I am starting to be more and more perceptive to the spirit world each month. Since I was very young, I could have picked up on entities that my neighbours could not. Some of my experiences are good and bad. But I am still in the process of learning still. After all, I may never know everything.
These nights I am hearing constant chains dragging outside. At times the chain noises will come with wailings. Now I know that the area I live in use to be a slave plantation, so I figured that there may be restless spirits out there still. Like my experience with the Amerindian warrior, I usually hear sounds before I can see them manifest into an actual being. So I am patiently waiting to see the apparitions that are making these sounds. I am not too sure if they know that I can hear them. I am a little nervous I must say, since the whole village was a slave plantation. So I do not know how many apparitions I will see. But I will try my uttermost best to guide them to peace.
The other thing is they may not be slaves. My neighbours say that the sounds can be that of a Loup Garou/Ligahoo. This is a person who can shape shift. In Trinidadian folklore, it is said that this person is a slave that can shape shift into a werewolf. He usually drags chains along with a coffin. Now I am not going to that extreme in believing that until I see the apparitions manifest for myself.
I will keep you all updated.
The sounds come and go. I guess that is how some hauntings are.