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Widow Of A United States Army Soldier


I am a widow of a United States army soldier (SPC. Joshua R. Campbell for those of you who need proof). He was killed in action on January 29, 2011. We do have a son together, and will be 2 years old in November. I know for a fact that my dreams have a connection with some of the strange things going on.

He did not deploy until October 2010. But 3 months before that I was seeing "deceased/wounded soldiers" and it occurred about 6 different times until his deployment began. After that I did not get that dream again, or least I didn't until about a week before I got the news. Yes I had trouble accepting it at first, so nothing really happened, other than my son waking up at about 0200 - 0300 and would start playing and laughing (which he never did, bed at 2000 and up at 0700 everyday) I did not think much of it seeing as he was getting older.

But after about April, I started to accept the fact he was gone, or so I thought. And since then, things get moved around, and I mean things my son can not reach. Cigs, lighters, keys, money. My WEDDING RING. Just little things here and there. And yes, my husband hid things from me all the time, so I know it is him. And I have also seen him a few times. And also OX, my sons godfather whom was also killed with his father. But that's not the oddest thing. I enjoy them here, they help me sleep and watch over us.

But any who. Just last night/early morning dozing off at about 0400, my front door swings open, keep in mind I'm a over protective mother and all my doors stay locked door and deadbolt. Natural instinct told me to turn on my light as I did; I got a feeling to look at his flag. Now the strange is... I saw a soldier looking at my husband's flag. I have never seen this soldier before in my life! But I kept eye contact for about a minute or so, and I can tell you this, it scared the ever living HELL out of me! Is it possible the soldier I seen is one of my husband's friend's that are deployed? I need answers and I am not getting them from the military.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, camswidow, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

vanlewie232711 (1 stories) (42 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-24)
i believe that the flag had drawn this solider to your home. I am a navy brat and proud of it. But I do really whole heartdly believe that you in mourning and depressed and that flag being a memorial flag brought this solider in to show his respect to you, your son and your husband and friend. And as far as your husband and friend being there to protect you yes I believe that yet I can't help wonder if sooner or later you wake up to find that its not a demon? I have heard of that before where a spirit acts,looks,talks just like a dear loved one only to be a demon in disguise like the wolf in sheeps wool? I pray that its not good luck to you and with all respect I salute you and your husband for signing a check the usa cannot pay! I hope I said that right... ❤ 🤔
RSeal (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-13)
Thanks for your story, Camswidow. I know when I was there, I would look at the pictures of my family before I'd hit the road. I would pray just one prayer, that I get to see those pictures again. I'm sure your Joshua prayed that same prayer. I'm sure he wanted to check in on you and wants to make sure you know he still loves you. Love never dies.

Thanks for your sacrifice.
camswidow (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-25)
rough weekend everyone. My bestfriend and her son came to stay, she decided to go go home friday night about 2 am. Her GPS was not working. Once she finally got on the right path to home, car accident. Not only that, LOTS OF THINGS GETTING MISPLACED>! Grrr really getting old. And thanks for all the advice. And will look into the history of my house.
moravian (1 stories) (171 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
I was in the army 20 years and can assure that some deceased soldiers linger about and haunt. It happens. I can think of 4 separate occasions In my 20 years where the spirits of former soldiers were seen by myself or others following their death. I think if this bothers you let them know and maybe they'll quiet down. Otherwise you need to seek to help of god.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
camswidow: Let me start by voicing sincere condolences to you and yours... I feel the spirit you saw may have been a friend of your husband's, or another soldier who had lost his life...

There are a couple of posters here who have circumstances similar to yours... Myself and hippiechick are only two, but there are others... The only advice I can give you is to never let the memory of your husband fade for your baby... This is easier said than done, and any relationship you may have in the future will be affected by that choice... If you need an ear (or eye for that matter 😆) my e-mail is on my profile...

One of the things that concerns me is that a few of us feel that we, in our mourning and reluctance to let go, have helped to hold our loved ones here on this plane... I suggest you contact the military and have them put you in touch with a grief councelor...

Thank you for posting, and good luck to you! ❤
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
I am so sorry for your loss. I trully believe that your husband is there to look after you and your son.
Concerning the soldier, you said that he was staring at the flag and I don't know why, but I got the feeling that he was curious... Maybe your husband's spirit brought the soldier with him and he was looking around. Either that, or your house may have a history.

God bless ❤
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
Oh, Cam, I'm sorry for your loss. And well done to you for being a strong lady. I'm sure your husband is around and pulling your leg 😜

This is truely a hauntingly beautiful story. Gives me butterflies. As long as you don't feel threatened I think you have something special going on.

Thanks for sharing *hugs*
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)

It's just a theory I've heard. I think it may be based on experiences that you hear/read about where a Loved one visits a 'family member' who could not be at their side or that they may have had a special connection with. These experiences happen 'here' in the physical realm.

Our dreams can be 'reflections' of past, present heck even future... And having our living friends / relatives show up in them is almost natural. But our 'Dream State' also allows us to be closer to the Spiritual Realm and where as a Recently passed loved one may visit us in the 'physical realm' if we dream of them when our consciousness is close to the Spiritual Realm we can them see them there... And if we see them there then they have 'crossed over' from the Physical Realm to the Spiritual Realm.

I'm not sure if I'm making sense...I've had 4.5 hours sleep in the last 36? 40? And I'm close to the end of my last shift at work for the week... Please ask any questions and I'll try to explain better... After I've had a decent amount of sleep...


generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
(at) Rook - You wrote "

There is a theory that once a loved one has passed if we dream about them it means they have crossed over and can visit us when they wish. The dream does not have to be you or your sons, it could be his brothers, sisters...Mom's anyone in the Family..."

But... If a loved one is alive, and we dream of them, then it's nothing (ok, it could be a premonition or a memory or whatever, just work with me here)...
If a loved one is dead, and we dream of them, they've crossed over?

There's something missing in that theory... I'm too tired to put my finger on it, but it's something about what if you dream of them, but you think they haven't crossed over, for whatever reason?

I've mentioned before that I have really vivid dreams. My loved ones (and I'll use that term loosely) tend to be in them often. Alive, dead, sometimes a few I've lost track of and don't know their status... Ones that died peacefully, ones that died violently, ones that died of an illness, ones that died of suicide. They're all there. Now before I sound more like an emo Dr. Seuss, I'll just stop. I'm confusing myself now.:p

Just throwing that out there...
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
Mountaineer and Dusty ~ I agree with rooky here keep your arguing in private this conversation you have going is detracting from the actual story and quite frankly I've seen better arguments deposited in my cats litter box, so put a sock in it would you?

I do think it is lovely that they are both looking after you and your son, and it seems they are both very protective of you both, as for the soldier you saw, I wonder if it was a soldier that passed on that served with your husband that has passed on and was paying his last respects to him?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)

TAKE IT ELSEWHERE! This experience deserves better than your petty arguing.


I am sorry for your loss. (I'm a 20 year Navy vet)

I want to ask a question... Was your Husband a 'natural leader' type?

I ask because in the 'afterlife' while he is watching over you and your son he may be showing others how to cross over, or at least how to find their way home to their loved ones. (I 'feel' this may be what he is doing...)

Another question, have you or your son dreamed of him sense he has passed? I'll explain that question...

There is a theory that once a loved one has passed if we dream about them it means they have crossed over and can visit us when they wish. The dream does not have to be you or your sons, it could be his brothers, sisters...Mom's anyone in the Family...

I 'feel' that he has crossed, and that he and 'OX' choose to visit and watch over you and your son.

Be well, be safe.


generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
(at) camswidow - oops, I think I didn't explain what I meant thoroughly...

My thought was that if *you* didn't recognize that soldier's ghost, maybe he was just passing through, a short cut to his house.

Maybe he lived there before your family...

The other thought was maybe he was a friend of your husband, from another unit, and passed -- but came by to pay his respects?

I'm not doubting that it was a ghost, I'm trying to think of reasons why a ghost of a soldier you don't recognize might stop by and look at the memorial flag.
(In one of those triangle frames, right?)
islandflower66 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-23)
I came across your story and was moved by it. I too am a widow but he wasn't a soldier. I don't believe you are crazy either and I believe our loved ones do surround us. I experienced similar things after my husband passed but I was never afraid of it. I agree with the others in seeking the support from those who can truly help you both physically and emotionally. It's been six years now and when I am discouraged or hurting, my husband sends me encouragement through a song or a memory or even through other people even dreams. Please don't be afraid. I know it's hard now having to do things on your own for you and especially for your son. I found it hard too but I have no doubt that your husband will make sure that the right people will surround you for support and help in your times of need. Celebrate your husband's life and the life you had in the short time he was here and celebrate the life you and your son have yet to live. I wish you all the best and though time can't take away what you both have sacrificed know that he lives on in you and your son and those who had the privilege of knowing your husband.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] dustyisdead: nowhere in my comment did I say that most homeless people were scam artists. You are putting words in my mouth. I said that most of the people who stand outside places and ask you for bus money and tell you they need to get to a job application are. Homelessness is a problem, and that is why I said absolutely nothing about homeless scam artists. Maybe read my comment next time before you try to butt heads with me? Anyway I am not going to pursue a debate with you, as I have seen that it is a hopeless effort. That's a good thing you're doing, helping the homeless. You should continue doing it.

[at] camswidow: Sorry that I've hijacked your thread. I'll keep my lips sealed from now on, I promise.
camswidow (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
i have 4 flags, and none are going ANYWHERE at all. Nuff said. And I'm starting to get a idea of playing dress up with the posers and sendin them over there and bringin our boys home. But I must go now, my son is screaming bloody murder.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Yes there are those who play the "poor veteran" for sympathy, acceptance, and monetary gain. Just ask any REAL Viet Nam Vet. They are a stain on society and should never be humored or tolerated.
I've worked with Viet Nam Vets as a volunteer for over 20 years and am a veteran myself. Those idiots do nothing but harm the legacy and perpetuate every negative stereotype our boys have fought for years to erase. There's a special place in Hell for them.
I am sorry for your loss and weep for all children that grow up never knowing a lost parent. You hold onto that flag lady. It belongs with your son. Keep a journal of everything related to your late husband. When your son gets older, it will be an invaluable connection to his father, he's going to treasure that above all things.
It saddens me that your in-laws have chosen to turn their backs on an innocent child, especially their own blood. However, it enrages me to think the military has disregarded the laws that protect surviving spouses. YOU are the next of kin, not his siblings. Once you two were legally wed, that put you at the forefront. And though I realize your wounds are still fresh, I would seriously consider taking action against this affront. If not for yourself, at least consider those who come after you. I know these things happen, but that doesn't make it right.
Hold your head up high and don't flinch.

geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
One thing that I forgot to mention, is to keep a journal of what you and your child are experiencing. This way, you know you won't drive yourself crazy and it will keep track of what's going on.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
First let me tell how sorry I am for your loss. It is truly an honour have people like your late husband fight for our freedom and life while losing theirs and living loved ones behind. Unfortunately, there are lots of people who are like the guy mountaineer mentioned. There may be some legit reason for being homeless but it's just plain wrong to pretend to be a vet to get money. If there is a high being, s/he will deal with those people when the time comes.

As for your problem at hand, Moongrim is right and I think you should follow his advise. Just an added suggestion you can try is mediation. Calm yourself down, then close your eyes and start mediating. After start imagining a white light; spread that white light around you, child, and then every corner of the house and surrounding it. This will protect you, child, and the house from any unwanted visitors.

I used to work as social worker with the City of Toronto (took a break and working in a different department) but whenever I dealt with a particular negative or difficult case, I would do that and I get a sense of peace.

Also, like Moongrim suggested, I would email the manager of this site to edit out some of the personal information out of your story. This is not just for your protection but that of your child.

I have had the change and honour to work with kids effected with the lose of a family member as a soldier in a war. My heart just broke when I heard what these people when though. Although, I dealt with families of Canadian soldiers, I think the feelings are the same for soldiers from other countries. So, I like to make it offer (if you don't take offense), if you ever want to just talk, you can find my email on my profile. I won't pretend to know that you are going though because I probably don't, but as a social worker who has dealt with Canadian Military families, I would like to lend my ear to you.

Keeping you and your child in my prayers. God bless!
camswidow (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
no I live about 2 1/2 hours away from FT. Bragg, and could go visit if I wanted to, but would rather not, because I would be bashing faces in left and right, because of rumors people are spreading out there. BIG NO NO 😠 and even when living out there, no one liked wearing there monkey suit outside of daily ritual. 0430ish to 1700 or when ever dismissed from work.
generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Hmmm... Do you live in a neighborhood with a lot of other military families? Could your husband have had a friend from another unit?
(I don't know that much about that angle of the military, please bear with me)
camswidow (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] generalchaos,
thank you. I not sure of whom this soldier is/was... He may have been one of my husbands friends, but I am not certin of that. It looked to be of our war now. But I can tell you this, he was not one of whom that have been killed over there, there has only been 4 from his unit. And I do keep note of what my son "says" when its understandable, seeing as full sentaces are just coming into play. But one that is a daily, is "my daddy's in heaven, and I miss my daddy"
generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
Hello, I'm sorry for your loss.

I have vivid dreams as well. I usually just think they are due to anxiety, maybe a fear of abandonment. Were you seeing the "deceased/wound soldiers" in dreams, or as ghosts when you were awake?
If they were in dreams, I'd just write it off to anxiety of being left alone with a new baby and a husband who was leaving.

As far as seeing him now, and having things move around, as well as sensing the child's godfather - well, as long as you feel comfortable. Perhaps your child is seeing them as well - note what he says.

The soldier you saw the other night could be one of your husband's friends who passed, or even a soldier who used to live in your house. Did you notice the uniform? Was it the same as they have now, or was it different? Any other telling details?

Hang in there.
camswidow (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
give me the address where he stands.:) I will give him my husbands flag, not money! Then dare him to say he is a poor vet. Because I can promise you this much, as the wife and child, we get ssi and a VA check. Which is more than enough to support about 6 people a month, so yeah. He can go burn in hell for what all I care. And tell your dad to do it, cause aint no one going to say shiat about it! And no, you did not offend me. It does sound a little odd, but concidering the fact, that when I went to dover to claim his body, I said no one at all could do media coverage on him, and they still allowed it. Not only that, the military went against his wishs and allowed his family to cremate him, not put his body (what was left of it) in arlington. A 8 month wait is better than a hour of driving not to have something left of him. VERY TOUCHY SUBJECT, but what has been done, can not be changed. 😊
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] mountaineer... Yeah, he sounds homeless and mentally ill, man. You and your dad shouldn't joke about hitting the poor guy.

I've worked with the homeless back in the mid 2000's. My director told me about the homeless situation in the US. It's really sad and it's growing. Although some of them have substance abuse problems, people would be surprised at the amount of homeless who are, to put it simply, crazy and unable to live a normal life on their own. It's no wonder he feels the government doesn't care.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] camswidow: Yeah there's this one guy who lives not far from me who comes out to the grass median of the road and pretends to be a veteran. Some days he is in a wheelchair, others he has crutches, and sometimes he is missing an eye. He holds up this sign saying something about how the government doesn't care about him and begs money off of passersby, guilting them into supporting this "poor veteran" (quote from his sign). My dad always jokingly considers hitting him with the car and giving him a real injury to whine about.
stephyw2001 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
I'm sorry if I offended in anyway Camswidow. Like your last response it would be BS if anyone posed. I have only high respect for our boys and even more respect for those lost. Moongrim did have good advice. The only other thing I can think of is if you have a church or group you're affiliated with that could be of any help. It is a sensitive situation and I don't think anyone would blame you if you "got mean" over it.
camswidow (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
people really pose as veterins and widows of soldiers KIA? THAT IS BS. And I will continue to hold my tounge because I do get mean.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
[at] camswidow: I apologize your comments hadn't been posted yet when I started writing my post. I just really hate it when someone poses as a veteran or the widow or a KIA soldier to get attention or money. I find it incredibly disrespectful. Again, I apologize if my comment was harsh. I didn't see yours before I posted it.

Squee (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
I am sorry you are experiencing this. I agree with Moongrin when it comes to seeking support of your local surviving spouse group to help get you through this situation. May still be around because you fully haven't let go in the way he would like. I'm not sure though seeing as I know nothing of your current situation.
Please stay strong. Rely of support and don't let it rule your life.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-22)
In all the information I found when I looked up SPC Joshua R. Campbell, none of it mentioned a wife or children. It only mentioned his three brothers and parents as those he is survived by. If this is a hiccup of information, and you really are his wife and the mother of his child, I am sorry for your situation. If you are posing as his wife to try and reel in some attention, then you are a thoroughly detestable person and I hope a spectral boot comes along and shoves itself somewhere very uncomfortable. If this is a big misunderstanding, I am very sorry. If you just weren't expecting anyone to call your bluff, I'm not.

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