I had a question to ask anyone experienced for a while, but couldn't find time about something that I have been experiencing for around three years. I have had sleep paralysis at least two times a week and sometimes three to four times in one night. Once, when I was sleeping over my friend's house I got sleep paralysis and heard a child's laughter followed by what felt like something tickling me. Then, one time (this wasn't sleep paralysis) I had a dream about a mad lady that was very furious because of me and dreamt that she hit me with a sharp, long wooden stick, but strangely only hit my hands and I actually felt it. When I woke up, I saw two parallel marks on my hand that couldn't have been made by my nails or anything sharp because it was sort of engraved in deep then disappeared after a few minutes later at the same spot the lady hit me.
I don't sleep in my room anymore because I'm afraid of sleep paralysis and bad dreams. I sleep near my mother and didn't have nightmares or anything since. Today, when I was alone, sleeping where I usually slept I had it again. The sleep paralysis. I felt as if something were watching me, but I can't tell between the real 'being watched' feeling and me being insane. I have never seen shadows before or demonic entities, but I did once see a white floating 'thing' in my peripheral vision about four years ago at my current home.
Am I just being paranoid? Or is this something that should be taken to an expert? Should I be concerned or scared about this situation? Comments are deeply appreciated.