This is my first story on this web site. I love to take pictures of everything well mostly plants, flowers, clouds, when it night time, when it rains, my animals and my family.
I notice that I every time I take pictures I always get orbs in the back ground and it rare for me to not get orbs in the background. I notice that every time I take picture I get orbs but if somebody else uses my camera and they try to take picture of orbs they don't get as much as I do they mostly get one or two orbs but for me I always I get a lot.
When I take pictures I notice that the orbs are always around me more then anyone. My parents and family are always telling me that I am a magnet if I go somewhere people follow if I go to a an empty store or any place like a restaurant it will become full in less then five minutes. My family always get worried about going out with me since the place always gets full.
One of my good friends always tells me that when ever we are together she says that I bring her real self out like I am pulling her out like a magnet pulls a metal to it self and she says this only happens when she with me. She agrees with everyone in my family that I am a magnet and I attract people and spirits to me.
I am starting to wonder and question why I am magnet to people and spirits? Can anyone actually be a living magnet and attract people to them. I am asking since it seems like I am a magnet and it happening to me.