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Church Yards And Ouija Boards Don't Mix


I can hear you all now DONT USE OUIJA BOARDS! I know and have said the same plenty of times, this is why!

Back in 1996 I was 22 and at a friends place (deb) was around 10:30pm.

Deb was a friend of Abby, girlfriend to Spike, whose friend Rick was dating Deb so full circle. We were just sat chatting chilling out with a few drinks that went on to more drinks that became 5 very tipsy friends.

Rick started going on about a film he had seen involving a ouija board (cant recall film) and was going on about "how cool" it would be to try one.

If I was sober I would have put a stop to it there and then, but drink and stupidity go so well together. I even drew the thing on cardboard!?

So Deb is moaning: we had used one of her best glasses and her scented candles but was still joining in, Abby wanted nothing to do with it, Rick and Spike are laughing like little school boys and I feel "wrong". Not ill, not worried, but just wrong. As though I knew someting was going to go bad real quick but had no control over it.

To start it was the usual. Nothing except the odd push from one of the lads being daft, that is until the glass moved and spelt STOP LAUGHING! The lads stopped.

We started to ask questions~

Who are you? Mark!

Where are you ~ here and St Margrets!

Any messages for Spike, Abby, Deb, Carl? No!

For Rick? Yes

Rick sudenly screams like a little girl jumped up and ran into the kitchen!

We said goodby to Mark. No reply! 3 times we said goodby Mark, then he replyed goodby.

No one said anything for a long time, then Rick turned round and said "lets go find his grave"

We all looked at him as though he had said he was a teapot!

Are you crazy? Why?

"Need to see it" said Rick. "Ok in the morning." I said. "No now!" He replyed.

He was determind to go and kept asking until we all agreed to go with him.

12:45 am me, Spike and Rick walking through a church yard, sented candles in a glass (yes same glass) looking at old headstones looking for "Mark". Abby and Deb stood outside, Deb shouting, "dont break my glass its part of a set!"

Breaking the glass was the last thing I was going to worry about!

As we get to the back of the church yard there are 2 long stone seats facing each other easy seat 3 people on each one.

Now it was getting real cold and I needed to sit down for a few moments. Getting out my cigarettes I gave Spike and Rick one and sat facing the way out with Rick and Spike facing me.

Rick was looking around and I could tell he had something to say but felt worried about saying it, so I waited.

"I brought this," he said after a few more moments and took the cardboard ouija board out of his pocket. "Thought it might help find him" said Rick. What I and Spike said is sadly unrepeatable but was not polite.

All of a sudden the candle in the glass (was on the floor between us) went out, we are sat in the pitch black, a small flame appears in Ricks direction. I thought it was his lighter, but no: it was the cardboard, it had started to burn on its own!

The candle relights by its self, too. Rick and Spike ran, leaving me sat alone in a church yard with a burning homemade ouija board!?

I joined them in there little run.

Deb was going crazy, "my glass, where is my glass? My gran brought them" and stormed off into the church yard to collect it.

When she came back she was furious. "Who broke it?" she was shouting at us, "come on own up who broke it?" No one had touched it, but when she showed us the glass it was broken clean in two pieces, not cracked or blackened like it had over heated with the candle, but almost like it had been cut in half (like a coconut).

We left then and vowed never to try using a ouija board again!

(I replaced the glass set with some cut crystal glasses)

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, taz890, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Night_Vampire (19 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-29)
I just want to to tell you that the "ouija boards" ought not to play in grave yard... It may become dangerous for you 😐
BunnyPanda (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-05)
There's part in your story that was funny to me where you actually drew things on the cardboard, so it'll be an Ouijah Board. And your friends were mess up when they left you at the Church yard with that Ouijah Board. Take care and thanks for sharing
Ghosthunter483 (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-05)
Ouija * that's what I meant stupid auto correct. So yeah Sorry about that πŸ˜•
Ghosthunter483 (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-05)
So the moral of the story is. Don't use a Ouigi board and if you do don't use your Friends best glasses
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
[at] fanny glad you liked this one even though you did not come by to read it πŸ˜†
And I'm cool with grandma taz, you might notice I have a few different personalitys hanging around on here
Theres me~taz890/carl
And suzie chestnut ~ my inner bit~ch
Father taz~ the vicar who takes confessions
And I think there could be one more but can't recall that one (yes I'm dozy lol)
Grandma taz ~ I liked that one when it popped up
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
Your story was creepy to say the least, but I just read Zalwamg's ramblings on Rook's feed and I really just came here to call you grandma Taz! I'm sssssoooo calling you that from now on. Too funny!

Fanny ❀
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-02)
I left you a VERY special email. Please read it ASAP.
It would mean the world to me if you could give a critique on the whole thing. Haven't decided what to do about it yet.

Jav ❀
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
Ha ha ha ha Fair enough Dan so many comments and not enough time it would seem πŸ˜‰
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
Hey Stacey yep there is nothing id love more to do then squash trolls with you πŸ˜† but it is all happening here at work today! Busy busy busy but will be popping in and out so speak soon! 😁
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
DARKNESS ~ Looks like it's up to us to crack these trolls in line today! πŸ˜† still under the blankies recovering, which totally sucks being it's Friday! 😭

Tazzicles ~ Catch you soon my dear ❀
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
hell DARKNESS4 minutes left then being dragged out of here (missed you again😠)
Will be back in 24 hours from now!
Look at the clock DARKNESS!
Pop on at this time 24 hours from now and will have to catch you then ok mate 😁
Dragonstorm glad you like it sweetie ❀
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
Seeya Miracles and just letting you know I threw an email into your inbox. 😊

Taz and Dragonstorm howdy partners what's cracking? Like the idea of those trolls getting cut down, awesome stuff! 😁
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
~hands miracles back her crown~ I polished it for you while I had it 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
You know, that doesn't make sense, does it? It would tell me I have exceeded my daily voting privileges or whatever it says if that was the case. I still need the crown, DragonStorm πŸ˜†.

Taz - don't know why I can't vote for you, but I will vote that troll comment up whenever I can. Right now I'm signing off. See y'all later ❀
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
taz - then I can't for the life of me figure out why I can't vote for you. Uh oh... Nevermind 😳. Ummm...DragonStorm? Remember when I said I might need that crown back sometime today? I think I need it now πŸ˜†. Maybe I am out of votes entirely for today instead of just out of votes for you, taz. That would be the only other explanation. And right now I'm too tired to try and figure it out, so I'm just going with the Dumb Blonde thing πŸ˜†
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
Taking trolls to court!? What an awesome revelation I LOVE THIS! And I agree with Miracles you need to add this to the trolly posts we get on here to remind them ~nods~
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
i don't think its a daily thing miracles have voted up a few different peoples comments in the past week (ok a lot of up votes lol) and now keep being told to vote someone else, which I am doing!
Will return to original list when I can't up vote dragonstorm, lou, rook and darkness any more lol
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
taz - I thought the same thing, but I haven't voted for you today. At least, I don't remember doing so. Could be having a dumb blonde moment though. If I have, it's only been once, so unless they've changed the voting to only one time per person πŸ˜•. And that's okay too.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
great idea miracles will just add it when the trolls get too much to bare
And I have the same problem with votes I'm guessing the voting has changed a bit and it won't allow too many votes for the same person annoying but hope will stop all the negitiviy been floating around so much lately but not getting into that.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
taz - and I still freakin can't vote for you! What the he*l is up with that!?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
taz - thanks for adding this! Maybe every once in a while, when one of our trolls gets on a roll, you can just pop this back on after one of their comments. Just to remind them πŸ˜‰ Oh, and I am being serious 😐
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-15)
HI GUYS had to add this today a troll her in the uk that had been adding sick messages on f/b and other places has been taken to court over his trolling, found guilty! And sentenced to 18 weeks in jail (not long enough though)
And according to the papers to day its not the first troll to be taken to court.
Check it out at troll who prowled face book
Trolls beware! You can get taken to court over your garbage
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-19)
DARKNESS on now 😁 ready when you are to sort whatever out, adding bits to make 50... πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
Thats cool Taz mate we gotta do what we gotta do that's the way it is in life mate, bloody work eh.πŸ˜† I will keep an eye out for you buddy, chat soon, have a good one! 😁
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
Yes mate sorry to say but my time in reception/ on internet has changed way too much I get 4 hours a night and that's rolling too so if I get on between 7pm and 11pm one day the next won't start until 11pm until 3am (like today) ~next day 3am to 5.30 am (gets too busy after that)
Then back to 7~11.
I miss our chats and putting the world to rights, plus sorting you out with the strange stuff πŸ˜†
Will be looking out for you every time I'm on though mate you and all the loonies but I do miss out most of the time 😭
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-18)
Taaazzzzzzz EH Tazzz! Where are you buddy I think your work times must have shifted or changed because your a hard man to track down sometimes lol. Hope all is good mate just cheking onya! 😁
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-06)
thank you redphx getting a few bits off amazon so going to keep me amussed for a while 😁
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-06)
oh my a birthday. Happy birthday Taz! I hope that you got your wish whatever that may be 😁
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-06)
thanks again dragonstorm can say I slept well lol

Luce thank you, and at least you made it on the day.
luce (2 stories) (44 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-06)
Ooh. I didn't know! Happy Birthday Taz:D
(better late than never, right?)
Wishing you more birthdays and funny ghost stories to come! LOL

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