From the time I was a baby to around 11 years of age, we lived in a large, old house that was built around 1900. Generations of my family before me had lived and died in that house. I was never really afraid of that thought because I figured they were my family, so they didn't have need to harm me. We had tons of antiques that my mother had collected over the years and had furnished our house with them. Now that I think back, it really was the perfect set up for ghostly encounters! Anyway, I had never really had any experiences at all until one night.
I was 6 or 7 at the time and I had awoken during the night to quietly make my way to the bathroom. To better visualize our old house for the sake of the story, we had large, heavy, wooden doors that are often seen in old houses. My bedroom door faced the attic door ac crossed the hallway. (Which always kind of creeped me out.) Anyway, I opened my bedroom door and proceeded to tip toe down the hallway. I remember this as vividly as if it just happened last week, or last night. A strong, male voice came behind me and all around me and told me matter of factly, "I see you Katie, I hear you Katie."
I can hear it in my head now as I write this. It wasn't menacing or mean sounding, it seemed like it was just letting me know. I am an only child; my parents were both asleep in the room down the hall with their door shut, as well. The voice didn't sound like my father. Needless to say I was filled with a fear that only a child can have when you are caught out of bed, sneaking around. I darted into my room and into bed without even thinking about who's the voice was. The more I came to realize that it wasn't my father, the more terrified I became. To this day I still think back on that night. I have no explanation. It's not really a huge experience or even an impressive one, but I have always wanted someone to share it with.
Maybe you can give me an idea. Could it have been one of my old relatives coming back to let me know that I was protected?