This is my first time writing and I would like to quickly state how glad I am that I've found this web site! I've always had an interest in the paranormal as I've experienced many strange things in my 35 years and I look forward to sharing some of them with you.
I'm going to start off with the most recent and one of the more horrifying events in my experience. I'll try to keep it short and sweet...
A few nights ago I was lying in bed next to my husband wide awake thinking about my work day ahead as usual (I don't fall asleep easily and am an extremely light sleeper) and out of the blue I feel something stroking my big toenail as if a tiny finger is slowly sliding along the tip of my toenail back and fourth about four times as I lay there motionless. This is definitely some serious contact, I mean it's very gentle, but there is no doubt in my mind that something is making contact with my flesh and strangely enough, I'm not as scared as you would think... I wait to see what it's going to do next instead of doing what anyone would instinctively do like pull my feet under the blankets and have a look to see what's there. After it seemed to be finished with my big toenail I suddenly feel pressure on my pinky toe as if someone is gently squeezing it (two times).
Finally I pull my foot under, but I don't have the guts to look. I'm trying to tell myself that there is absolutely nothing it can be as I don't have any animals so what's the point in looking! I simply tried to fall asleep and that was that. Since then I always keep my feet under the covers, even if I'm hot.
I wonder if anyone here would have any idea of what this could be. I should tell you that a friend of mine a few years ago had her foot licked as she was sleeping over. Weird.
I'll be writing back with more!
Thanks for reading.
Sounds like you have some serious activity around you! If someone licked my toes at night I think it would be through the roof, I can't stand that feeling anyway but to have a invisible being do it...Scream, scream, scream!
You want to make contact but do Mother-in-Law spirts lick toes? Maybe two entities in the home, maybe surround yourself with light for protection as posters here have suggested to others and then ask first for the beings in your home who do not love God to leave, then invite the remainder to talk to you.
Good luck!