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The Crystal Ball


Several years ago I was in a book club when I noticed you could buy other things besides books. I saw a crystal ball and I really wanted one, so I ordered it.

When the crystal ball arrived there was a little booklet with it telling you how to use. It says to get comfortable, you can use it in the day or night. I chose the night time. You are to wash it in rose water or vinegar and sit it on a silk black cloth, which I did. It was also saying not to let it roll around, it came with a little wooden circle to place it on. I also used candles for lighting and incense for relaxation.

At first I saw a mist. I tried to write down all that I was seeing but my paper would disappear when I'd gaze into the ball again?! I saw different colors after a while and then I saw my two kids. They looked far away and were sitting down, my son had his face on the table for some reason. It says not to drop the ball. I was trying to get a better look into the ball next to the candle light when I dropped it! I grabbed it looking for any kinds of cracks, it didn't break. I could see through it perfectly in the candle light. Then slowly an eye started to form. It was now a perfect eye, it moved left and right, then blinked. That eyeball really freaked me out so I put it away and never tried to use it again.

It was a few years later that I ran across it again while moving. It was neatly packed in it's original box with the little booklet telling you how to use it. My book marker was still there where I had left off. I had never read the whole thing as I was in a hurry and just wanted to try and use it. So for the heck of it I continued reading. It said, "you'll know you're on the right track when you see your crystal ball awaken. You'll see an eye slowly begin to open!" 👁 That's exactly what happened...

I often wonder if I opened a door to "the other side" without realizing what I was doing, because I've had "happenings" ever since. We lived behind a graveyard at the time. I've since heard once you open that door you can never close it. Someone here on YGS reminded me of this story so I thought I'd share it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cherubim, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-15)

I wish I could upvote your comment more than once. I visited the link that you provided to Uma Silbey's website. I found it very helpful. It answered many questions for me and also confirmed a few of my uneducated guesses on the subject.

- Maria ❤
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-15)
I know I should be afraid DarriuxDarkk, but I'm not when I talk about my happenings. I only get scared when something happens at the moment, like discovering my lower legs are covered in blood and I don't know HOW I got cut/stabbed?! 😨 Something mean and nasty IS here and has been since we moved in on 12-13. I found a phone number for paranormal help here and just called and left a message.

Thank you Caz, I need to go to Rook's stories and find his cleansing plan. I saw it before but didn't copy it down. I've always known that I'm "followed" and have tried to find help for years. Most won't talk to me about it. I actually found this website in a book I was reading called "Trucker Ghost Stories."

Thank you valkricry for the link. I did check it out but didn't read much of it because it's not a secure website. I have trouble with hackers already and pray they don't find me here. Right now my main interest is staying safe and finding someone I can talk to about what's happening to me! I've been burned across my arm (3 years ago), and now as of Thursday a week ago I've been poked or stabbed with something that made me bleed a lot from my lower left leg while reclining in my chair. 😢 I found a phone number on this site and have called it. I hope someone responds. I left a message and my number.
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
5 years ago (2019-11-15)
Cherubum, scrying and consulting the Ouija are two different things.
Basically with scrying it's focusing your own psychic abilities (aka '3rd' eye,'the knowing', etc.) and the Ouija calls upon the spirits (You're inviting them in, more or less.) Scrying is actually quite ancient and even water can be used.
Caz (342 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-14)
Hi Cherubim,
Rook said 'if only you had seen swirling mists and the images
(before the eye appeared) then I would agree 100%'. So I just want to thank you for confirming that's exactly what happened!
I also wanted to suggest that you use Rook's excellent cleansing plan, if you're concerned about negative spirits in your home! Best wishes!
DarriuxDarkk (6 stories) (80 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-14)
Hi Cherubim,

I just came across your comments and the thing that happened on your left lower leg with a puncture wound is quite alarming.

You mentioned that the more you talk about this paranormal phenomenon, there is an increase in it's activity. I think I believe that. I've read other stories that the more you talk about certain things happening in your house, the haunting increases.

For me I believe it's probably because you feel fear when you talk about this unexplained paranormal activities, especially when you are recollecting them. And with that fear you might probably unconsciously feeding that entity more of those negative emotions and energy, hence the increase of it's activity. I am not 100% sure, as that is only my opinion and I'm not an expert on this thing.

I really do hope that you found someone to bless your home, sounds like there is some nasty entity that might have taken a liking on your home.

Thanks and God bless.
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-13)
No Rook, I saw the colors and my kids first and then the eye. I meant to say "that's exactly what I saw, an eye opening." Meaning I was surprised it was written in this booklet when I ran across it later. It doesn't say anything about returning it to sleep. I have another story I'd like to share about being woken out of my sleep with a burn across my arm, it was in December of 2016. Nothing has happened like that again until recently, when I've started sharing stories with people. This past Thursday I was sitting in my recliner when I felt a sharp pain on my lower left leg. It was about 9:00 pm and I yelled out "OUCH" and automatically rubbed the spot with my other leg. I didn't know what to think? Just aches and pains of getting older maybe? I went in the kitchen then came back to my chair when I saw 3 big drops of blood on the floor by my chair. 😳 There was no blood on my chair, but I had a long night gown on. When I lifted the bottom of it my lower legs were covered in blood! I've been freaked out! I have a small deep puncture on my lower leg and there is no logical explanation for it, no sharp objects at all were near me or the chair. I have tried to find paranormal help in the past with not much luck. I did have 3 girls that were amatures who came out with "spirit boxes" and something else that I don't remember what it was called. It didn't turn out well and I should write about it if I can. Every time I start talking about this stuff I have more activity at home. 😢

You're comment was fine Biblio. I don't know how anyone can possibly know all the answers to these kinds of happenings, and I haven't shared half of really what's been going on.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-13)
Greetings, Cherubim:

In a separate conversational thread, I asked Rook about his alternate take on the events in your narrative. He may well be more accurate than I was, based upon his reading of the diction in the booklet.

If you'd like to see the comment & Rook's response, they're here:

If my comment was over-hasty in coming to a misleading conclusion, I do apologize.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-10)

Caz makes an interesting point, and if you had only seen swirling mists and the images (before the eye appeared) then I would agree 100%. However, you saw the eye and you even stated that when you came across it again... "So for the heck of it, I continued reading. It said, "you'll know you're on the right track when you see your crystal ball awaken. You'll see an eye slowly begin to open!" 👁 That's exactly what happened..."

It is, therefore, my opinion that the ball needs to 'return to sleep' or in other terms 'be closed'. If you still have the book it should have instructions on how to do so (I hope 🙄) if not then all that is really needed is to 'reverse' the process you used to 'wake it up' (with the exception of dropping it of course 😉) Once you have done that wrap it in the protective silk and put it away, sell it... Give it as a gift... Whatever you want to do with it. You may 'feel' some resistance... After all, you did drop it AND simply put it away so any awakened 'energies' may not wish to 'go to sleep'... But ultimately you are the one who 'woke it up' and you are the best choice for returning it back to sleep.

Keep us updated, and please ask any questions you may have.


Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-10)
Thank you for saying it was never activated Caz. Yes, I think I've been "activated" most of my life. I'm not afraid of the crystal ball and like how the sunlight reflects off of it when I have it in the window. It's in a cabinet now, I don't plan on throwing it away.

Thanks Biblio for all this wonderful information. 😊 I've never thought of using it again as I still have happenings, and it seems like when I start talking about it things become more active. I don't get bad vibes from the crystal ball at all.

No Rook, I didn't set any boundaries because I didn't know any better. I can't remember if the instructions said not to touch the ball or not now? I was fascinated with the colors that started swirling around so I picked it up. I was turning it in my hands and dropped it. This incident took place over ten years ago and I have since moved. We lived behind a graveyard at the time. If you think I should still "close the door" I'd be interested in knowing how. Thank you! ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-09)

Just read this as I catch up with some of the recently published experiences and I found yours interesting for a couple of reasons.

First: you mention that your instructions stated to place the ball on black silk and to not let it roll around, so you used the wooden circular stand that came with your ball. You then mention you dropped the ball because you had picked it up to get a better look into it closer to a candle... Did the book 'say' anything about handling the ball while 'scrying'? I ask because I have friends who used crystal balls and they never touched them directly... They always moved the ball when the silk was on it, never making contact with the glass itself.

Second: Well I will quote your text for this part...

"I've since heard once you open that door you can never close it. Someone here on YGS reminded me of this story so I thought I'd share it."

Ummmm, yes you can close that 'door' as a matter of fact you SHOULD close that door. I personally feel this is how rituals began so that steps would not be forgotten during 'contact' with the other side. While the spirit realm can 'cross over' and make itself is known to us in the physical realm it is easier for them if a 'connection' is made by an individual (s) here in the physical realm. Once 'open' communication/crossing over' is easier for them. Boundaries/Boarders are set by the individual (s) 'opening' these 'doors' however if opened with no boundaries/borders set and the 'way' not being closed by the individual (s) who did so then ANY spirit may find an easy point to cross over.

I hope that makes sense, I am glad your crystal did not crack when you dropped it. If you have any questions please feel free to ask and thank you for sharing your experience with us.


Caz (342 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-08)
Hi Biblio,
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading your very interesting comment, as I'm still not allowed to vote you up! 🙄 Every time I read one of your comments, I seem to learn something new, such as Tasseographer = tea leaf reader, so thank you! 😁
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-08)
Greetings, Cherubim.

Caz is absolutely right about the crystal being a tool. Scrying tools only "work" in so far as they are a point on which to focus your concentration. Nostradamus used a a bowl of water in candlelight; dowsers use rods; tasseographers (also 'tasseomancers') use tea leaves; your crystal sphere presents about as much spiritual danger as a similarly-sized brick. People who choose to work with glass, leaded glass, or crystal balls simply feel attuned to them. The only exception to this rule that I've been told about is obsidian (black volcanic glass), but I'm not sure I can remember why.

If your crystal sits on a table and projects rainbows around the room in the afternoon sunlight, that is all it is doing.

I understand the sudden appearance of an eye shocked you, as you were not expecting it, but it was only a visible manifestation of your own consciousness, *not* the Eye of Sauron looking through a palantir to spy on you. As you now know that the eye phenomenon was *supposed* to occur, you may wish to try it again under calmer circumstances.

Like psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, and counsellors, I believe that our brains work on a subconscious level to influence our behaviors. Additionally, I happen to believe that this is true of our 'spiritual' or 'supernatural' selves; we are drawn toward specific tools or practices because part of our minds intuitively knows "I can do that."

If you still feel uncomfortable with the idea, then don't force yourself to use it for divination, but I'd only throw out the sphere if it is sending bad vibes into the room instead of little rainbows.

Caz (342 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-08)
Hi Cherubim,
You shouldn't worry about your crystal ball 'still being activated'. It isn't, because it 'never was'! It's merely a tool to help those who wish to become activated, by focusing their concentration. I don't know why people talk about 'activating the crystal ball', when it's the user who becomes activated, which by all accounts, you already were.
The ball is not dangerous as some ouija boards can be, so you can easily sell it, give it away or chuck it in the bin with a clear consience and not worry that it'll turn up back in your drawer the following day!
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-07)
Hi James. I've had a few experiences with strange happenings since I was a child. Having said that, I do believe crystal balls are like ouija boards in the way that they are conductors for paranormal activity. Many years had gone by for me without experiencing any "happenings" and I had all but forgotten them until I used that ball, so I'd say something must have come through that I never anticipated.

Thank you Caz. I thought it would be harmless fun, but not so sure now. I still have it and it sits on a wooden stand I bought for it in my living room. It scared me and I won't be using it again. That makes sense that the images would come from within. I had been worried about my kids at the time. It could be "natural" for me? I've seen images on television sets when they had glass tubes. I've only talked about that to a few people, I was dumbfounded!

I sure hope it's not still activated silverthane61?! I've never tried using it again. This happened back in 2007 and really freaked me out. I may have woke something up without realizing it.

silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-07)
I am simply awestruck over this entire story. I know nothing about scrying and it is not a subject that I have pursued with respect to learning more. I have to say that seeing an eye materialize right in front of me is a little disconcerting! I get the impression that you will not be using the ball anytime soon. I wonder if the ball stays "awoken" even it has been out of use for a long time, or if you have to "re-activate" it after a period of inactivity. Please let us know if you decide to use it again.
Caz (342 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-07)
Hi Cherubim,
Having read your story and knowing nothing about crystal balls, I too did a bit if research. What I've found so far, is the images you see in the crystal 'are not being shown to you by the crystal'! Apparently when you focus on the crystal, it helps your concentration and with practice, your third eye will open, so the images can come from 'within you'! That's what I read on several sites anyway, but maybe someone on here with real knowledge will tell you otherwise. I think you did really well seeing the eye and your kids, so maybe you're a natural! 😁
jabond99 (3 stories) (61 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-07)

OK, not your eye or your eye's reflection.

I tried to find other stories with crystal balls as a source for supernatural occurrences. I couldn't find so many. I am wondering if a crystal ball is similar to a ouija board in terms of attracting spirits. I have no experience in that, so I'm wondering what others think.

Can this encounter with the crystal ball have opened you up to the ghostly encounters you experienced in some of your other stories posted?

James Bond
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-06)
Hahaha! Well it didn't pop out staring at me while I was examining it for those cracks. It slowly formed and then was as clear as ever. As I've also stated, when I finished reading the booklet over a year later it said when and if I see an eye I'd know I could "scry the ball." There was no reflection of my eye, the room was darker than that. YES I've thought of other "scenarios" and it's why I don't use it anymore. I thought it was awesome that I didn't know I'd see an "eye" and read it later after I DID see one! I saw swirls of different colors and other things that I didn't feel the need to mention. Thank you for taking the time to read my story James Bond. 😜
jabond99 (3 stories) (61 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-06)

I'm not doubting that you saw something in the crystal ball, especially as you say you saw your children.

But I am wondering if the eye you saw could somehow be a reflection of your own? It seems you were looking into it pretty closely to see if it had any cracks. I'm just wondering if somehow the optics align such that there is some distance away from the crystal ball that is the perfect distance to reflect back the viewer's own eye. The crystal ball manufacturer may know that this is likely and therefore may have specifically listed it in the manual.

That would not explain the vision of your children, however. So I comment on this just as sort of a "have-you-thought-of-this" scenario.

James Bond

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