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Weird Occurrences


Ever since I was young I have had experiences strange things. I have had dreams that become true, strange visions, and apparitions. I feel like all these occurrences are probably because of lack of sleep, but I just don't know. Here are some experiences.

This happened not long ago, I was sleeping for a while when suddenly in my dream my sister had popped up. She was pale and looked frightened. I wanted to ask her what's wrong but all she told me was don't turn around. When I woke up I stayed in bed thinking about the dream. I thought enough so I turned around and my foot burned bad! It turns out I had a hot plate plugged in. At first I thought why there is a hot plate in my room but I forgot my sister had left it there for me to take to school!

Another example happened when I was home alone. I was playing some video games when suddenly I saw a dark shadow run across my room door. At first I froze in fright. I slowly walked to the hallway and nothing. You see I keep seeing things all through out my house. This all seems to happen when I'm there and when my sister is here.

Another experience is I was just leaving for school when I forgot something at my house, so I went to my sister's room when I saw my sister in her room hiding. As I was just about to say her name when my sister called me to the kitchen! I quickly ran to the kitchen shaking. I told my sister what happened but she didn't believe me.

If someone can please give me a reason to why I'm experiencing these things please let me know. It would help a lot.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, overthelimit, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-24)
overthelimit: There have been replies and opinions given as to why you are having these experiences...BeaW, islandflowers, and BeautInside have all expressed the opinion that you have psychic abilities... What are you asking for: that someone tell you you're "special", an Indigo or Crystal child, or that you have some kind of "powers"?...

No one can give you the kind of answer you want to hear, as no one has that kind of information...
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-24)
That's a point well made Nsya in regards to sharing our experiences and drawing our own conclusions, an element of my own opinion's have come from learning of other's here at YGS... If you come here banging the door down demanding answers or presuming you know everything the door will slam behind you just as quick... Not suggesting this author is doing that but if you want to know what's going on and don't except what's been written so far there are better ways to get that point across... I hope others here do put forward there own conclusions and I do wish you all the best... Good point about blocking your ability out Nsya, I do believe sometimes that's a better solution for some.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-24)
Well overthelimit, I am afraid you are dealing with an area where you can't just look up (or be given) an answer. These things are called the unknown, paranormal, the unexplained because they seem to lie outside of the realm of the physical sciences, at least to the degree of current understanding. I know everyone wants to find a nice neat explanation for these events; this place is haunted because this traumatic death happened here or this kind of entity is showing you these things for this purpose, etc. But even when a theory like that is really well supported, they really just come down to educated guesses. Your situation doesn't even have any of the elements that make one of those easy guesses possible. As you can see, some people like Aussie, have had many experiences and have experimented and thus believe they have a pretty good understanding. All we can really do is discuss all of our theories & share our experiences so that we can try to draw our own conclusions.

You do sound a bit frustrated, I am wondering if you want these events to stop? In my experience it is possible to block them, though it is debatable whether the things go away or you just program your brain not to see them.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-24)
I understand your frustration with the 'hows and whys' of your experiences. For me that is always the hardest to figure out. As a matter of fact, I just recently worked through an experience I had nearly 40 years ago. But it was a different time back then. We didn't have forums like this to speak openly without fear of repercussion.
The thing about finding the source of the phenomenon is that you have to put everything on the table, even the little things you may think are insignificant should be examined. Because somewhere in that mess is your answer. Write everything down that you can remember about the days these occurred, add to it as things come to mind that you had previously thought of as not related. You may be surprised at what you find once/if a pattern develops. Listen to your gut first and foremost.
Keep us updated on any new findings, make this your sounding board. Believe me, it helps to have others working along with you.
That being said, if you do happen upon your answers, please come back and share those with us (if it's not too personal).
I realize all this sounds like a lot to do, but anything worth knowing is worth the work you put into it.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-24)
Yes, if that cafe was fundamental in the unison between him and his wife and has an element of emotional attachment, it is well possible he could project that scenario in denial or confusion about the reality of his death and current circumstances... He may not see the people there from our reality as we may not see what's going on in his... But some people do have the gift to enter his world and you often read stories here of people describing traumatic battle scene's that occurred 100's years ago or ghost going about there activity with intentions and purpose... And to go one further some ghost can go about there business here totally amongst the living unrecognisable to us about there disposition, something I find most fascinating and have experienced with my son some time ago... I have also been able to walk my home out of body with intelligent awareness of this reality and the time frame I was in... I have also walked my home unaware It was an (obe) in one of these projected realities... I was totally oblivious to what it was and thought I was awake and going on about business as usual... So I understand these projected realms and how one could be lured into its perception... I have also spoken to some spirits in flesh form from interim realms of which are more connected with the energy of the light, some of them have told me things that all have come true... And yes interesting you ask about the scientific reasons for near death experiences... They believe that our brain kind of has an chemical reaction to the processes of near death and the feeling of floating etc is just a part of their imaginations... In my days of being an atheist I would have subscribed to such theories, but based on my own experiences and what I know and have gone through, I believe there wrong maybe some of the experiences are a fabrication of mind but some of the amazing feelings associative with near death I have experienced full of life and some of there descriptions I can relate to... The shadow this author saw could be connected to the spiritual realm or it could be associated with the power of mind and one of these projections... Not sure on that one but I think this author has a fair share of ability and will have other interesting accounts on her journey.

Regards aussie
overthelimit (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-24)
I looked into most of the suggestions and I still haven't found an actual rason to why I'm seein things.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)
That is clearer, I appreciate that you listed some of the information that helped you come to these conclusions. I will ask you to clarify another point. You believe that a lost soul goes to a physical place where something significant happened to them? Say, a man met his wife in a cafe in Paris, if he was unwilling or unable to move on after death his spirit might be seen in that cafe?

I just read an article (about an article in the jounal Trends in Cognative Sciences, I simply can't subscribe to all of the journals I would be interested in so I depend on abstracts & summary articles) in which a scientist described the physical causes of near death experiences. Is it your understanding that what the neuro-scientists are seeing is the brains role in the processes you have described?

Getting back to the specifics of this account - and this question is directed towards all - some of the responses here seem to me to suggest a belief that overthelimit's experiences are psychical (is that the term I want or did I just make that up?) in nature rather than any kind of haunting? Can that explain the shadow, in your opinion?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)
[at] Nysa, thank you for asking I often wonder if people take aboard some of the points I make, I don't claim to know everything but the sooner we can get to method and science of what is going on the smoother the transition of death and life after will be, I hope, lol... A lot of people who have had near death experiences report seeing their life flash before there eye's and some even report being taken back to certain times and experiences usually of some significant's involving their own life... I believe based on my own experiences and what I have read here and elsewhere, that ability to transgress back in time or put ourselves in to these realities come from with in the skills of our own spiritual selves...,perhaps what this author did instead of relive seeing her sister was more of a review of a time that has had since passed... And I can imagine two sisters playing hide and go seek at some point earlier than this? thank you for pointing that out... This author in my opinion reviewed not relived her experience a pretty rare occurrence of which has only happened a couple of times with me... Now in saying that, I believe some people who have died don't make it to the light for various reasons, denial lost etc... And through their ability that works exactly the same and probably unknown to them just like that movie with bruce willis, they project a time of emotional significant's and refuse to believe they are dead... They can't really see us or don't want to and only interact when it feeds there ego of existence of there mindful torture's, these experiences are not for all of those that die some ghost interact as what we know are intelligent interactions... For the lost souls they will eventually come to terms with their death and the reality of their position... But time in the spiritual realm don't work like time here... A year here could seem like seconds there... Please ask any more questions if you like and I hope I made the point a little clearer.

Regards aussie.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)
That is a very interesting understanding of things Aussie. I did get lost at one point. What do you mean when you say "when we die to relive our past..." I understand you are saying that is when lost souls get stuck, but what are you saying is happening at that point? I am getting an idea like "your life flashing before your eyes," but I am not sure if that is what you mean. If you don't mind elaborating, I would love to better understand what you are saying.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)
You are on the mark a little when you talk about broken sleep... As we move in and out of sleep or broken sleep there is a gland in our brain called the penal gland, its job is to bring us out and into sleep cycles... We have two states of consciousness and when we sleep we are using our sub conscious of which I believe is our spiritual consciousness... Our spiritual consciousness has some amazing ability's and one of them is the use of premonitions thus why you was able to pick up on getting burnt before it happened your sub conscious used a vision of your sister as a means to pre warn you... Being able to see the future is just one of its amazing abilities as too when we die to relive our past and for some lost souls they find themselves trapped with in the dynamics of these projections, probably the reason for half the stories here... As for most people they sleep pretty heavy and most of the time they can't remember their dreams or make sense of them as well... Life is an illusion and as we approach the real awakening our spiritual consciousness learns and interacts with our daily experiences as in preparations for developing its own character on its path towards the light and eternal salvation... Our sub conscious can play tricks of mind and that probably explains the other half of the stories here although technically they still are paranormal in a way... And for some people, it enables them to talk with the dead and interact with them from the one plane... Interestingly with these people I suspect there penal gland is stuck on sleep cycle whilst they function consciously either by accident or design... For a lot of others in broken sleep the penal gland idle's in transition for a period of time of which two things can happen... Dreams and fears can come to life and so too the spiritual realm and experiences associated with it as previously mentioned all depending on what processes and thoughts are stimulating your subconscious at any given time... However I do believe seeing your sister hiding in the room could have been your minds eye (spiritual consciousness) reliving a past moment something that usually happens when we die... But for some they can experience them before hand... Perhaps start a diary and write down your dreams... You sound to me like you have a long life ahead and if I didn't follow my dreams I wouldn't be here right now.

Best wishes aussie
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)
I have to agree with BeaW and islandflower66 and say that you have psychic abilities. Learn how to control them, and there will be times that they can come in handy.

God bless ❤
islandflower66 (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
I agree with BeaW, I have had similar experiences and have had others tell me I am a "sensitive". Spirits will constantly try to contact you for help. Over the years I have learned to embrace this gift and not fear it. Please do not be afraid and trust your gut feelings, you are not powerless. Ask for guidance through prayer it is a powerful tool we have. Dreams can be very powerful too. If you have the gift of premonition, this could be very helpful. Learn to break down your dreams if unclear and use them to your advantage. I believe we all have psychic abilities, however the majority of us ignore it or choose not to nurture it. I believe most siblings whether twins or not have an underlying psychic connection, but most of us dismiss it as just knowing each other really well. But how can you explain someone calling you out of the blue because you were on their mind or vice versa, I believe it is because we send out those vibes and those souls who have a connection with ours whether blood related or good friends can pick up on it. Educate yourself and read up more on this if you truly are afraid or curious but please do not fear it. The more you know about what you are going thru, the less you fear it. We fear the unknown, empower yourself by knowledge and faith and prayer. All my best to you.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
Does your sister ever have unexplained experiences when you are not around or do you both have to be in the same house or area? I know you say you only experience them when you are both there but is the same true for her? I am wondering if she is the "source" for lack of a better word, or if it is some kind of interplay between the two of you.
overthelimit (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)

No we are not twins but my other 2 sisters (I have 3) had miscarriages. I never thought about the whole miscarriage thing though I have to think about that.
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
Hi overthelimit:

The hot plate could have inadvertantly been left on or accidentally plugged in. But what interested me about the story is the happenings that involve you and your sister. First off; are you twins? Another question; did your mother ever lose a child at birth or miscarriage? Just curious.

Thanks, zeta.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
Sounds like you've got the attention of a hostile entity. After all why else plug in a hot plate and have it unattended?

I recommend some Cold Iron.

Cold iron is a poetic and archaic term for iron, referring to the fact that it feels cold to the touch. In modern usage the term has been most associated with folkloric beliefs that iron could ward off ghosts, fairies, witches, and/or other malevolent supernatural creatures.

dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
oh wow, the story about you sister creeped me out. Were you completely sure it was your sister, or did you just see a girl hiding in there and assumed it was her? Just imagined what would have happened if you called out to her and and went in there. I wonder how it would have reacted.

If I remember correctly, I think I've read that the appearances of doubles or doppelgangers is an omen. Not trying to scare you or anything though. After that happened, were there any deaths or other bad things that happened to you, your sister, or anyone else close to you?
BeaW (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-22)
I keep having similar experiences, and I'm not even sure I believe in the paranormal. Sounds like you are a sensitive person who intuits things, almost a receptor for energy. Sounds like your sister has your back!

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