For as long as I can remember I have been able to see and hear things. Most of them really aren't welcome, because I' am a total baby when it comes to scary things and the unknown. I have seen angels and shadow forms. I have even felt someone brushing my shoulder and actually lifting my hair!
I have a two and a half year old daughter, and I'm starting to get worried, because she will run up to me and tell me that "he is scary, and it hurts" while she is clutching her chest. I have told this man that he is not welcome here and he is not allowed to scare my daughter, but he has not left.
Since we have lived in our apartment I have been seeing a lot more shadow people and getting odd feelings, I have especially been having a lot more premonition dreams I guess you can call them. I keep getting this feeling that someone is watching me and wants to talk to me. I'm so terrified to let in whoever wants to talk to me. And if someone needs help crossing over to the other side I want to help them. I'm just terrified of letting the wrong kind of spirit in. Can anyone help?
For awhile I was also seeing this orb like thing on my daughter's wall. One night it was on the north side of her wall, and another night it was on the east side of her wall. I have also been getting this feeling that there is a man, who is standing near my daughter's bed watching her while she sleeps at night. He just stands there; he is kind of hunched over with his arms behind his back. My Father in law has told me that he is not harmful. My father in law is very connected to his psychic side, and is trying to help me reconnect with mine and accept it.
Can someone please help me come to terms with the gift that I have been given, and if you get any feelings about my story can you please share. I want to accept and embrace my gift but I'm so scared.