My first experience with paranormal activity/vision was when I was20 years old. I was 5 months pregnant with my first child. It was December 31st, 1998. I was making plans to go out with my friends that for New Year's Eve. We were going to go out to Wisconsin. For some reason, I chose not to go and stayed back. I called them a half an hour before leaving and told them I was going to stay home.
That night everyone was home but my brother. It snowed that night. It snowed a lot. I had a dream that my brother had gotten into a really bad car accident. It felt like I was there. I saw the emergency room and everything. But I did not get to see what hospital we were in. Dreaming, not realizing the time, because, I was tired; I was in going into my last trimester with my daughter. In my dream the telephone was ringing. That moment when the phone in my dream was ringing and trying to wake up, I came to and heard my house phone ringing. I hurried up and went to answer the phone. I picked up the phone and it was my mother. My mom was calling and calling to wake one of us up. It was the bad news of my father in the hospital. My heart sank. When I hung up the phone, I ran downstairs to my brother's room to see. He was home safe. I then woke my brother and sister up and to the hospital we went.
In the Hmong culture it's bad when your loved ones don't visit you after passing away. Everyone else has had several dreams with him; even my boyfriend at the time had seen him after his death by months or by a year. I have only had two dreams with my father in it.
I know he is in a good place. R.I.P I miss you very much and it's been almost 11 years.