My family has had a long history with the paranormal. Every generation, it seems, has had at least one experience. Many of these experiences have been less than enjoyable. My mom's childhood home in California was brought under siege by a particularly nasty demon. My brother Jeremy accidentally summoned an inhuman spirit when trying to do a Native American ceremony (he obviously did something wrong). My brother Matthew has been plagued by spirits for as long as he could remember. With this being said, I'd like to share a few of my biggest experiences.
My first memory involved the paranormal. I remember waking up in the middle of the night, and looking through the bars of my crib. A few feet away from me was this glowing figure that resembled the Virgin Mary, accompanied by a few odd looking animals. 'She' was floating a few inches off the floor, and slowly moving towards me. But this creature didn't give me a sense of peace, as an appearance by Mary is won't to do; I remember feeling absolute terror at the sight of this woman. I was paralyzed with fear temporarily, but was soon hiding under my covers hoping that she would just go away. I must have fallen asleep, because I don't remember anything after that.
About a year after that, when I was four, we had to move to Quanah due to my dad's job at Acme. My parent bought a house on the edge of town, along a highway. There was lots of space there, with a cornfield right across, and a large open area of grass instead of a backyard. My siblings seemed pleased with it, and so did my parents. But from the start, I felt a little uneasy in the house.
A couple months after moving into the house, I was again woken up from my deep sleep. I sat up in my bed, wide awake, and for some reason looked towards the open bedroom door. I heard my mom's voice call my name. "Caroline!" The voice sounded distant, echoing just slightly. Surprised, I answered, "Yes?"
"Caroline, come into the kitchen!"
"I've got some cake for you."
Knowing that my mom would certainly not be up at this hour, and definitely would NOT be making some sort of delicious desert for no reason, I worked up the courage to run down the hallway to my parents' room. The voice continued to call for me, until I curled up in bed next to my mom. I shook her awake and asked her if she'd called me. She hadn't.
For the remainder of the nine months we lived there, I would see shadows out of the corner of my eye.
When we moved to Vernon, a small town obviously begotten by the devil himself, I had my first encounter with an entity that continues to torment me to this day. But I'll get into more detail about 'him' in another story.
And so, that was my introduction. Thanks for reading! Opinions and advice are always welcome.