I awoke from a nightmare that was about something evil and involved me reciting prayers from the book of Psalms in the Bible. I was laying on my right side and awoke quite suddenly. I was rolling over onto my right side and that's when I saw a shimmering blue light approx 6ft high and 3 ft wide.
I have two sliding cloest doors mirrors at the end of my bed and this laser-looking like was only in the right side door mirror. It was a complete and perfect rectangle, meaning I was intensely aware of it's outline being very sharp. No light was escaping it's boundaries and the rectangle boundary lines were exact. The light was an amazing blue, as though from a laser, however it almost completey filled the closet door, but offset to the right side. My eyes froze on the rectagular blue light. I have a window to the right side of my bed and did not see a lght of any kind in my peripheral vision. In what was seconds felt like much longer.
I tried to rationalize that it was from my surrond sound that has a small blue light when it is on, but it was turned off. I couldn't figure out why the light, if it was coming from the window, wasn't being reflected in the left closet door mirror. Plus, my window has horizontal blinds that were closed, has a computer desk with 2 tiers in fron of it, and a desk chair that sits in front of 1/3 of it.
The large ractangle of blue light was brilliant and I got the feeling it was not IN my mrrior but in another part of my room. Let me also mention that my backyard has a 6 foot wooden privacy fence so nothing could have shown through from a neighbor. This light disappeared from the bottom up. For a long time after that, my eyes kept seeing a rectangle navy blue light, much like your eyes would see if having looked into a flashlight in the dark. The light was burned into my retina.
My questions are: Why was the light only in the right closet door mirror? Why did I sense it was coming from the room, but there was no reflection of the light from anywhere? Why were the lines of the rectangle so distinct, as though the light was contained?
The rectanlge was perfect. I brought my son in the room to sleep with me after that, and I kept reciting the Lord's Prayer. Why didn't I see it as soon as I woke up if it was imagined, and saw it after I rolled over to get comfortable after my nightmare?
The light was the most amazing blue I have ever seen in my life. I can't describe it. What sticks with me the most is how the light did not cross the boundary of the rectangle lines. If a reflection in the mirror, how could it be so confined?
I don't know if this is relevant, but my 12 year old male minpin has been acting strange lately. He sits up as though looking at something and wags his tail and then sits in a position to watch it, but there is nothing there. This has happened several times recently.
Happy 2021 everybody:)