been living in a pre-war bldg in Brooklyn for about 3 years. Not sure who lived in my apartment prior to my husband and I moving in. Fi...
Upper Floor Haunting 2 by justin102798
Update on what's happened! About 3 days ago I was on the computer and all of a sudden I heard light scuffing feet and what sounded like a little boy's voice in the hallway then stopped in front of my door! I looked at the bottom of my door and I thought I saw a shadow of feet for a few seconds. A...
Mystery In My Own Bedroom? by LexyGirl18
I had been interested in the paranormal since I was only 10, watching documentaries, but I never thought about being haunted myself. My house I was sure was not haunted, but 2 years ago I started waking up in the night. Mostly between 2-5 am and it wasn't until 5-10 minutes after I woke up that some...
Bad Feelings And Weird Noises by seb94
I have got a few weird things that I'm wondering about. I'll start with my friend's experiences in her home. Her house is pretty old, and we don't know the history. The thing is they've been doing some renovations lately, and I've heard that can stir up some activity. I don't know I've just hear...
The Man In The Road by CA_NJGirl
My siblings and I have always had the ability to hear and see spirits. Normally, I have seen fleeting images or more often, heard voices and noises about places. While I worked in an office where strange things happened due to a mischievous spirit, and experienced her turning on and off lights and s...
What Is It? by fireproof89
My name is Kristi and I'm 19 years old. I've never really had any true experiences except after my grandmother died and my aunt died. The years 2000 and 2001 I had non-stop deaths occurring in my family six deaths in total. The first one that had me experience my first "supernatural" phenomenon w...
Who Unlocked The Door? by izzy1975
This happened several years ago and is the only ghostly encounter I have ever had, but I still don't know how to explain it. My husband and I were renting a house. The bedrooms were located off a small hallway and the hallway had a door that led to the den, as well as a door that led to the livin...
Old Man And Young Woman by kfreakelena
My problem started 5 years ago when I was living in my old apartment. There I had a lot of problems. One captured my attention. I was 15 years old and it was summer. One night, because it was very warm I decided to sleep in shorts and a small T-shirt. It was about 23:15 and I was about to fall aslee...
Home Sweet Home by Anjoubelle
Normally I am not one to be easily scared. Rather, I prefer to play practical jokes on others, scaring them senseless used to be a great pass time but unfortunately one single experience has drastically changed my point of view, now days, I tend to avoid anything to do with the paranormal. My fami...
Strange Tooth by xxnell
This story is not my own but my aunties' and my Nan's. My two aunties and my Nan lived in this old house and they would tell me that they could feel something else in the house. At night when they watched they said that they could hear a weird noise like marbles being dropped and they could feels...
This Is My First Handed Account Of The Supernatural by wolfhound1023
My name is Jordan I'm 23 years old and I serve in the US Army, I'm a strong Christian and I have spent the good majority of my life fascinated with the supernatural as to include angels and demons. When I was younger around 12 to 14 I wasn't so much of a devote Christian. I dabbled in witchcraft, ...
Papa's Ghost by Ijuannie93
This occurred right after I graduated from high school in 1992 and yet still when I'm telling this story, I get emotional. Right after graduation, I discovered I was pregnant. I was so upset with myself and depressed thinking I ruined my life. I was accepted to go to Howard University and due to...
Vanishing Girls by StMikal
This happened to me and my best friend when we were about 15. This is when the very first Matrix had come out. Remember at that time no one had seen a movie like this so it was a big deal. We were a bit rebellious at that age and we had skipped school to go see it. Now, in Philly, if you live a cert...
Night Visits From The Lady White by DeborahBarry
I was only 8 when she came to me. Once she showed herself my nights were never be the same. My family and I had just moved into a new home on the south side of Kansas City. One night I awoke to see my grandmother standing in the open doorway of my bedroom. I said hello to her but she didn't say...
Snow by NecroCarnival
Though this isn't the first experience I've ever had, this is the one that spooked me the most. I was home alone (which totally figures). Parents were both at work and my younger brother was out and about with some neighborhood kids. I suppose I wasn't completely alone seeing as my blonde and wh...
Creepy Attack On My Room Mate by Anjali
This is the experience that my room mate had in our paying guest apartment. In my earlier post 'Encounter with burnt child', I have mentioned that I came to Hyderabad city for interview. Prior to this, I was working in an IT company in Pune. I had recently joined this company after my graduation and...
Dog's Creepy Shadow by Anjali
This is a very short experience that my grand mother had. My mom told this after I grew up a little. My father bought an MIG flat in 1981 in a locality still under construction in my home town. At that time, that area was just like a jungle. Today it is well developed and posh, and one who had seen ...
New House New Encounters by BriFischer05
I just recently went through a pretty nasty divorce. My ex wife and two children have moved back to my ex wife's home town in PA. Since they left, I have started renting an older home (built in 1925) in a historic district of town here in Winston-Salem, NC (West End District). It's a lovely house wi...
Possible Hauntings by Thejov
To make myself clear, my name is Grayling and it's not just me who has experienced these types of ghosts, it's everyone in my family except my sister. The first time I've experienced one was in my old house which I can't remember the street. When I was 11 years old, me and my 8 year old brother s...
The Hallway Phantom And The Toothbrush by dpjgiii
A few years ago, I was perhaps 14 or so, I had a pair of disturbing encounters in my home. It was a warm summer's day and I was resting in my room, working on some paper or school assignment, when I suddenly have to use the restroom. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? Wrong... When I got up,...
Sleep Paralysis Or Did Ghosts Really Come? by KajiSage
I was asleep and then awakened by something. I remember opening my eyes barely and I was seeing a shadow standing next to me. Next thing I know, I felt a pair of hands on my neck. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't move. While that thing had its hands on my neck, I remember what my thoughts were...
Ghostly House In Edmonton 2 by IrbeFan4Life
Last time I left off telling everyone about the interesting and positive ghostly experiences I've had in my home in Edmonton. As I promised before, I will include this story as an update of what has happened in my home paranormally since that time. The first new experience took place four-ish mon...
Why Can't I Sense What This Evil Is? by vicuttie8
Me and my friend Emily did something the other night. We did something that we know we shouldn't have done. And now were facing the consequences. Ok well to completely understand this I need to explain an experience that happened two weeks ago. I was riding my bike down a sidewalk next to the woo...
New House by mickijwat
I bought my first home less than a year ago. About two months into living there I woke up and and turned around for some reason to look at my bedroom door. The door was completely open (which it never is I always sleep with it closed) and there was a kid maybe late teens early twenties with a punk r...
A Troubled Life by JCSekscinski
For the past few weeks, I've been going through some very strange events. I think there is a ghost or demon attached to me or something. Whatever it is, I know it's following me. Two or three weeks ago, my mom saw a shadow person in our house. Then, her cross was thrown across the room towards her. ...
Bad Feelings And Weird Noises 2 by seb94
Here's an update on the experiences I've been having at my friend's house. I spent the night there last night which I really regret now. It started off normal laughing and chatting in her room, watching TV and snacking on chips. Then we agreed we were tired and she switched off the light and tur...
The Capitol Theatre by paranormalpest
As I promised, I will share a ghost hunt that happened just a few weeks ago, in the Capitol theatre. In the summer of 2006 I was with the Salt Lake county sheriff's office, working as a deputy for the protective service division of the sheriff's office. I had seen ghost and spirits and recorded off...
My Dad Doesn't Believe In What He Saw? by realghoststories
It was about 3 years ago that my dad was in his bed room with my mum. It was about 1:15am and he woke up from a light being at the end of his bed. He looked down the end of his bed and the lamp that was meant to be on his bed side table was at the end of the bed. He couldn't see exactly what was the...
A Tall Man And A Young Girl? by ghost-stories
About 3 or 4 years ago my aunty bought a house (which was pretty old) and moved into it with her husband and 2 children, after about a year I moved up north and when I went back for a holiday something strange happened in the house and I wasn't the only one who has experienced something like this in...
Who Was That Strange Woman? by Fuchsia
It feels good to be back. It's been a while since I last posted a story. This happened to me a few years back. I came home from work that night after a long, tiring day. I did my best to relax after dinner and before I knew it, I was dozing off. At first, I thought I was dreaming. I saw myself go...
Phantom Footsteps, Dark Orbs And A White Flying Specter by Watersprite
On October 6, 2006, my husband and I took a short but much needed vacation to the wonderful old spa hotel in Okawville, the Original Mineral Springs Hotel. When making arrangements for our "spa weekend," which would include a couple of massages, a steam bath, and trips to their Jacuzzi hot tubs in t...
How Many Ghost Do We Have? 2 by ghostmomma
When I left you last, I was telling about the tea pot I was looking for, for my granddaughter, Ashlyn. I thought I handed it back to her, the night she stayed over, and wanted to have a tea party with Jim and myself. So I went into her room to look in the toy box. I found it and handed it back to so...
Trying To Wake Me... Why? by sissy
For the past four nights I have had strange encounters with ghosts or sprits. Around 3:00 I have been woken up by what feels like someone shaking me like. It is like when my mum wakes me when I'm late for school. Thinking it is my mum I just turn around and go back to sleep after looking at the cloc...
The Grateful Stranger by villageboy101
Although I have had no confirmable experiences with the other side, I can say my interest in the 'paranormal' and this site is an act of precaution or maybe caution. A few of my family though, have had the fortune or misfortune or neither of experiencing 'their' company. The following account is one...
This Old Man by bldfalcon
What I'm about to tell you is true. I'm a 24 year old male living in a plain suburban town. About 10 years ago I encountered a man shoveling dirt off the ground. I didn't know why he did it for. It was in the middle of fall. I noticed a sign on the entrance of the property. It said, private property...
Blocked Off With Communication Issues by EternalLotus
The women of my family tend to have special abilities. My mom and great grandmother could/can see ghosts, and are able to determine the gender of a baby before the one pregnant really even knows themselves. I first had the impression that the abilities skipped a generation until I remembered that I ...
Blessed by paranomal_believer94
Because my mother was working I had a lot of sleepovers at my grandparent's house. They did not know that there house was affiliated with the paranormal and nor did I, but on this one particular evening - which I will always remember, 16th of April 2007 changed me forever. It was about 21:35 in ...
Ghost Girl At Park by tasuma
A few nights ago I was walking my dogs. It was a Saturday around 8:30pm. Normally I don't walk my dogs at night but my Dad was working late and my Mom was baking, so I had to. When I walk my dogs I tend to see one shadow person every so often. I usually walk my dogs outside my community due to more ...
Buffalo Ridge - A Joyride Of Screams by Cincy22amos
2009-10-13 [confused] Last night around 11pm, my girlfriend and I were driving around looking for hills to venture on. Being new to the area, I only knew of one "hilly" road, and that road is Rybolt Road (I drove through earlier that day). Seeing how entertained I was, my girl suggested a road she a...
My Ghost Used To Be Subtle... Not Anymore by clayballz
I live in an up/down double. Mother lives downstairs. We had a family dog that always slept at the foot of her bed in our previous home. Upon moving into this home, the dog would NEVER go into her room or even the hall leading to it. For two years it slept in the living room or dining room NEVER goi...
Coincidence Or Is It Something Bigger? by KajiSage
I was asleep and then awakened by something. I remember opening my eyes barely and I was seeing a shadow standing next to me. Next thing I know, I felt a pair of hands on my neck. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't move. While that thing had its hands on my neck, I remember what my thoughts were...
The Little Boy At 1:00 Am by tykenbay716
The night of Halloween my sister and I thought is would be fun to mess with the Ouija Board. What a bad idea. As the board was glowing green, our fingers moved across to different letters to spell freighting words. We were talking to a little boy, maybe 7 or 8 years old. The only sentence that made ...
A Sceptic Now A Believer by heaven123
I'm a cna in a nursing home. I've only worked here for a year. I've come to learn that the facility was an old tuberculosis hospital for children. The building is over a 100 years old. One night I was working the night shift and I left the apt room into the hallway. I saw something move in the c...
My Doppelganger - Looking For Ideas by Lupernikes
Here's something which has both intrigued and bothered me for a while and I'm looking for people's ideas on it; I have some thoughts of my own on the subject but wonder what people might think... Ever since I can remember I had encounters with a spirit which only I ever saw or detected; later on ...
Shadow Stalkers And Shadow Watcher by Lupernikes
I've been reading with interest the stories popping up on here about the so called "Shadow People". I have, over the last 15 years or so, had a number of encounters with these creatures and, what interests me more, is that I have met both malevolent and seemingly benevolent kinds. Let me talk...
New Home And New Haunts by faerielike
I have been waiting a while to relate my new experiences on here. We finally moved out of the old haunted apartment into a nice house in the country. Though it is nice to have peace and quiet, I do sometimes miss the stir of vibes from the multiple ghosts in the old place. Living here shows how full...
Sleep Paralysis And Unknown Witness by sjm
My name is Sandra, I'm 18 years old and I live in New Jersey. I have had many different experiences with "sleep paralysis" or whatever you want to call it. I was 15 the first time I had one and it was horrible. I remember waking up at midnight being totally paralyzed, I could only look out my window...
My Sister's House by bozoe6
My sister lives in West Valley City, Utah. When she first moved there, they were living in her in laws downstairs basement 2bedroom apartment. I, at the time lived in Layton, Utah and sometimes would stay the weekend with her. One day while staying with her, her daughter at the time was almost 2. Sh...
Ghost Of Myself by Mosha
This is my first story. This experience happened to me when I was a kid about 5-6 years old. My step-dad was away for the weekend, visiting some of his friends, so it was just me and my mother in the house. As a kid I would sleep in the same bed as my mother when my step-dad was away, I suppose I ju...
Hood Figure With The All White Face by TraumatizedbySin
Here is a story I've only shared with a few people as the times I have I was often made fun of or looked at as if I was mental, except for my wife as she was sort of a witness. When I was younger, before I got married, I was on the phone at my parent's house with my future wife. My parents have ...
Farm House Haunting by MrsHood
I'm actually writing into this to find out whether or not you all think there is something going on in our home. We live in a big farm house built in 1887 or 97 I can't remember exactly. I know for certain that there's been 2 people pass away in our home. One was the daughter of the family that owne...
The Beginning - Incubus And The Hypocrites Cry To God by morambo85
It was the end of my summer session of college in San Francisco at my Art college. I was staying in the dorms on Van ness and Broadway. I remember being really lonely and depressed and had decided that day to kill myself. I was just so down and alone. I walked around the corner to a wallgreens on Po...
The Black Watcher by morambo85
One night as I was sleeping I suddenly awoke and looked toward the end of my bed. I was surprised to see a pitch blacker than black almost human shaped figure hovering at the end of my bed facing outwards like it was looking watch for the night. As soon as I saw it it bolted in my direction and wrap...
Coombes Jibbit by gemzyd1988
This only happened a couple of days ago. Me my partners and some friends decided to take a drive up to Coombes Jibbit. It is a place where they would hang innocent women claiming that they where witches some of the women were as young as 14, it's very sad. Once we had driven as close as we could...
Jacob's Return Or Something Else Entirely? by Nor_Cal_Girl
Nothing paranormal has happened to me for a good half of a year... Until now, that is. Until I go any farther, I recommend you read my story, "My friend Jacob" because this will all make more sense. For those that did, you will know that Jacob's death was last Fall, early September to be precise. Fo...
The Experience I Never Had Before by MarkakaJin
This happened around the month of August, I believe. I just started living at my friend's place after moving in around July 22nd. He helped me a get a job at his work place and everything was going well until the month of August. I started to feel kind of stressful about the whole situation that I w...
Mystery House by Cooperdoo
In 2006, me and my family bought a historic plantation house in Kentucky. It was built in 1794 and was originally used as a slave plantation. The house was beautiful, two storey, white house with huge wooden columns on the front porch. The seller mentioned it was haunted, but only little things. The...
My First Ghost - Austin, Texas by Ghoster1956
The incident took place in Austin, Texas on August 14, 1995 between 11:30pm and Midnight. A friend of mine who I shall call James had been going through some bad times of late. He had been suffering from partial paralysis from an injury he had sustained years ago in a diving accident. His business w...
Blue Balls by jennie1042
I was about 19 years old living in Orlando, Florida and had recently moved into an apartment with my best friend, Carl, his wife and their 1 year old son. We had the 3rd floor which had the stairway outside (instead of an indoor staircase) and it faced the woods. There was hardly any lighting back t...
Black Humanoid Figure by Zombieking18
I had this experience in July 2008. I still don't really know what to make of it. I have my own ideas, but to avoid influencing anybody's comments, I won't state them here. A little background about myself first, I have never experienced a ghost, alien, angel, or anything like this prior to this eve...
3:12 Held Down By Something Or Someone by rockstar84
I was searching online for some similar stories to what happened to me two nights ago. I was sleeping at a friend's house and he had moved out but still had things at the apartment so I told him I would stay there and make sure everything would be ok. I put on a movie and waited for my wife to g...
Not So Dearly Departed by indig0c0gnito
This happened to me personally and I will swear to it. So will the others involved, even though it happened 20 years ago. A close friend of my husbands was looking for a nice farm in the Sheridan School District in which to raise his new family. He and his new wife had just located what they tho...
An Odd Encounter With Coyotes by oceanborn
Me and my friends have been into ghost hunting and investigating for quite a while now. While doing this I've experienced some strange things before, taken some interesting pictures etc. But within just a few days it seemed like something odd was happening. I will start with the night when me, my...
Personal And Family Experiences by miskiamakus
It happened to my daughter and to my son in law in my house. At night in their bedroom both awake they heard an old man's voice, so real that my son in law asked my daughter if she had said something. She said no. I have two grandkids, my son in law grabbed my older grandson and he said "I'm not...
Voices But No People by LadyCynthia
Last summer I was at my ex-boyfriend's house. He had gone to work and I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided I would do a couple of loads of laundry for him. His parents lived next door and he did his laundry over there. They were gone for the week out of town. I got up and got a basket of clothes...
Shy Footsteps by EireRaven
In January of 2000, our family dog died. My family had been living in this house already for about ten years, with never a strange occurrence. About two months after the passing of our beloved pup, while home alone during the day, I heard heavy footsteps upstairs. So I actually went upstairs to look...
My Shadow Man by EireRaven
I've mentioned in my previous posting "Shy Footsteps" that I'd started to wake up in the night to find a shadow man in the corner of my bedroom just watching me. Well, this did occur quite often until I moved in with my husband. My husband travels a lot due to his job, so I'd be home alone quite oft...
Playful Spirit by EireRaven
When my husband and I moved into our current residence, we'd notice quite often that our light bulbs were burning out at an incredible rate. Our bedroom light fixture was basically just a long cable and buld hanging from the ceiling with a shade over it. One evening while getting ready for bed, I no...
The Fan That Was Off by Reggieaz20
This is what happened to me while I was in Bahrain for two weeks waiting to come out to my ship, in January 08. While I was there I was in a Temporary Holding Unit were they give you a bunch of busy work. One of the days I was there we were taking the Tape Off the walls in one of the barracks rooms....
Not My Cats by Surya
My Two beautiful cats no longer sleep on the bed with me. I suppose it is a good thing. Inca now sleeps in his basket near the bedroom door and Smoky has made his little bed on a cabinet near the front door. Last night I got back from gym about 9:30pm. I walked into the bedroom and like always loo...
Sleep Paralysis, Wispers Of A Girl And A Man by born_in_halloween
I'm a 16-year-old girl living with mother and my grannies. We have lived in our house since I was 6 years old when my mum and dad got divorced. The house had 6 rooms; I slept in the same room as my mum (I was always scared to sleep alone). The front yard used to have a big guava tree. Some people sa...
Unexplained Event by Wednesday
I have never thought about discussing this kind of thing with anyone before, so it feels a bit strange - please bare with me if I ramble! I have had several experiences over the last few years that I have been wondering about for some time. The latest was over the past few nights, which is why I ...
Rip Mom by emily17
When I was thirteen my mother passed away from her long battle of cancer and MS. My mother and I were very close like best friend close. After she died it was like a weight was lifted from my shoulders, I knew she was at peace. Although I still am always needing a mother. When I was younger we h...
Who's There? by shantecameron
I've really never had an encounter with anything until we moved into this house. This was odd because things always seemed to happen when I was alone. I was 15 years old and my parents use to work all the time. I had two older brothers one whom was married and did not live with us and my other broth...
Feeling Of Being Watched by twilight116
For the past months, I've been waking up between 2:55-3:12am every other night. (About 23 days out of a month) I wake up to chills, noises and the feeling of being watched. I've even, and I swear to you on this, have felt something run up and down my back, and even move my hair. It scared me so bad....
Dead Silence by bldfalcon
This story is true and weird, because I was in school with noisy classmates around me. In 2004, is where it really all started. I was ready to leave school after the graduation and then I saw this weird man with a black suit on. He just looked weird to me, but I thought it was just an old man that w...
Ghost River Ghosts by castleskier
It all started when I began working for a large business retreat about 20 km from Cochrane Alberta. The piece of land ran along the Ghost river ravine and was centred around a dirt road that wound all the way to the river. The road had been an old wagon road with the only bridge that crossed the riv...
The Vortex Ceiling by Wren
When I was about 6 years old I had an experience in my stepmother's house that still nags at me. I was lying in bed on a particularly windy night. I couldn't sleep because the sound of the wind was so loud. I was staring at my ceiling when all of sudden, all at the same time the noise of the win...
Seeing Things Has Passed To My 2 Year Old Son by momto285
So let me just say that I have dealt with hauntings since I was a little girl, I have always had a sense there was something odd I guess you could say. My mother said it started from birth at my grandmothers house, I would follow things with my eyes, talk to people she couldn't hear or see, I would ...
Fifteen Years In A Haunted House by KimCan
I grew up in a haunted house. It was an old brick house in a historic neighbourhood nestled in the Fox River Valley, about 45 miles outside of Chicago. We moved there when I was just 5, and it wasn't until I moved out as a young woman that I realized just how unusual our experiences in that house re...
The Bad Signs Of Ghosts That Don't Move On by justin102798
I have a few things to tell you about my other houses. My first house was not that bad. I had no experiences in there. It was an insult to haunted houses. The second one was filled with mysterious happenings... 1. I heard voices in the living room. 2. I saw lights on the ceiling twice. 3. Th...
My Ouija Experience by FallenBeauty
In my previous story I told of the experience I had with the spirit of a man in my room when I was living with friends over Christmas of 2008, well my mates and I thought it would be "cool" to try a Ouija Board to find out who he is and why he can't or won't leave. I have "played" with Ouija bef...
The Whisper by FallenBeauty
Since my last story some weird stuff has been happening to me and my friend Beth... Beth's been seeing "shadow people" and a having weird dreams. The other day when she was home alone playing FARM TOWN on facebook a single blind in the lounge room began tapping on the glass sliding door with all the...
Is It Him? by Claws
I've always felt a strange feeling in my mother's house, especially in her room and mine. Our rooms are right across the hall from each other and connected by a Jack and Jill bathroom. When I was little, the alarm clock in her room would go off at random times without warning. Also, the television i...
He's Back... Was He Ever Gone? by FallenBeauty
If you have read my other stories you would be familiar with the man that resides in my old bedroom at Trev's house. My boyfriend and I moved out of there earlier this year and moved in with my mum, we do still stay there fairly often as it is like a second home to me and even though creepy things h...
The Apartment We Shared With Two Spirits by shrlyhughes86
Since I was a kid I believed I had the ability to sense spirits when they are around me. Well when I became a mom five years ago I started to overlook the feelings. I stopped talking about ghosts and tried not to get freaked out anymore so I didn't scare my little boys. I soon figured out they weren...
The Washing Machine by SBMatt
Just a short story here and it is true. I'm not a believer in ghosts and not an easy guy to scare but this did the trick. I'll tell you in advance that I don't have an answer to what happened but would like to hear your thoughts. It's all true and a major puzzle to me. Our top loading washing ma...
111 by HellisReality
What you are about to read might disturb you. This event started 3 years ago back in the summer of 2006. I have no idea what triggered these events. But, I will tell you that this story is real. In the month of July, my mom started to leave the door open that led to downstairs. She left the door...
Paralyzed by chop_suzie
When I was 16 years of age in my house in Abilene, Kansas. I was lying awake in bed late one night recapping the day's events in my head. Yet when I tried to roll over onto my side I could not move at all except for my eyes. I was just flat on my back paralyzed with just the ceiling to look at. My b...
Real Incubi? by canthisbereal
I had gotten up early because I needed to call my school to see if my teacher was going to show up to class. So I called and said they did not know annoyed I drove the 45 minutes to school and walked to my class room after getting an amazing parking spot. I walk up the 2 flights of stairs to a note ...
Seeing The Old Woman by peiamarn
I wanted to share one of my weird experiences when I was still a kid. I can't even explain these things to myself. I was just told that I have this special gift, a gift that is weird, and letting me see the people of the other dimension, and this is having a third eye, or sometimes called the sixth ...
The Fast Shadow by ravenshiek
First of all this is not my story it is my friend's story. Let me give you some details of the house. It is two storey's high and my friend's bedroom is first on the left upstairs then if you look to your right you will find the bath room. Sometimes when my friend needs to get a drink or go ...
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