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Real Ghost Stories

A Voice In The Woods


It was around February of 2004 when my boyfriend, Jake asked me to join him for a hike on a mountain. I never tried hiking before, so I was a bit reluctant to go, but, being a nature lover, I decided to give it a try. He told me that we were to go on a night trek, and that we will be staying there for 3 days, so I'd better be sure I'm really up for it.

We left Manila at around 7:00PM on a Tuesday, and arrived at the destination about 9:00PM. It was really dark and there was a full moon that night, so he told me that using a torch is not necessary. He told me that's how I'd get a first hand feel of being one with nature, but being a coward when it comes to the dark, I still told him I will use my torch. We walked some 10 minutes more and across a small stream to reach the base point, and my heart just skipped a beat when I saw this huge shadow walking towards us.

I held his hand tight and was about to do an about face dash back to the highway, when he just laughed and told me, "Relax, it's just a horse..." I was really close to tears upon reaching the entrance at the foot of the mountain, and I was already a nervous wreck when we heard this loud, sort of, squeal, as if there was a pig who got scared of our presence. Mind you, when I say loud, it really is LOUD. We looked at each other and he just tried to calm me by saying it must have been a pig indeed.

Mustering up my strength to take another step forward instead of backwards, I breathed in deeply and said to myself, if we make it through, this is going to be the first and the last time I'll be doing this. Moving on, we passed by a tiny make shift house and registered ourselves, changed into our hiking gear and started the 2 and a half hour trek to the summit/camp site. But, before going, he told me there is only one rule to keep in mind. " Whatever you see or hear, just keep it to your self." After telling me that, I started regretting saying yes. Anyway, we're already there, so there's no use turning back.

Jake, being familiar with the trail went first, and I followed closely behind. The first hour of the trek was doing well, so far, he kept on talking to me and asking me questions, as if trying to make me feel at ease, for there were moments when I'd just be quiet all of a sudden. He is aware of my fear of the dark. I already have my rosary in hand and I have been tagging behind him with my eyes closed. After a couple more minutes, he finally asked me why am I so quiet. But, I just can't seem to speak, remembering the rule he told me before starting the hike. So, I just said, I'm tired. Little did he know, I kept on glancing behind me because it felt like some unseen being was following us, I can't see it, but I can definitely feel it. We have already talked about everything when I started to hear a water fall, so he told me we're almost there.

Finally, after 30 more minutes, we reached the camp site. It was awfully dark and quiet. Except for the faint sounds of the rustling of the branches and leaves of the trees above and hoots and screeches of whatever it is out there. He chose a spot for us to pitch a tent and it was below this huge tree, it was so huge and tall, it covered the sky, and at least four grown ups will be needed just to be able to hold the trunk. What puzzled me that time is the fact that when we are approaching the tree, a strong gust of wind seemed to blow AROUND US. I decided to ignore it and just thought that we are in the woods, after all.

While he was busy taking out all our supplies and tent, I sat at this large stone. And saw a tiny kitty, I still remember it was gray with white stripes. I wondered how it got there, but the kitty looked like it was so cold, I took it and sat beside where Jake was finishing the tent and he was surprised when he saw me with the kitty, he asked " Saan mo nakuha yan?" (translation: "Where'd you get that?") I said by the rock, and he just looked at me like he was tying to say something. But I just shrugged and I continued to play with the kitty a while and I let it go when I had this need to "use the little girls room".

Being on the mountain, there's no restrooms or what, so I asked Jake where I can do my business. He just told me to pee on the ground by the tree. I looked and when I saw it was dark, I just said never mind. So, when the tent was finally done, we settled our things inside and Jake told me he'd make us some coffee, so he took out his portable stove and when he was about to light the match, we saw the kitty walk up to us and sit by the tent door, with two more kitties behind it! I was about to get the kitties when he told me not to, then suddenly, another strong gust of wind came, this time it was stronger than before, it blew the fire out of the stove and the kittens started to meow like they were crazy, the kitten that I first saw even looked at Jake with all its hair standing on end, fangs bared as if it's about to attack Jake. There was this scary and weird look in their eyes that really shook me and it rooted me on the spot. Jake had to drag me inside the tent. (I am getting goose bumps just by typing this. Believe me.)

Once inside the tent, the wind kept on blowing harder, almost to the point where the whole tent was shaking. The kittens are still meowing louder and, all of a sudden, as if on cue, when the kitten's stopped meowing, the wind died down as well. That was really the point where I started crying and telling Jake that I want to go home. He just kept on telling me that every thing's going to be alright. He told me to just close my eyes and try to get some sleep. As if I can sleep.

It became awfully quiet for a few minutes when suddenly it started to smell like something's burning... RIGHT INSIDE OUR TENT! I sat up and looked at Jake, and what he did next actually surprised me. He hugged me and told me. "Let's just pray." So we did and I closed my eyes.

I didn't know how long I have my eyes closed, or if I have already fallen asleep, but, all I can remember is that it was still dark, it was probably around 4:00AM, when I heard footsteps, closing in on us. I squeezed my eyes tight, started praying again, waiting for the inevitable when I heard a woman's voice say out loud: "Tao po! May tao ba diyan?" ("Is anyone here? Anybody there?") I thought Jake was asleep so I actually jumped when he told me "Ayan, may tao na. May kasama na tayo." ("There. Someone's already here. We've got company.") And that was the only time that I drifted off to sleep.

We woke up when the sun was high and the birds are chirping. We got out of the tent and what I saw ALMOST made me think our ordeal the night before was worth it. We were camped about 15 feet from a water fall, our tent just a feet away from a fresh water spring and the sky was so beautiful, and it made me think that what happened last night was just a nightmare. There was even a small store and a house across the spring, and Jake told me that he wants to transfer our tent beside the small store, so we crossed over. I decided to buy some food for breakfast, when I remembered the woman who arrived, so I asked the person who owned the store "Sino po yung mga bagong campers na dumating kaninang madaling araw?" ("Who are the new campers that arrive earlier this morning?") The lady looked at me as if I was crazy, and her reply actually gave me the shivers. She replied "Anak, walang ibang dumating dito. Kayo pa lang dalawa ang nandito simula pa nung Linggo." ("Child, no one else came in this morning. No one else is here but the two of you since Sunday.") I ran up to Jake and told him everything. He just looked at me... And he was pale.

The kittens are nowhere to be found.

** Prior to this experience, I was never a believer. I'm not saying I still don't believe it, but, there's a part of me that makes me think there must be a logical explanation. This experience still gives me the creeps whenever I think about it. I just thought that it's only because of fatigue and panic that we heard that woman's voice. It just the wind, playing with our imagination. About the part where we smelled something burning inside our tent, only one thing came to our mind when we went back to Manila 3 days after, (Yes, we still stayed in spite of it all... And I have a lot more to tell you as well...) Anyway, going back, Jake and I knew that the smell inside our tent that night only came from one "thing"... There's this some kind of entity that we call "Kapre", a HUUUUUUGE man all covered in hair, wears only a loin cloth and smokes tobacco and sits on tall trees... (We both don't want to agree on it, and we both don't want to admit it.) Or, another logical explanation: Someone from the house must have burned some fire wood, the wind must have drifted the smell to our tent.

What do you think? Thank you for your time.:)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ghost_of_you, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-18)
[at] Aphawestfall1300 - It is kind of weird. I know for a fact that if kittens/cats arent used to human interactions, its either they would run away or hide. But that kitty was different... It just stood there, fangs bared, hair raised and snarling at Jake, as if daring him to try and get closer... We are actually thinking the same thing... They must be shspe shifters... It gives me the creeps just remembering it... Thanks for reading and commenting!:)
Alphawestfall1300 (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-14)
When I read about the cats when they appeared on the story, I didn't think they're extraordinary. However, when one kitty is like attempting to attack Jake, well it seems a different story. They might be shape shifters for all we know. However I imagine they looked cute! ❤
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-13)
TruthInDarkness: I read the story, and yeah, the setting is actually similar. Though I was looking for the 3 kittens part... It's hard to believe that a lot of weird things happen on similar places. I don't know but, I think the mountains are better left alone. They maybe full of mysteries and beauty, but I think it wants to be left that way. As a motto of everyone with the same hobby goes: "Take nothing but pictures, Leave nothing but footprints..." Thank you for reading this, and thank you for sharing another great story. 😊
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-09)
This story is kind of similar to another one ( that takes place in El Salvador. The stories are completely different, but the setting is similar. I immediately thought of this story, which I read about 4 weeks ago, while I was reading yours.

Did anyone notice the number 3 again? 3 kittens.

I can't wait to read more about what happened so I can see how other events might relate to this one. Thanks for sharing.
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-26)
red00292000 - Really? That's great! Have you been to Sampaloc Falls? I love the path that you have to take to get there, especially "Batya-Batya", the three levels of water falls and the one with the "pool" in the middle... And there's this small enclave with a beautiful water fall, I forgot the name, though... I think it's Santol Falls... You can find it if you camp at the base of the water fall, you just have to walk a bit farther and turning left at the end... It's like a personal water fall... Absolutely georgeous... 😊 What's creepy about that enclave is there's this piles and piles of rocks, each rocks are balanced on top on the other everywhere, just like the ones from Blair Witch Project. Though I know that the hikers are the one's who did them... Still, it's creepy...
red00292000 (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-25)
I've been there, me and my friends love going to the mountains. But I don't remember the name of the place. We went to where you need to pass like, 7 falls... It was great... We also experienced something in there, actually while reading your story, I was thinking about Laguna... Now I know we went the same place...
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
Thanks a lot for reading my post, everyone! I'll try to share all of my experiences in the coming days. 😊
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
DeviousAngel - I understand you.:) I also love kittens that's why I never thought twice when I picked one up. But, believe me, there ie no other house there. If they are just lost, they never should have reached that far up the summit because there's a lot of false trails that leads to dead ends and ravines. But after that experience, I checked the kittens first before picking one up... Just making sure, though... 😜
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
bacchaegrl - I have been racking my brains for a logical explanation. But it looks like everything just seems to fit... I am actually having doubts if I'm still a skeptic or a believer... Especially now that I have had experienced it first hand. The only woman who was on the area that time was the owner of the store, and she is already on her 50's... The voice that I heard seems to belong to someone around 20-30... Although, there is a story that I have heard on one of our camps the second time we went there... Wait for my next post! 😊
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
Javelina - Thank you for your interest in the ghost stories in my country. There are a lot of weird stuffs that I have experienced, seen and heard here and I would love to share it to you guys in the coming days. 😊
Going back, I agree with what you said about the kittens being reluctant when it comes to humans petting them, especially those not having human contact. But, like I said, there is no other house in the area, and we stayed there for 3 more days, camped next to the house. I never saw either one of them. And about the voice, there is no female kapre, only male. 😊
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
PrettyInPain - Actually, to be honest with you, since my boyfriend and I had a lot of speculations about those kittens, I don't think they really are kitten... I mean, the way they reacted and the look in their eyes... I gave me a different feeling... Like I said, they really freaked me out. But if it's the other way, I sure hope those kittens find their way back home. Although, I doubt it... The only house in the area was the one with the store.
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
MandyyNicole - I know! I believe that cats are more prone to the paranormal in a lot of ways, but seeing their reactions, it really freaked me out. 😊
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
p-a-s-d-e-c-h-e-v-a-l - The weird thing about what you say, is that we also thought about it. Thing is, you have to get past the house/store even if you are passing by, or going back to the base. So, there was no way the woman just passed by. I agree more on the fact that she was probably an apparition... 😊
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
Dan - We are thinking the same thing. Yes, there are a LOT of hauntings in the area which I have heard of. Though, I never heard anything about the kittens. As for the woman's voice... I really don't know.
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
[at] CronishaxGurl - I definitely know what you mean. It's like you don't have the slightest idea how many "outdoor ghost" you're dealing with. 😊
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
red00292000 - I'm from Alabang. That was Mt. Famy and it is located in Laguna. The creepiest mountain that I've heard of is Mt. Cristobal. And I have just the perfect story... But, it had to be on my next post. PS I have been an active climber ever since this experience. Thank you for reading my post. 😊
red00292000 (2 stories) (28 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
where in manila are you from? And what mountain is that in the story? I'm from manila too. They said most of the mountains here are really creepy...
CronishaxGurl (3 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
I hate outdoor ghosts. It makes me feel more vulnerable, and insecure. You usually think of ghosts being indoors, and the outside is an escape... But its not. We have several "outdoor ghosts" where I live in Central New York.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-24)
Ighost_of_you: I was more focused on the reaction of the kittens, that to me seems like the main paranormal thing in this story, or do you think it was because of this wind that they reacted like this? Regarding hearing the woman voice I'm not to sure, is there any stories involving hauntings around that area? Great story.

Thank you for sharing

p-a-s-d-e-c-h-e-v-a-l (22 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-23)
The woman might have been a camper just passing by, though I can easily imagine a past event which occurred during the time of her living (presuming it was an apparition) that she wanted to share.
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-23)
Creepy story 😁I love it, and the idea of hiking at night! But you know, I think there's something about the kittens... While camping with my dad when I was younger I had a similar experience involving a bunch of kittens that just seemed a little off... It sounds funny, sinister KITTENS, but I know what you mean! That whole area was just off and my dad still doesn't like to talk about that trip. Can't wait to read your next stories!
PrettyInPain (3 stories) (153 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-22)
I sure hope those poor kittens are okay.

Sounds creepy though, thanks for sharing your experience.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-22)
Oooh,I just love stories from the Philippines! And this one is very spooky. To be hiking at night, even with a full moon, through areas where there are wild animals, or snakes? Yes, that's enough to put anyone that isn't used to it on edge. I do have to believe that the kittens were not wild kittens though. My daughter works with a group of people who conduct desert and wild animal rescue, and when you come across kittens that have had no human interaction in their first weeks of life, they are definitely not going to let you come near them, much less let you pet them or play with you. So, they either belonged to someone nearby or were dumped out there by some callous individual. Either way, they were in the vicinity of the store and house, so I'm hoping those folks did right by them. I've seen it happen before where everyone in the house denies feeding the strays, only to find out that all of them are doing it in secret, not knowing the others are too. 😆
Now, the voice you heard is creeping me out a little. I have no idea what that could have been. Do they ever say anything about a female kapre? That would be scary! A tall, hairy, woman-like kapre, sitting on top of the branches, smoking! I don't know, but it is spooky. 😲
I like this story, and you are a very good story teller. Thank you for sharing.

Jav ❤
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-22)
That sounds like a pretty scary experience. But you say you heard a woman's voice calling out? I don't think that would be a kapre, do you? Could be a spirit, or someone who lives in that area, who happens to own a few cats. I know it seemed eerie, but maybe the tension was increased because you were already scared. I'm sure there are a few logical explanations that can account for what you experienced. Then again, maybe there is no explanation at all.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-22)
I do not know but I feel bad for the kittens. They were probably terrified being alone in the wilderness with all that wind. Especially if something paranormal was nearby. I probably would have brought them in there with me. Kittens are little and I doubt they could do much damage unless they had rabies, which you probably would have figured out very quickly. And since they did not go crazy and attack you when you were playing with the one earlier I do not think they were rabid.

I cannot seem to get my mind of the kittens to say anything about the rest of the story. 😕

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