I told many people about this, but most people don't believe me. Even my parents say it was just a dream. But this is true. You may not believe me, but I saw and experienced it myself. It was maybe around 3 years ago, when I was 9 and me and my friends were at disney land. We got on many different types of rides, and we were about to rest. I was clutching on my cotton candy and ice cream cone with a spoon in my mouth. I told them to go ahead as I stop and put my stuff down for a little bit. Then I stuck the spoon into the ice cream cone and was ready, when I got lost.
I was surrounded by millions of people, and they were all unfamiliar faces. I sat were I was and whispered my mom and dad's names every 2 sec. When I looked back, there was a another boy, crying and wouldn't stop. I felt sorry for him and came up to him to say what was the matter but something unusual happened. When I was running up to him, I was actually getting farther away from him! You might not believe it but I have experienced it myself. I finally stopped for a break, when suddenly, I realized that he was glaring at me. A bluish orb surrounded him, but then he vanished.
You might think that was the ending, but it was not. Since that day, he has been following me. He follows where ever I go, scares my friends by pinching and whispering in there ear, "mommy..."
Even now he is glaring at me, with his white eyes.