Before I write this story, please note that I am respectful to all religious beliefs. I am in no where forcing my belief system on anyone here on this site. I am merely sharing this experience.
This happened some years back when I was a very strict Christian at the time.
I believed at the time that fornication can bring me to hell. My previous church often had seminars on the 'sin of fornication' and its ramifications. But at the time I was still in a sexual relationship although it was not a steady one.
But one day, I decided to take these seminars seriously. One night I slipped so I was feeling very guilty and afraid of God, because I thought at the time I did a grave sin.
Around 3:00 am on the next day, I went into what they called sleep paralysis. I was scared at the time when this began to happen to me. Then the worse happened, I heard this voice cussing at me, calling me a sinner. I thought it was God at the time because of what I had done the night before. Then I began to see snakes. Please note that I was fully awake when all this was happening but unable to move. The snakes started to touch between my legs. I tried to scream but I could not have heard my own voice. After about what felt like five minutes, it was over. I ceased to hear the voice and to see and feel the snakes.
When I came out of the paralysis I accessed what just happened to me.
I realized that my guilt was so intense that it may have triggered this experience. The voice may have been an actual being that was attracted to me by my guilt and took advantage of me.
I stopped going to the seminars after that. I became less frightful of being a sinner when I do that act.
Neither the voice nor the snakes ever came at me again.