I cannot tell you exactly how long ago this happened; only that it was a little chilling. My story does not include any ghosts, although I do quite often see them. This story is about another paranormal experience I had roughly three years ago. I don't know what to call it, but I suppose it was an OBE (Out of Body Experience). From what I have read, these do not usually happen unless you are close to death, so I do not know what to make of it. Any input from readers would be greatly appreciated to help me out. I want to know of any other people who have experienced anything like I have.
It all happened while I was lying in bed one night. It was a little cold that night. I had been lying awake for maybe 10 minutes, when I decided to get up and get myself a drink from the kitchen. On the way back to bed, I went to the toilet and got an extra blanket from the linen cupboard to warm me up. This is where it got a little creepy... I walked into my room, placed my drink on my bedside table and went to toss the blanket over my bed, but when I looked down, I was still asleep in my bed! I was confused. I was standing next to my bed watching myself sleep! I watched myself for a few seconds, and then I don't remember anything else. I don't know what happened. All I know is when I woke up the next morning I was in bed, but the blanket I had pulled from the closet during the night was over me. Thinking I had been dreaming, I shrugged it off.
When I spoke to mum the next morning, thinking she may have placed the blanket over me and put the drink next to my bed, I thanked her. She was confused as to what I was talking about. I explained my "dream" to her and we were both standing in the kitchen puzzled.
I have since had this happen only one other time.
The thing that really spooked me out about these experiences is that I could feel everything! Everything I touched, the carpet under my feet, EVERYTHING! That is one reason I am sure what happened to me was more than a dream, and it left me nervous for weeks.
What does this mean? Was I seeing my own ghost?
Can anyone please help me figure out what these experiences were? I am interested in finding out, and would love to hear if anyone else has any similar stories to mine.