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Real Ghost Stories

Portal to Hell


Log line: When a flaming demon steps through a portal in the teenage Reynaldo Reyes's living room in Brooklyn, N.Y. It's just the first of a series of frightening encounters and unexplained deaths, including that of the well-known rapper Jam Master Jay of Run DMC. This is the bizarre true story of a life-long struggle with the supernatural/horror.


If Poltergeist was a graphic novel set to rap music, you would have the life of Reynaldo Reyes. Welcome to his neighborhood in Brooklyn, N.Y. Where the front stoops are littered with sorcerers, back stabbers, blackmailers, criminal conspirators, and welfare families. Where rappers Run DMC are involved in a bizarre mystery. When he is a teenager, a series of strange events culminate in a fright night: the kitchen blazes with flames that don't burn, "something" steps through the ring of fire, and Reynaldo's reaction is so severe he is rushed to the hospital.

Whatever entity came through that night, it doesn't leave. It harasses Reynaldo and frightens others in the building. His behavior changes, often for the worse. There are arguments, physical fights, and trouble with the police. Violence swirls around him. At the same time, the deeply religious Reynaldo has confusing visions of heaven and hell, as well as the future. For example, he suddenly and frantically announces that terrorists are going to blow up the Empire State Building. No one believes him. Three days later, terrorists attack the World Trade Center.

Soon after Reynaldo creates a rap song about three apparitions he experienced over a four-year period, he has premonitions in which a mysterious deity speaks to the well-known lead singer of the rap group Run DMC and starts a rumor that inspires the group's 1986 hit album "Raising Hell..." Less than a month after Reynaldo's book is accepted for publication, Jam Master Jay of the rap group Run DMC is murdered in what Reynaldo strongly believes is a supernatural crime cover-up. His book is published on July 1, 2003, precisely one year after Jam Master Jay's death. Today the killers have not been captured, and the death remains unsolved. Nor have the demons left Reynaldo alone.

Reynaldo Reyes is a freelance artist. His designs have appeared on T-shirts and his commissioned paintings hang in St. Thomas Catholic Church and the Parapsychology Foundation. He has been interviewed at length by internationally renowned paranormal researcher John Zaffis for his TV show and for Zaffis's documentary, which is shown around the country.

Author & Screenwriter/Reynaldo Reyes

146 Olympia blvd., 1st floor

Staten Island, NY 10305

E-mail: xorangehalloween [at] yahoo [dot] com

Phone: (718) 696-9256

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, reynaldideleon1980, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Katona1700s (8 stories) (168 posts)
17 years ago (2008-09-09)
Hello, wow this story was like from a year ago. WOw. You must not be hooked up to this site anymore, that's a shame, wish you were, ttyl. Luv yas

Katona1700s ❤
gary11872 (1 stories) (60 posts)
17 years ago (2008-09-02)
hmph! This is a fictional story. Get it out of here! This site is for true experiences!
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-12)
Dear Reynaldo,

Do you believe you are the only human these things happen to and that others do not believe in your story. You are not the first human and if humans go on as they are so doing, you will not be the last. The only "stars" I look up to are in the night skies or heavens. The only rockers I admire are the boat rockers who live their lives in their own truth without 3D/physical fanfare, gain, agendas, compensations and promotionals.

What you are dealing with is the parasitic, dark side, and it looks like they may have drawn you in deeper than you want to or are willing to admit.

You already know all this, and you know that the only one who can be responsible for saving "you" or your soul is yourself and your belief. Until then your present world is as you have created it.

Balance the energy, by first choosing to take back your energy by empowering yourself. In so doing, you disempower the parasitic, dark side.

I "pay" no human with my soul to learn what I already "know" and have always "known", but I will share and be fair and confirm with others like myself what "we as one" already "know". (copyright Abby, ha, ha)

What is it that you want to "confirm"? You are like all of us humans, no better, no worse... As you are a powerful human in your own right. You don't need others to confirm this. Blessings, Abby
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-06-12)
Interesting time line. I guess to find out the rest we have to buy the book. If this gentleman is truely looking for help and can not turn to his church for assitance I would say he most certainly needs to have a cleansing ceremony done not only on his home but his person as well. It probably would not hurt for him to also carry a charged crystal around his neck for protection if he truely believes this to be a lower level entity.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you always.
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-06-12)
This seems to be promotional material for a book, but it was interesting enough on its own that I published it anyway. I'm not affiliated with the author.

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