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Magic 8 Ball


This story is one of the few that I will be telling you were a majority of the activity did not happen to me. However, it is a landmark in the progression of my life, which is why I feel it is important. It started after my parents joined a new church. They people in the church were odd people. The told my parents what foods to eat, what shows the could watch, even what music they could and could listen too. As godly as my parents were they had their flaws and they were not always that way. In fact they were huge KISS fans. These new church people came to our home when they heard about how my house was full of paranormal activity. They burned all of my parents KISS CD's, posters, and blankets.

It was in that visit that my parents realized they may have gotten themselves into something they would have a much harder time getting out. They seemed more of a cult for the lord than a congregation. The church told my parents that it was not a fit home for my sister and me until they cleared it once and for all of the evil in its walls. So my parents packed my sister and me up, and shipped us off to my grandmothers for the weekend. From what I understand my parents and the church went through a deep spiritual cleansing that night.

The church warned my mother that it would probably be best to keep my sister and me out just one more day; they never gave her a reason why which made my parents sketchy. After all, they seemed out of the ordinary in every other way as well. But for a reason I will never understand... They listened. The story begins.

My mother and father sat in the living room in the front of the house. A long narrow hallway and a single step separated my parents from mine and my sister's rooms from my parents. There was nothing out of the usual in my parents evening schedule. They ordered dinner, ate, and at this point were watching TV talking about the odd people who had been in their home. When my mother relays the story to my sister and me she tells us that every so often a voice would come to attention from the darkness of the hall. My father turned down the television but nothing. It repeated several times. The voice would speak then hush to a light whisper, but stop in the silence. My father went to bed soon after leaving my mother to stay up alone and write in her diary.

From the corner of her eye my mother saw me appear from the door to the living room and whisper "what are you doing mom?" my voice just the same as it would be any other time. She never looked from her diary but could see my features and hear my voice. "Writing in my diary" she told the figure. By the time she remembered that neither my sister nor me were home the figure was gone. My mother yelled for my father, when he came she told him of the being that took the shape of his daughter and of me. As they sat and tried to make something out of what had happened they heard the carpet shuffling in the hall.

My father stood away from the door but stared intently at the floor, my mother sat on the couch behind him. Only seconds passed before my eight ball rolled through the door and stopped at my father's foot. My mother is not a scared person. A spirit had gone right through her once before and it didn't even phase her. But this encounter made her fear whatever it was that was in our house. It first took the shape of her daughter and now was moving things on its own. Up the stairs and down the hallway. My father took the ball and tried his hardest to smash it with the hammer but it wouldn't break. The next day they took it to the church. These people had angered whatever it was that was in my house, and I will never know why my parents chose to go back to them with this problem. They blessed the magic eight ball and with that, they through it in the fire and watched it melt. Fire seemed to be their specialty.

The next day my sister and I were finally allowed back in our own home. My sister went off to her room to work out and I went off to mine to watch TV. I was still eleven and caught in the transition of child to teenager. I still had a majority of my toys, one of my most amusing, to ask it what I wish no matter how inappropriate the question without my parents knowing, was that of my magic eight ball.

Into my closet, on the top shelf, under my cat in the hat costume, was my magic eight ball. Right where I had left it. I sat on the bed and asked it whatever came to mind. When my mother walked in to say it was time for bed she paused. That ball also went to the church that night, and every one after that. We never knew where the second ball came from or how it got into my closet. What I do know is after the church came the activity in the house became worse and far more threatening. My parents left the church that year, and we avoided every eight ball in sight until a year later, when we would end up moving out of the house on Claymoore Street. See you next time on my... Or in this case my parents Ghosts Stories.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tempe_Toxic, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tempe_Toxic (10 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-28)
Thank you
Jav, darkness, and taz

Haha no need to apologize I asked and found the answer very entertaining. I get it now! And I love it haha. ❤ you guys are amazing.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
interesting post tempa have to agree with DARKNESS and jav here sounds like a doppleganger showed up to your mum and have to say that when you said it asked what she was doing I got the feeling that it was not on about her writing but allowing this so called church to do what thay wanted in your home, sending you and your sister away for a few days, getting rid of there possesions and what ever the deep spiritual cleansing involved.
Get the feeling that showing up looking like you would make sure that your mum would not freek out straight away and answer the question but not getting the answer it expected left.
Then the acctivity starts!
It does sound like the spirit in the house was not happy with this "church" and wanted your parents to know this.
My thoughts on this anyway,
Enjoyed reading it
Thanks for adding
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
Thanks Granny I'm onto it! 😊 Sorry for the interruption Tempe_Toxic! 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
DARKNESS and Jave, there's another story on here I'd like you guys to read: "Possible Doppleganger" by ceciline...

Sorry, I don't mean to detract from this story 😳
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
Hahaha thanks Jav, finding the funny things in life is a very important and healthy thing physically and for the soul. 😁 Ahhh the "Living Residual" I love it, needs to be talked about more because I'm sure we both agree not all of them are Doppelgangers! Good work Jav! 😁 ❤

Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
I'm having a hard time following some of this, but I like Moongrim's comment about Newt G. And proudly voted it up.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
The first real conversation we had with each other was over a story that was sort of a toss up between it being either a Doppelganger or what we now call, a "living residual". He was going with the Doppelganger, while I was leaning in the other direction. I was the new kid back then and he started elbowing me about it. So I had walked away from it thinking how stupid I was for even suggesting what I had. I hadn't heard anyone else ever put forth that idea before, but like I said, I was the noob. Then later on, after I ran it through my head again and found it made sense to me, I came back and answered him with a yes I still think it could be. Which I'm sure he got a laugh over. You'll find that he laughs alot. He finds the "funny" in just about everything.
Shoot! Everybody loves DARKNESS!

Jav 😆

But really, we just like those stories because of the challenge they pose.
inuyasha (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
Who ever marked her down for that comment I really don't see how she was being out of line...
Tempe_Toxic (10 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)

Haha can you please explain the doppelganger thing to me, I am interested. I know you were not lecturing me, It was my parents choice, I was young and they wouldn't listen to me even if I had an opinion, I completely agree everything about it was so wrong. I'm glad you liked it.

-Tempe ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
Awww! DARKNESS got the Doppelganger first!
(we sort of have a thing about them)
Anywho...Holy Crapoly! Geeez Tempe, this one smacked me right in the Spook-o-meter. Very creepy. I am not too wild about the folks who woke the bad guy up at all. But that was a classic case of gullibility... No offense, but letting strangers into your home, no matter the guise they posed themselves as, and allowing them to perform any ritual at all, is just not right. And it astounds me when I hear those things. If you haven't seen it performed at church, why would you allow it in your home?
Sorry Tempe, but people really should feel they can approach their pastor with no hesitation. There should never be any uneasiness in that relationship. If there is, then there is something wrong.
Thanks for sharing Tempe, this one creeped me out BIG TIME!
Please don't take this as a lecture, it just stunned me, that's all

Jav 😲

~On to the next~
Tempe_Toxic (10 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-22)
Darkness, I don't believe that the 8 ball said anything special probably just one of the common anwsers, try again later haha. However I agree, the time my family spent with that church made me resent organized religion, it seemed to be a bunch of want to be's who only angered what ever was going on!

Naur_117, I heard of things with dolls and such, other toys. However, Magic 8 balls, at least mine, wasn't mechanical. Just a hard ball with liquid and cube in it. Hopefully that helps clear something up 😊 But I hope it wasn't the same one, though I haven't had a problem with one in a long time.

Moongrim, you are an endless well of information. I love it. It interests me to know which religion you consider yourself? I understand if you don't wish to reply. It is kind of personal to some people I know. But I agree with you as well. I have not come across a church that had made anything better.

Thank you all

-Tempe ❤
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-21)
Wow Doppelganger yeh, interesting how this is what appeared to your mum after all the influence from the church people, it seems they did more harm then good. Whatever was brought out into the home obviously was stirred up, and the magic 8 ball was used to get the attention it was no doubt after!
Just curious your father doesn't happen to know what was on the screen of the magic 8 ball when it was rolled to him does he? That would be interesting. Look forward to hearing more! 😊

Thank you for sharing.

Naru_117 (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-21)
Ive heard of similiar things happening but it was usually with a doll not a magic 8 ball... As spirits don't like mechanical devices they will often return to the appropriate place after they are done moving them. Also they often make the item they are possessing increasingly difficult to destroy. It could very well be that the "second" magic 8 ball was really the first one returned by the spirit... Possibly still possessed.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-21)
The irony here; that many churches and their determination to control folks- often leaves them open to the very evil they claim to wish to avoid.

Witness the Iowa Preacher who forgave Newt Gingrich his infidelities.

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