Three years ago I lived in a small studio apartment in Fullerton, CA. The apartment complex used to be a Hotel. My studio was on the second floor. I had lived there almost a year without anything paranormal happening. Until one night I woke up to a scary experience.
A feeling of being choked made me open my eyes. There was nobody in the room with me but I still felt someone had me pinned down. I tried to move but I was paralyzed. Then I tried to scream but nothing came out of my mouth. Suddenly I felt the pressure on my neck loosen up. I swear I heard what sounded like a deep voice chuckling in my ear. At this point I was terrified and immediately started praying in my head. At the same time I was praying I felt my upper body being pulled upwards to a sitting position while I was paralyzed. After that I just remember getting angry. All the fear left my body and I angrily shook myself until I finally was able to move my entire body. I jumped out of bed and turned on all the lights. Like a lunatic I started yelling, "Get out of here! Leave me alone!" (Someone once told me that's what you have to do in situations like this) I waited for something to happen but nothing ever did.
I was so shaken up by the experience that I left the lights on dimmed every night after that for a long time. I moved out a few months later. A few weeks living at my new apartment I was woken up to something pinning me down again. Except that time I was sleeping face down. I reacted the same way. A few months later it happened again. This happened to me a total of three times before the attacks stopped completely.