Hello, I'm new to this site and hope I did everything appropriate to the guidelines. I read a lot of people's stories and have had a lot of paranormal things happen to me. I hope you can help us. So, I have a significant other in Portugal, (it's an online relationship, and we planned to meet up this summer). We've been together for about a year plus. A lot of things very painful and negative have happened, but I've always believed in very spiritual bonds you can have with another person.
After more than 7-8 months into the relationship, he claimed he felt something overtake him. I know this story might sound weird or even unrealistic, but I want to believe him and I want to help him. He said he felt as if someone resembling his past self overcame him and started talking to him in his dreams. He said this being feeds off of bonds, or so it said to him, and wanted to break us. This "thing" also talked to me over MSN, (our only way of communication) a lot, on many different occasions. It's starting to get more and more recent, and what he does say to me is that I am a liar, I am a fake, I hurt him, and my boyfriend complains of this thing making him hurt himself.
I don't know the credibility of this, I just know that he swears to me that this is something very, very real. I don't know what it is. I doubt it's a demon, because if it was, I doubt he'd have even let him live as long as he is. I've seen scratch marks on him and he claims to have been dragged back. When he calls his mother for help, it goes away.
I'm in desperate need of help. I'm telling what I heard and witnessed 100%. Is it a spirit, demon, something he has to deal with by himself? Whatever it is, it's hurting him physically, and I'm extremely worried at this point. I don't mind spiritual or religious views on this at all, I just want to be believed. I will take all of your opinions to heart, and all of your advice. I'd like everyone to be respectful to him and what he is dealing with. I don't know why he'd want to intentionally cause more stress in our relationship, but I told him I'm finally doing something about it. If you have anymore questions about what goes on to answer me properly, please feel free to. I'm also going to be posting more experiences of mine in the near future.
About the 'repressed childhood' thing, I also figured this could have been possible too, but I guess that it will take a while to figure out.