This story takes place at my aunt's house. Her house has always been creepy. When they first moved in, there was a painting of a little girl. She looks around 6 years old, has light brown hair, and wore a white dress. I like to go to her house because it has a good vibe. It My dad has always told me I could sense things from the beyond. I never quite knew what he meant.
Anyway, one day I went with my friend to my aunts house. After an hour or so, we were leaving. She had left her bag upstairs. Now downstairs, there is one wall that's a mirror. The entire wall. It is parallel to the stairs. My cousins and aunts say that they have seen a little girl in the mirror. I didn't believe it. Anyway, I was waiting outside when I heard a scream
I ran inside and saw my friend sitting on the floor with her eyes closed shut. She told that she had seen someone in the mirror. She said it looked like the little girl in the mirror except with no mouth. When I asked my cousin Cathy, she said that all her friends have seen her, too. Cathy had also told me that she had seen her when one night she walked in the front door and saw her right when she turned the corner of the upstairs hall. The stairs are right in front of the front door, so you could see part of the upstairs.
One night, I did research about the house. I searched for hours, but didn't find anything. Right when I was about to give up, I found an article about it. I didn't finish reading it, but the parts I did read said that there was a little girl who had died in the area. It had said no one her scream for help.
For a second, I started to think that I was crazy. I have always been a little skeptical. I just closed the article and went to sleep in the room that used to be the basement. I woke up that night an looked at the clock. 3:27am. I felt pressure on my legs. I quickly closed my eyes tight. I was terrified. No not even terrified. I felt tears running down my face. I knew she was there, but I don't think she was trying to hurt me. Just letting me know that she was real, she was there. It's been a month now since then. Every now and again, I feel her playing with my hair or watching me sleep. It doesn't really bother me, it sort of comforts me too, that she's is watching over me.
Everything I said here is completely true. I swear.