I went to my friend's house a couple of months ago to stay the night. We thought it would be fun to try and watch movies all night. She didn't have a bed at that time so she took a futon mattress and folded it up in her closet and used that as a bed. Above her tv, about three feet up, she has 3 china dolls on a small shelf. About half way through the movie, I got bored and was looking around the room. I looked up at the three dolls and looked away, I looked back at the doll and it was looking at me... I knew that the first time that I looked at it, the doll was looking a different way. I told my friend about it and she covered the dolls up... I still couldn't go to sleep that night.
The next time I went to stay the night at her house, the same thing happened but the story was a little different. Again we were watching movies. We thought it would be fun to get some of our "OLD BOYFRIEND" boxes and burn ALL the stuff that they had given us. So we drove to the burn pile and we started to burn the stuff. We started to get cold and so we went back to the house and started watching movies and stuffing our faces with junk food... You know how girls can get after you do this. We were watching tv and for some odd reason, we both had a feeling that someone or something was watching us. And we both had a feeling that it was the dolls. We looked at the dolls for a sec and the one closest to us turned its head and was staring at us. We were so scared and didn't know what to do except run out of the room.
I have had many scary things happen to me whenever I go to my friend's house and every time it has to do with the dolls.
If you have had any experiences leave a message or email me about them, my email is shorty_darien2010 [at] hotmail [dot] com
Thank you.