Forgive the long story as I am going to use it as a sort of "Catch All" for several experiences that tend to be related. As stated in my other stories published, I have had paranormal experiences for much of my life. I have especially been drawn to the UFO/ET phenomenon ever since I can remember. When other children my age were flipping through pages of Dr. Seuss, I was enthralled by page after page of black and white photos of UFOs. There was a strange passion I couldn't consciously quantify that would be a driving force throughout my adult life.
My first UFO sighting came in my teens in the 1980s. I live in the Pacific Northwest and have visual access to Mt. Rainier in most areas in my region. One bright sunny day I noticed a flash of light that caught my eye. I looked towards Mt. Rainier and there was this massive ball of what looked like flames. At first I thought I was witnessing a rare and powerful daylight meteor but this was too large and traveling too slowly to be a meteor. It just chugged along for what seemed like minutes. From that point on I have seen multiple UFO sightings ranging from intriguing balls of light in the sky to chrome-looking stationary balls hovering over the Boeing Aerospace facility in the valley.
In one frightening sighting I was traveling from New Jersey back to my home in Washington on a Continental flight. I spotted these lights in the far distance that seemed to be moving parallel with our plane. As we began our descent into SeaTac Airport, the lights began to fly towards us. Due to the cloudy/foggy conditions I couldn't make out anything but as it got (too) close the lights took on a V or delta configuration, and flew right behind us. I thought for sure it was going to hit us and my life would come to an end under mysterious circumstances.
My obsession with UFOs and ETs was at this point insatiable. I couldn't get enough. I would fantasize about being one of the "lucky ones" who would be brought aboard a space craft and interact with a Non-Human Intelligence. Not the negative, probing ones mind-you, but the ones who seemed technologically AND spiritually advanced. In 1997 I finally made conscious contact with what I believe was a Non-Human Intelligence.
I was living alone at the time in an apartment. I had just gotten up from bed to go to the bathroom. I came back and laid on my back and that was when I saw it.
Although it was dark out, there was soft moon light shining in from my blinds which made the room just light enough to discern shadows and shapes. For instance, I had a TV at the foot of my bed and I could clearly see its outline in this light. There, directly in front of the TV was what appeared to be a large bald head. My fight or flight instincts instantly kicked in and my heart began to race and panic was imminent. I quickly discerned I was unable to move. To this day I am unclear if it was due to such an adrenaline rush of fear in my system or if something external was causing this immobility.
Suddenly, this "Being" floated over to my side of the bed. It did not walk, it did not jaunt, it floated. I was completely and utterly besides myself. All these years of hoping to be contacted here I was, wide awake, with something clearly not human, inches from me and it was everything I could do to not scream. Be careful what you wish for they say.
Suddenly, this being took my hand and gently squeezed. The last thing I remember in that moment was the feel of its hand was neither warm nor cold to the touch, but felt like someone who was wearing surgical gloves. I'll never forget that. Suddenly I was transported to the moment when I was a small child in my bed, with my hand dangling over the side and something squeezed it which caused me scream out in sheer terror. (I wrote about that experience titled "Ghostly Hand Squeezes Mine As A Child"). From there, the next thing I literally recall is waking up in the morning, fully light outside.
Of course bravery comes in retrospect as I suddenly wished I had engaged the entity with conversation. I do not consciously recall if it spoke to me in any way. The only thing I recall after my hand was squeezed was that memory of being a child. It was also around this time that I woke in the morning with the word "AROS" in huge, red block letters in my mind's eye. I had never experienced anything so clearly like that in my life. I spent years trying to look up the meaning for it but never could to my satisfaction. I finally came to the conclusion it is my real name, as in my real spiritual name. I have been using it as my online handle ever since.
A year or so later I attended a psychic fair in Seattle. I had a reading done and this psychic accurately mentioned my contact experience to me without me saying anything. She said that it came from the "White Brotherhood" which I immediately took some offense to as it sounded like some racist organization, LOL! She insisted it was anything but. I later did some research and discovered there is allegedly such an advanced species with that title overlooking humanity. Is that who made contact with me in 1997? Was that the same being or entity that grasped my hand as a small child? Was it trying to tell me it was always with me?
I may never get the answers to these questions until my physical body dies and my Soul moves back Home where remembrance and knowledge is currency. However, I'll never stop trying to find these answers before my time ends in this lifetime. I hope that one day I will remember who AROS really is, and I hope that moment will be filled with joy.
There is no punishment except your own soul filtering out the emotional processes of all the wrong doing and people we hurt along the ways of our travel.
We can look back at our lives in holographic blocks and actually relive the good and bad.
We may share this process with our spirit guides and often do.It's not punishment as I said,it's a part of spiritual growth and enlightenment. We do have a sense of humour over there and actually do all sorts of activities you wouldn't think possible. We also choose to live in small communities and Energy work is used in ways that make our feelings here seem very basic and low level...I've been blessed in a sense to experience the actual tapestry of some of these energy fields they are amazing.
P.S once you send through your email address I'll cc you in with Aros.