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The Shadows On The Walls


During the four years I lived in the parsonage next to the church (see other story posted: The Last Time for further details) I encountered many strange things, the tale below is more an overview, as I saw this many times...

The house was a split level, downstairs was the master bedroom, a bathroom, an office, a family room and a laundry room. Upstairs was the living room, dinning room and kitchen. The three bedrooms that my two older sisters and me occupied and two bathrooms (one off of my oldest sisters room). These were down a hallway off of the living room, it was down this hallway that this tale takes place.

The hallway leading to the bedrooms was long and kind of narrow, the walls were white, so any little bit of light shone off of them. I state this to say that what I saw was not reflections of light: It was the shadows on the wall, but you see, they moved of their own accord.

At first all I saw was shadowy mists, but after a year of living there, a scene emerged. The scene was one of a grand ballroom, the dancers twirled and whirled, in all of their finery. It was the same scene, just over time I saw it in more detail. And I'm not the only one to see it, my oldest sister did too, just not in the same way. It's what I saw that she didn't that has stuck with me all these years: The faces of the people.

It was after we had been living there for two years that I saw the faces for the first time. But before I get too far ahead: when it first appeared, there would be a couple that would almost walk right at me, dancing, they would almost bow to me. Looking past them, towards the living room, I could see a table, laid out with a feast. There were people milling about, there was one guy standing by the table, who often did something to let me know he saw me.

But back to the faces, they were all wearing masks, but occasionally, they would remove the masks and when they did they didn't have normal faces. They were grotesquely disfigured, and monstrous. The guy by the table would turn and look right at me, most times he would wink, others he would raise a glass up to me, look me in the eyes and lift it as if in salute... It scared me, to no end.

The oddest part is, the scene was (for lack of better wording) interposed over the actual walls of my house. I could see what appeared to be castle walls, a very big castle, that stretched beyond the actual house. It was very unbalancing to see, because I could see the ballroom, but I could also see the house walls.

Needless to say: I hated that hallway.

But the shadows weren't just in the hall, but that's a story for my next post...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mb89, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
I have to make one more comment here on this discussion. JimD said " had I espoused a different viewpoint it would not have been questioned." I want to make it clear that I question all view points if I see something debatable in them, because I believe reasoned debate is the only way to come to any kind of understanding on supernatural issues. If you back your arguments with religion I will question it's validity as supporting evidence. If you back them with science I will do the same. I believe all arguments should be welcome in such debates but anything you bring to the table is going to be held to the same standard.

All the advice in the world is useless if nobody attempts to determine the validity of the advice. This account leaves a lot to be considered as it is an unusual experience. Hopefully her further accounts, which she has said she will post in the future will give us even more to consider.

To the last suggestion, it is unlikely, given the history of the state, that a castle was built & demolished before records were kept for the area. But an intelligent residual haunting is a fascinating concept to consider.
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
Is it possible that this could be an intelligent residual haunting? It was the same scene every time but they acknowledged the person also.

I wonder if the castle used to exist WAY back before the land history has been recorded, if that's possible?

As for a catholic demonologist, wouldn't that just be like someone who believes in catholism and has researched the demonology to help in the protection of what they see as the worst poossible form of being in their beliefs?

Kind of like a passivist (sp?) that has shooting lessons just in case the need arises you know?

Just a theory there ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
Dusty: Jim has walked away, I think you should, too.

Please, my deletion trigger finger is itchin' to go to town 😆
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)

You can be counted on to be the voice of reason. You mat not agree with me on all counts - and that's fine! But, you are fair. I answered Dusty's questions already *see below). He's a biggott, and I will NOT respond to his mudslinging anymore. I wish him well and I opt to pray for him.
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
[at] JimD
The only viewpoint you're "espousing" that I'm questioning, is where you said "scientist from all over are converting to creationism" and I asked you to provide examples. It has nothing to do with me being close-minded, I'm sorry that I don't just blindly believe you when you say something so ridiculous. So either provide proof, or get off your cross and stop playing the victim.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
So, let me see if I can get this straight: On one thread, a Satanic Atheist is getting blasted, and on this thread a Catholic Demonologist/Exorcist is... If you guys can't make up your minds, then don't get caught up in these religious/belief system discussions... You have to see how your intentions to discredit these people, no matter what faith they hold, is doing nothing but prove to them how closed minded we all are ❤
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)

I'm not smugly crossing anything. You don't have to concur. Had I espousesd another viewpoint, nothing would have been questioned. No problem in that; but, thankyou for proving the point that some folk - tragically - are very open minded, except when it comes to Christianity. Your hostile post almost borders on bigottry; in fact not almost. My posts are to help others and are not laced with sarcasm and anger - can you say the same? I answered on the merits, and you get ugly. Oh well, I still wish you well. Vote me down; no problem - I expected no less. Some things can't be engendered in others. What a shame.
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
[at] moongrim
Ah, the old "quote mine and bounce outta there!" routine. Gotcha.

[at] JimD
This is place to discuss paranormal experiences, not push your religious rhetoric with unfounded claims while you smugly smirk with your arms crossed as if you've made your case.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
JimD is doing what so many of the religious wackos like to do, in order to 'prove' that their belief system is somehow superior to everyone else's: Quote mining.
It's a form of false witness, and it's very telling considering what folks feel the need to lie about.

Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
I'd invest in a videocamera if the shadows play so actively.

Yo, JimD, Which God? There are literally thousands to choose from!
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
Hi Dusty;

No problem at all. I'm not here to convert anyone - that's not my job; I'm here to offer my (free) help to anyone who needs it and wants it. If they don't want it, that's ok too. I'm not going to post any more comments on this thread, because I've stated my case at length. And that is both healthy and a good thing. In humility, I submit it for others' consideration. God blesss you all; whether you agree or not.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
Yes, Professor Stephen Hawkins initially and Albert Einstein, several years prior to his own death, said there IS a God. Einstein, Jewish by ethnicity, started out agnostic, by the way. Also, a number of psychologists, altough agnostic, are opening up to the possibility of another realm, i.e. The spiritual. In the middle ages, everything was the Devil; in the 1960s, everything was (pseudo) psychology, even within the Catholic Church. Only now, is a more blended approach beginning to form. Both have positive inputs to give. The reason I lecture to the International Association of Exorcists is because most seminaries no longer teach demonology. Slowly, that is changing.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
Hi Megan; Nothing makes me happier. God bless you and yours!
dustyisdead (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
JimD, not everyone believes in demons or demonic possession.

" In fact, many scientists are now becomming less agnostic due to their own SCIENTIFIC conclusion that there must exist an intelligent creator. "
That is absolutely ridiculous and laughably untrue. Do you have any proof of that statement, and I don't mean from a creationist website or propaganda book? You can't just say stuff like that without backing it because that's a pretty serious statement.
mb89 (3 stories) (25 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
hey all,

First: Jim, I appreciate what you have to say (even though I am not Catholic and do not believe in Holy Water, I know many people do)

After we moved away from there (10yrs ago I might add) I have never had another experience like this. Being that it took place in the parsonage that was on the church grounds, and given other evidence based on other stories I have yet to write up, I believe it was demonic in nature...

And yes, had my sister and best friend not seen the same things, I would have tossed this out, but as they did (which I did not know about until recently, btw) I decided to share my story with you all.

JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)

Satan CONSTANTLY makes empty promises and threats..."the father of lies", upon which he / it never follows through. He / it can do ONLY as much as God permits. Psychic? Why possibly make a not so veiled threat? Sudden psychic abilities often manifest in conjunction with demonic oppression - or posession, even more frequently. The conclusion to this story is not a happy one; but, I relate it so others may glean some insight therefrom.

Science does Not contradict any of this. In fact, many scientists are now becomming less agnostic due to their own SCIENTIFIC conclusion that there must exist an intelligent creator. Recall, many clients have been on psychotropic drugs for years, with no improvement at all, just a living Hell.

There is a methodology to demonology. I know you may doubt me on this, but I don't jump to the conclusion that it's the Devil. Many posts here are borderline - and I withold comment, because I'm not 100% sure. I suspect, but won't comment unless sure. I once worked with a decent female psychologist, who was crying and saying "that could not have happened". She was mistaken, because she saw it happen, yet her personal beliefs did NOT allow for the posssibility of the spiritual relm. She was also wrong because she did not accept, and tried her best to resist, the concept of an intelligent, personal evil, i.e. Satan.

I suggest "Hostage to the Devil" by Fr. Dr. Malachi Martin and the two books by Fr. Gabrielle Amorith, Rome's lead exorcist.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
not taking sides... But about every case of demonic oppression involves the subject having psychic abilities, beyond that of any human ability. Just pointing that out. Maybe that was what Jim was trying to get across below.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
JimD you are not backing up your arguments with any kind of logic, systematic research or science. Yet you state them as fact not possibilities.

Let's take your Barbara example; why not conclude she was psychic instead of influenced by Satan? Obviously no harm came to the daughter, that would have been a highlight of your anecdote. Why would a powerful dark god like Satan make such a threat then not follow through?

And as others have pointed out we do fear things that are not trying to harm us. If a doctor has to forcibly treat a mentally ill person in the grips of a delusion that treatment may appear to be an attack, no? And that terrifies the patient. But the doctor is actually helping not harming. So fear, even terror does not equal malevolence.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
Dark Sacrament... A book that follows the career of an Irish Exorcist named Canon Lundrem (sp)...even he said that most of his cases... The subject themselves did not need an exorcism. Some cases yes, and went into detail about those. (some wild and scary stuff)
Many of his cases were dealt with as he would in clearing a home of unwanted, negative energy...
Some cases he would be doing just that, only to discover demonic posession. Far and few between? Seems that way. Also, goes to show, you never know... Precaution should be taken...
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
Hi general;

I'll respond real fast, cause I have to run. Many 'ghosts' respond explosively to the statements calling out to God for help. Normally, the soul of a departed (and I argee - it does occur) manifests soon after the death of a loved one and WEAKLY manifests itself, most often to obtain prayers.

Many, of these manifestations, by contrast, are powerful, even if they initially appear benign. Satan often starts slowly, i.e. Appearing harmless at first. Have you noticed how numerous posters have asserted that: at first I was ok with "Harry", but now I'm scared. Happens again and again. Their MO never changes all that much. This is another distinction - between being slightly bewildered or even scared of the unusual, and the terror being reported more and more. Ask yourself: why would a harmless ghost sow fear and eventually much worse. They love to embed themselves in our lives, because removal then becomes that much more difficult. Best.
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
mb89- my first thought was that you may have been seeing a past life but others are seeing things too. Have you seen anything else since that might shed some light on this?

generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
but Jim -
Let's just say that *some* of these things are not demons, but ghosts. Spirits of people who have died. Not all of those people were evil.

Let me put it a different way: I have a friend who is afraid of dogs. All dogs- big, small, old, tiny. Yet not every dog is going to rip her face off, given the chance. Some are quite friendly.

Sure - seeing a dog will cause fear in this friend. However, that doesn't mean the dog wishes to harm her.

Ghosts are scary to most people, whether they think them evil or not. Just the thought of something you can't really identify, perhaps not see, perhaps not be able to interact with, but juuuust on the periphery of your vision or hearing, can be frightening. The concept of dealing with someone who is DEAD can be scary too.
Doesn't mean they are evil, mean harm, or are demons.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
Hey Rook;

Fair point. Not everything is; however, the totality of the case, including but NOT simply limited to fear and chaos, renders it clear. Note that they may be scared, yet chose this site, as opposed to counseling, etc., for relief. Many suspect - and have told me via email or phone. The embedding is often subtle. Six years of doing this has given even a dope like me an insight as to what red flags to look for. By the way, I am a fan of counseling; yes, it's true. We're human and offer suffer from PTSD, even after the bad spiritual entities have been driven away.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)

I like your answer... And offer this...

They are scared or confused because they have experienced something they do not understand. Something that they have been taught or 'conditioned' to think can not happen just has. Of course now that it has the individual is scared and confused and is seeking advice.

It is the nature of repeated occurrences that needs to be looked at and the 'feelings' an individual has during them that need to be taken into account before a 'DEMONIC' tag can be placed on the experience.

It isn't fair to tell 'Joyce', who lives in New York, that the 'out of place' and sudden smell of her Grandma's favorite perfume at 0300 am, the exact time her Grandmother passed away in California, is Demonic in nature just because it happened.

Not everything that goes 'Bump in the Night' is Demonic.


JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
Well thanks. Every time I write this, there is evidence. Sometimes evidence can be a bit esoteric. It's not my intention to scare, but I refuse to mislead others, in order to be popular.

Many, many of these cases are so; but, recall this site is a paranormal activity site, and, therefore, not representative of the population of the globe by any means. One would expect to see a tremwndousy high percentage of demonic cases on here. A good number are not demonic - I simply don't comment on those cases on this site. I hope this makes it clearer. I'm half asleep - sorry for any sp. Errors.
stormangel (3 stories) (55 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
JimD I agree that mental illness does not rule out spiritual activity but I have been on this site a while now and you do seem to tell people they have demons in every post, and I don't want to offend you as I know you are trying to help and in some cases you may be correct. Its just that I seen you telling a 14yr old girl (about a year ago) she had demons in her home when firstly, there was no evidence that the entity was demonic and secondly, you could be harming somebody in a vunerable state of mind. I can tell you have knowledge on the subject though and I applaud you for it.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
Great follow up

To the first point. I'll answer via an actual case. I worked with one client named Barbara - not her real name. I worked with a devout Catholic psychiatrist, who'd attended Harvard and then Yale medical school. We dealt with her and he said she had bipolar disorder.

The diagnosis was clear. No disputes. However, Satan, being a coward, loves to attack already suffering people, i.e. Barbara. She told Dr. X that the previous night his (Dr's) daughter, in California (we were in New York, by the way) was on the beach, wearing a dlue dress and she should beware the future. We ignored the threat - if I had a nickle for every one, well, you get the point. He called his daughter, and yes, she had indeed been on the beach with a blue dress. Dr. X hadn't ever told Barbara that he even had a daughter. Just one example; I could render many more.

As far as being overtly malevolent; let's discuss that. Many posters here are both confused and scared. We can agree on this point, yes? Why would a so - called "kind ghost" (I cringe when I hear this) create terror in its victims? Terror is not ok or from a good source, is it? A bad source is the demonic. Some folks call them bad energy. I partially agree, but would add yhe words intelligent and personal to the descripyion, i.e. Demonic.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
Yes obviously mentally ill people can be subject to paranormal events, but if certain symptoms have been well established as Indicative of mental illness, where is the logic in saying that they could also be attributed to demonic activity? How are the cause and effect related?

I agree that objects clearly being manipulated by something unseen & levitating people strongly suggests paranormal activity. However, several paranormal theories could explain those things. Those activities don't seem overtly malevolent, so again I don't see the logic in concluding it is demonic.

I do also agree that genuine discussions can lead to understanding.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)
The poster may no longer live ther, but 1. Someone else does who may experience this and 2. The counsel may help another troubled person.
Again, I sincerely thank you for the discussion - I do find it tough to encapsulate so very much into a paragraph, yet on this site, you have to be pithy and to the point. I'm half asleep, but I hope I shed at least a little light on what I do. Stay well.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-26)

That's a fair, reasonable and polite question. I'm happy to respond. I wrote what I wrote because one woman I'd helped said she was afraid to say so openly on this site out of fear of mockery.

In any case, to your question. I work closely with a Psychologist, who's also a demonologist. The two fields are't mutually exclusive. I can be as sure as the expressed symptoms. Could they be fabricated? Sure. Is mental illness present? It may often be; however, this does not exclude a spiritual dimension. Many. Many posters have seen and experienced things - that have been witnessed by others, by the way - that psychology simply can't explain. Specifically, the external manipulation of heavy objects and levitation. On client told me he sometimes levitated, and 2 home attendants attested to this fact. Could all three be lying? Anything is possible, but I've been doing this for six years now; and believe the vast majority of my clients, who very frequently did not believe in God or the devil - prior to their sufferings. Sufferings, by the way, which varied, powerful and numerous psychotropic medications failed to alleviate at all. I appreciate a fair and genuine question, by the way.

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