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Real Ghost Stories

First Contact


This all happened when I was about eight; my family had just moved into a new one story house. In my room there was this full length mirror in the closet that absolutely creeped me out! And my parents had set up my bed so that if I lay down I could see my reflection in it. So I pushed my hanging clothes in front of it and close the closet door; avoiding opening it because it was creepy.

A couple months after we had moved in I was lying in my bed curled up and completely under the blankets. Just before I fell asleep something slapped me fairly hard. It scared the crap out of me. I sat up immediately and the first thing that popped into my head was 'Why did my mom slap me?' But after I thought about it for a second I realized that 1) the blankets were over my head. And 2) my mother cannot move that fast. After I had come to this conclusion I laid back down then noticed my closet was wide open, and the clothes were pushed aside. It was so freaky the next day I took the mirror and threw it out!

That was the very first thing that happened to me and being 8 years old at the time that was about the scariest thing ever!

After that I started seeing the shadows that some people see out of the corner of their eyes. Then I started to see actual glimpses of "people", I guess you could call them, walking down the hall or turning the corner. I had no idea what was going on and for a while I thought I was seeing things. A couple years went by with the same "people" and shadows wandering at the corners of my vision wherever I went. I got used to them and ignored them; they were doing nothing to me so I stopped freaking out about them.

Then one day I was doing my laundry and right in front of me I saw a little white face. It was a girl, very young looking, about 7 or 8 I would say. As soon as I looked away she disappeared, I thought 'oh man I'm going crazy.' but I kept seeing her. At first it was just her face. Then her dark brown hair, neck shoulders etc. After about a month and a half I could see her whole form. She appeared several times a day.

This young girl was the first "ghost thing" I could see that clearly so I would greet her or acknowledge her whenever she appeared. Nothing to crazy, just a regular 'hello'.

This went on for a long time, probably until I was about 16 years old. After that the little girl started to have this dark shadow behind her, it grew slowly until it had a shape. It looked like the little girl, only mangled, and its eyes glowed like a dogs no matter what. I always knew when that thing was around as well because it felt like a meat tenderizer hammer was pounding on my back. Freakiest thing ever! I ignore it but every once in a while it pops up out of no where.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, chunkeylumpkins, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-16)
I have experienced LOTS of this before. Maybe you should tell somebody about it, like a relative. That works... Most of the time. 😊
chunkeylumpkins (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-01)
I do appreciate all the help and I would like to see if the paranormal group can catch anything. I'm just worried someone will get hurt. And no, I have never been diagnosed with anything, I don't do any drugs, and I don't take anything stronger than over the counter Excedrin. Other than that I have had no mental health issues at all.
PrettyInPain (3 stories) (153 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)

Sorry to hear you're going through this. And I am also sorry you were called schizophrenic on another site. Even though it is important to investigate all possibilities, calling someone schizophrenic when they probably have absolutely no mental health knowledge is really just them being afraid of what they can't explain with science. I have a BA in psychology, but I never go around assuming everyone that has a paranormal experience is really just suffering from a psychological disorder. There's a lot of good advice from the users here in the comment section below, and it's nice to see all the willingness to help!

Best of luck,
Indigo (263 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
Ok chunky~~~ what's your call?

My suggestion is this: You accept bachaes groups help, to start out with.
Let them know if you're on medications OR have been diagnosed with schizophrenia FIRST. Even if you HAVE been diagnosed or are on meds it doesn't mean that something paranormal isn't happening, it just means that they have to take a different route to investigate and possibly clear you and your home. (schizophrenics have different audio or visual hallucinations, but they generally know the difference between the two after they're on medications). If say... A medicine man comes, you probably wouldn't be able to be involved in a peyote ritual, etc. So you have to be completely honest about everything first.
Let them come investigate FIRST. They will probably have equipment etc. See what their findings are. Since this has been going on for nearly 12 years, you're probably attached to it as well as it to you, so be patient with them and if it takes a few attempts on their part, it takes a few attempts. If it riles this thing up, so be it, that just makes it easier to find.
I know, I know, easy for me to say, right?
Well...doing this sort of thing isn't easy for us, either. Sometimes things follow us home, we become ill, etc. So just remember that once their crew gets there and starts poking you and your 'thing' that y'all are all going to be in the same boat. Ok?

If none of this works, we try another method.
intrepid713 (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
I admit I'm more of a newb to this site, Chunky, but please don't attack those that are only trying to help. It sounds like you've had a lot of people that are unwilling to listen when you've honestly asked for assistance, but don't let that disillusion you completely- from everything I have read on this site, the posters are honestly trying to understand your problem and are willing to listen if you'll let them. Step back and take a deep breath, and maybe try again.

If you're frustrated at not being sure on how to put things down, maybe some of these things would help a little?

1. Are you religious at all, whether that be Christian/Catholic/etc, non-denominational,Buddhist, Wiccan, or religion? If so, have you contacted any elders or priests/representative from your faith to see what they can do to help?

2. Have you considered keeping some sort of journal or diary of when/where the events happen? Sometimes you can find a pattern in the events that might help explain them.

3. Irish had a good idea- have you tried researching the history of the house? If you are unsure of how to do so, then there was another suggestion of contacting a paranormal investigation group for help- they should be well versed in what sort of steps need to be done for this sort of research.

4. Please don't assume I'm "bashing" you, but we have to ask- is there maybe any medical conditions that could affect things you see and hear and could be affecting your experience? There are medical conditions that can lead people to believe that they have had an experience. Not saying that that is the case, but we have to look at all possibilities. I have experience enough personally that I believe there are things in the world that are supernatural or spiritual in nature- not that I would think myself an expert by far.

4. Have anyone else in the household experienced anything?

5. What kind of support aside from your friend are you receiving on this?

I know I'm not an expert on this, but some of the above listed things are topics and ideas that I have seen as part of other posts from similar stories and posts. Hopefully if you can elaborate on some of the details, it will help some of the other experts on the subject on this site to provide some advise for you.

Also, I might suggest looking up some of DA, Javelina, and Rookdygin's profiles and posts, as well as other story posters if you look at the "similar story" feature on the site. They tend to have some good advise that you might want to look at to see if any of it will help.

I hope this helps- please give the other posters on this site a chance to help- they know what they're doing.
chunkeylumpkins (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
Yay New Mexico! And I do want the help but I don't. I am wary about getting this enitiy removed because I KONW it's dangerous and it's attatched to me. But I'm fed up with it's games and am willing to risk the consiquences of removing it.
Zara- I strongly sugest you clense the house. DO not talk or acnowlage it! That's what got me in this predicament in the first place.

I went on a website which the name I cannot remember and they told me I was skitsophranic and that I should goo into a mental hospital. I did not appreciate it and told them as such.
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
I am part of a ghost group. But I don't think anything matters until the O/P tells us what he wants.
Indigo (263 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
Bachaegirl, do you want to feel this one out yourself or shall I dig up my friend, or both? Your personal insight might help out a lot.
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
Well...I'm very glad your experiences are lesser than they were and that you can kind of ignore it and keep it in check. I can't wait to read your other experiences 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
chunkeylumpkins takes a big man to say sorry and mean it well done for that 😊
And just noticed the last line in the comment you left earler, have you been to other sites and been made fun of or ridiculed over this story?

Got to say you might see one or 2 comments that say don't believe you on here but the majority will see that this is a cry for help and will try to be there for you, they are the comments to take notice off and ignore the trolls that add usless, stupid comments.

Looking forward to your next story and I hope the ending your looking for.
Zara-Hx (2 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
see now this has me worrying about what's going on here because its a little girl who is haunting here. I haven't seen her (I have heard her) but my neice has, she wasn't scared, just confused as to why there was another little girl stood in the room with her. I was told to be careful and not even to talk to it or acknowledge its there because it could turn into something sinister if it gains trust, maybe this is what happened with you?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
I didn't mean for you to be insulted. My only concern is for your safety. Which is why I called you out on what this thing may be. The majority of people on this site are here because they've also had experiences. So you aren't dealing with total idiots here. All we ask is that you be up front with us. And if you are in need of help, it's counterproductive to hold back information from those who could possibly provide you with some relief.
So what I want to know is, do you want the help?

bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
Albuquerque! What what! That's were I am! New Mexico Pride! Oh, and sorry about your problems. A lot of people have left some pretty sound advice.
chunkeylumpkins (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
Sorry... I get pretty defensive about this subject and I do freak out a bit more than I should. I do know alot, probably enough to almost name what's following me and what it wants but I don't dare bother it. It leaves me alone for long periods of time and freaks me out when it knows it can scare me. This thong has tried to get to my sister but I have made sure that I'm it's only target. Once or twice though people close enough to me have been "touched" or seen strange things. I have many more stories and they all connect to the same thing: the girl creature. This entity uses all kinds of diffrent ways to scare me, but I'm hard to scare now adays. So I think it's waiting for somthing which I'll explain in another experience I had. I am sorry if I have over reacted or misunderstood anyone, I just want this gone so I can have some sanity back in my life again... And I live near Albuquerque NM.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
chunkeylumpkins, calm down!
No one is saying your lieing, people on here are trying to offer you advice, if your loosing it over javelinas comment then chill out and read it again!

It does not sound like she is calling you out but I personaly think its saying that you might know a bit more than you have put in your story, as you say there is more to come but your working on how to write it. That's fine with more information from you you might just get the help your asking for but going off like that will turn people away and you won't get any help at all.
I have to agree with jav your advice/comments do sound like you know more, and your admitting you do through your experiences that your trying to write about now. That's a good thing! When your next story is ready and added that should show how much you have come to learn about this thing.

Your story does not sound like it is made up, and as you say started when you were 8 years old but now you have more to add, great add it when you can but don't go nuts with your replys to peoples comments if you do want help with your problem. If you see a comment your not happy with question the poster but don't go loosing it.

Sorry to sound like I'm preaching to you but I do hope you get the help your looking for and I also hope you will see this for the advice it is and take it to heart.
All the best
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
First of all, whoa Chunky, cool your jets. You are on the attack here when there have been a lot of helpful comments from people who obviously believed you and tried to offer help. So don't come on here and rant and rave about how no one believes you, because people have TRIED to help you. If this is going to be your attitude toward the people on this site who have tried to offer some advice and suggestions as to what is going on, then I say good riddance if you decide to leave.
Indigo (263 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
Just chill out for a sec chunky. Sometimes when you invite things in, they're just a bit harder to get rid of, and sometimes we have to p/ss off a few people in order to decide if a situation is going to be difficult or not. Give me a few hours to see if my friend is in the area, or if he CAN be in the area--or possibly send a medicine man he knows. Just relax. I'll try and find you some help. If I can't get Grizzly there, I'll give him a heads up and point you to his website. Ok?
In the meantime, close your eyes and focus. Remember what it looked like. Explain it as best as you can.
I'll also need to know what large city you're closest to before I contact him. So fill me in. I'll do what I can to help.
chunkeylumpkins (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
also if you read the first few sentances I informed everyone that this perticular story started when I was 8 YEARS OLD. This is not the entire story. I am now 19 YEARS old, almost 20, so there has been much more that I am working on writing down! I just don't know how to!
chunkeylumpkins (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
exsactly what I said is what's happening. I have investigated all this stuff and every time I try to get help people say "oh right" and "whatever". And such. I'm tired of all this crap, and I don't care if no one belives me because I KNOW what happens and they dont. The attacks are less and less, but it still happens from time to time. All I hope is that my experiences can be helpful, and I hope to get rid of what ever is following me. So believe what you will about me but if this site is just like the rest then I'm OUT.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
OK! Chunkielumpy,
Maybe you should just come clean with us about what this thing is you are talking about here. I just went through the comments you've left on other peoples experiences and from what you say on those pages, you do know what it is you're dealing with here. So, time to fess up hun, and tell us what's really going on. 😐

Indigo (263 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31) unless there is someone on here closer that can physically go there to help. I have nobody close enough at this time to come help, or I'd call them for you.

If you are Christian or your parents are, I'd recommend you wearing a cross until you can get help. This sometimes keeps things at bay and gives you peace of mind.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
Listen to Indigo in this matter. And if your unsure, you can at least get a paranormal investigation group in to try and capture some evidence. Plus, they should be able to steer you in the right direction for any assistance that may be needed. Just be sure to check them out first. Go to their website, maybe check with some of their previous clients. Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if they've received any complaints about them.
Whatever you do decide on, do it soon. All we can do is offer advice, it's up to you to take the steps needed to solve this problem.

Indigo (263 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
Showing Fear by allowing these things to do as they please, is still showing fear and it seems to be feeding off of your fear.

These things, real or imagined are harmful when they get out of control, and if this isn't a hoaxed story, which I'm not saying it IS, because this type of thing is what people normally call me for to get rid of for them. I highly recommend that you find a shaman or a priest or minister, depending on what your faith is or what you feel comfortable with. Do this as soon as possible. It's been my experience that when they get violent, the human condition downgrades rapidly. I've had to go back to one house 3 times, so if the person that you choose has to come back, don't hesitate to ask them.
chunkeylumpkins (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
Indigo- I didn't ask my friend to help me, just give me information. And I don't like to admit it but this thing is dangerous. And I know if I try to get rid of it it could get really ugly or bad. 😢
Indigo (263 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
I'm not exactly sure what this one is, but if it's making you hurt and sick, and you say it's strangling you, then maybe you should find someone stronger than your friend to help out. A priest maybe, or a native shaman...
chunkeylumpkins (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-31)
Missym- no and yes. It's more uncomfortable and ominous than anything else.

Javelina- my friend has preformed a few exorcisms and he suggested this as well. It felt like one enitity just... The bad one was Maby burnt? The skin looked rotted, the teeth crooked, eyes inhuman, lips gone only showing gross teeth, hair wet and clinging together, dirty hands and feet. The "girl" never did anything, she just stood still with the same expression. Like a doll kinda, her expression never changed.

TerriLewis- it is, as soon as the bad one took over it started strangeling me just before I fell asleep.

Mountaineer- it's possible but it feels more like one entity instead of two.
chunkeylumpkins (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-30)
Irisguy- um I don't live there anymore but it followed me and still does. When she was the girl her expression was peaceful, and calm. She wore a white night gown thing but she's gone now. Replaced by the darker entity... It changes it's shape from time to time, probably trying to freak me out... But other than that she's gone and all that's left is the darkness. And I don't know what to do. I think it's trying to get to me through my dreams. And I don't know how to fight it. 😭
IrishGuy (30 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-29)
Were there previous occupants in the house before your family moved in? You could try doing some research on the house and the land its built on. Maybe the little girl is trying to tell you something but is possibly being prevented by the darker entity behind her. When you said hello to the girl did she ever reply back to you? Can you give more details about the girls appearance such as type of clothes, expression on her face etc Interesting account to say the least.
MissyM (2 stories) (152 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-29)
"I always knew when that thing was around as well because it felt like a meat tenderizer hammer was pounding on my back." So it hurts you?...?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-08-28)
[at] chunkeylumpkins,
I do know that many times it has been the case that a malevolent entity will disguise itself as something or someone quite the opposite of it's true nature in order to gain your trust or sympathy. To possibly get a firmer grip into your psyche and make it harder for you to want to get rid of it. Make itself look vulnerable and get you to try and protect that part of it, and that way it would be much more difficult to banish. I'm not trying to frighten you, nor am I an expert, but having this child spirit with a dual presence is strange. And maybe I've misunderstood what you are getting at.
Does it seem to be two presences? Or just one with a freaky shadow?
Does the girl seem different at all from how she behaved before this shadow showed up?
What do you mean by mangled? Can you explain further please?


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