First of all I have to put the obligatory "long time reader, first time submitting". I have been reading this website on a near nightly basis for a long time, I love it. Second, I'm not really positive that this was a spirit. It could have just been a person, but it was supremely strange and definitely had a supernatural air about it, and I cannot be for sure if it was a ghost or not!
I used to work at a movie theater and would sometimes get off of work between midnight and two o'clock in the morning. One such night I was driving home and was in the suburbs nearing my home. It was dark and very quiet because, after all, it was quite late at night and there weren't many cars out and no pedestrians.
I slowly drove by a church on my passenger side that I was pretty familiar with. This was my home town and I had passed the church countless times, and had even been inside several times. There was a stop sign right in front of the church, so I had to come to a halt, but as I was approaching the church I noticed a figure on the front steps. This was a little strange because of the time of night, but as I drew closer and I could take in more details things got even stranger.
The front of the church has just a small set of wide steps that lead to double doors. Above the doors is a large circular window that is made of stained glass and is illuminated beautifully at night. Standing at the top of the steps was an elderly man, wearing a "newsboy" type cap. What I found to be peculiar, however, was that he was playing a violin. I had my windows rolled up so I couldn't hear the music, but even so, as I slowed to a halt at the stop sign, he slowly lowered the fiddle from his chin and looked right at me. Eventually he had the violin and bow down at his sides and was following my car with his head (it was too dark to make out his face or eyes).
I didn't stick around at the stop sign to take a closer look. I was seriously creeped out! It was like something out of a folktale. Again, I don't know for sure if it was a spirit or a live person or WHAT but it stayed with me to this day and I kind of wish I could have stopped to talk to him or just listen to the music. As spooky as it was, it was kind of magical at the same time.
I can't promise I will get back to any comments in a timely fashion, but I would love to hear if anyone has a similar experience. I love it when people respond to stories with similar experiences they have had or folkloric references, I think its fascinating. Thanks for reading!
Thank you once again for your long and thoughtful comment and my apologies for my delay in response.
Crossroads! How could I not have realized this earlier! I have long been fascinated with crossroads and all twixt and tween places.
I also love the Fey, as I noted having Irish ancestry, or the Sidhe, or whatever you love to call them 😊 I cannot wait to read this article you have linked, I am loving the helper spirit you mentioned! I am dying to know more about your experience as messenger at the crossroads...
THANK YOU for sharing your account, I got chills reading it.
I will have to think more on what I was seeking to learn from this guide... Thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond so thoughtfully!