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We Think There's A Ghost In My Boyfriends House


My boyfriend just recently moved back in with his parents to help them out. Ever since I had started going there I just noticed a lot of weird things. The thing that really got me was in their bathroom. There is a far wall that has two brownish/redish hand prints. No one knows how they got there and they all just kind of ignored it.

My boyfriend and I have been interested in the paranormal before. He's a skeptic where I'm not. He basically has to see a full on manifestation to believe. Him and I were finally talking about it today. We were just talking about all the little things going on. The day before today when we talked about it we were sleeping and I kept hearing footsteps in the attic. The attic is SO cluttered and full of stuff it's like impossible to walk around in there. He said that they have squirrels up there but after getting him to listen he said that there is no way those loud thumps could be from squirrels.

Today he decided to try to clean the hand prints off the wall. He used bleach and he said the wall around it was getting white but the hand prints would not come off at all. I told him to take a picture of it and then later we will see if it's darker. It was. It came right back.

After this is when he told me all the things hes noticed. He told me about how whenever he goes by one of the empty bedrooms he always closes the door. But somehow it's always open again whenever he goes by it. Another thing is that he often finds himself stopping in his tracks when going by one of the rooms and looking in cause he could of sworn he saw something. Just little things like hearing his name called, getting random pains like he's being scratched. I haven't looked him over yet for scratches.

Thing is I think we may have made whatever here is mad. We went around taking pictures and I remember putting the case on the bed. When we were done taking pictures trying to find something we noticed a cloudy figure next to the picture of the hand prints. When I went to go get the camera case. It was in the hallway. I don't know what's going on in his house but there is a lot more that happens. We just want to try to figure it out without angering it.

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rockergurl227 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-06)
Whenever we have tried communicating with it, we always try to sound really positive and we often tell it that it is more than welcome to stay here as long as it does not start causing harm to any of us. We all feel that it's not a malevolent spirit. I often was told I'm a sensitive to some paranormal things and I can usually tell whenever it's something bad. I never got that feeling in his house. [at] Kclear what things have been happening if you don't mind me asking?
KClear (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-06)
Yeah usually things can calm down after a certain amount of time and if the house was torn down, that can definatly start some paranormal activity in the house. The same exact things starting to happen to me. Sometimes the best thing to do is just try and make peace with the spirit cause if you can do that, then the spirit will be calm and you guys get to live a happier life
rockergurl227 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-06)
He's lived there before but he moved out for a long time. It seemed to all start back up when he came back he said. He also told me about how the house they lived in before this, was haunted also. It was actually torn down. So I'm thinking possibly something could have followed them from the old house? It's actually been pretty quiet the past few days. Nothing out of the ordinary. The door is still open in the morning. But we haven't had anything happen, like sounds, touches, etc. It was weird though while we researched that night the curtain came off the window. It completely lifted up from the bottom and just came right off the wall. The window wasn't open or anything and I don't even think that a breeze could have done that. But after that it's been quiet.
KClear (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
You probably won't catch anything for a while it takes time for them to in a way, get comfortable around you guys and start giving more heavy signs, like you your boyfriend just moved in recently right?
rockergurl227 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
We are actually working on trying to get an investigator to come out to the house. I emailed a few and now I'm just waiting to hear back. We want to get a digital recorder and try to get some EVPs. We use my camera that has a video camera setting and catch nothing and we even use our cellphones and still catch nothing. I don't know what difference a digital recorder will make if any. [at] ghostsrreal202 I definitely am scared to video tape or take pictures sometimes. I'm always scared when I go to play everything back I'm going to see something way too scary rather than orbs and mists like we've been getting.
KClear (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
Usually hand prints on the wall with blood, usually means that someone was tortured there or was murdered there and their spirit is stuck there. With all the thumps and marks on walls means that he/she is calling out for your help so you should get a paranormal investigator and try and figure out what the houses history was. Hope that can help:)
ghostsrreal202 (6 stories) (27 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
if you do ask questions, you might want to bring a holy object, like a rosary or holy water. I agree with gelflingfay in saying to paint over the hand prints. That's creepy, that when you saw a clouded figure by the hand prints. I would be way to scared to take pictures in case I really DO find something 😨 I wish you the best of luck! 😊
rockergurl227 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
Okay so I completely get that my grammar was way off with the whole "The day before yesterday thing" and yes, you happen to sound like a jerk. I have pictures that we took up in the attic and around the rooms. Caught many orbs. We even got whatever is in the house to communicate with us. We were in a room with no windows and put a towel under the door so there was no way a breeze could come in. We said were going to ask some yes or no questions. Make the candle flicker for yes and stop for no. We asked it things like did something happen in the attic since we caught about 7 orbs there. It answered yes. Just to test if it was a intelligent spirit. We asked it random questions here and there. Like "Is my hair red?" where the candle would stay still. And then I would ask "Is it black?" and it would flicker. I'll see if I can upload the pics.
gelflingfay (1 stories) (52 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
creepy hand prints on the walls. Many others have suggested oxiclean or magic eraser. These might have been jokes but honestly it is worth a shot. Go abead and try it. Or try painting over it. Then if they come back I would be far more concerned. The doors opening after he has closed them...creepy. Feeling scratched...creepy! And the camera be moved...creepy. You might not be able to investigate with out upsetting what ever it is. Just bring something along as protection. Speak calmly and move easily as you proceed. Do not give into fear and definatly don't project it. Good luck!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
OHH MissyM, I LOVE those magic erasers... Seriously those things are amazing. My brother got into a fender bender and was able to get some of the paint transfer off of his bumper with one of those. 😆 Cheers for bringing that one up!
MissyM (2 stories) (152 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
😆 [at] Lou
"And, at risk of being a jerk; the day before today... Is commonly referred to as yesterday."

Lol... There was a story on here a little while back were the writer had wrote "my fathers brothers wife" and I couldn't stop thinking why didn't they just say Aunt? Your comment above reminded me of that.
MissyM (2 stories) (152 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
The noise in the attic could have just be the squirrels and because of your interest in the paranormal you maybe reading too much into it all and also maybe freaking your boyfriend out. Lol

Try Mr. Clean Magic Erasers as well. I find they work really well on walls and everything my son stains mine with... ❤
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Between the acoustic effects of uninsulated areas like attics and walls, rodent noises tend to be amplified. Mice sound like squirrels, squirrels sound like raccoons, raccoons sound like bears...and, being a native New Yorker myself; bears sound like gunfire.

It does sound like something is going on, but as unnerving as it can be, it doesn't sound particularly malevolent. I would probably stop at nothing to get rid of the hand prints, even if it meant replacing the wall they are on. What you may discover is that the prints are a clue...and, to what, may be behind/inside the wall.

And, at risk of being a jerk; the day before today... Is commonly referred to as yesterday.

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Discover the power of OxyClean. 😉 It gets just about everything off. If that does not work, try Simple Green. If it is still there, then it might not be a bad idea to just replace the tile. It could be anything, even some little kid playing with paint that stained the wall.

Either way, tell him to keep an eye on the other activity around the house and keep a journal of it. There may be patterns or specific times of day that things happen which might give you more insight as to what it may be.
BatsuTora (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
haha I don't know much about how to ward of spirits... But if it were me I would take an axe or a motorsaw and cut the handprint off and burn it somewhere ^^; but repairing the wall would be too troublesome and what if that isn't the root to the problem... Lol also what if it WAS giant squirrels stomping around up there (just kidding) anyway, great story ^^

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