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Sick Of Being Scared


I am writing this story because I am at the end of my wits. My name is Sara Rybak. I live with my boyfriend Luke in Hinckley, MN. We live on a beautiful tree farm in a 3 bedroom house. We moved in a year and a half ago. There is activity in this house almost every night. When we first moved in there were certain areas of the house we felt strange about but we ignored it. I first realized it was haunted when I went to get laundry from the basement one night and I and my boyfriend clearly heard a man say... "What are you doing" in an aggressive voice... I no longer go in the basement.

After this we were a bit more aware of what was going on, I constantly hear strange noises, doors opening, and foot steps. I bought a new Insignia alarm clock that has a button you press and it says "what can I do for you" and you respond, it goes off randomly. We have tried to de bunk it by making loud noises around it... It only goes off when you press the button. Last night I brought out our new puppy to go potty, the TV was on and me and my boyfriend both recall shutting it off. When I came back into the bedroom I sat on the floor to put the pup back in her cage and I watched the kitchen light turn on and then off. This stuff is constant.

Things randomly fall off tables that are not close to the edge. We have an air freshener that goes off when you press a button or pass by and at night it would go off constantly like a child were pressing the button over and over again. I have felt something lift the covers and touch my leg. I have watched my boyfriend say weird things and act strongly in his sleep; right after the bedroom door was pushed open by its self.

My dog Morgan who is almost two years now barks at the basement door and stares strangely at corners and the ceiling, so does our cat. We see weird shadows in our room. The other night we were lying in bed and Luke said "look at the ceiling... Do you see that" we both saw a weird white misty shadow floating on the ceiling, he looked outside and nothing was causing it, we covered the light from the alarm clock and that wasn't it either, we turned the light on and nothing was there and when we turned it back off it was gone.

Luke mentioned something to the guys that work on the farm and they said we are not the first to say this place is haunted.

My boyfriend is Native American, we have smudged the house with sage and sweet grass and it does not help. I am scared and need advice. At 3 AM tonight I will have to take the pup outside to the bathroom and I know something will happen. I'm sick of being scared and ready to move from this beautiful area. If anyone has advice on how to make this creepy stuff stop I would greatly appreciate it.

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Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-24)
thank you everyone for all the new comments, ideas and concern. Well I have been burning my own sage that I picked myself... I don't know if that makes any difference. I will comment more personally tomorrow night but right now I'm on my phone and it is hard to read your messages and scroll all the way back down and remember everything everyone asked or said. But I have read all of the comments and I am taking them seriously. Surprisingly the last couple nights have been quiet, luckily the pup stopped wanting to go out at 3. Now she goes out at 1 and 5 which I feel more comfortable with. My boyfriend has also been taking her out alot. I have been trying to ignore the little sounds and 2 nights ago when the alarm clock went off and said "what can I do for you" my boyfriend replied, "nothing leave us alone" and it hasnt gone off since. But I still feel the presence and I will be more Satisfied when I find more of a perminant solution. But for now ignoring it and replying by saying we want it to leave us alone is seeming to help. Ill keep you updated what we do next. Again thank you all so much for all the help. Good night and talk to you all soon.
LPugh (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-24)
I do not believe you are in any sort of harm.
DO NOT use sea salt! It is used to protect a home or room after whatever it is is gone. If it is angry or meaning you harm, sea salt is just going to keep it in.

And Brick dust has NEVER helped any of the people I know. Or the client base I have. But all in all, I believe you are perfectly safe. If anything harmful does happen, do not hesitate to get help.
If anything does happen, please contact me at:
Renewal_2012 [at]
Indigo (263 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
Hi. Was the voice native? Most natives tend to have 'that accent' lol, and if it's an Indian spirit you'll have to go through the local tribe to get rid of it 'properly'.
If not, since you've already saged, try rooks shielding method, which should finish it off. As a last resort, I suggest curing your home with rock salt or sea salt, then burning sea salt and alcohol inside each room while ordering it to leave.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)

I am glad that you liked my opinion. I like to try to think of them too. After all they were once living breathing people. We respect them in their physical body so there should be no reason not respect them in the energetic form. He doesn't sound like he is being aggressive in any way. He is just trying to get your attention.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
There are many great suggestions here so I won't add any as all of them are mentioned already. If I come with anything new, I will post it then.

No need to blush. You are our resident expert so you should be proud of it. Like many here, I'm glad to have gotten to know you though this site.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)

Now you've gone and made me blush... 😳


It does sound as if a lot is happening in your home. But please do not let every little sound you hear become 'paranormal' in nature.

A Ghost Hunting Group can help eliminate 'natural' things from the truly Paranormal events happening in your home. That can be a good place to look for aid at, as well as posting your experience here. Look at all the advice you have received. Please pick and chose which to use as you wish.

I have to ask... Did these experiences just start randomly or did you and your husband begin some renovations to your home? If so that may be the reason that the activity started. If a previous owner is 'lingering' then they may just be curious as to what is happening to 'their home'.

Please keep us updated on your situation.


generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
Glad I can help:) I think nearly every state has one or more of these groups. As far as I know, most do NOT charge you to come by (except maybe for gas money?). They investigate for the thrill of it.
I was in a group in my area for a little while, before various reasons sidelined me.

I know of some places in Duluth that are haunted (Glensheen, anyone?) - and I wouldn't be at all surprised if your home is haunted by some curmudgeonly farmer who can't accept the young whippersnappers that have moved into his place.:)
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Saraneedshelp: Sorry you are going through this situation but there are ways to get piece back in your life, a lot of what I was going to say has already been mentioned but what I will do is post a cleansing ritual from Rookdygin, he has written out a full list of instructions to follow which may help you out.

Remember all praises go to Rookdygin for posting this! 😊

Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.)

I hope this helps you, I know Rookdygins technique as helped other people who have similar problems as to what you are going through.

islandflower66 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
I definitely would contact some paranormal group in your area. I have dealt with spirits all my life and with the exception of a few questionable ones have found there is a reason they are trying to get your attention. Pray about it, get in touch with someone who is experienced in the field. You do not want to provoke whatever is there and you definitely don't want to open unwanted doors. Energy feeds on energy, try not to give it energy if you are afraid. I have grown up with a mother who would tell certain spirits that she did not like to be frightened, and if they needed her help to let her know without scaring her. You should not be afraid to live in your home even if you have to share it. Document occurrences as best you can especially if you need to be specific when bringing in the professionals. I will pray for you and your home and for you to have the strength to get through this. If this thing begins to increase in intensity and goes to actual physical contact, please do not think you are crazy or dismiss anything but contact help asap. If it is a lost soul, all they may need is guidance, however if it is something else, you will definitely need the counsel of others. All my best!
Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Generalchaos- Awesome website! I was not aware of the groups in MN that deal with these problems. Thank you so much for doin a little research for me! Thank you for your time and consideration. 😊
Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Moravian- You are completely right, this is my house and I need to show it. You are also probably right about putting my trust in god. I have had troubles with this in the past, but now would be a good time to get more in touch with my spirituality, It would be a lot easier on me to let a higher power deal with it. Thank you for your time and advice!
Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
dustyisdead- Thank you for your understanding of my name and the 3 AM thing, you were dead on with both. And for your advice! GREAT advice, Ignoring it is extremely hard to do, but I have a feeling your right, I do get scared and I do show it, by jumping back or running from it and Luke and I talk about it openly between each other and I am sure what ever "it" is loves the attention. I am going to try my hardest not to feed into it. And praying does help a bit, I do believe in god and I ask for confidence, but sometimes when it is happening and in my face I lose a lot of my confidence. You are right I believe about the spiritual objects in my opinion. When we first moved in the house was packed with crosses and religious statues and pictures that were left behind... And I feel it feed into my creep factor more then it helped suppress it. You are also right about having people around, it really keeps your mind off of everything. Again THANK YOU! For your wonderful advice. I am going to try my best to ignore it. ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
I completely agree with redphx in this situation. She nailed it if you ask me.
Another thing you may want to do is talk to the workers and perhaps a few of the neighbors (distance allowing), to garner any information about any previous owners that may have passed away in your home. Try to get a grip on what this person was like. It could give you an edge when dealing with them. In the meantime, should you hear the voice again, try replying to what they say. Not with questions, mind you, with actual replies to what they've said. I realize it can be creepy, especially as you have to get up in the middle of the night for the pup. Just don't allow yourselves to be bullied or pushed out of any area of your home. If this spirit wants to continue to hang around, it has to be with your permission and under your rules.

Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Nysa- Thank you for the advice and ideas, I did look a bit into the link Moongrim sent me. And for the tribe, we did have an elder come in and smoke the house before we moved in because we felt a bit suspicious about it but we still had activity after that, we had him come in one more time to smoke it out but still no luck. We should maybe call someone with a little more spiritual authority such as a shaman of the tribe... If that is what they are called? Or a priest. Thank you for the comforting words and your time! 😊
Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Mountaineer- LOL I did not take offence don't worry, I just was letting you know I am not trying to waste anyone's time. Thank you for the apology and your acknowledge-meant... 😊
Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Squee- Thank you for your concern. I think it would be smart to contact someone of a religious sense... But I have no specific religion, I have heard of priests that will come and bless your house though and I am sure that would not hurt. I am not sure if the sage has worked for me or not, we burn it offten and it does not seem to effect the times that the activity happen, it seems to be very random. Thank you for your opinion and an open ear, I appreciate it very much. Your right I can't let it rule my life. Again Thank you! ❤ Minnesotans 😊
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
"I apologize in advance for jumping to conclusions"--me. I jumped to conclusions, and I apologize for doing so. I was just suspicious of accounts named after stories. I just mentioned that story as an example of where the account and the story had the same name (almost) and the author never came back, pretty much writing it off as fake. Obviously the trend I thought I noticed does not exist. My mistake, I apologize if I offended anyone. I will now go sit quietly in my corner and reflect on my actions.

Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Mountaineer- My story has nothing to do with spam or a dramatic death, It is my experiences that make me uncomfortable in a bit of an unfamiliar house, and for my name, I created this account to look for help one night when I was unable to sleep and was hearing noises in the house... I could not come up with a better name. I am just looking for any advice from anyone who may have had a similar experience and I have had full intention from the start to reply my readers who show concern, I really appreciate everyone's time and advise. And for the 3AM, Its the time that the puppy wakes every morning since we have gotten her, but my boyfriend has also said that he has had weird experiences at 3AM before having to take the puppy out. I know it is a superstitious time, but it is truly, to me just the time I have to get up with the puppy. Thank you for your time.
Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Zetafornow- I put my name and location because before you write a story they tell you if you are not very specific and if you don't have good grammar and spelling they will not post your story, and I did not mind getting personal, I have no worry's with you all knowing my real name. And about the sage, no you do not have to do it for 6 months in a row, you are just supposed to do it when you feel a bad presence... Or just when you feel to burn it, I enjoy the smell so we burn it often! Thank you for your concern and time to comment on my post. ❤
Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Moongrim- Thank you for your concern for my safety, but I was sure not to put my exact location, and my name is not attached to any info like my address. For your advice, That is somthing I have never heard of and I am willing to look more into it. Thank you for the link 😁
Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
redphx- I did not think of that way! You really had some great advice. I was feeling more as a threat then a being that I intruded. Thank you for your opinion!
generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Hi Sara, I'm familiar with that neck of the woods, too. (I agree with Squee!)
This all sounds pretty frightening, and no one should have to be afraid in their own home.
Here's a Minnesota Ghost Hunting group - (I am not affiliated with them in any way)
I looked at their site a little bit. They've gone all over MN, and seem to be as legit as any. You might want to contact them and see what they say.
Good luck!
Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
suneyedgirl- I have never heard of the brick dust, and thank you for the advice, I think the professional help would not hurt one bit. Thank you
Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
BeaW- Thank you for the advice and the concern ❤

I really appreciate your time and care!
moravian (1 stories) (171 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Had a similar situation. Somebody apparently doesn't care for you intruding in his house. Let him know you pay the bills and take care of the place and respect his right to be there if he respects yours to there and to atop scaring you. Above all, you need to belong to the family of God and you can rely upon His authority and angels for protection. Once a member of Gods family you can use His name to toss this whatever he or it is out - if all else fails.
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] mountaineer, nothing about her story really sounds fake in the least. I think the mentioning of 3am just happens to be the time that the puppy's potty training schedule is on and she's had experiences happen to her previously when she's taken the dog out.

As far as having her name and story match up, I don't see anything strange about that. Most likely she made this account just to post this story and ask for help, not really to read and discuss paranormal things. I think that's completely normal and acceptable.

Andways, to the OP,
[at] sara, one of the houses I lived in involved a haunting with pretty much identical characteristics. It's not necessarily "threatening", but the feeling of something always being there, and unseen things moving things in front of you, are some of the scariest hauntings I've been involved with. I understand what you're going through, and it really is enough to make you want to flee the house.

Here's some advice on what I did that helped, and what didn't help me. I think since our situations are so similar, that maybe one of these will work for you.

-the main thing that helped me with my haunting was simply ignoring the situation and refusing the acknowledge it anymore. I know it will be REALLY hard, because it was for me, but honestly when I started to ignored the ghost/s and I stopped being afraid of them, the paranormal occurrences reduced quickly and pretty much absolutely. My brother DOES not believe in ghosts at all, and he never had any experiences, even though everyone else did and this house had a ton things happen all the time. I honestly believe that's because he refused believe in it and therefore was not afraid. If you can, you should try this.

Before I did that, which gave me incredible success, some other things helped also.
-whispering small prayers when I felt frightened by something. I'm not christian, I'm agnostic. So my "prayers" were more like asking for strength and protection by, oh I don't know, I guess the "energy" of the universe. So you can call upon whatever deity you identify with. As soon as I said these, I felt significant relief from my fear.

-having other people around. Not only do you feel safer, but I found that constantly being afraid and alone really starts to take a toll on your mood and mental health. These kind of hauntings slowly chip away at your peace of mind and happiness. So keep occupied and surrounded by positive and energy.

What didn't help me were placing religious things around. My mother, a christian, had crosses and jesus paintings throughout this house, and it didn't cull the ghosts or happenings at all. Talking about the ghosts also seemed to stir them up, so I guess that goes back to ignoring them.

If none of what I said helps you, I do apologize. I don't know what these types of hauntings are called, but they're fairly common I believe and are the type that affect people psychologically. You already sound like you're a bit paranoid and constantly nervous in the house.

Good luck with everything.
Saraneedshelp (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Thank you guys for all of your responses, I really appreciate it! To those of of you who are concerned about my location I did not put the actually town I live in, I put one close to it but thank you for your concern. For those who do not believe me that is ok, I did not put this story up to get attention or make friends, I put it up because of my concern with situation, I did not know about the brick dust, that is an interesting point and I am very willing to try it. Ill be back on it a bit to comment. Thank you all so much!
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
You say your boyfriend is Native American, is he in contact with other members of his tribe? Perhaps some older members who might have dealt with these kinds of things before? Otherwise all you can do is try the various remedies people have had success with. Moongrim gave you a link explaining one I think. If you have a personal spiritual leader in your life, priest or religious mentor you may ask them to assist you & recommend rituals. You can google getting ghosts out of your house & chose whichever of the thousands of suggestions makes the most sense to you. Though you are clearly in a frightening situation, nothing seems to be threatening you. In fact much of the activity sounds a lot like poltergeist activity. You just need to get "it" to take it's show on the road. Again, many Native American groups have time-tested traditions that can go beyond the burning of herbs, so if your boyfriend has access to that knowledge base he should reach out to it.
Squee (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
I am so sorry to hear about this. It must be scary. Best thing I can tell you is to contact someone of clergy or spiritualistic standing in whatever religion you believe in. My friend is native american and he saged his sisters house for his nephew who was having night terrors and it seemed to help. Other then that I am not sure what to tell you other then the fact that we Minnesotans stick together. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Stay strong and don't let it rule your life.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
In my experience, which I admit isn't extensive at all, accounts named after stories aren't a favorable sign. Brings me back to that story "he died in the summer of 2007". Or something close to that, and the author's username was, "hediedinthesummerof2008". Or something close to that. Never got any feedback from the author, and the other posters came to the consensus that it was fake. I'm not condemning this as of now, but it is raising that little red flag of doubt in my mind. The mention of 3am is also itching me. If this is true, I apologize for jumping to conclusions in advance.

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