It's been ten years since I posted a story on here but I'm back with a recent experience! I still live in the same 100+ year old house that was in my last story, only difference now is that I'm an adult and not a teenager! Me and my mother are still very much interested in the paranormal, which leads me to what I'm about to say.
My mum has been clearing some things from under her bed recently and found her old electronic "Simon" game she bought off eBay a few years ago for nostalgia reasons. The game with the four different coloured buttons that light up and beep, and then you have to remember the sequence and press them in order to see how far you can get. So long story short, the game made its way back down to the living room because my mum thought it would be good to ask the paranormal to interact with it (although at the time of this experience, I didn't know that was the reason it was down there) which leads us to:
I was sat in my living room the other night around 11pm, by myself, both parents asleep upstairs and I was just playing a game on my laptop. I had the sound turned off so it was silent other than the subtle hum of the laptop fan. The Simon game was on the footstool beside me, when all of a sudden the green button on it lit up and beeped twice, as if it had just been pressed twice in a row. I immediately glanced at it to make sure I wasn't imagining things, and actually said out loud "absolutely f*****g not." (humour is how I deal with things). It did startle me and I was nervous but I got up to look at the game and realised that the power switch was actually set to "on", so I put it down to my mum forgetting to turn it off, and off I went to bed.
Next day, I'm in the car with my mum and I jokingly tell her that she scared me the night before by forgetting to turn the Simon game off. She looks at me like I'm speaking a different language and she's like "what do you mean it went off?!". So I tell her that it lit up twice and beeped and at this point she's having some sort of freak out in the car and I'm like "mum what on earth is the matter I thought you just forgot to turn it off?!"...
There weren't any batteries in it, and I didn't know.
As soon as my mum dropped me at where I needed to be, she raced home and filmed me a video of her unlocking the door and going straight to the Simon game to open it up. I told her to because I didn't believe her when she said that there weren't batteries in it, but it was true, both battery compartments empty, not a power source in sight. She sent me the video whilst I was out and I had to stop and just process it for a minute, it hadn't made a sound for the whole time it was under her bed, but it chose to for me. And here's where we get to the really weird part.
My mother has recently discovered that she can purchase "haunted dolls". I'm going to be honest, I wasn't thrilled when she bought the first one and I refused to touch it, but whatever... It makes her happy and she likes to sit and talk to it using an EMF device. The first one she got is dressed as a clown but his listing was written as "positive energy haunted doll" so I thought well at least it's not a negative spirit. And then she got the second one which just looks like a regular children's doll. Anyway, these dolls have been in my house for some time now and I don't really like knowing where they are, but at the same time I really don't like NOT knowing where they are because I'm nervous either way. But it turns out that the other night when I had the experience, one of the haunted dolls was hidden on a shelf that was right across from where I was sitting.
I can't stop her from buying the dolls, but it does make me incredibly nervous as to what she might bring in no matter what type of spirit the dolls are labelled as. I'm just putting it down to one of the spirits wanting to tell me that they are around, but I kind of don't want any more dolls in my house... And I won't be doing what "Simon says" any time soon.