This all happened when I was about eight; my family had just moved into a new one story house. In my room there was this full length mirror in the closet that absolutely creeped me out! And my parents had set up my bed so that if I lay down I could see my reflection in it. So I pushed my hanging clothes in front of it and close the closet door; avoiding opening it because it was creepy.
A couple months after we had moved in I was lying in my bed curled up and completely under the blankets. Just before I fell asleep something slapped me fairly hard. It scared the crap out of me. I sat up immediately and the first thing that popped into my head was 'Why did my mom slap me?' But after I thought about it for a second I realized that 1) the blankets were over my head. And 2) my mother cannot move that fast. After I had come to this conclusion I laid back down then noticed my closet was wide open, and the clothes were pushed aside. It was so freaky the next day I took the mirror and threw it out!
That was the very first thing that happened to me and being 8 years old at the time that was about the scariest thing ever!
After that I started seeing the shadows that some people see out of the corner of their eyes. Then I started to see actual glimpses of "people", I guess you could call them, walking down the hall or turning the corner. I had no idea what was going on and for a while I thought I was seeing things. A couple years went by with the same "people" and shadows wandering at the corners of my vision wherever I went. I got used to them and ignored them; they were doing nothing to me so I stopped freaking out about them.
Then one day I was doing my laundry and right in front of me I saw a little white face. It was a girl, very young looking, about 7 or 8 I would say. As soon as I looked away she disappeared, I thought 'oh man I'm going crazy.' but I kept seeing her. At first it was just her face. Then her dark brown hair, neck shoulders etc. After about a month and a half I could see her whole form. She appeared several times a day.
This young girl was the first "ghost thing" I could see that clearly so I would greet her or acknowledge her whenever she appeared. Nothing to crazy, just a regular 'hello'.
This went on for a long time, probably until I was about 16 years old. After that the little girl started to have this dark shadow behind her, it grew slowly until it had a shape. It looked like the little girl, only mangled, and its eyes glowed like a dogs no matter what. I always knew when that thing was around as well because it felt like a meat tenderizer hammer was pounding on my back. Freakiest thing ever! I ignore it but every once in a while it pops up out of no where.