Before I tell the story, I would like to specify some things: my house is way far out from the road so I know this could not have been headlights. Also there was nothing in the yard that could have made a reflection such as this.
One night I was sitting on the couch watching TV. My mom was in her room along with my little sister. All the sudden I saw something flash by in the front yard. I went to the window to figure out what it was. When I got closer I saw a bright green light flash through the yard again. Then there where two smaller lights that went by very slowly. The small lights appeared to be a deep red color. The small lights stopped in front of the window while the larger ones continued to zip across the yard. The lights began to come closer and closer until they were almost on my porch. I began to scream and run into my mom's room. When I brought her outside it was gone. After she told me to go back and get some rest (she said it was more than likely a dream) I went back to the living room to check the yard again. They were there again. I watched them more closely this time and found that they seemed to be focused on me.
I have had a few paranormal expiriences (which may be posted later) but nothing like this. I have no idea what these lights were so I went onto the internet and read about these paranormal "orbs" and figured it might have been some of them, but I also read stories about people who see ghosts that appear to have "glowing eyes". If anyone has any idea as to what these lights could be, please let me know.