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Real Ghost Stories

The Introduction


I will be posting a lot of stories about my life as a boy who can see ghosts. First, I will start by telling my name; I am Amkawa Fangshang. Although my nickname is Vincent Bernier because it is the name y mother gave me the day my life started as her life came to an end.

I lived for five years in the Chiba Prefecture orphanage where I lived as the only child of Canadian lineage. Some things happened to me quite often. Like waking up in the night seeing a shadow come at me and starts to choke me. I would pass out and wake in the hospital the next day. Other things happened as well; some extremely shocking some not.

When I was 3 years old a drawer filled with knives fell on me. I also had nightmares about a woman who was my mother (she looked just like the pictures I have of her). In my dream she's shielding me from an entity, a very large entity cloaked in black and the only things I can see is his eyes.

In the dream the entity pushing my mother while saying: move it he is my son too. I then wake up and I see both entities at my bedside. I was scared a first but they never did anything to me. The sheer size of the entity claiming to be my father is too big to be human.

The reason I believe that he is my father is because he protects me, for example: he pulled me out of the way when a car was about to hit me (for those who ask I can see spirits in broad day light, they appear either as shadows or people I used to speak to them thinking they were Living people).

The only thing I ever wondered is that when I was born my mother was in the hospital because she was hit by a car, she didn't know about me let alone when she got pregnant and who was the father. I did some research asking to her ex-colleagues.

They all told me that my mother was not into boys, if you know what I mean. It couldn't have been rape because she worked in a private school where all students and teachers sleep in a dormitory in which every teacher was a women and it was the same thing for the students and the principal. The only time she was out was with her colleagues never alone, if the entity is father and it doesn't look human is it possible that father is an Oni or a Tenshi?

I don't care what people may say because this is how I remember it and how I lived it.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, VincentBernier, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-31)

I would like to introduce you to: DaisukiHari. He's also Japanese! Since you live in the same small country, perhaps you could arrange to meet? I believe the two of you would make great friends. Oh, and by the way, you should read his stories:

"A Being Is Haunting My Twin Sister?" There are five of them and written in great English just like yours.

BTW I'm just curious but I didn't get how the "Canadian" lineage comes into play. I need closure.
Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
Hi devious! I understand what you're saying, here's more what I had in mind though, if you're interested:
A separate section on the site similar to the psychics, but they can't get paid. They have to register as a paranormal society or ghost hunting group. Make a section for a profile for them, location, how many members, what equipment they own, if there are membership dues etc. Let them link their Facebook or website page to this site. Allow them to blog their investigations on here, example:
March 2, 2011, investigation at undisclosed location in Louisville, Kentucky. Arrived at location 2:30 pm. Took base readings on emf and k2, set up laser monitoring equipment, 2 investigators captured evp for future study. Captured growling sounds on recording equipment, yadda yadda yadda... Homeowner wants cleansing performed, we have agreed to contact (undisclosed name) for home owners benefit.

March 4 our cleanser went to owners home, performed smudge ceremony, home owner reports situation in home worsened, wants prayer group...

It would be listed more in a scientific manner, and not a "blog" that anyone could post or ask questions on or have to pay to see. Martin could link advertisement to cover the added costs of more bandwidth etc, and if the paranormal society or group isn't registered anywhere else or doesn't have a website of their own, just don't let them register their page.

It'd be like a one stop shopping link for all the paranormal groups to read each others step by step investigations, etc, and the folks like us would still be here to answer questions, but for the ones needing serious help, we'd also have a database of the groups in those areas to send in. We could even get a better grasp on which teams we preferred, which needed to learn more, etc...maybe?
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
The chat room is a good idea Indigo, but as far as having paranormal groups blogging on this site, I think that might leave it too open for spamming. As it is we have groups that come on here (*cough*SimplyGhostNights*cough*) that make up false or embellished accounts of violent ghostly behavior to get people to pay for their so-called "investigations".
Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
Martin, is there any way possible to maybe have a section for the paranormal groups out there to blog their investigations on this site? That could be very informative way for them to link more people together. It'd probably be best to make it to where the names of the people being helped and the locations undisclosed with no one being able to post questions to the groups. Folks could read the blogs and learn that it's not all glamor.

Maybe a chat room? (not trying to push the luck here lol)
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
Yeah, I think I bypassed that one. It's nice to see those get the old Heave-Ho every now and then. They blow it for others that really do need help.
I certainly don't envy your position Martin. The things you must have seen over the years here. I'll bet you could write your own book!

Jav 😉
Martin (602 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-08)
One recent story called "I Believe This Ghost Is Attracted To Me" has been deleted because it has been confirmed to be fake. Teenagers with too much time on their hands, as always... 😢
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
I think they post their stories, then get sucked into the "void" as punishment for submitting BS Blankie fodder... 😆 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
Thanks granny,
I guess I was wanting a reason for the mysterious disappearance of so many BS authors authors that I just couldn't stop myself.

Jav 😢
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
No Jave, it was submitted and published here... That site has an RSS feed, kind of like a link to this site and when new stories are published, you click on them and it brings you here... Shows the most current ones... The ones showing on their feed are this one, "Disappearing Man", and "Some Of My Stories"...
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
Girl! That's how we bust them! They can change their name but it ill also change the name on their story to their new name.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
Sorry zzgranny,
I got so excited that I forgot how to spell again. Lol
(At least I didn't mess up like I did with Hippychick!) 😆 😆 😆

Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
Jav and granny, I think another thing that's happening is that these story posters create another screen name, post the story, then come back as a totally different screen name to stick up for their stories and tell us to lighten up, or tell the o/p "great story dude". These kids think they're smart and that because we are older we won't figure it out. Lol.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
Do you mean to say that it wasn't formally submitted to this site by the author? If that's what you're saying then that sure would explain a lot of these stories where the author never shows back up to answer questions or comment.

Jav 😕
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
D/A: That site has anRSS feed to this site, that's where the story came from... Wonder if Martin's aware of it?
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
oh sorry I did just see one line that I think is true, by bag was not looking properly I do appologise.
What oh yes the line I have seen its in red just above the comments well its 3 words really~
And boy do you ever!
All the best
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
Enough said I think!
Bugger not at 50 yet, ok this is bull!
Ahh that's enough 😊
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
PIP - Funny how that works huh? My boyfriend's mom was married too. My boyfriend's dad was (and still is) a real jerk. I'd probably go for women too after being with him! 😆 I really like her partner though, she's super cool.

I also worked with a female coworker who was married 3 times before she decided she preferred women.

Another problem with this story, is just because supposed "coworkers" said she "was not into boys" doesn't even mean its true. I mean, she could have just LOOKED man-ish or didn't flirt or whatever and people could have improperly labeled her as a lesbian.

Though I love the conversations, I think we're all giving this story too much thought. 😆
PrettyInPain (3 stories) (153 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
I'm going to back you up on the possibility of a current lesbian having a child. One of my female coworkers has a son in his early 20's. Her son was conceived when she was married to a man at the time. She now has a female partner and they've been together for about 15 years. 😁
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
I agree with what you are saying but one thing in Vincent's defense... There have been cases where women have gone full term without knowing that they were pregnant.

Everyone should also notice that, everyone is writing comments on this story but the author hasn't stepped up to defend himself. IF the story was true he would be here defending himself.
mojacko15 (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
what do we have here actually?man,lot of people is writing there story to seek help, but not to scare them...please...
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
Ok, I re-read it and it doesn't sound Chinese, so I take that back. I misread the first time I think.

My boyfriend's mom is now a lesbian, and has been with her partner for 20 years. However, she was with a man when she got pregnant with my boyfriend. Things just work that way. She may prefer women, but... It happens.

Plus, why would your "mother" keep you from your "father" if he saved you from a car? Big, mean spirits don't protect you suddenly. I think you have a vivid imagination.

I think you must watch Bleach. Am I right?
MissyM (2 stories) (152 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
I really want to see this made for TV movie... Lol 😲 "Hunny get the pop-corn "VincentBernier Amkawa Fangshang Canadian, Chinese, Japanese half demon child" is on Fox tonight!" lol 😆
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
Hahah Devious you read my very mind. The first thing I thought was "Chinese, with a Japanese name?" And Canadian? How is it you were in an orphanage but know your mother's co-workers? And Oni and Tenshi?
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
Okay, wow. Just wow. These lies are absolutely terrible.

First of all, you are saying you grew up in an orphanage in the Chiba prefecture in Japan. Then you go on to say you are Canadian but you have an Arabic-Chinese name (Ankawa is a small town in Iraq, previously named 'Amkawa' and as the other poster mentioned, Fangshan is a residential district in China). Amkawa really is not a Chinese name and since I cannot find any other derivative of where it came from, I do not know where else you would have gotten it, unless you meant to say "Amakawa" in which case you have a sincerely confused Japanese-Chinese name. So you're a Chinese-Canadian growing up in Japan, but you have an American nickname which your lesbian mother gave you at your birth. That is truly fascinating because supposedly she was in the hospital after being hit by a car at your birth and you would have been too young to remember that anyway, if you had even survived your mother being hit by a car while you were in her belly. But apparently her co-workers are mysteriously very knowledgeable on all of this. Furthermore, Japanese women traditionally do not give their children English nicknames. Even when Japanese natives migrate to America, they usually retain their Japanese names because it is a source of honor and pride. Also, most English-speaking Japanese people do not use Japanese words when they have a perfectly clear knowledge of the English translation. "Oni" and "tenshi" are words known by any 12 year old kid that watches subtitled anime, and I think that is exactly what you are.

Spirits cannot impregnate women, so I am sorry to disappoint you but the only thing evil here is your complete lack of talent when it comes to fabrications.

Interestingly, the author has posted this exact same story on another site.

I wonder what they had to say about it.
BlueTurtle (3 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
I'm a bit skeptical on the validity of these stories as well, but perhaps you could give us some more information that is specific to the abilities you say you have. Give us an organized account instead of jumping from the past to the present to the past again. Perhaps start specifically with all that you know of your mother and why you think you may be the result of a paranormal conception. Because your mother wasn't heterosexual doesn't mean that an encounter with a man never happened. Stranger things than that have happened.
How were you able to get in contact with your mother's collegues? Did the orphanage you stayed at give you all the information you needed to know about your mother? Any other details would be great. Otherwise, the story seems disorganized and a bit hard to believe.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)

I 'didn't go there' as I felt it would have been 'overkill' to point that point out... Heck it was 'over the top' for the story so maybe we should have pointed it out.


Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
I forgot to mention the part about him possibly being the son of a demon (oni). This just gets better and better! Hey Vincent, don't post any more of this story here. Bundle it up, find some two-bit director and a not-so-top-of-the-line CGI system, and Syfy will have a field day with you.
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
Rook yep that's basically what happened with mum. Overweight etc and doctors believe with the stress little brother was putting them through (looooooooooong story there!) contributed to it. She also had her period the whole way through (yes yes I know tmi!)

Have got to agree there's more than just that with this story. Something just doesn't seem right.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)

I realize it's possible... Hence my wording 'hard to believe'...not 'I can't believe'...I have a very good friend... He and his wife got the surprise of their lives when their 3 child arrived... She had received her positive pregnancy test a week before, while at home she went to use the rest room and then called out to one of their daughters to get Dad... He got to the rest room to see what was wrong and was in time to deliver his son... His wife had not received a positive result on the pregnancy test (from her doctor, they were trying for a boy... 3rd times a Charm 😁 as they had two girls already) until she was 37 (36?) weeks along... And had carried the child 'across her hips' not 'front to back' that coupled with being slightly 'overweight' no one even thought she may be pregnant.

So while possible, it's still very rare... But it's more than just that with the story...


Indigo (263 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-07)
Hmmmmm...a named derived from the ankawa fangshan district of china and the Assyrian church there with caves...? Quite droll.
Nice try.
Seek a shrink dude.

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