When I met my friend Kristin, I'll admit I thought she was a little crazy when she told me she had a ghost "living" in her room. So I decided that I would prove her wrong by spending the night in her room with her. As we prepared for bed, nothing strange had happened so I thought that there was no way that something could happen.
We sat up for a while and were telling stories, that was when something strange happened (the whole night my hair had been down and there was no fan blowing). But I felt what I presumed to be a human hand slide under my hair and caress the back of my neck, flipping my hair out as it pulled away. I almost ended up in my friend's lap due to my fear, then to my amazement, my friend reprimanded the ghost. And it never bothered me again as long as I was there.
A short time later, I found that the small town she live in was built on an old Indian burial ground, and after that, most of the town had burnt down except for 2 houses both of which still stand today and belong to other friends of mine. I had slept in both of them, one of them being an old funeral home, and I had always had the eerie feeling that I was being watched, and that feeling increased when my friends and I used a Ouija board at kristin's house.