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Paranormal investigators from Indiana, United States: Page 1
Cousins ParaGhost Investigations
Cousins ParaGhost Investigations (C.P.I.) is an Indiana based team of paranormal investigators, most of whom reside in Grant County, Indiana. We are self organized, staffed, funded and trained. Whether it is in your home or business, our goal is to help you understand, if what you are experiencing i...
Hoosier Paranormal Research is a group of dedicated paranormal investigators in South-Central Indiana. The purpose of HPR is to investigate allegations of ghostly or paranormal activity and to help people better understand it....
Indiana Paranormal Investigations
We are a great team of professionals with the latest ghost hunting equipment that will fit any needs you may have. We investigate in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois but will travel further if needed. Our team has a Minister, an Two Equipment Techs, A Shaman, A Demonologist and so much more. We ...
Indiana Society of Paranormal Research
The ISPR team is comprised of experienced paranormal investigators, committed to finding and collecting paranormal activity, and help you find a solution. ISPR was established to provide efficient and expert solutions to offer home and business investigations, free of charge. Our research is not lim...
Indy 24/7 Paranormal is all about the client. You are the reason we do what we do. With our passion for finding the truth in the unknown, we are confident and determined to get you the answers scientifically that you are desperately seeking. We use modern equipment and innovative techniques when con...
The Indy Ghost Hunters are a scientific, paranormal investigation team based out of Indianapolis, Indiana. Since 1996, we have been investigating the paranormal and assisting those who have Been experiencing paranormal activity. As an active group, we have conducted investigations In multiple ...
Lakeside Central Paranormal in based in South Bend Indiana and covers Indiana and Southern Michigan. We are the Northern arm of 3 separate teams divided throughout Indiana and one group in Ohio to cover as much area as possible. No case is too small or large. Lakeside Central Paranormal has the ex...
Paranormal 911 is a group of paranormal investigators located in Indianapolis. We are a team of professionals made up of firefighters, paramedics, EMT's, school teachers and psychologists. Our common interest in the unexplained drew us together seeking answers. Our goal is to not be ghost hunte...
Professional Paranormal Investigations
I guess we have to thank Television especially Reality TV for bringing paranormal investigating into the common accepted practices of today's society. If you think about it, 15 years ago you'd expect to see a bunch of geeky people running around chasing ghosts or spirits around cemataries....
Rural Indiana Paranormal (R.I.P.) is dedicated to the scientific, objective Investigation into claims of alleged paranormal phenomena. We are an all-volunteer organization with over 30 years experience. R.I.P. Does not charge for its services, and maintains strict confidence and Client anonymit...
Southern Indiana Paranormal Society
our mission is to help those who have nowhere else to turn. Our primary mission is to help them find answers. Seeing a ghost or being haunted at home or work, is nothing to be ashamed of. We know its hard to talk to someone about this type of activity, you are not alone. It doesn't mean that you'r...
Three Rivers Ghost Trackers is a non profit, experienced paranormal investigation team that began in 2005. Covering Northern, Central Indiana and parts of Western Ohio. We use current technology and equipment to evaluate homes and businesses free of charge. Our group is here to help anyone in who th...
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Latest hauntings:
- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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