This is a story that took place when I was 14 years old, at my friend Kimberly's house who was 13, at the time. She and I would spend a great deal of time just hanging out, talking, exploring the woods in her backyard, etc. But this day was different...
Night was descending and we didn't want the day to end... (for bedtime.) So we sneaked out of her bedroom window and climbed the fence (less noisier than the metallic fenced door) and ran down the road (with woods enveloping it on one side) ... The stars were visible in the clear sky so we just kept walking (pretty 'stupid' now if you ask me, two teenage girls walking down the road of a neighbourhood near the woods, but we enjoyed the excitement and saw it as part of the adventure) until eventually the sky was black and the stars were brighter than ever. Being whimsical... We decided to follow the brightest star to see where it took us! Naturally that meant we just walked and walked and walked... Until I saw this black swift blur suddenly dodge behind the light post... I know what I saw and I announced it... She thought she saw something too, but I wasn't sure if maybe she was just agreeing to anything I said. So I ran to the light post, feeling crazy, and sought after the black blur. It was like a shadow... Super swift and pitch black. I couldn't find anything... On the verge of giving up, I tried again to seek... And boom... There it was a small black cat. He was so cute... (and surprisingly sweet) so I picked him up and walked with him in my arms while excitedly chatting away with my friend with gratification that we weren't just seeing things! He had a little white patch under his neck that looked like a diamond so we named him that, (plus after the star we followed and found him under.)
As we returned we could see Kim's mother angrily standing at the door... Clearly she was calling out for us... I put the cat under my shirt because I knew she wouldn't let us keep him, but when we entered the fence her mother asked me, with a solemn look "What's that under your shirt?" Kim replied "Kitten" as she walked past the threshold, to which her mother nodded to (mistaking for one of her own kittens that her cat gave birth to) and we snuck into Kim's room to let Diamond out. He was not the colour of the litter from her mom's cat so we had to keep him hidden. Anyway, I don't think any of these things are related, I'm just giving a lot of detail to explain how this all came about to being a "strange night."
So here we are, petting the cat, chatting... Reflecting upon the night and feeling excited about our new family member/secret, when suddenly, an invisible hand SMACKS the pillow near the open window! And I swear to you had the cat not looked at the pillow when it happened, looked back at me in shock, then give a delayed hiss before jolting under the bed in fear, I would NOT have believed it as strongly as I do now... I would've just thought that I imagined it with my friend agreeing with bias to what I "thought" we saw...
I don't know what's out there... Nor if any of what I've shared tonight was related... But if it wasn't for that mysterious cat's reaction... I wouldn't have believed this entirely...