Years ago at Christmas time I got a big tin full of popcorn from my mom, the last Christmas we had together. The metal tin is almost a foot tall with an angel on it. After eating all the popcorn, I filled it up with old pictures I had laying around. There were all kinds of photos of cousins, camping trips and more.
Months will go by and I'll open the tin for a certain picture I know is there. I love my pictures and will spend hours going through them. I've planned to put them all in an album one day. Once in a while I'd open it and notice it's only half full? Later on there would only be two or there pictures at the bottom of the tin! I didn't know what to think about it, or understand why this would occur.
There was another Christmas coming, and I pulled out the old popcorn tin that I had filled with pictures my mom gave me before she passed away. I started to at last put them in picture albums. I pretty much knew what was in there now. It wasn't as packed so full of photos, I put them a side for later.
I was up watching TV late one night. My mind drifted away to all the holidays gone by. I thought of all my family and friends I love that are on the other side now. Looking at my old pictures brought back memories and I missed them so much. I told them all hello and Merry Christmas, then I drifted off to sleep.
The day before Christmas when I opened the popcorn tin to get a special picture out, right on top were pictures of all the very people I had said "hello, and Merry Christmas" to?! There were even a few extra of my brother who has passed I don't remember having at all? Our family had very few pictures of my brother, and there he was in a picture with his favorite dog!
I was happy and totally baffled. I was just so surprised at the order these certain pictures of family and friends were in, they were in the order as I was remembering them a few nights before. I sat there in silence looking at their pictures when I suddenly realized, they were saying "hello" and "Merry Christmas" to me too from the other side. 🎁