I've been having these "sleep paralysis" episodes for a while now. The first time it happened I woke up and I couldn't move or open my eyes and it felt like someone was on top of me shaking me. When I was finally able to get up I realized my shoulders were stinging so I looked at them in the mirror and I had red marks on my shoulders where it looked like something grabbed me. I felt like I wasn't alone and I felt like I was lost and alone. The only thing I could do was cry.
About a year ago I was saved and accepted Jesus Christ as my savior (I don't want to offend anyone, I'm just telling my story). After that they happened more and more but they were never as bad as the first time. I was always able to pull through it very easily by praying in my mind and asking God to help me, and I always felt very comforted by it. A few nights ago I had 3 dreams about my mother's sister who passed away from cancer at a young age and I have never even met her. Each dream was just like the previous, in each one she was dying and I felt nothing but grief and they were very scary. It seems strange since I didn't even know my aunt.
The next night I had another "sleep paralysis" episode but it was different. I was laying on my side and I had just woke up. All of a sudden my body started to go numb and something started pushing me down into the bed. I started to pray and all of sudden something growled really loud above me and then I came out of it. It was scary because I was awake when it happened and normally it happens when I'm half asleep. I can't explain it. I personally think I'm being harrassed by a demon because I accepted Jesus Christ as my savior. What do you think? (again I'm not telling this story to offend anyone. I don't want to get into a religious battle over the internet. I'm just trying to tell my story. If you're offended by my beliefs then I'm sorry but please don't leave a nasty comment. Thank you)