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The Jinn's Property


This incident dates back 18 years ago in Ludhiana. I was pursuing my bachelors degree and went to attend a wedding in winters of India. The Indian winters in the rural edge are pretty alluring by the day and haunting by night. As the suns melts, darkness creeps in and brings an eerie silence.

My uncle (now deceased) owned a huge property in Ludhiana's Rajona. He has built 2 farmhouses that were often rented out for holding events like parties and gatherings. The second farmhouse was used for commercial breeding which was later converted into a party farmhouse. He was pretty rich and until date, his name is quite popular in the pind (village).

Close to farmhouse was a half-built villa. It was just a structure, nothing else. I was always curious to know about the story behind it but uncle stated that let it be, Jivaashm. Once I got a chance to explore that property, and since I was a kid, I went there without realizing why entering there was prohibited.

I remember it was a cold January night and the pind was foggy. With insufficient lighting, I walked down the road and reached that semi-built villa. As soon I got closer to it, I heard donkeys crying. Scared for a while, I took out a torch and went inside. Here's how it is built - a wide lawn, main gate to enter. As you enter, it is a duplex from stairs in the right side. 3 rooms in the lower section, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The upper floor was not even commenced to build.

I saw some fog inside the property. Since I was scared, I ran back. Coming to the present scenario. I decided to explore it again. Even today, it stands still, just more rotted. I, along with a colleague, went to explore it. I was told that this property was haunted by a jinn, so I brought some sweets to keep myself and colleague safe. I spent 3 hours over there and noticed the following things:

1. The property indoor temperature was hot

2. There was continuous sound of someone walking around

3. Dogs kept howling but none could be seen

I kept the sweets in the room where the jinn was supposed to reside. I placed it by a camera and left. I came back after hearing sounds of furniture falling. We ran inside but were shocked on seeing that there were no sweets left.

I tried to communicate respectfully with that entity. Shockingly, we received a reply. Keeping it short, the conversation revealed that he resides for centuries on the land where this property was being built. He'll not let anyone else occupy his property. My uncle, in the bygone, tried to build the property several times but masons were scared by the jinn.

Some saw a jet black shadow, some were hit, and items were stolen when they concluded that property was possessed. I also captured a footage that showed a cat savoring the sweets. It was a black cat, with only one ear. Since jinns can't fully transform, they often leave a mark that differentiates them from others.

Even today, that semi-built property is haunted by the jinn. I'll share more such experiences.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jivaashm, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3209 posts)
1 day ago (2025-03-22)

Thanks for the explanation, from the beginning I visualized the unfinished house as the one in the link.

In my opinion, it's unfortunate that you have decided not to share the recording of both the EVP and the cat video. I respect your decision but one part of me can't help to wonder if they really exist. No offence intended.

I have tried "rasgulla", it's one of my favorite Indian desserts and, being donut-like, I know at least one of my cats would enjoy eating it regardless if it isn't good for her.
I mention this because, from my point of view, it would have been important to discard the presence of any feral cat/s in the area of this abandoned and unfinished building.

I have a question, how long ago did these events take place?

"This incident dates back 18 years ago", and from your last comment: "I assert this based on my experience of 20 years."

A two years difference might look not important, but it's still a discrepancy in the information provided by your narrative, add this to the fact that you didn't mention anything about the EVP until you're asked and it could be interpreted like if you're improvising things on the go.

Please do not take it the wrong way but it would be a good idea to read the "Comments Guidelines" for this forum, specially the part about religion that says:

"This site is not about religious beliefs, it is about actual personal paranormal experiences and exploring reality with an open and investigative mind so we can actually learn more about the paranormal, with the same empirical mind set that made science so successful in other fields. Religions have a lot of wisdom to offer in terms of personal spirituality, but they can also limit our knowledge of the world with old superstitions and unproven dogmas. It's fine to share what your religion has to offer as a possible explanation, but everyone has their own, they certainly don't come here to be converted, so please, don't push it on others as irrefutable fact."

blosomes (26 stories) (165 posts)
2 days ago (2025-03-21)
So the jinn is non spiritual being? 🤔
I have lots to question but I will stop because I got that you are going towards your own beliefs now.

Well, if not, try to document the whole experience, it is interesting. 😉

Sending luck ❤
Jivaashm (1 stories) (2 posts)
2 days ago (2025-03-21)
Hey, Blosomes
Thank you for reading. I agree that cats often go behind candies, but what I kept was a typical Indian sweet. Google Rasgulla and you'll get the answer yourself.

Moreover, Jinns will rarely appear in their true form. Humans aren't capable of bearing the horrendous sight of these creatures, hence, they appear in the form of animals like a cat, dog, snake, billy goat, and scorpions. I assert this based on my experience of 20 years.

Considering the difference you mentioned, a demon and jinn are completely different entities in the paranormal world. Both have different powers and limitations. There are good jinns but there's no good demon IN ANY CULTURE. Jinn isn't a holy spirit, but an entity created by the muslim god using smokeless fire.
Rajine (14 stories) (930 posts)
3 days ago (2025-03-20)
Did the jinn explain or tell you why it's attached to that specific place for a long time? Do you think it has some significance that's why it doesn't wander around or let anyone else build there?
blosomes (26 stories) (165 posts)
4 days ago (2025-03-19)
Hmm... 🤔
Jinns hey?
I kind of feel that those kind of entities are more of a manipulator type of spirits more than what was there according to whatever the history tells. Since its so historical, it may not be the entity that was there... Like... A replacement of something else...
You know there is a theory that spirits will die off by time, that is why we will never hear anyone saying that they saw a cave-man's spirit or... A pre-historical creature haunting a specific place, whatever.
So whatever your believe is you need to be careful and don't fully trust the entity if you think that it will be something protective or you know, whatever that is.

Some more information, legendary Jinn occupied places which is know to be "haunted by the Jinn" according to locals Jinns are originally part of nature which means they are believed to be holy spirits (in Christian way of explaining) somewhere in time, people start to believe that Jinns have horrible habits (like killing, robbing, etc), sound familiar? Yup, many westerners call them demons too.

If your believe is that "demons and jinns are different" you may need some more observations.

By the way cats can steal candies too, so have that in your mind too before stepping into your final result.

Nice story 😉
Jivaashm (1 stories) (2 posts)
4 days ago (2025-03-19)
Thanks a ton for taking out time to give it a read. Let me clarify it for you:

My interaction was recorded on the EVP device. I had to be respectful because I'm just a human:-D. If you read carefully, that building was being constructed decades ago, however, it was never finished. It stands like ruins. And, by ruins, I mean no source of light, electricity nearby.

It looks somewhat like this:
Image is for reference

I do have the footage, but I'm bound not to share randomly over a platform. I just narrated an experience to tell different folks what all happens, cannot be apprehended everytime (no offence to anyone)

Lastly, the missing ear of the cat - I believe you're less versed about jinn transformations. Let me help you. When an entity like a jinn transforms from its original mass, it generally misses a limb or an organ. That's a key reason why they possess humans to devor everything from all 5 senses.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3209 posts)
4 days ago (2025-03-19)
Hello Jivaashm.

Welcome to YGS.

I'm curious about your following statement:

"I tried to communicate respectfully with that entity. Shockingly, we received a reply. Keeping it short, the conversation revealed that he resides for centuries on the land where this property was being built."

How did you communicate with this entity? Did you talk and were able to hear its answers? Or did you ask questions and recorded its answers (EVP) using some electronic device? Or did you use some divination gadget like a Ouija board or something else?

Could you be more specific as to what you did and where were you during the three hours of your investigation?

In my opinion, some of your observations could be debunked and may have a mundane explanation, particularly "the property indoor temperature was hot"

Lets keep in mind that "For building materials that excel at holding heat, consider high-density materials like concrete, brick, stone, and rammed earth which possess high thermal mass, absorbing and storing heat effectively."

What were the weather conditions during that night? Would it be possible that the sound of howling dogs was an echo or the sound of the wind?

Do you still have the video of the cat? If so, could you share it with us?

Personally, I wouldn't consider a cat missing one ear like something paranormal, cats fight and their ears can get infected or torn off. Was there anything else unusual about this cat and its behavior?

I'm sure I'm not alone wanting to read a more elaborated recount of your interaction with the jinn... Please don't keep it short.

Thanks for sharing.

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